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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 80 KB, 900x600, 27caaf4d36150cbeb29e4711ca6b97ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10153605 No.10153605 [Reply] [Original]

hi /biz/, i am a normie loser who has rotting teeth and no job. I have been looking to get a job so that i can get dental insurance, but so far no one will hire me. Do you think it is because my teeth look like pic related?

would you hire someone that had rotting teeth?? it surely can't be a total dis-qualifier, can it?

>> No.10153615

post pic and we will tell you the honest truth

>> No.10153626

yea this, make a picture, just of your smile.

>> No.10153629

Holy fuck white people are disgusting. Anyway, see if there's a dental hygienist or dental school near you. They might let a student fix your fucked up teeth for free.

>> No.10153648

You should go outside and see some niggers mate. Do a weekend trip to detroit or some areas of chicago, you’ll see what I mean...

>> No.10153662

have them yanked and get a set of dentures

>> No.10153675

then leave our countries you subhuman 3rd worlder

that's charcoal tooth cleaner you dumbfuck

>> No.10153678

The problem is that i have seen a dentist and he has told me that it will cost thousands of dollars to fix.

Not to mention that each time I go in basically everyone in the dental office gives me a dirty look and the dental assistant noticably lets out a sigh when I open my mouth.....

>> No.10153713

Get sum cheap detures then show up with icky teeth on ur first day lul

>> No.10153783
File: 581 KB, 496x706, 1503770609933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally have been in your position for years. I had braces on for 8 years with adjustments only 1x per year since I lived so far from the orthodontist. Had I gone regularly I could have gotten away with 2 years. Got over 20 cavities and 2 teeth pulled. I don't even eat lots of sugar, eat candy, or drink soda. Lost my dental coverage and my parents couldn't help me out. I got scared of the flouride jew and used TOMS toothpaste for several years, which only made it worse. 2 years ago I started using Pronamel and brushing twice a day at least and flossing sometimes. It helped at least stop it from getting worse. I got a pack of crest white strips and did them every day for 2 weeks, following the instructions, and letting some pronamel sit on my teeth after removing the strips/rinsing to help prevent damage. They weren't super white and still had brown cavities, but at least the dentist wouldn't have to match fillings and caps with a nasty yellow tooth color now.

I get free paper ads in the mail all the time for local dentist's offices. Most of them are just for a discount, but a few offer a free exam/xray for new patients, some even come with a cleaning. Try to find that locally so at least you know what you need done exactly. I did this and am just doing the most pressing things first. They can work out a payment plan with a line of credit, or you can use that information to shop around. As a last resort you can sign up to be on the waitlist at whichever dental school is near you (as the other anon suggested) but that will take a very long time (like 3 hours of waiting per appointment, and probably several years) to get things taken care of if you have a lot of shit to do.

but seriously, go buy some pronamel, call me a shill idc it has "saved" me from further damage
I saw a commercial for an extra strength one or something the other day so I might get that next time I run out. Costco/sams club sell good value packs also

>> No.10153809

This, I am also curious.

>Holy fuck white people are disgusting

Ironic seeing as how standards in oral hygiene and dentistry have been set and pioneered by whites, you shitskin simp.

>> No.10153812

If it looks like you have meth mouth it could make it harder to get hired.

>> No.10153838
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just get grills

>> No.10153873

Even if it cost thousand of dollar it looks like it should be worth it for you. Or you could get some teeth grills.

>> No.10153927

Post your pic OP

If it's bad enough I'll send you enough to get them fixed

>> No.10154051

Thank u. I will try out the pronamel but I am scared that my teeth are literally on the verge of falling out — they just totally stink.

I try to always have an altoid in my mouth throughout the day but sometimes I forget and also i do not think that the scent from the mints are completely masking the smell....

>> No.10154064

Ketogenic diet. Wtf are you eating that caused this.

>> No.10154066

Lmao I really really like this picture. Do you mind if I save it?

>> No.10154096


Flouride is a meme and pronamel has much more flouride than any other toothpaste.

>> No.10154112

>can I save this picture
This guy might be an actual boomer like
original recipe boomer

>> No.10154121

wew, i'm glad that in finland you get free dental if u don't have a job

>> No.10154142
File: 219 KB, 391x265, teeth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pfft look at this teethlet. No one will hire you if you don't have a set of pearly whites like this. It's all over might as well kill yourself.

>> No.10154153

Literally how do people let this happen

>> No.10154161
File: 23 KB, 741x649, 1437392201671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't understand amerimutts. All that "muh freedom and muh guns" and shit tier pajeet filled countries have dental care heaps and bounds ahead for american rotten stinky foul mouths.

I mean, getting dentures at 30 seems like a common thing to happen anyway. Sigh

>> No.10154172

Post a pic of your teeth, and honestly listen to. >>10153783

>> No.10154178

this will sound drastic but you need to PAINT your teeth white. you can use actual paint or whiteout.

Do it carefully, use a mirror and go slowly, one tooth at a time. Even if it looks strange it'll be a huge improvement over rotten teeth like in that image, and you'll easily get hired.

>> No.10154185

Google Imako teeth. They just do top arch though. Look into work from home stuff and save until you can get your teeth pulled.

>> No.10154206

Lel disgusting goblino clean your shit for once

>> No.10154220

Saving pictures is against the rules you'll be banned

>> No.10154247

>paint teeth or use white out

that stuff is toxic you idiot

>> No.10154249

You could buy a fake set of teeth and get in the habit of speaking properly while wearing them.
As for the bad breath, I suggest keeping a small hip flask with mouthwash in it and rinsing several times a day.
Altoids are full of sugar, so if you want a constant freshener, go with sugarfree gum and maybe do cinnamon instead of mint as it doesn't set off people to think you're hiding bad breath.

>t. diabetic halitosis sufferer

>> No.10154257

seriously how does this happen? is it just by not brushing teeth?

>> No.10154273

It happened because my parents did not give 2 fucks about me asshole

>> No.10154315

lol, did they forget to teach u how to brush?

>> No.10154351

>they just totally stink.
this is me too. it has/is ruining my life. depressed with no social interaction, hencewhy i'm in crypto.

>> No.10154415

no but specifically, what? they didnt teach you how to brush? didnt buy toothpaste?

i only brush my teeth once a day and this thread has me sweating

>> No.10154429

Dude brush, floss, mouthwash. Every single day. Heck I even invested in one of those spinning toothbrushes. I go to a dentist maybe once every 2 years max. Also dont do meth.

>> No.10154452

You have to brush and floss once a day before bed. That is it.

This assumes you aren't eating tons of sugary drinks and snacks. It also assumes you are eating good. Pro ana then you probably have calcium and other deficiencies. Even if you are fat you may not be eating a wide enough variety of foods.

Buying a tongue scrapper is also good.

>> No.10154462

same here except I got lucky and scored a job with an excellent company and worked my way up and now work from home. have a wife and kid but depressed constantly about my teeth. will def. get them fixed after i make in in crypto but i got 150k folio down from 450 ath, i am too greedy to cash out lol

>> No.10154481

Surely you can cash out like 1 Bitcoin to get your teeth fixed? You dont have to cash out your whole stack.

>> No.10154536

I know it does, I'm pointing out that avoiding it made things worse for me, and using the high fluoride stuff helped.
sure haha glad you like it thanks 4 stoppin by
it's different for each person, genetics plays a role, different medications can affect teeth/gum health, but obviously brushing and diet are the biggest factors

>> No.10154593

See, /biz/?

See what happens when drink too much Monster?

>> No.10154663

You're either trying to get a job that's too good for you right now or have other issues. Plenty of people with fucked teeth work.

>> No.10154677

I grew up basically only eating things like sour patch kids, sour skittles, and other sour candies (i love those, still do) and also drinking a fucking ton of pepsi and dr pepper.

My parents never bought me a toothbrush until i was 13 or 14. They would just tell me to swish with mouthwash at the end of the day (which I hardly ever did)

I really didnt even get into the habit of consistently brushing my teeth everyday until age 21 or 22. I’m 26 now

>> No.10154732

What the fuck kind of household did you grow up in? Can I see a pic of your teeth?

>> No.10154751

Found the guy whos never sipped in his life

>> No.10154785

>I go to a dentist maybe once every 2 years max

Been a while for me desu, but my teeth are fine. Don't know how much it matters but I do use a Sonicare and change the brushes regularly, I also whiten. Gotta offset the dipping.

>All that "muh freedom and muh guns"
I don't just go somewhere and receive a free gun, I have to purchase it, you mong.

>shit tier pajeet filled countries have dental care heaps and bounds ahead for american rotten stinky foul mouths.

No they don't. Again, you're an idiot.

>> No.10154798

> Kys or buy BCH. Unironically literally you’re only 2 options.
Roger Ver, Jihan Wu, Calvin Ayre, The 8btc mod (19hZx234vNtLazfx5J2bxHsiWEmeYE8a7k), Jiang Zhouer, the bitcoin.com cofounder, the Coinbase founder - all BILLIONAIRES who can complete the flippening with their own cash TODAY.
They're not doing so because they'd rather invest in BCH adoption. BCH adoption is skyrocketing while btc adoption is dropping.
In a few years both St Kitts and Antigua will use BCH as their main currency (Roger is working on St Kitts, Calvin is investing in Antigua more money than their GDP exclusively because of BCH adoption), Craig Wright will increase transaction counts by circumventing corrupt governments in Africa for money transfers (this one is not certain but very possible considering his funding), Roger is speaking to VIP-s every other day, including Japanese bank CEO-s, stock exchange owners, etc. Brian Armstrong will push BCH and shit on BTC subtly every chance he gets, bitcoin.com wallet is the most popular mobile wallet and it literally shits on BTC, propaganda/censorship effects are fading, Purse just added BCH meaning that normies can use it to get 20% discounts on amazon, Koreans love BCH and they seem to matter at least as much as Americans and significantly more than eurofags, miners are looking for ways to destroy BTC in the next few years otherwise their profits will crumble, LN is proving more and more of a failure every single day, Wright will patent-troll startups into moving into BCH, tipping on github is now possible with bch, smart contracts are coming in November, stress tests are a massive success, charities are popularizing BCH in struggling countries (Venezuela today, others will join in if trouble arises), Free Society project is progressing well, Circle is adding BCH next few weeks, Ayre who became a billionaire from gambling is going to create BCH-only online casinos

>> No.10154811

wtf is this thread

>> No.10154897

dont even know what to say to this

>> No.10154947

Roger Ver, Jihan Wu, Calvin Ayre, The 8btc mod (19hZx234vNtLazfx5J2bxHsiWEmeYE8a7k), Jiang Zhouer, the bitcoin.com cofounder, the Coinbase founder - all BILLIONAIRES who can complete the flippening with their own cash TODAY.
They're not doing so because they'd rather invest in BCH adoption. BCH adoption is skyrocketing while btc adoption is dropping.
In a few years both St Kitts and Antigua will use BCH as their main currency (Roger is working on St Kitts, Calvin is investing in Antigua more money than their GDP exclusively because of BCH adoption), Craig Wright will increase transaction counts by circumventing corrupt governments in Africa for money transfers (this one is not certain but very possible considering his funding), Roger is speaking to VIP-s every other day, including Japanese bank CEO-s, stock exchange owners, etc. Brian Armstrong will push BCH and shit on BTC subtly every chance he gets, bitcoin.com wallet is the most popular mobile wallet and it literally shits on BTC, propaganda/censorship effects are fading, Purse just added BCH meaning that normies can use it to get 20% discounts on amazon, Koreans love BCH and they seem to matter at least as much as Americans and significantly more than eurofags, miners are looking for ways to destroy BTC in the next few years otherwise their profits will crumble, LN is proving more and more of a failure every single day, Wright will patent-troll startups into moving into BCH, tipping on github is now possible with bch, smart contracts are coming in November, stress tests are a massive success, charities are popularizing BCH in struggling countries (Venezuela today, others will join in if trouble arises), Free Society project is progressing well, Circle is adding BCH next few weeks, Ayre who became a billionaire from gambling is going to create BCH-only online casinos

>> No.10155030


>> No.10155051

Would you willingly choose to spend time around an unpleasant sight & smell if you didn't need to? I know I wouldn't hire you.

>> No.10155063

Sorry Anon. Im kind of in the same boat. There are entry level remote jobs you can take. Try to get on payments with a dentist or find a dental Scholl that'll pull the for free. Bad teeth arent just bad for looks, it'll kill your ass as well

>> No.10155115

>There are entry level remote jobs you can take.


>> No.10155148

Check indeed.com or download their app. When doing a job search filter it to entry level and remote jobs.

>> No.10155167

Landscaping, literally guaranteed job. High chance you'll quit. if you do quit, or want to see what other options there are go to a temp agency and they'll get you hired on some other shitty high turnover rate job for a decreased wage, some will offer hire on from temp status after a few months for a normal wage. Good luck man.

>> No.10155174


How bad are we talking?

What job?

>> No.10155231
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janitor, pc helpdesk tech, ups, usps, cashier at walmart, jack n' the box, mcdonalds....you name it......

>> No.10155274

No, would never hire you or look at you and not vomit. Brushing twice a day and not binging on crack or cheap candy is more than enough to keep one's teeth decent. If you cant do that much you'll never be disciplined enough for an actual job

>> No.10155285


Shouldnt matter unless it's something where you have to sell shit to people or deal with clients

>> No.10155309

I make 100k a year and I can't brush my teeth more than once a week. It kills me and it always eats away at me but I just feel so good once I lie in bed that I can't get up and brush my teeth before sleep, and I always hit snooze so much that I rush in the mornings which always ends with me forgetting to brush my teeth.
Actually this thread is a good reminder I'm gonna go do it now

>> No.10155350

I was literally thinking something along the same lines....get those invisaline clear braces or something and dye them white somehow. Also only apply for positions where you won't be dealing with customer interactions. Much more likely to succeed that way imo

>> No.10155353

OP it's too late for you and others in the thread, but fuck how can there be people able to use 4chan and not to brush daily. You actually get discomfort from dirty mouth if you start keeping it clean. Fucking shit this is basic knowledge, I feel bad for you people, you had a shitty life or very shitty parents who didn't even teach you since age 4 that you have to clean yourself.

>> No.10155420

>how can there be people able to use 4chan and not to brush daily
please off yourself you stupid fucking normie

>> No.10155422

It wasn't his fault. He was never taught the importance of brushing. Lack of education here. I feel awful for you OP. You need to get them all pulled and get some dentures. Also do not get root canals, they are awful for your health. Bad teeth can actually kill you. The bacteria spreads throughout your cardiovascular system, even forming blood clots and causing heart disease and stroke.

>> No.10155439

Depends if they’re rotten from age or if your just a 30 year old meth user

>> No.10155447

I sit in bed reading biz and often times will fall asleep before brushing my teeth. Wake up at 3am and my mouth is sticky and tastes like shit. Too late to brush now

>> No.10155488


OP go to Mexico and get them all pulled out and then get dentures. Should be dirt cheap. I got 4 teeth pulled and got cheap partials there.

The absolute fucking state of Americans though, that they have to go to a country with cartels fucking running the place just to replace their teeth LOL that's why I'm getting the fuck out next year when I make it in crypto

>> No.10155601

why, what if it's the latter...?

>> No.10155810

Enjoy going to Mexico to get your teeth fixed cocksucka

>> No.10155850
File: 157 KB, 563x542, 1530450469793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10155859

don't feel bad op.
i'm on my 4th set of teeth.
still have some 2's.

ironically now all my dental problems are from never getting wisdom teeth removed, and from dentists picking at my teeth and fucking them up even more they they were...

but let me tell you..
when i got my 3rd set of teeth...
i had a girlfriend and a job and put on 20lbs that year.... everything was great.

lost gf, illegal does my job, and lost 30+ lbs..
now idgaf...
have pieces of teeth sitting next to my monitor right now..



have your dentists, bill your insurance company for cavitty fillings.. not cosmetic fixing..
just "cavity filling"
some state-side insurance if usa will cover it.

i can eat on about 25% of my face.
the rest is a nuclear electrocution....

left side of face is worn/thin from no use.
right side of face is over used.. and muscle has not atrophied...

you'll see...

state free insurance..
cavity fillings..
then just brush whenever from there.

beware student dentists..
they will fuck up your face/teeth.

stll have wisdom tooth nubs in my head.
no wisdom teeth though.
just rotted tooth stumps with blood holes.
it's leet.

>> No.10156080
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>MFW was blessed with perfect teeth and caring parents

>> No.10156452

OP dont fret my dude my teeth were fucked I had 12 pulled all at once! They gave me dentures and no one knows. after I started making alittle money I flew to Thailand and got all my real teeth capped, looks awesome! theres a light at the end of the tunnell my dude, it fucking sucks Ive been there

>> No.10156481

When I was 9, I left my retainer in for like 6 months straight. Eating, didn't brush or anything. Amazed my teeth weren't obliterated.

>> No.10156496

I am about to loose my front tooth and I have broken teeth and an abscess but I am going on not worried what people think of my teeth I just learnt how to hide my teeth when I talk.

>> No.10156590

>when the joke goes over your head

>> No.10156686

Set an alarm on your phone fren

>> No.10156731

The absolute state of Amerimutt cope. I am sure they're pretty well hidden buddy

>> No.10156780

yeah those are fake as fuck

>> No.10156800
File: 27 KB, 300x355, tt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah those are fake as fuck.

>> No.10156817

Do you shower? I keep a tooth brush in my shower as a reminder.

>> No.10156900

Post pic OP.

brb gonna brush my teeth

>> No.10157261

Work at UPS. They offer good coverage after you've been there for 6 months. Fix your teeth.

I know a guy who got like 13k worth of dental work done on his rotting teeth. They ended up pulling like 10 teeth lol. He got nice fake ones put in and now works for the city.

>> No.10157288

trashy af

>> No.10157298

Get some fucking responsibility. Can you imagine what your coworkers must think of your breath?

>> No.10157299


hey bro be careful, copyright rules here and all that, original pictures (OP) can get you banned even if they agree to give u them

>> No.10157333

>My parents never bought me a toothbrush until i was 13 or 14

Dude what the fuck?

>> No.10158011

Yeah me too, that doens't mean I won't wash my mouth when I get up later, like >>10155420 this disgusting piece of shit probably does.

>> No.10158038

>ironically now all my dental problems are from never getting wisdom teeth removed

can i ask how anon?

t. anon who hasnt had his wisdom teeth removed

>> No.10158096

Looks like a pretty good product, actually. >>10154257
Lots of people have jacked teeth. You don't have to go far back in time for peoples mouths to look extremely different. I rather resent that we suddenly expect pretty teeth, when 100 years ago, entire 1st world countries had rotten teeth.

>> No.10158121

Also, I like you if you're not a normie, but being an outcast doesn't mean letting your body rot.
You could consciously decide that that's the way you want to go, as a decomposing body since before it's even dead, I would have nothing against it, but if you do it cause of ignorance that's bad

>> No.10158964

how much does it cost in mexico?!!

>> No.10159288
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Just make your own teeth, anon. DYOR-- there is plenty of stuff on /diy/ and /adv/ about this if you check warosu. Most people use a polyethyl-plastic 'plug' colored correctly-- if I recall correctly the install on mine (a rear right cuspid, not hard to reach with my tools) took about 4 hours. My daughter helped me with the bone glue (wood glue or even gorilla glue works too for the socket; you just have to make sure that enough DRY pressure is exerted). All in all, the procedure was pretty painless both times I did it (it fell out due to a bad bite angle the first time after about a week, but my daughter helped me fix it and it's been in for 8 mos now, no worries) and I chew with it just fine. No problems brushing or anything like that. Gums healthy.
>inb4 just get a dentist you retard
I learned how to be my own dentist, and now I can install teeth whenever anything goes wrong. $17 total cost, plus the cost of repainting (I use one of those car paint scratch pens in boneshell-- just keep your mouth open while it's curing and it's fine). Easy beans, anon. Doctors are a fucking scam and everyone knows it. Any other anons /selfdentist/?

>> No.10159343

I'm so fucking happy that I live in the civilized world

>> No.10159432
File: 415 KB, 449x449, 1530327974942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is not the height of your own civilization the self-knowledge which makes us competent, self-reliant, and conscionable actors in the body politic?

To be a fully developed man in the midst of chaos means to seize your own responsibility for maker-ship.

>> No.10159581
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start using a two part mouthwash also-- by this i mean smart mouth or something like it. Therabreath also has good results.

>> No.10159849

Dental student here.. first of all the pic in OP is a women with some sort of staining performed on her teeth to show the plaque buildup. Her gums actually appear OK from the picture but would have to check to tell.

If you've got stained teeth then you can do 2 things: whitening or get veneers.

Whitening is obviously cheaper. Veneers should only be done if you are confident you will take care of your teeth for 10+ years. You can't get that enamel back after you put on a veneer..

>> No.10160106

My wisdom teeth came in and haven't given me any problems but I'm always anxious that they will somehow mess up all my teeth for some reason. Do I have to get them pulled? I don't k ow much about wisdom teeth at all.

>> No.10160170

wtf is wrong with you people

>> No.10160545

Move to England.

>> No.10160585

Wtf, disgusting. If u wore it for 3 months straight u would never have to wear it again. Your parents must be retarded for letting u do that.

>> No.10160618

Get private dental insurance you fucking moron. It is like 40 a month and you get free cleanings and it covers dental surgery. Jot my wisdom teeth pulled and that shit went from 4k to 1.5k

>> No.10160694

You serious? USA??

>> No.10160745

That face when free dental care in my country.

>> No.10160756

Yes I am serious and yes USA. You can get private health insurance too.