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[ERROR] No.10156978 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever walked out of a job interview or known someone who has? Any stories?

>> No.10156996

They were ass holes.
I said, "I'm not interested at this point."
Shake hands, walk out cordially.
Not sure what is so shocking to you betas about this

>> No.10157017

Yeah, I was waiting to be interviewed for some skippy boy event preparation position and I heard the interviewer tell the guy before me the pay was £6.50 an hour.

When it was my turn I wasn't even listening to the guy and he asked "if I was paying attention", to which I replied "well to be honest I heard your pay and I am no longer interested"

We agreed to end the interview there and I walked out.

>> No.10157019

No, I'm still stuck here, please help me

>> No.10157025

>baby thinks he's hardcore because he stormed out of mcdonalds

Aww, sweetie any real organisation would have had security that you'd have needed to have been escorted through.

>> No.10157040

>at this point.
Mexican detected at this point.

>> No.10157049

Bless your heart, mouth breather.

>> No.10157053


>> No.10157058

Not everybody lives in a fucking shithole where you constantly need protection because every retard is running around with guns, prone to shooting anybody who he disagrees with.

>> No.10157074

Have you literally never had a job you fucking loser? Every office on the planet has RFID cards to get you in and out.

>> No.10157098

>shake hands and walk out cordially
Why the fuck would you need to be escorted by security?

>> No.10157130

Retard. See >>10157098
You generally don't need cards to LEAVE a building, only at some sites.

>> No.10157153
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I have a few time, one time I did some group stuff in the interview, and one of the girls who was in my group was not feeling the job, she said should we leave and get a drink instead, it was a shitty sales job so I did and ended up sleeping with her after the drinks. She had come in for Italy just for the job interview. I have also slept with two virgins I linked up with a job interviews and one time I took the actual interviewer home and slept with her also. even though I have a job I send out my CV just to meet girls.. I'm not even good looking, and have no confidence, but some how no one can tell.

>> No.10157163

I had a job interview and when they said, Sir, you can leave now, I didn't close the door.

>> No.10157165

so are you assuming that every person on earth has never had a job that does not require a security clearance? or is it just people who browse /biz/ that have never had a job that does not require security clearance?

>> No.10157182

>europoors seething because they aren't allowed to have anything

>> No.10157196

Yeah, quite mad I do not get shot by IQ80 niggers in broad daylight on the street, not needing security checks wherever I go.

>> No.10157200

Yeah, in my experience they always let you leave at the end.

>> No.10157222

No, you get ran over by muslims instead. Kinda funny, considering you aren't even allowed to have cars without paying like a 200% tax

>> No.10157225

Yh it was for some shitty minimum wage clothes shop thing. Around half way through I just looked at them and said I don't want to work here anymore. It was only a part time thing because I'm a student and I was in a strong position to leave it.

>> No.10157241

Also on this debate I've been in offices where they require you to be escorted or looked at all times once past reception. They had a fit at Goldman when I went onto the trading floor without a badge

>> No.10157249

first job walked into a grocery store and asked for a job. they told me to go home and shave and then come back. Went home shaved, came back, starting getting the low down on stacking various fruits and sweeping corn husks. Asked the guy about taking a week off in a month to go on a vacation and they said they couldn't do that so I got pissed and threw my apron on the floor and walked out.

>> No.10157471

>considering you aren't even allowed to have cars without paying like a 200% tax
what the fuck are you talking about ?

>> No.10157486

Yeah they asked me what kind of tree I’d be if I was a tree.

>> No.10157498

>He doesn't know that the petrol price is almost 3 times higher because of environmental taxes

>> No.10157520

There's no tax on cars tho.

>> No.10157678

4 phone interviews.
2 video calls.
Several weeks of exchanging documents.
Flew me out to their company site across the country
sat me down
then offered me $40k less per year than the original offer I responded to.
I pointed out this fact, and some fat HR piggu said to me:
>"we aren't prepared to offer that salary to a probationary employee at this time"
I thanked them for their time, told them they would be flying me back to my home state or they could speak to my lawyer, and then walked out.
A few weeks later I was working for one of their competitors for the amount they had offered me initially, and there was no bullshit "probationary" period till you started getting paid the full rate.
Fucking faggots, shit still gets me steamed.

>> No.10157679

Had any school shootings this week?

>> No.10157748

Had any bombings, acid attacks, stabbings, vans of peace, or gangrapings this week?

>> No.10157818

>be finnish
>none of the listed in atleast 5+ years, probably never

Feels good man. Stay mad burgers and enjoy ur "american dream" in 57th ranked country LMAO

>> No.10157822

Im a wealthy man. I have no desire to get more money at this point, I do however feel the need to just some stupid companies.
So what I do is this:
>go to interview
>answer really short and not interested at all
>ask them for the wage and have a discussion why its too low

The big companies won't care.
But the money greedy boomer boss will have no answers left to explain why he ruines the country on purpose and is such a cheap piece of shit.
My hope is that it leaves a stain on their shirt so the next guy gets better pay (or atleast doesnt have to force himself down to minimum wage).
And maybe at some point we will have a national increase in wage.

>> No.10157858

I walked out of a Google job.
Became CEO of Google later that afternoon.

>> No.10157891

No. Not this month, continent-wide.

>> No.10157905

What, there was just that one nigger who stabbed couple bitches in Turku.

>> No.10157957
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Oof, looks like this conversation is finnished

>> No.10157988

Pajeet, is that you?

>> No.10158000

Yes, the interviewer was incredibly condescending. I told the bitch I wasn't interested and didn't appreciate here "condescending attitude" and walked out.

>> No.10158195
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>There aren't shootings in Europe
What the fuck are you smoking? Also, niggers get guns regardless of the laws. You're not going to convince me that giving up my firearms is good because maybe I might be a little bit safer. I'm not a cucked faggot like you.

>> No.10158270

If orientation counts, since there wasn't an interview.
>seasonal UPS helper gig
>with a group of people for orientation
>go through everything, fitting, paper work presentation etc
>pretty much two words from the end of the day (and getting a sign on bonus) a guy stands up and pulls his son out and leave

I can't tell if he thought he'd get the bonus without actually joining (manager said he didn't) or if he couldn't stand the presentation on stretching and got bored.

>> No.10158440

I applied for a job at a bank. The job was basically customer support over the phone. It was an entry level position with a salary barely above minimum wage.

I had to do three online tests. An iq-test, a typing speed test and a customer skills test.

Then I had two one hour long interviews over the phone.

When they invited me for a personal interview, I was told they wanted me to give them a personal pitch in which I bring an item that represents me.

It was at this point that I stopped responding.

>> No.10158505

Not that I'm aware of. Might be different in Sweden though, they're fucked.

>> No.10158519

Yup. When I heard BTC was forking and BCH would solve all the problems.

Roger Ver, Jihan Wu, Calvin Ayre, The 8btc mod (19hZx234vNtLazfx5J2bxHsiWEmeYE8a7k), Jiang Zhouer, the bitcoin.com cofounder, the Coinbase founder - all BILLIONAIRES who can complete the flippening with their own cash TODAY.
They're not doing so because they'd rather invest in BCH adoption. BCH adoption is skyrocketing while btc adoption is dropping.
In a few years both St Kitts and Antigua will use BCH as their main currency (Roger is working on St Kitts, Calvin is investing in Antigua more money than their GDP exclusively because of BCH adoption), Craig Wright will increase transaction counts by circumventing corrupt governments in Africa for money transfers (this one is not certain but very possible considering his funding), Roger is speaking to VIP-s every other day, including Japanese bank CEO-s, stock exchange owners, etc. Brian Armstrong will push BCH and shit on BTC subtly every chance he gets, bitcoin.com wallet is the most popular mobile wallet and it literally shits on BTC, propaganda/censorship effects are fading, Purse just added BCH meaning that normies can use it to get 20% discounts on amazon, Koreans love BCH and they seem to matter at least as much as Americans and significantly more than eurofags, miners are looking for ways to destroy BTC in the next few years otherwise their profits will crumble, LN is proving more and more of a failure every single day, Wright will patent-troll startups into moving into BCH, tipping on github is now possible with bch, smart contracts are coming in November, stress tests are a massive success, charities are popularizing BCH in struggling countries (Venezuela today, others will join in if trouble arises), Free Society project is progressing well, Circle is adding BCH next few weeks, Ayre who became a billionaire from gambling is going to create BCH-only online casinos

>> No.10158523

I have twice. Both were startups. In both cases, they asked questions that were too personal. When I refused to answer, they did not drop it. They kept pushing. I stood up, gathered my things, and left.

>> No.10158560

>interview scheduled for 9:30
>arrived at 9:15 like you're supposed to
>interview began at 9:20
>my first question: is this salaried, hourly, or commission
>told it was commission
>I ended the discussion at that point
>interview was over before it started

>> No.10158585

Low quality larp

>> No.10158632

>was 21 years old
>job at electronics recycling center
>"will be dismantling and sometimes selling old electronics"
>sounds cool, ive been doing ebay for a few years at this point and think it might be a good fit for awhile
>go into the interview, show him my resume & personal ebay page and feedback
>huge fat dude asks me to open up a film camera
>ez pz wtf
>says 95% of people he interviews cant open that camera and im the first in 3 months
>says i have the job (...after just shaking his hand and opening his camera, 4 minutes max)
>ask if i have any questions, yes i have a lot of questions since the job listing was vague as hell
>he explains his company like this to me "I post ads around the city for free electronics disposable, for like old shit and huge TV and Vacuums
>people come and dump there crap on his sidewalk and he pays me $10/h to dismantle everything and try to sell EVERYTHING on ebay. literally everything.
>tells me he expects no less than 250 active listings at once and i am to average $10,000 a month (within 3 month period or ill be fired
>i tell him ive been doing ebay for a few years in my spare time and even as a fulltime job thats unreasonable as hell
>he gets bitchy and says others have done it for him, i ask where they are at and what the turn over rate is at this job, since i would be his only employee ATM
>Tells me again that i have the job and gets all snappy saying only if i want it and that if im not serious to leave
>i stand up and stare at him for a solid 3 seconds and turn around and leave without saying a word
>he calls me like 12 times in the next 24 hours

>> No.10158759

Ii always hate how personal some interviews get, sure, I get they want to find the right personality fit as well as well as skill set but they just get too personal for me and I always hesitate to give real information to them. My first instinct is to use some fake accounts but I know that could get me into legal trouble fast.

>> No.10158832

False. Former delivery driver here. I have infiltrated the most secure of corporations.

>> No.10158847

>he calls me like 12 times in the next 24 hours
He must have been heartbroken, anon.

>> No.10158904

Kek gj anon

>> No.10158932

I don't know about "walked out" but I've definitely hit that mid point where they get done telling you the job description and say "does this sound like something that interests you?" and have just been like "nope" and called it there. I've done that with probably 90% of the interviews I've been on. My dad used to tell me "just get the offer and then you can say no", but I find more pleasure in telling people no before they even offer me the job.

>> No.10158987

put down the butter knife nigel, everything is going to work out pal.

>> No.10158992

I've had that situation a few times.

>> No.10159007

would you actually have sued them for airfare? heh

>> No.10159016

>live in homogeneous country
>talk shit about nigger infested jew victims
please be nice perkele

>> No.10159038

job! kek.

>> No.10159097

well, what'd they ask, nigger?

>> No.10159108

>January 2016, Hillary Clinton's team hiring for their HQ office
>Scheduled an interview but before receiving confirmation my contact there stopped responding to emails
>Said fuck it and showed up on time anyway. Sent email to contact "Hey, I'm here for interview, in the lobby now."
>5 minutes later she comes rushing down the stairs looking flustered "I'm so sorry, our schedule got swamped and I totally forgot about your interview." Ok...
>Had interviews with multiple people there. They walked me around the office to meet everyone. When we got to the intern corner they brusquely said "Here are the interns... let's move on". No introduction, a total dismissal of them. Rude and arrogant.
>We sit down for the final round up and my contact asks "So what do you think?"
>Me: "Honestly.... I don't think it's a right fit."
>1 week later I join her enemy's team.
I am not surprised in the least that she lost. Arrogance and hubris trickled down to her staff

>> No.10159124

Oops sorry I meant January 2015

>> No.10159181

Dude, are y-you Batman?

>> No.10159216

So you worked for Bernie's team?

>> No.10159229


I had a three hour interview with a supermarket back in the day that ended with them offering me a 15 hour contract for three months, with no guarantee of further work. I just said "thank you for your time, but I've obviously misunderstood what you were looking for" and walked out (job advert stated full and part time and I applied for full, no mention of temporary contract).
They called me on my way home to offer me 25 hours, but it was pretty obvious by that point they were just going to screw me over.

>> No.10159270

Walked in to a hosting company in Orlando. As I'm walking in, the guy walking me back starts berating his employees about a report. And I mean loud, ranting style berating. As soon that happened, I turned to him and said "I am no longer interested in the position. The environment is not what I am looking for." Turned and walked away.

>> No.10159299

Most places without real assets onsite don't require badge access to leave the facility, just entering. Last day at a bank I handed in my badge and didn't get escorted out. Maybe you are just an untrustworthy fuck. lol

>> No.10159333

>service technichian
>told me that driving time was not work time
>expected to spend up to 8 hours driving for free and then work 12 at the customers.

I told them flat out that this is illegal, and left. They hired some desperate east european guy.

>> No.10159348

When someone posts a brapper i dont even read the op, open the thread and just scroll for more pics.

>> No.10159352

copy pasta faggot. bcash Bcash BCASH!

>> No.10159399


Went to an interview where the bosses looked stressed and tired. They spent most of the interview bitching about bad pay and being overworked. They had all taken a massive pay cut to keep staffed. It was an hour and a half from where I lived. Told them I wasn't interested and they got pissy for "wasting their time".

I later ran into them at a meeting when I worked for a similar agency. They were rude to me again and mocked me for going to a better agency and making more pay. I just shook my head.

>> No.10159407

how the fuck does a supermarket interview someone for 3 hours? what position was it?

>> No.10159408

>*gestures to a corner of the basement*
>"here are the unpaid, not allowed bathroom breaks, 14hr/day, fastest typists that we call interns"
Fuck that shit. Why do people intern?

>> No.10159411

wtf? What kind of service tech anon? I do hvac and i would fucking laugh in their fucking faces over this shit lol

>> No.10159458


It was literally working behind the meat counter, I was 19 at the time and all my previous jobs had been offered to me without an interview, so I just went along with it. In hindsight I should have walked out earlier.

>> No.10159467

what did they even ask you? jesus fuck
>for a meat counter

>> No.10159515

Sheet metal hydraulic presses, large company in Europe. They have machines all over the world.

I heard stories about technichians being sent to India in the summer for 3 months and not being allowed to leave the building site or be fired. Reputatly the pay was above average, but we never came to that point in the interview. As soon as I heard that they wont recognize traveltime I was out of there, went to the unemployment office, got my check and flew 3 weeks to Thailand before accepting another job.

>> No.10159526


They had me working on it for two hours, then we had group and individual interviews. Like I said, I was 19, my previous job was a case of walk up to the manager and ask if he's hiring.

>> No.10159532

What would you have done differently now?

>> No.10159544
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Usually when salary is discussed. If it's too low and they won't bring it up I'm out.

>> No.10159556

this, I only go to job interviews to get laid. Don't even care if it's a guy or woman interviewer anymore

>> No.10159560

How do you convey this to them?
>I'm looking for higher compensation, Thanks for your time

>> No.10159578

>what are you looking for in compensation?
>between Xk and Yk
>well this position pays Wx
>is there any chance you can bring that up?
>not for this position
>I'm afraid I can't work for Wk but thank you for your time.

>> No.10159587

I have a few times. Usually whiteboard technical interviews that I feel like I have no chance on.

>> No.10159589

Why give a range? Isn't saying anything other than your minimum or expected compensation a total waste of time and a bit silly sounding?

>> No.10159601


I would have left earlier, I wouldn't do two hours work for a company if they just sprang it on me in an interview.

I've done work trials before, but it was agreed beforehand that I'd be working for the day and would get paid the basic rate.

>> No.10159608

At what point in the interview would you leave?

>> No.10159611

I give range because the lower end gets them to become more interested in you, but the higher end you can get to by saying the benefits you offer aren't good enough to justify the lower end and at that point in the process you are so far along and they want you they will often just give you what you want.

>> No.10159741


It's kind of hard to answer, because I'm obviously not applying for the same jobs I was when I was 19.

>Now anon, we're going to put you on the counter to see how you work for a bit
>What am I expected to do/how long for?
>You're going to be left on your own dealing with customers for two hours

I probably would have made my excuses there. I appreciate they want to check I'm capable of interacting with humans, but two hours is taking the piss, especially for what they were offering.
If a company treats you like a mug in an interview they will do the same once you're employed, an interview is as much a chance for you to check them out and it is for them to check you.

>> No.10159767

Thanks for the replies, I'm just looking for general insight into the interview process and I find these anecdotes both insightful and interesting

Sounds like that would have been a terrible job
What do you do now?

>> No.10159786

I worked for a Jew that did this. I left in a month.

>> No.10159816

That sounds fun and pretty neat that you do that if you're not LARPing. Employers like that are looking for cogs. Not quality.

>> No.10159834

I have only picked jobs with people who were decent. Since they respected me I always gave them a 1 to 3 Month notice of sorts. One time I even taught my position to a new hire for a month.

>> No.10159916


Assistant manager at a different supermarket, they took me on as a store assistant when I was 21 and I worked my way up. The interview was much better than the first place, just me and the store + area managers in a room asking questions for 30 mins, then they called that day to offer me the job.
It's one of the discounter brands in the UK, so the pay/conditions are actually pretty decent if you can stand the workload.

>> No.10159918


Whose LARPing who?

>> No.10159992

*tips fedora*
*spins 180 degrees*

>> No.10160023

Lidl and Aldi are both great imo baka desu.

>> No.10160079

My interviewer called me lazy for taking a public job. I told him "actually that's why I didn't stay there long, it moved too slow and drove me insane." and then he called me lazy a few more times. I told him I'm not interested in working with him and wanted to end the interview.

He started backpedaling and apologizing. Even the recruiter apologized for him. Dodged a bullet there. Save everyone the time and end interviews that you know will not go anywhere.

>> No.10160114

>My interviewer called me lazy for taking a public job. I told him "actually that's why I didn't stay there long, it moved too slow and drove me insane." and then he called me lazy a few more times. I told him I'm not interested in working with him and wanted to end the interview.
what was his exact phraseology?

>> No.10160164

"so this is a startup environment and we're concerned that you had a public sector job. why did you work there? are you lazy?"

this guy was very chinese and very much an asshole.

>> No.10160188

Oh man, I would have told him to eat shit. Was this for a software job by any chance? Bay area?

>> No.10160197

yeah OP just this week i gave the old trade meme a chance. I decided plumbing would do good. Applied for an apprentice position at a plumbing company in Phoenix, went in for the interview.

Dude was real nice and gave me a rundown of what the work would consist of. Sounded like mostly grunt work and lots of digging in 110 degree weather.

Told me it pays minimum wage but since he liked me he'd bump it up a quarter.

I smiled, thanked him for his time, shook hands, and gtfo.

>> No.10160225

Water treatment manager
Currently on £60k
Went to a bunch of interviews in one month
Walked out of two of them, one wanted me to work weekends, nope.
The other wanted me to take the train as much as possible to limit company car use. Super nope.
Stayed with my current company in the end.

>> No.10160274

>Walked out of two of them, one wanted me to work weekends, nope.
>The other wanted me to take the train as much as possible to limit company car use. Super nope.
Did they pay any better?

>> No.10160283

I wish I had. Now I've got to grow balls to resign

>> No.10160303

yes and yes.

actually, left the bay area because it's full of tech bro assholes like him. i'm making more than i did up there and don't have the crazy cost of living. anyone who is a bay area engineer should leave because you're a better engineer than 99% of the non-bay area engineers. you'll be valued wherever you go, i got fast tracked to management here in LA. and i bought a condo on the beach. fuck the bay area (oakland you're still cool but you won't be in 10 years probably).

>> No.10160333

>job interview
>employer tells me to sit down
>"You think I'm just going to sit down like a lil'bitch wherever you want?!"
>You're hired, sir, but for my position, I'll be taking the job i interviewed for

>> No.10160401

All were offering to match the salary, none offered to beat it

>> No.10160673

It hasn't always been 2018, you absolute fucking retard zygote. Some of us here got our first job a long time ago.

>> No.10160686


lol. Pizza delivery is by far the easiest outfit to get by any security.

>former pizza delivery anon

no one suspects the pizza man.

>> No.10160747


Some prick kept giving me attitude in my interview saying things like, "I caught him at the worst time" as if I were the one who picked this time for the interview. I finally got to the point where I interrupted him and said the interview is over, and stood up and left. He yelled at me on my way out. If you know during the interview you’re going to be working for an insufferable cunt, why would you do it?

>> No.10160770

Who's this?

>> No.10160781
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I had a guy ask me the following question:

"When you are on the phone with a client, how would you non-verbally assess their need?"

I almost walked out of that one. I didn't get it of course. I found out a few months later he was fired for incompetence.

>> No.10160787


Apparently they have facial recognition and police to come to your house if someone posts a knife. And Europe still has way more terrorist attacks than the US. But they think that because some people get shot in a country of 350 million its "dangerous". No wonder they legislate themselves the way they do. Bunch of pussies and fags.

>> No.10160796

I bet you blame everyone else for your problems

>> No.10160811

Also, this same prick called me a couple weeks later to set up an interview with me. I said I already had an interview with him, and he blew his chance. He seemed confused, then got angry and I hung up on him.

>> No.10160832


Not gonna lie I went to Finland last year and as an Ameriburger your country is pretty based. Also it is very comfy and laid-back to me. I wish I could move to somewhere in Europe but it's not easy.

>> No.10160857

Felt good desu

>interview with top firm
>hand writing sample to one of the interviewers
>he puts his leaking drink on it
>looks at his phone while his partner goes through paces
>they clearly aren’t interested
>customary to ask 10 minutes worth of questions at end
>they give me the floor
>”no thanks I’m all set”
>they don’t know what to say
>walk out early

I hate people/firms that give out extra interviews to people they aren’t interested in just to appease a school and maintain the relationship

>> No.10160944

>working in an office
How do you people do it? I'd lose my mind being inside all day

>> No.10161103

Stabbing is a national sport in Finland.

>> No.10161124

You're a dick.

>> No.10161218
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>Im a wealthy man.
>we will have a national increase in wage.

Lying commie scum detected.

Wages go up when skilled workers are scarce.
Weak skills = weak pay.

>> No.10161318
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>> No.10162014

Good work includes some of the classics by the IRA and who can forget the one-off Lockerbie Air Disaster