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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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[ERROR] No.10157193 [Reply] [Original]

Where ma niggas at?
2k here

>> No.10157211

I bought 8500 at .20 cents and sold at .60 cents. kill me.

>> No.10157250

351 @ $1.20. Won't sell untill +$50.

>> No.10157280

Lol could have 42500 dickhead

>> No.10157313

fuck off samefagging pajeet. Go get a real job. No one is going to buy this useless ponzi shitcoin. Sage.

>> No.10157394

Ahh, was starting to miss based pajeetposter already. How's life brother?

>> No.10157404
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>> No.10157411


You might wanna take a look at the bodies hanging from the ceiling fan

>> No.10157433

>ceiling fan
Back to 1995 you 30 yo boomer, we have AC now grampa
>tfw Romania is whiter than you

>> No.10157515

your math is shit, and that would have been tough to catch the top of any.

still made 300% in a week. fuck off pajeet.

>> No.10157768
File: 37 KB, 400x266, monkey-stress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The funny thing is that even if the Pajeet ends up being successful with his cryptofraud he will still end up being poor. Even if he were to win the lottery he will never escape his situation because he will never escape his own nature.

Once he ends up having any money he will waste everything on frivolities and meaningless shit just because it is flashy or shiny. If he has a million he will never buy any tangible investments or plan for retirement. Instead he will buy every extra you can get for a Lambo even if he does not understands what it actually does. Just think of all the shit those Gangster Rappers purchase. Within 6 months there will be no money left. Within another 3 months he will have to sell his Lambo to pay the bills. Within another 3 months he will be back on /biz/ shilling the new fork of Bazingacoin.

This is the nature of every Pajeet and his children and their children for all eternity. That lower creature is forever doomed to his misery and everything he touches will fall apart to ashes and dust. He will forever dream of being rich because he is too primitive to dream of becoming white.

>> No.10158014
File: 88 KB, 658x661, Mysticprophecy+roll+picture+searched+india+poo+_a0784c5e6385aa24c4e0db9d7a6b00bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your ctrl+v game is weak rakeesh

>> No.10158050

Reminder to hide all judge doom posts.

>> No.10158193

1000 持っています。

>> No.10158209

0xbtc is the real usdt

>> No.10158221


>> No.10158405


keked to all of them

>> No.10158820

0xBTC is a shitty smart contract built by 1 guy in his mom's basement. It is nothing but a generic erc-20 token with a dumb mini game to distribute the coin. Anyone can copy it easily. Anyone can create another generic erc-20 and distribute it through a faucet or airdrops and get an even more equitable distribution than 0x without wasting energy. Nobody is going to use 0x in their project's smart contracts rather than create their own utility token; why the he'll would they want to generate value and demand for a coin they don't own (0x) rather than capture the value generated by their project via their own token. It literally makes no sense. Eth is the store of value on Ethereum and it always will be. The only other tokens with value will have utility in some economic system. As interoperability develops you will be able to do shit like wrap BTC and tokenized BTC so that it can be used itself in smart contracts.

it is an absolute miracle 0xBTC got to the price it hit already and only happened due to massive shilling efforts and the number of absolutely gullible and unintelligent people in this space.

save your money and stay away from this trash. there are much better coins you can spend your money on obviously

>> No.10158837

pick one

>> No.10159067

1500 and mining.

>> No.10159324
File: 160 KB, 800x600, C9B5F4D1-F4F7-4904-9D00-767316A10C6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5200 reporting in is this enough to make it?

>> No.10159371

depends what you mean by "making it". If you mean upgrading your living comforts by installing a water closet and brand new AC into your shack in Mumbai then yeah, you might just make it.

>> No.10159372

way more than enough to make it bro you will be shitting on a gold plated street. lucky

>> No.10159388

You are a fucking moron:
> This whitepaper will describe the first ERC20 token that aligns itself as a ‘commodity’ since it is distributed only using ‘Proof of Work Mining’ identical to the Bitcoin model.

>As an ERC20 token, 0xBitcoin uses a traditional Ethereum account.