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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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[ERROR] No.10157702 [Reply] [Original]

How are they doing now /biz/?

>> No.10157706

>November 7, 2017

Oh god.

>> No.10157719

Normies gonna norm

>> No.10157724

Dad raped and murdered the entire family.

>> No.10157743

They don't seem to be doing too bad

>> No.10157752


>> No.10157762

>click pic
>404 ain't existing
Fuck that
>abandoned thread!

>> No.10157770

?? Thread is not abandoned.

>> No.10157776

If they sold early in the 19k range then they would have probably made massive bank.
If they sold late, in the 12k, then they probably made a good profit anyway.
If they're still holding... I hope they get out before getting justed real soon.

>> No.10157782
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I'm not jelly!

>> No.10157790


So he got rich and got to spend time with his family? I thought you could only have one or the either...

His daughters will turn up great, and not degenerate whores.

>> No.10157791

>clicked URL
>Live Life©
>click off violently

>> No.10157793

Dit is nu een nederdraad kankerlijers. Die buffe indo knijpt hem aardig denk ik.

>> No.10157794

ohhh biz please bring Tron to $10, thanks

>> No.10157842

Letterlijk wie?

>> No.10157850



Ich schreibe auch nicht einfach Bratwurst hier hin, OPFER!

>> No.10157861

Doen is stil man. Jy moet nie so opgewonde wees nie.

>> No.10157877


they actually sold all and bought in 2016, they're doing v fine

>> No.10157879

Die familie is nederlands


>> No.10157887

> .....?!?!?

>> No.10157918

They're doing fine, Bibi (or what his name is) is working as an ICO consultant (saw his picture on multiple ICOs as advisor) and they are living cheap and comfy in Thailand.

>> No.10158155

bratwurst bratwurst bratwurst
sauerkraut sauerkraut sauerkraut
missgeburt missgeburt missgeburt
>le epic troll

>> No.10158188

>uploading pics of your children on social media

>> No.10158265

My dream would have been if I spent he same amount of money but went all in on Antshares ICO or buying in early on Antshares. I would have been able to live comfy of GAS dividends like $4,000 per month

>> No.10158311
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>> No.10158312

So your dream is to have had an ATH of ~50 million dollars and be now living off $48k per year

>> No.10158327

>56% kids

>> No.10158331


Enter "40000" neo. Worth 1.7M$ in todays value.

It was the closest to success I've ever been. I missed it, waiting for the next moment.

>> No.10158358

And that's a good thing!

>> No.10158382

that fucking guy spent like a million bucks, ANS was $1 just before rebrand moon mission, 10 cents before the 2017 missions kicked off, fuck knows what ICO was

>> No.10158394


They don't need much to live..

>> No.10158397

They are still about 7x or more right now.
Imagine having 7 of each thing you owned two years ago.

>> No.10158433

Hahaha that last reply oh No no no No

>> No.10158474

Making le 56% meme real, one little girl at a time.
And this is a good thing.

>> No.10158521

Of course they travel to Norway. So many dutchies. I bet you wanna buy or old fishing homes along the coast also because all our youth are moving to the fucking cities and becoming hairdressers rEEEEEEEEEEEEEe

>> No.10158540

I hadn't realized what this image was about until I read the comments, fucking leftists have to racialize everything for no good reason

>> No.10158607



kek, i live 5 mins from there, should have ran up on them and stole their shit.

>> No.10158651

>living like fucking hippies inside a camper
>probably selling their daughters tight holes to old creeps to make a living
They don't seem to be doing too bad.

>> No.10158690

I bursted in laughter at the last message.

>> No.10158841

of course theyre going to cherry pick their INSTAGRAM profile you spaz

>> No.10158854

is kanker the sound you make when you hit something or its a chant?

>> No.10158879

>traveling the world
>your girls get knocked up by nogs

>> No.10158897


>> No.10158907

You are vorbei. go make some bad deals.

>> No.10158975

cuck deutsche geh arbeit

>> No.10158982

pizzgate detected

>> No.10158988

its the same as fuck.

>> No.10158990

Nö, in 2 Wochen sind Ferien. Freu dich du Homo

>> No.10159003


>> No.10159004

dutch „people“ are pathetic. they have a line in their national anthem that says „we are from german blood“. enough said. give ‚em some more 5 years and they will have to speak arabic as first language before getting wiped out by the flood.

>> No.10159017


>> No.10159022

a-are they nudists or something wtf theres nudes on there are those even legal to look at or even upload

>> No.10159075

/biz/ should meme the living shit out of these instagram pictures. especially targeting the retarded dad who will bring insane misery to these family members.

>> No.10159105

>child with bikini bottom at the beach in clearly non sexual situation
fucking americans. just kys.

>> No.10159115

cuck german can make what he want Pajeed ;)

But yes, today is Verge time. Buy at 375 for some more premium

>> No.10159135
File: 824 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-07-05-08-35-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no no

>> No.10159139

the instagram pictures just feel pedo and wrong wrong wrong. how can a father be so mentally retarded to expose his family to the web like this? so far they are to not have fallen victim to some russian thugs who know how to obtain private keys without electricity. whatta madman this dutch german fuck.

>> No.10159158

oh, thx

>> No.10159174

im guessing you are american

people in europe are not at sexually uptight as you, kids walk around naked at beaches all the time, if you think that's sexual, i got news for you buddy ;^)

ur a pedo

>> No.10159537

Enjoy having your daughters (and sons for that matter) being raped by righteous Muslims for their impropriety.

>> No.10159562

lol u need to get out of ur moms basement and stop eating butter sticks, NEET

>> No.10159588
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Am I the only one seeing the slight hint of JUST in his eyes? do you think he fucked up?

>> No.10159607

I remember the original story. BTC was breaking all time highs at 5k and they went all in.

Absolute balls. I wonder when they sold.

>> No.10159609


>> No.10159635
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>how can a father be so mentally retarded to expose his family to the web like this?


>> No.10159876

burgers are obsessed with sexual righteousness. Must be all that jesus talk

>> No.10159996

If they are not already dead then pretty much suicidal at this point, assuming they didn't sell at least above 15k.

>> No.10160507

the bitcoin family will go down in history as a prime example of tragedy

>> No.10160568

>they cashed out the next month
>they 10X'D

>> No.10160656

they didn‘t. liar!

>> No.10160659

Am I going to jail now

>> No.10160684

are you deluded? of course he cashed out some, how else is he funding those family trips?

>> No.10160695

Yes it looks like he's about to cry but he's still trying to post "inspirational" pictures.

>> No.10160744

>thinking this is an actual reality.

Listen. You're fucking brainwashed. Leave the house kid.

>> No.10160766


>thinking this isn’t reality

You need to be over 18 to post here pal.

>> No.10160897

Back in my day children like you didn't pretend to be older than the rest of us. The internet has really gone to shit...

>> No.10160902
File: 1.97 MB, 750x1334, EAF865DC-D3AC-4AAF-BAB7-DAC4E66BBDA2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not looking at his portfolio but knowing it is down to 6K. we need this guy meme into some pink wojaks.

>> No.10160926

they are living out of a mobile home

>> No.10160937

probably cashed out half on the bullrun, keeping the rest just in case. Didnt he buy at like 1-2k? he's still way up

>> No.10160972
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Don't talk to me or my daughter ever again.

>> No.10161036

They're wearing Che Guevara clothes, they're lost already

>> No.10161040
File: 885 KB, 1920x1080, Black_Sails_Screenshot_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long John Silver now hunting for internet money?

>> No.10161071

Lmao. You read a bunch of news and think that's the reality here? The Muslim population makes up only 5%, that's nothing. In certain parts of the US, you absolutely must speak Spanish though.

>> No.10161077

That is a horrible shop.

>> No.10161087

Is that blonde his daughter?

She's 16 r-right?

>> No.10161114

>normal everyday pictures
>feel pedo
Maybe you need a little break from porn for a while buddy

>> No.10161155

lmao what was he thinking

>> No.10161164
File: 906 KB, 596x602, fa270eab-a2dc-4113-921e-26fe6ce64dd4[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least everyone is staying in shape.

>> No.10161244

No wonder they are in good shape if they can't even buy food using Bitcoin lmao

>> No.10161263

we want nudes dutch faggot

>> No.10161275

libtardism is a serious sickness

>> No.10161277
File: 80 KB, 600x623, nail3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd divorce my wife before I let my daughter have a baby doll that doesn't match her own skin color, what kind of piece of shit parent would do this to their own kid?

>> No.10161305

They bought BTC at like 2k so pretty good if you ask me

>> No.10161446

>b-but you only lose when you sell!

>> No.10161450



>> No.10161511

Talk about making yourself a fucking target lmao why tell the world? Also imagine the stress of keeping up with 5 24 mnemonic seeds kek better yet they probably just put everything on one ledger or even better just left it on coinbase.
>hey dad can I sign up for the basketball team
>sorry little big guy remember I sold your basketball hoop and our car for some bitcoin

>> No.10161573

Is it over 3 cents yet?

>> No.10161590
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>> No.10161610


>> No.10161752

He is unironically living a comfy life
Outside all day, fresh sunlight, working out
Diff food from all over, little to no electronic mind pollution.

>> No.10162074

I-i-is that what making it looks like /biz/?

I'll continue wageslaving I think

>> No.10162102

That woman gave him three children and probably fills his loneliness. 10/10 are rarely soul mates but merely lookers.

>> No.10162130

November 2017 as same price as now... so even if they held they've lost nothing

No doubt they sold near the top, or as it was crashing down (so, still in profit)

>> No.10162166

and soon the couple found out they don‘t love each other. while fighting over random shit some russian thugs come by after they figured out their current location via instagram retardism. they come and torture the living shit out of them to obtain the private keys while some other thugs rape wife and kids.
>thanks daddy, we are mooning rrrright?

>> No.10162496

Went back and read it when I saw your comment

oh man...