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[ERROR] No.10165572 [Reply] [Original]

How do we fix this?

>> No.10165575

take money from whites and give to blacks/latinos

>> No.10165577

fix what

>> No.10165579

Move out of the US

>> No.10165581

blacks and spics can stop being lazy, get a job and stop collecting welfare?

>> No.10165582

could not agree more - those white/black and white/latinx ratios are unacceptably low, we need to cut social programs

>> No.10165584

We don't, because in the real world it's every man or woman for themselves?

>> No.10165588

STOP being white

>> No.10165591

Shoot blacks and latins, duh.

>> No.10165595
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If we have the blacks mix with the whites then the average mixed family wealth is $59250.

>> No.10165598

send all the black and latinx people to a third world country where their wealth will make them relatively rich

>> No.10165600

an education that they don't seem to want.

>> No.10165613


>> No.10165619

median white family wealth is not over 100k
the average middle class white family does not have 100k in assets, they are 100k in debt

>> No.10165630
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>tfw higher than them all even after crypto crashing

>> No.10165631

so disgusting, not a single one of those 56% mulatto kids will identify with their mom or being white. they will all talk ghetto and dig gangster rap

how someone can deal with this mixed race shit is beyond me; creating kids that in no way identify with you

>> No.10165644


>> No.10165652


i bet it must be difficult being a politician today and needing to be up to date on all the latest racial and gender terms to avoid a career ending outrage after you used "Latino" instead of "Latinx"

>> No.10165656

What a fucking faggot. Niggers are so fucking lazy

>> No.10165661
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I hate this fucking piece of shit so much.

Yeah Bernie it's oppression that causes this, not low IQ and buying rims that cost more than the car they are on, not being a parent to your children, accepting welfare, no sense of self-responsibility, it's the fucking white man's fault. This is exactly why the black race is moving backwards in 2018, because with all of the talk of everyone being equal, these leftists don't treat blacks equally by holding them equally accountable for their poor decision making and actions, their dysfunctional behavior and culture, because they have cornered the market for black votes and won't say SHIT that might jeopardize that. They'd rather keep the problem perpetuating forever or else they'd lose the gravy train they've been riding on since the 1960's.

>> No.10165663

hard not to generalize, but you ever notice McDonald's, Subway, Starbucks, etc. that have black managers and predominately black employees the place (especially bathroom) are usually dirty and smelly and slow lines at the checkout. just bad work ethics.

>> No.10165666

what the fucking shit bernie. tell that socialist cuck to succ muh nuts.

>> No.10165668

Guess blacks & latinos missed the bull run of 17

>> No.10165671


>> No.10165688

dios mia...

>> No.10165692
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Just another kike dog whistling for white genocide

>> No.10165694
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Really activates my almonds.

>> No.10165699

Go to school make money
Don't go to school, don't make money.

Education is the reason.

>> No.10165705


"Latinos"? excuse me? How dare you not use the gender neutral "Latinx" you fucking bigot. Capping this and posting to twitter now you piece of shit

>> No.10165707

whites are responsible for low iq among blacks (couldn't even receive proper education until 40 years ago, even then public schools in black areas are still underfunded and understaffed)
jews are responsible for them being massive consumers (creation of negative black culture and enforcement of it)

>> No.10165711

basketball or bust

keeping it 100

>> No.10165712

do tell me the high iq black society in africa

>> No.10165714

Nice b8, almost had me there

>> No.10165719

if asians can do it...blacks should be able too

>> No.10165724

why doesn't this kike highlight jewish family median wealth?

>> No.10165725

>whites are responsible for low iq among blacks
if anything whites would be responsible for afro-americans having an iq above 80 instead of it being 60 like in some places in africa

>> No.10165756

Everyone who complains about school funding realizes, on some fundatmental level, that you could put a group of 20 koreans in a fucking barn with some books and they'd come out with college educations, whle you can put blacks into the some of the highest per pupil spending in the world and they'll still end up dumb.

I resent lazy teachers for bitching about funding as much as I do the negros for needin dem progmrams.

>> No.10165763


>> No.10165768

>the locals of the country that I immigrated to are richer than me on average

call the news

>> No.10165769


There is a reason he doesn't mention median autismo income

>> No.10165784

Very close, just flip the direction

>> No.10165800
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>> No.10165801

Jews are part of the white racial category in the US so they're already factored in along with middle easterners you dumb nigger

>> No.10165811

Go big or go home nigga

>> No.10165814

Bernie Sanders can start by selling one of his summer homes.

>> No.10165816

>take money from the hard workers and give to the lazy

cool idea stalin

>> No.10165827

Black/Lainx (kek) culture is a huge issue. Growing up without a dad, an unemployed mom and a brother in prison is a rough start to life. Of course democrats don't want to talk about this though as they might lose minority voters.

>> No.10165830

even blacks that "made it", i.e., lebron james, dwayne wade, pharaoh, jay-z, etc., would rather live in "white" neighborhoods than black

>> No.10165831
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>Jews are part of the white racial category in the US
i wonder who was behind such a shapeshifty thing

>> No.10165833

taxes already do that

>> No.10165877

It's the Asians fault.

>> No.10165879

>you dumb nigger
Typical mutt thinking the world revolves around your shit country. The way racial statistics are recorded lacks all logic

>> No.10165883

What if the US gave a huge tax credit to mixed race families and put a tax on white couples? That will even the playing field

>> No.10165898

There needs to be a white people tax. Everyone should be equally poor.

>> No.10165902
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i agree, there should be a race tax.

it's not until white people are pushed beyond the edge can the race war commence.

>> No.10165910

Blacks and Latinos are extremely financially irresponsible and bring upon their own hardships, most of the time.

I work in sales and have personally seen blacks and latinos, especially, use UNEMPLOYMENT cards to buy things they can barely afford. They will utilize whatever small balance that remains on the card and have to finance the rest or use a different method of payment. Hell, even sometimes they're like "ok I'll be back next week to buy this $2,000 thing I don't need"

Meanwhile, another great majority of our clientele are WHITE business owners that are very frugal and don't buy things that they don't need.

I'm so sick of excuses being made for these people, when clearly, MOST of them are fucking idiots and have no drive to make better of themselves.

>> No.10165912


In their hearts, most leftists who have actually dealt with blacks understand that they are basically feral apes. They just want to exploit the apes’ incompetence at living as humans to their advantage politically by blaming it all on whitey. With the way unions and labor has died in America, the only thing the left has is identity politics targeted towards the lowest IQ, least rational segments of society (blacks, Hispanics, and women) and degenerates (queers and onions boy cucks). They don’t care too much if it makes them spectators on the outside of government—that fits their “marginalized” narrative even more. All they want is to stoke the base up so they can exploit it for money, marketing, and an occasional chance of tipping an election and getting the White House.

>> No.10165919

you dont. utopia is impossible and anyone trying to achieve one should be executed for the greater good

>> No.10165938

pattern recognition is the ultimate redpill

>> No.10165939

Are you mentally retarded? What does the way in which racial statistics are recorded have to do with what I said?

I literally just stated a fact and you start autistically mumbling about America lmfao.

This just shows how insecure you are about whatever shithole you live in.

>> No.10165940

Why not “Latin” rather than the edgy xXLATINXx.

>> No.10165944
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>median jewish family wealth...


>> No.10165964

Let the government seize all american business.

>> No.10165970


I love bitcoin and 4chan but you guys always lose me with this fucking garbage /pol/ tier shit.

>> No.10165977

what the fuck is a latinx? it's latino. stop using stupid millenial hipster terms

>> No.10165987

shut the fuck up faggot


>> No.10165988

Excuse me? No, it's Latinz now.

>> No.10165999
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No U

>> No.10166004
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>reddit spacing
ya, im thinking you dont belong here bugman

>> No.10166022

“How do we not change this?” is a question I’m far more interested in.

>> No.10166023

fuck off kike

>> No.10166026


The absolute easiest way to tell the difference between a “good school” and a “bad school” is to look at the racial demographics first, then the socio-economic backgrounds second. Majority black schools always suck, not just in terms of test scores but also in terms of graduation rates and discipline problems. They’re always violent shitholes, especially if the teachers and administrators are black. By contrast, majority Asian and white schools are usually at least decent as long as the average income is near the median or better. If the racial demographics flip, you see the changes you’d expect. Look up the Willie Brown Academy in San Francisco for evidence of how badly blacks fail in education even when handed incredible amounts of the money, technology, and other resources.

>> No.10166054
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"good x" is a euphemism for mostly white
>good neighborhoods
>good schools
>good area

Even people who think they are not "racist" are simply being racist in an indirect way. We all know what "bad schools" means, it means brown people.

>> No.10166055

Many American schools that are predominately white and Asian even rank among most European nations in terms of education quality and test scores. We don’t have an education problem, we have a demographics one.

>> No.10166065
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>> No.10166073

Love FtN

>> No.10166075


Imagine a US with no niggers.

>> No.10166085
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There's some truth to it.

It's just difficult to accept because it goes against so much of what we've been taught, especially if you've been educated in America.

>> No.10166095

lets get rid of the jews and send the niggers back to liberia

>> No.10166100

bernie sanders is a jew
jews always count jews as white when they can bash whites this way

>> No.10166101


Exactly, anon. If you adjust the big international tests by racial demographics... the USA is one of the best in the world. Actually, we do a better job of educating our blacks and hispanics than almost all majority black and hispanic countries. One can only wonder how much better our whites and Asians would do if we weren't throwing our resources down a pit by trying so hard to compensate for the genetics that cause blacks' and hispanics' 15 IQ point gap.

>> No.10166110

its because you have a sub 90 IQ

>> No.10166122


Yes... that's by design. Jews make up 2% of the population... and half of all that is in the top 1% of the US population in terms of net worth and income. That's why they were saying that to attack the top 1% under movements like Occupy Wall Street was "antisemitic." If you filter the Jews out as a separate category, a ton of social inequalities in terms of politics, education, and just basic opportunity become much, much more apparent. When people talk about white supremacy or "institutional racism" they're really asking about Jewish supremacy but missing the forest for the trees.

>> No.10166130

What the fuck is wrong with you dude. I'm mixed and I identify with my mom. Who cares if you have the same skin color?

>> No.10166134


don't forget the fucking mexicans and all their cousins, those fuckers need to go first

>> No.10166138

>This just shows how insecure you are about whatever shithole you live in.
I'm pretty comfy here in Australia, Chaim

>> No.10166141


Don't forget how they beat up and ostracize kids who want to get an education, speak good English, espouse conservative beliefs, or leave behind their ghetto culture and leaching relatives. When one of their own does something on his own, they either line up to ride his coattails and sponge off him or they do their best to tear him down. A big part of black identity in America is showing off how stupid and animalistic you are.

>> No.10166156

>im 56%
cool my man, enjoy thinking about suicide because you have no identity while only a tiny portion of fucked up women will want to marry a 56%

red fucking flag for anyone

>> No.10166158


There already are tons of them. They're just called income taxes, estate taxes, business license taxes, property taxes, student loans, etc.

>> No.10166168


They literally cannot understand the concepts of delayed gratification or ROI.

>> No.10166172

>implying this is even remotely true.

>> No.10166183

Have you ever met a mixed person in your life?

>> No.10166186

>reddit spacing between the person you're replying to and your comment

>> No.10166188

Asians are a minority in the US too yet their median income is about the same as whites. A lot of them immigrated too and they came to America with just the clothes on their back and literally no education. So how come they are doing better than blacks?

>> No.10166192

is he fudding his own race to try and accumulate more slaves for cheap what a fucking savage

>> No.10166199

block them from having loans and buying houses in white neighborhoods. that should contain the problem.

>> No.10166202


We would literally be able to drive Lambos on the moon by now if that were the case.

>> No.10166209

yes and it is unfortunate for them; they are dumber and uglier than they had to be

>> No.10166227
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It's almost like their's racial differences in intelligence....

Nah, it must be evil whitey keeping the black man down.

>> No.10166243

anyone who earns less than $100k/year is an honorary nigger in my eyes

>> No.10166256


Yes. Even in majority black countries where blacks own and run everything. They somehow even managed to waste everything that white colonialists left in place. Now they're slowly being re-colonized by chinks.

>> No.10166264

Realizing that not all races are equal especially in intelligence, and the implications this has on society is truly a revelation. The world and how it operates makes so much more sense once people come to terms with this fact.

>> No.10166295

We fix this by killing Hernie Panders

>> No.10166296

Concentration camps for nigs and spics

>> No.10166311


And they have to pay "the Asian penalty" of being denied entrance to college, law school, med school, and business school despite having better grades and test scores than black and brown students (who typically get admitted if they can just fill out the applications). They get hit by the racial quota systems even harder than whites.

>> No.10166329

if you're going to try and make a point about other people's intelligence, make sure you get it right yourself

>> No.10166345

Kek the news articles I read blamed it on the people running the school... who were predominantly black

>> No.10166357
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Yeah sure... plz leave and never come back here.

>> No.10166370

>how do we fix this?
Back to pol

>> No.10166371
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Pic related

>> No.10166381
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Agreed. Once I questioned it, the truth about race seemed so blatantly obvious (and demonstrable) that I couldn't remember how it was even possible for me to think otherwise.

Hopefully the meme of Egalitarianism, drummed into the head of every gentile by jews, will be destroyed in the mainstream before we're all engulfed in chaos.

>> No.10166392

So whites are better at saving money and investing, how is this unacceptable?

>> No.10166404

back to /pol/

>> No.10166439
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>> No.10166442

It must be painful getting triggered so easily

>> No.10166489

What's to fix?

>> No.10166491

>the truth heh? back to /pol/ bucko

>> No.10166498
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This shit is hilarious to me. I don't think I've met a single latino who uses this term. It's literally a word politically correct white people made up to shove down hispanics' throats.

In a way it's a pretty brash overstep. We don't like how your language that we don't even speak works so we're going to make up words and force you to use them. Toppest of keks.

>> No.10166526

They realize their mistake and either get crazy eyes and deal with it like in the OP or https://nypost.com/2018/01/15/mom-killed-her-young-kids-before-jumping-off-bridge-cops/

>> No.10166555

go back to plebbit then you fucking faggot

>> No.10166580

I assumed it was just a typo. What the hell is latinx?

>> No.10166591

Gender neutral Latino/Latina. You can't be just assuming people's genders.

>> No.10166594

Gender neutral Latino/Latina.

>> No.10166603

He left out JEW and ASIAN i wonder why?

>> No.10166634

How do you only have $1700?

I am NEET and $1700 isn't a very hard number to hit if I needed it quick (no, not borrowing money from Mommy).

>> No.10166639


Why did he use median? Wouldn't you want to use mean as opposed to median for more accurate data?

>> No.10166647

It's Bernie trying to get the black/latino vote away from Clinton who basically had them in her pocket.

>> No.10166654

In Spanish, many words have a masculine or feminine ending. For example, if you are a boy, you are a nino and if you are a girl you are a nina.

However, if you are referring to a general group of people or something, you refer to them in the masculine sense. If you have a group of kids who are boys and girls you would just call them ninos.

So, because of gender identity politcs, American liberals have taken it upon themselves to change the grammatical rules of a language they don't speak. Instead of referring to people who are latin american or who are of latin american descent as simply "latinos", they have started calling them latinx because they don't want to support the patriarchy.

Nobody who speaks Spanish actually uses this word. In fact in Spanish the word doesn't even work. It's a made up word that liberals use to placate other white liberals and probably people who are latino but grew up in the US entirely americanized and don't even know Spanish but jump at the chance to claim their heritage that they don't even actively participate in.

It's pretty kekworthy stuff. I'm not latino, but I have a latina gf and live in a border state and have spent enough time around her majority immigrant family to know they think shit like that is stupid.

>> No.10166656

Man they already take a cut of my pay to for the welfare clowns and I get pissy every payday.

>> No.10166669

Give reparation money to the ethnicities on top of welfare.

>> No.10166670

You're an imbecile and I can tell right away you hate your life and this world.

>> No.10166696

He's right though. Mulattos are an abomination. I can't wait for the supreme court to abolish affirmative action and you leeches will finally have to work as hard as we do.

>> No.10166697
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>How do we fix this?
Lynch the black family and deport the latin one. All fixed.

>> No.10166710

based and redpilled

>> No.10166744
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you disgusting impure mutt, kys

>> No.10166791

burger median is poor as fuck 55k see >>10165595

>> No.10166794

Kek nice mental image you got there. You know those "mullatoes" are individuals right? And I have doubts that you have any idea what hard work or work in general means.

>> No.10166846


> Latinx

These liberals are getting out of control. Latino is fine for the whole race. Latino for a male hispanic, latina for a female hispanic.

>> No.10166867
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>> No.10166868

It's the truth race mixing with blacks is wrong on every level. Those individuals could have been beautiful white people who would have contributed to society. If you're not white or East Asian you're just a leech with very few exceptions. You should pray for your mother. Coal burners always pay the toll one way or another.

>> No.10166945
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>using latinx unironically
oh bernie

>> No.10167172

all I feel is rage

>> No.10167197

wir mussen etc etc

>> No.10167246

Got a good kek

>> No.10167254
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Someone should tweet at him saying that he should reduce his wealth to $2k by distributing it to people of color.

>> No.10167321

Very true. I live in ca. Even the rich liberals in a million+ dollar home won’t send their kid to the public school down the street because it’s a “bad school” but they will to the one 5 minutes further (that happens to be 75%+ white)

>> No.10167480

Force blacks and browns (lets be fair here) into economic and family value re-education camps so they can learn wtf you are supposed to do with money. don't let them out until they learn fiscal responsibility.

Obviously, do the same with whites who have negative or zero wealth . . . its socioeconomics, not race. Right?

Also it couldn't possibly have anything to do with latinos sending money out of the country, or both groups having a high incidence of unreported or black market income and spending, now could it

sage because >>>/pol/ you fucking shill

>> No.10167491

Didn't realize Sanders got pozzed

>> No.10167514

This is unacceptable. Can't somebody take some of that Jew gold and redistribute it?

>> No.10167561

they're already at re-education camps but all they do is shank eachother

>> No.10167590

>An unconventional cut of the data but basically accurate
>Mostly true

>> No.10167649

Just let everyone that isn't white into the country and let them have it. Make all the whites move to the third world countries the darkies came from. It's the only way.

>> No.10167664

What resources have been brought to them or structures. If you look at high IQ races they all have societal learning in the way of math and sciences.

>> No.10167674

So what happens when the whites make the third-world nations rich and prosperous? Does the cycle repeat ad infinitum?

>> No.10167712

>So what happens when the whites make the third-world nations rich and prosperous? Does the cycle repeat ad infinitum?

Yes. Humans are doomed to make the same mistakes over and over until the sun finally cleanses the world of us. This is why it's important we never colonize another planet and disrupt the natural cycle of the universe treating it's parasites.

>> No.10167715

The guy in the pic is probably happier and funner to hang out with than you.

Oh and he's actually next to a girl which is probably more close that you've ever gotten to one.

>> No.10167913

You seem to have a lot of hate. Why do you waste it on life itself instead of using it somewhere else. Hate is power use it.

>> No.10168113

Display median jew family wealth Bernstein

>> No.10168207

What? I'm just saying the truth.

>> No.10168264


>> No.10168271

Your hate has to be the result of something. A deadbeat Dad, a whore sister, an absent Mom, maybe you were just born smarter than your peers which left you isolated. You're wasting it just hating everything. Focus your hate on whatever it is that you hate the most. That's how you self actualize.

>> No.10168281

Just fuck off.

>> No.10168287

> lets attack his sexuality, that will surely work *tihihihi*

>> No.10168302

How does a family only have $1.7k? Even in third world countries, the poor people have around that much... Sure they might make $1 a day, but if you add up all their property (land, building, possessions, and everything) it's probably over $1.7k. NOT including the homeless or the poor that live in cardboard, I'm talking about the poor that at least have a building to live in (which many more do than not).

>> No.10168319

How do stop negros and shitskins being lazy, unemployed and poor? Why would we? Let them fix it. Nobody is solving white people's problems.

>> No.10168320

I don't have any of those things. I don't understand how the truth = hate. It's kind of a beautiful thing if you ask me.

>> No.10168336

WTF is this pol bait. I reversed image searched this shit and I can't find this tweet.

>> No.10168350

>Even in third world countries, the poor people have around that much...
If America didnt fight in world wards it would be a fourth world country.

>> No.10168370
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What do you think anon, this is bait and we took it

>> No.10168387


Anglo-Irish Brit here, always disliked the fucking Welsh.


>> No.10168424

but anon, we already have welfare programs

>> No.10168426

>This is why it's important we never colonize another planet and disrupt the natural cycle of the universe treating it's parasites
You seem to think an alien race would be better than us for some reason. If we colonized a planet would that not mean that it was our universal right to conquer it? And what makes you think some aliens would better than Earthlings? Maybe they sacrifice children like the Aztecs.

>> No.10168518

I didn't say an alien race was better. It might not even be possible for them to leave their planet in the first place due to the gravity of larger planets. I was merely pointing out it's the natural cycle of things and humans shouldn't try to prolong the inevitable but embrace it as part of our fate. We are meant to expire.

>> No.10168558

It could go either way really. Maybe the human race could live millions of years. Born a human huh. What're the chances?

>> No.10168613

He should give median Jew health.

>> No.10168618

Or about 5 billion. Give or take.

>> No.10168642

Born white too. Feels good.

>> No.10168789

Blacks go to black land and lations go and make taco's the white race will have power again and all of the earth returns to normal... but 4 real... Why can't you fucks just deal with being poor and the world not being fair.. fight for the shit you want or kys

>> No.10168801

kick them out of the US, problem solved

>> No.10168807

Why would you fix something that isn't broken ?

>> No.10168811

Generational wealth accumulation. White families have had on average about a century longer to accumulate wealth. Not necessarily in agreement on the numbers but yeah.

Anyone who doesn't agree isn't looking at the numbers. For example there was a huge drop in acxumulated wealth in the 1940s among Asian-American families as they lost homes, businesses, and other forms of wealth when the gubiment locked them up during WWII.

>> No.10168820

Roger Ver, Jihan Wu, Calvin Ayre, The 8btc mod (19hZx234vNtLazfx5J2bxHsiWEmeYE8a7k), Jiang Zhouer, the bitcoin.com cofounder, the Coinbase founder - all BILLIONAIRES who can complete the flippening with their own cash TODAY.
They're not doing so because they'd rather invest in BCH adoption. BCH adoption is skyrocketing while btc adoption is dropping.
In a few years both St Kitts and Antigua will use BCH as their main currency (Roger is working on St Kitts, Calvin is investing in Antigua more money than their GDP exclusively because of BCH adoption), Craig Wright will increase transaction counts by circumventing corrupt governments in Africa for money transfers (this one is not certain but very possible considering his funding), Roger is speaking to VIP-s every other day, including Japanese bank CEO-s, stock exchange owners, etc. Brian Armstrong will push BCH and shit on BTC subtly every chance he gets, bitcoin.com wallet is the most popular mobile wallet and it literally shits on BTC, propaganda/censorship effects are fading, Purse just added BCH meaning that normies can use it to get 20% discounts on amazon, Koreans love BCH and they seem to matter at least as much as Americans and significantly more than eurofags, miners are looking for ways to destroy BTC in the next few years otherwise their profits will crumble, LN is proving more and more of a failure every single day, Wright will patent-troll startups into moving into BCH, tipping on github is now possible with bch, smart contracts are coming in November, stress tests are a massive success, charities are popularizing BCH in struggling countries (Venezuela today, others will join in if trouble arises), Free Society project is progressing well, Circle is adding BCH next few weeks, Ayre who became a billionaire from gambling is going to create BCH-only online casinos

>> No.10168907

Try to get rich is what I should be saying. Take some retards' money who cares you need it while they're just leeches.

>> No.10168920

I dont get this amerimutt posts. I mean, everybody in the USA except the native americans are anscestor of europeans. In fact, the more retarded and poor europeans left to the USA to find a better life. So you are probably a mix of piss poor irish whore and a retarded alcoholic french sailor. HAHAHA Wow such wow, I would be very angry if I were you if your retarded daughter gets fucked by a mexican :') :') :') :')

>> No.10168933

You enjoying the internet?

>> No.10168947

Well you're going to have to fight for it. I dont imagine the Chinese would be very happy if I became one of the wealthiest people in China.

>> No.10168953

I don't get this post. I mean, yes, but really what does it mean to "enjoy: something? Retarded whore fuck nigger penis ballsack immagrant. Get fucked by Donaldo Trumpana hehehehe ;);):)):)

>> No.10168955

Truth hurts doesnt it ? Just take this amateur eugenics stuff elswere you pollacks are just embarrising yourself lol. Sometimes I really think you guys are just trolling, you can not be retarded enough to believe this shit

>> No.10168963

Good post.
Believe what? That we invented the internet? You're welcome.

>> No.10168982

What an incredibly racist way to see the population

>> No.10168987

if we get rid of all the unprivileged, we will only have a world full of privileged people

if we get rid of all the privileged, we will only have a world full of unprivilleged people

>> No.10168990


Agreed but the most important thing is to engender policies that help first time homebuyers (largest wealth generation tool) provide tools for fostering education (not necessarily post-secondary) and more vocational training in industries where demand is incredibly high like engineering, software development, welding, plumbing, etc.

Anyone espousing that poor deserve their fate is being obtuse. We're only as strong as our weakest links and by making them stronger we make everyone stronger, wealthier, and ultimately happier.

>> No.10168994

I whole-heartedly think that MOST, not all, Latinos and blacks are just wired differently in the brain. They're not very intelligent people and severely lack common sense, or drive to do anything to improve their self character.

>inb4 muh *insert large number* white people are broke and commit crime, etc etc.

The greater majority of the United States is white, therefore, the statistics will be higher if we're looking at numbers as a whole. Percentage-wise, blacks and latinos should be embarrassed of their lack of progress. They find everyone else to blame but themselves.

>> No.10168997

Thats DumbASFUCKK, dont you realize generations of whites have passed down wealth. The Blacks have just started coming up since 1950s and the mexicans have started since the 1980s. The difference between the two is that Blacks have their pop culture that gave them the wrong mentality.

>> No.10168999

>everybody in the USA except the native americans are anscestor of europeans
> anscestor of europeans

u w0t m8 ಠ_____ಠ?

You can have a proper discussion here you know?
Going full retard from post one is not helping you or any anon who is lurking this thread.
Now is the time to shine and show your superior intelligence

>> No.10169061

Truth. Internet for everyone. Everything the human race thought was important at your finger tips. If you're uneducated it's your own fault starting at gen Z who had it since day one.

>> No.10169111

Now do the median Jewish family wealth.

>> No.10169130

>Black family
>A single mother of two with 120k student loan debt, no real estate and only a pair of jordans to her name
>Dis bad YT

Fuck off

>> No.10169148

Education. Seriously. Free education for all, as long as you have a 3.2 GPA or higher.

>> No.10169164

So half of white people make less than 100k, agreed completely unacceptable. /biz/ how do we fix this?

>> No.10169177
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And who exactly prevented them from receiving "education" in Africa for thousands of generations? No one else was there...

>> No.10169193

Make ausrtiopithicuses and spics work for a living.

>> No.10169209
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Only subhumans and brainwashed White idiots believe race is merely a matter of "skin color."

>> No.10169233

>What resources have been brought to them or structures.
Africa is a continent rich in resources you fucking idiot. And if you want to bitch about the atrocities committed during colonization like most of your types tend to do, by the same token colonization brought society (or some semblance of it) to Africa. Why couldn't Africans civilize on their own?

>> No.10169236

>a major presidential candidate from 2016 race baiting on a public forum
>"hurrrr /pol/ shit"

When will you faggots wake the fuck up?

>> No.10169638
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>> No.10169738
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Well, that wealth would increase on paper if the median black and latinx get a job instead of selling drugs and filing their income at 0 or negative for their welfare bucks then reproducing at a phenomenon rate.

Welfare should be abolished. Negative tax should be implemented on low wagies to increase incentive of working.

It's that simple really.

>> No.10169828

This board is full of incel neets calling others lazy... how pathetic

>> No.10169843

Median Jew family wealth: $324,090

>> No.10169890

Education does not affect IQ in any significant way. (A couple of points) After that it's all genetics.

Amercian blacks are the envy of actual Africans.

Places that I think have the possibility of salvation are South America (Look at what Chile did), the Muslim world (Syria, Iran in the 60's etc not the Inbred Pakistan). I guess until they automate like the west at least... Then the whole of the low IQ world's fucked.

>> No.10170179

Yes, you subhumans are disgusting vermin, a walking testament to your parents' poor choices. Enjoy always being an outsider.

>> No.10170194

Not true because there are way more whites than blacks.

>> No.10170213
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>> No.10170223

Fix what?

>> No.10170230

Stop giving welfare to niggers and force them to thrive on their own.
Stop letting spics hop the border and then complain that they're working for less than minimum wage.

>> No.10170241
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Ship non-whites out of the country.

>> No.10170244

Also, this doesn't really have much to do with business and finance, it's more related to politics desu because politicians like Bernie cherry-pick data to incorporate into their demagogue rhetoric

>> No.10170264

>1 dollar and 70 cents
>2 dollars
>116 dollars and 80 cents
Of course a europoorean would live on this wage.

>> No.10170268

where are the fucking janitors

report /pol/ threads

>> No.10170281

How amazing is it that he uses Latinx on the one hand, and plain ol black on the other.

>> No.10170289


>Stop giving welfare to niggers and force them to thrive on their own.

>implying niggers are capable of "thriving on their own"

>> No.10170319

This, as someone who use to hack emails/bank logs i confirm the average white american holds less than 10k in fiat.

>> No.10170323

2000's was 18 years ago, bud.

>> No.10170347

Found the liberal.

>> No.10170367

The racist posts in threads like this just make me post more interracial

>> No.10170374

it's $158k for jews

>> No.10170377

>redditor cope
you must go back

>> No.10170382

Why are you afraid of uncomfortable conversations? /biz/ isn't your safe space.

>> No.10170390

That wasn't a joke. There is nothing wrong woth what Bernie is describing except that his numbers are probably not based in reality.

>> No.10170391

what the fuck does latinex mean? Sounds like Laxtex rubber or an airport name.

>> No.10170401

U have issues.

>> No.10170404

It doesn't "happen to be 75% white". Whites and Asians are smarter and less violent. Hence, it's a better school.

>> No.10170407

100% accurate. Couldn't have said it better myself

>> No.10170416

>its socioeconomics, not race. Right?
Wrong. Even the military has accepted that some people can't be trained for certain tasks.

>> No.10170451

>Maybe they sacrifice children like the Aztecs.
Maybe that is better. Imagine if humans sacrificed our weak instead of demanding free medical care to keep them alive and breeding weaker humans? We may have already been colonizing planets by now. Instead, here we are posting on a Taiwanese star gazing forum.

>> No.10170469

My cuck mayor Bill DeBlasio wants to force integration of our elite public high schools because there aren't enough minorities for his liking (black and Hispanic, apparently Asians don't count). He actually thinks that these kids can't get in on their own merit.

Give them free test prep, but saying they can't get in without lowering the bar is a slap in the face to them and also everyone who worked their ass to get their own seat.

>> No.10170496

Everyone reading this is wondering where this ESL student is from.

>> No.10170531

I'll nibble your line. What do you think race is, exactly?

>> No.10170536

They also tend to have parents that give a shit about their children's education.

>> No.10170544

>he doesn't understand how europeans use decimals

>> No.10170553

>hurr economics can't be discussed because its racist
You aren't going to make it, anon.

>> No.10170563


its never been about equality its about winning

>> No.10170573

>implying its changed
>implying the gap between jews and gentiles hasn't gotten wider


>> No.10170576

It's not liquid wealth, it's including house equity

> Owe $500,000 to the bank
> House is worth $650,000
> Owe $50,000 in a second mortgage

There, the net worth is still $100,000

>> No.10170585


they just dont have the mental hardware to run the civilization app

>> No.10170604


the spics are our sentence for the crime of indian genocide and the blacks for slavery

>> No.10170619


i live in miami which is 80% spic and i have never seen this term used ever

>> No.10170629

>fix low iq


>> No.10170633

>I'm not latino, but I have a latina gf
KYS racemixer

>> No.10170653


the white spics do fine. its the indian and black blood that ruins them. this undisputable fact is accepted without argument in south america

>> No.10170655


stop categorising kikes as white.

>> No.10170664


chile and argentina had very few indians and are not mixed that much comparitively

>> No.10170737

((())) aren't white

>> No.10170783

If whites are responsible for low IQ in blacks then why do blacks in America have higher IQ than blacks in Africa?

>> No.10170811

So you are black

>> No.10170827

we nigs now

>> No.10170839


>Doesn't realize cross national IQ scores aren't valid

Blacks in the US have lower IQs than whites. If you think we know a lot more than that, you might be a brainlet.

>> No.10170859

man, this really doesn't help blind people. And lefties call themselves inclusives...

>> No.10170911

Like in Sparta where they left the weak and crippled children to die on a mountaintop

>> No.10171006

Ive read that funding is not an issue for those schools. And teachers are not willing to teach black student because of the dangerous and toxic environments they create. Just look this shit up there are tons of examples of teachers saying this, even liberal teachers who want to teach underprivileged youth. It's black culture and behavior. Do some research. Also literacy has decreased for blacks and whites over time. It's the type of school system that has been put into place. Fucking research this stuff

>> No.10171195

I agree, this is unacceptable, we should take last $3,700 from black and latinos

>> No.10171239

stop all government backing of mortgages. white people only have such a high "wealth" because of illiquid housing equity propped up by a literal endless supply of financing at over 30x leverage in extreme cases. just make mortgages illegal. then everyone will be like niggers.

>> No.10171365

It's about time that these sub humans just accepted that they can't compete with the master race. Equality doesn't exist across species.

>> No.10171428
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why fix that which is not broken?

>> No.10171438

Well allowing them to fester in the welfare system certainly isn't helping them, it's only enabling mediocrity. When you subsidize anything, you get more of it, and in this case we're subsidizing poverty and crime.

>> No.10171482

>whites are responsible for low iq among blacks
only if you think white people owe something to blacks. they don't nigger. blacks are responsible for low IQ among blacks. they were slaves for 100 years. that sounds like a choice to me.

>> No.10171494
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>> No.10171537

After all, its no coincidence western society developed with a predominantly white population. Niggers and spics are simply put... more stupid overall. Their retarded culture doesn't help either.

>> No.10171576

Take Bernie's money and give it to them, that will help a bit.

>> No.10171588

>reverse image searching a tweet


>> No.10171624

mixed people are the living proof that the white race isnt tied with bonds of love as you want to make it look

>> No.10171633

6666million you bigggggotttt

>> No.10171635

>The problem is white people, not the shrinking middle classes

>> No.10171751
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>marcus dropmann

>> No.10171776

>life isn't fair

>> No.10171897

Italian American here
My grandparents were poor shoe makers in italy and moved to the america in the 50s.
Am i white?
Also if my family could get jobs and my dad was able to go to school and get a job,
whats stopping all these spics and niggers?
It has to be laziness. Racism is dead in todays society, I mean there will still be ignorant people but nobody is a position of power can get away with being racist anymore.
Trust me i went to an urban community college for a few years. Most black people are just stupid and don't want to do the work.

>> No.10171914

Scam artist here, can confirm my best customers are niggers n spics

>> No.10171935

whats median Jew?

>> No.10171947

yes, Italians are white

>> No.10171978

They really have no idea how much this infuriates the hispanic community do they?
Where can I bet some BTC that the repubs will GAIN seats in this midterms?

>> No.10172016


Romans were glorious olive brown people ya jealous norman. Get your own thousands of years of accomplishments.

>> No.10172200


>more bait

Fuck off commie

>> No.10172324

Bernie is so full of shit. Dude has what, 4 houses in vermont alone? Fuck this guy.

>> No.10172342
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>> No.10172362

Insulate your wealth from parasites, shoot them when they try to take your shit.

>> No.10172404

Go to jail because Uncle Sam wants your equality bucks.

>> No.10172417

Land of the free, home of the gibs.

>> No.10172914

what a train wreck of a gene pool

>> No.10172928

He's confusing jews and white people (only because it's convenient for his stat tho)

>> No.10172935

Make the free market free again, and eliminate taxes. In 20 years' time, the only blacks and latinxs left in the U.S. will be the successful ones, and their median wealth will skyrocket.

>> No.10173686

this, make taxes for whites 90%, reduce it to 20% for everyone else

>> No.10173712

Because jews are white

>> No.10173731
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get all the darkies into projects like https://www.theaccountingblockchain.io/?aId=7543845-2892534 so they become early adopters and watch them get richer than you.

>> No.10174028

MA is still only 75% white, probably less because of """white""" hispanics, as in, lightskin Puerto Ricans