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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10147155 No.10147155 [Reply] [Original]

>Whats the fastest way to make a million ?
>Hard mode No
Sucking Dick
Marry a rich person
Robbing a bank

>> No.10147171
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You didnt say no drugs.

>> No.10147176


>> No.10147180

also nice digits.

>> No.10147196

winners don't do drugs
: (

>> No.10147204

Sell stuff

>> No.10147221

Get involved in corruption with politicians, mayors, etc.
Made $1MM myself this way.

>> No.10147226

>winners don't do drugs
Ever heard of Lance Armstrong....

>> No.10147232

Story time

>> No.10147239

I saw a job opening in the city of Ventura for a city manager position, salary was $250000 a year.

>> No.10147246

He's a loser.

>> No.10147274
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1. Find a woman from a foreign nation and marry her
2. Buy 1 million dollar life insurance
3. Accidentally dies in a waterfall 'mishap' on honeymoon
4. Crocodile tears, why dear God why wasnt it me?, I finally found my one true love then this...
5. ????
6. Profit

>> No.10147449
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come on frens
I need muney

>> No.10147573

>be born with a high I.Q
>to to uni debt free for a STEM degree while living with parents.
>get a job making 100k starting.
>live with parents and invest all of your money into mutual funds/individual stocks.

You can easily become a millionaire within 5-8 years I'd say depending on raises and how well the stock market is doing.

>> No.10147637

Inherit it

>> No.10147676

> winners don't do drugs
I smoke weed, I also made a million without the stuff in your list.

I've just been pumping out mobile apps to increase my passive income stream (which was nice, made it to a few thousand dollars per month as an automatic passive income stream), then one went stupid viral.

Still smoke weed, and yet I feel like a total winner.

>> No.10147686

Build a dapp - http://www.monstermafia.xyz/beta/

>> No.10147694

It all happened in a span of 10 years.
Hard to tell the story but here it goes:
>Be me, 25 yo, 10 years ago
>Homeless, father in jail, mom left when young
>Zero future,no job, no money, decided to kms
>Take around 40-50 barbituric pills
>Fail, wake up in hospital, shame, shame
>The doctor sets me to work at a friend of her who game me a bed with other workers. Construction and some light automation
>Wagecuck with 0 future. Only a bed and food basicly.
>Learn gate automation installation
>Realize my daily work covers my salary for one month
>Buy 2 gate kits and walk gate to gate to sell it during weekends.
>It works. Made about $500 profit in one weekend.
>Wow for fuck's sake

>> No.10147765

take $100 and get 10x four times in a row

>> No.10147779
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>Rinse and repeat for half year during weekends
>I gained around $15k profit
>Quit job, make a company, web page, clients flow.
>Make $500/ fucking day
>Hired people, start making small construction
>Met a politician, he gave me some small state funded contracts
>I gave him back a good portion of the profit
>Rinse and repeat untill last year when I retired with $1 MM, some apartments, a big ass house. Didn't want to get caught and go to jail. People looked suspicious at me.
>Invested in stock, I get some rents, aprox $6-8k/mo
>Life is good, chill all day, go places
>Pic related is now.

>> No.10147828

retiring with 1MM?
i mean it can work but probably have to work again sometime

>> No.10147835

probably not if youre a former homeless person whos frugal as shit tho

>> No.10147838


>> No.10147839

I know it, but I won't tell you. Why would I tell you? We're rivals. What are you, a socialist?

>> No.10148038
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>Why would I tell you?
b-because we are friends ?

>> No.10148768

suck enough dicks to buy some crypto bags, wait for them to moon

>> No.10148922

>retire with 1M
shit level larp my man, make sure my French fries are extra salty okay?

>> No.10148976

Be good looking, not autistic (which most of this board is). Marry a rich person.

>> No.10149002

>retired with $1MM, some apartments
>some apartments
He can live off the passive income.

>> No.10149035

Buy 1 bch wait 5 years.
> made it
Roger Ver, Jihan Wu, Calvin Ayre, The 8btc mod (19hZx234vNtLazfx5J2bxHsiWEmeYE8a7k), Jiang Zhouer, the bitcoin.com cofounder, the Coinbase founder - all BILLIONAIRES who can complete the flippening with their own cash TODAY.
They're not doing so because they'd rather invest in BCH adoption. BCH adoption is skyrocketing while btc adoption is dropping.
In a few years both St Kitts and Antigua will use BCH as their main currency (Roger is working on St Kitts, Calvin is investing in Antigua more money than their GDP exclusively because of BCH adoption), Craig Wright will increase transaction counts by circumventing corrupt governments in Africa for money transfers (this one is not certain but very possible considering his funding), Roger is speaking to VIP-s every other day, including Japanese bank CEO-s, stock exchange owners, etc. Brian Armstrong will push BCH and shit on BTC subtly every chance he gets, bitcoin.com wallet is the most popular mobile wallet and it literally shits on BTC, propaganda/censorship effects are fading, Purse just added BCH meaning that normies can use it to get 20% discounts on amazon, Koreans love BCH and they seem to matter at least as much as Americans and significantly more than eurofags, miners are looking for ways to destroy BTC in the next few years otherwise their profits will crumble, LN is proving more and more of a failure every single day, Wright will patent-troll startups into moving into BCH, tipping on github is now possible with bch, smart contracts are coming in November, stress tests are a massive success, charities are popularizing BCH in struggling countries (Venezuela today, others will join in if trouble arises), Free Society project is progressing well, Circle is adding BCH next few weeks, Ayre who became a billionaire from gambling is going to create BCH-only online casinos

>> No.10149127

So the lesson here is attempt suicide for big profit?

>> No.10149160

>Scour every gas station with lottery machines
>Dig through the trash and take all the unchecked tickets
>Use the proceeds to buy weed and psychedelics in bulk
>Sell at markup
>Use the profits and accumulating unclaimed lottery ticket money to buy a cheap used car, fix it up a little bit, and flip it.
>Continue trashpicking lottery tickets, selling drugs, and flipping cars until enough revenue is secured to purchase a property and restore it
>Find some good tenants
>Use the credit and revenue built to replicate this with a second home
>Repeat until I can afford to hire on-call skilled tradesmen, a secretary, an accountant, and a manager.
>Re-invest profits into flipping/gentrifying blocks while continuing to trashpick for lottery tickets and sell weed
>Repeat until millionaire

>> No.10149212

How do i marry a rich woman?

>> No.10149247

>retiring with 1 million
Yeah right, in rural india maybe

>> No.10149258

be in florida make friends with someone who owns a large cow pasture
they stop salting the feeds, you pick tons of mushrooms
dehydrate and package into 3.5oz quantities
put the shit on pallets YOLO
travel north and find a biker gang willing to buy it all

>> No.10149270

Just be yourself. That one guy just had his mugshot circulate online and a billionaire heiress swooped him up.

>> No.10149319

how did you launder that money without raising suspicion? cannot put that in a bank to invest with, can you?

>> No.10149511

I saw your story befor, canadian right? Keep up the good work Anon, hope you but chainlink and never work again!
Also say no yo drugs

>> No.10150081
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ram raid ATMs

>> No.10150390

suc cock then

>> No.10150412


>> No.10150578


>> No.10150658

Learn to counterfeit

>> No.10150702

>he trash can digs and flips cars from $2000 to $150,000
yeah right, looser

>> No.10150752

Srsly guys. I make $6k/mo from rents and some stock div. Why is it so hard to believe ? Also I have a gf too. Is this also larp ?
We spend approx $4k/mo..so money is plenty af.

>> No.10150757

Start with 100 euro (or more) and place bets each day on big football teams matches. That there will be 1 total goals atleast that game(dont pick a team to score,just total goals). The odd is very low,but the bet is safe. Probably an odd of 5-10%. Repeat this 100 times. And enjiy the good life

>> No.10150760

Didn't launder. Cashed out profits after tax and gave my boi his share. Highly illegal..

>> No.10150766

Nope fren. EEU.

>> No.10150784

Was storytime.
But yeah, if you want to makeit™ you should try some kys.

>> No.10150792
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this is a civilian arrest, put your hands up, sir.

>> No.10150853

It wasn't me !
Still it was though.. Also got home that's why my ID changed.

>> No.10150907

Thanks just bought 100k barbituric pills

>> No.10150913

Got any advice for a 24 yo boomer? Barely got my associates in cs. Know some general construction stuff. Programming/web dev. Work in the shipping department for a sheet metal manufacturer. I'm tired of wagecucking, I need to come up senpai.

>> No.10151009

I ended up in construction literally.
Wasn't really a choice was just good at that time for reasons mentioned above.
I allways tried to not end up laying bricks and pouring concrete so I tried to learn (in site) whatever could get me out of there and improve a little my life. Started lurking arrownd electricians and learned some basic stuff. That is how I got out.
My point is that, given your choice/opportunity you should try to push up and as you work your way up immagine if you can do alone one piece of activity you end up doing. When you find that, you should actually try to find a customer and see how it works out. If it works out good, find the second and so on.. Untill you can quit your job and start a bussiness.
Can't say something specific related to your expertise/education, but you get my point.

>> No.10151040

Read dot com secrets by russel brunson and get your real estate license.

>> No.10151085

Yeah I get you. Thanks dude. Glad to hear you got out of your situation and doing better anon. Hope I'll be there soon.

>> No.10151105
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Good luck !
We're all gonna make it.