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[ERROR] No.10164389 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10164394
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>> No.10164418

wow dude

>> No.10164423
File: 59 KB, 658x662, 1fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about frens

>> No.10164424

no money no honey

>> No.10164435
File: 208 KB, 1561x1162, 1530187696472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it

>> No.10164452

You make frens after you make mony

>> No.10164457
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frens are family

>> No.10164478
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>> No.10164483

I don't have any friends or family and I don't see myself being in a position to make either without making some money first

>> No.10164523
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I don't remember my parents they sold me before I could remember things, just South America things.

>> No.10164527

you don't need money to make friends man

>> No.10164568

yes...you do

doing activities where you can meet people costs money

going out costs money

making yourself a desirable person to be around costs money

>> No.10164620

damn dude sorry you think like this....
public parks are free
chilling on the beach is free
volunteering at places is free

>> No.10164632

i have met my best and good mates and gals by not spending a dime

>> No.10164641

>public parks
nobody goes to those
what are you going to do? walk up to random people sitting on the beach and ask them "hey whats up". good luck with that one
I don't work for free

so you're not American then

>> No.10164669

your problem clearly is'nt the lack of money

and since you said
>I don't work for free
i guess you work for money so you actually have money?

>> No.10164701

I work to stay alive, like a petty serf

>> No.10164710

>what are you going to do? walk up to random people sitting on the beach and ask them "hey whats up"

exactly I do that all the time, anywhere I go. just dont be autistic about it and you'd be surprised how much people are willing to have a conversation

>> No.10164769

This generation of immediacy shit has got to stop.

Shut the fuck up. Learn more. Do things you've never done, work hard, and leave your sad shit behind you. You'd be amazed what a change of perspective and effort can do for you. Before you know it, you have friends, you have memories, and you have success.

Lazy God damned kids, i can't stand it.

>> No.10164770

lol sure you do

>> No.10164773
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Fuck having kids
>Have a girl who is a slut and sleeps with every guy and girl because "women need to express their sexuality".
>Have a son who goes to jail because his ex wants revenge and "all men are born rapists" and then have to deal with him killing himself later on.
>Have a whatever and risk it becoming a dyke, faggot, or weird genderfluid psycho who makes you call it some mentally unstable gender neutral pronoun

Or you can keep your money and travel the world with (maybe) your wife who didn't have her body fucking destroyed giving birth and live longer because you didn't have to deal with expensive and psychotic children.

>> No.10164781

can it gramps

>> No.10164793

modern women are a meme. If you can't have a good family, which is really difficult in today's world, then you may as well try and make as much money as humanly possible.

>> No.10164933

tinder is an Isreal backed company and it has corrupted this generation

>> No.10165773
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