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10148885 No.10148885 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/ how do you cope with not being born rich? I'm a little perturbed that even if I make it in crypto I will never have their lifestyle.


>> No.10148905
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i was born rich.

>> No.10148918

Buying ChainLink is like being reborn without enduring another life as a Dung Beetle in Mumbai. It's not too late to respawn if you load up now, pajeet.

>> No.10148920

All of the dudes in this sound incredibly gay.

>> No.10148961


>> No.10148987
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I just appreciate what I have. Life is pretty good.

>> No.10149027

>I just appreciate what I have. Life is pretty good.
Wagie cookie spotted

>> No.10149041

The only bad thing bout it is that i cant fix my fucking teeth. Rite now I need about 1 year of hardworkin to remake the stuff... don't care bout other shit cuz i'm good

>> No.10149050

>im gonna let life pass me by while I chase money cause someone somewhere has more stuff/thots than I do

wew how much btc for this kind of life

>> No.10149066


>tfw broke-ass NEET that became slightly richer from early bitcoin buys

Honestly I'm okay with this. Yeah I'll never have huge parties in a multi-million dollar house but I have enough money to experience just about everything I actually give a shit about. Some stuff I would like to do, not even the mega rich can do just yet (space trips), so I don't really see the point of being any richer at this moment.

Until we get robowaifus, immortality, or space travel I don't see have more than a few million as necessary. It's just overkill.

>> No.10149087

Lmao I watched like 30 seconds of this and that’s all I could handle. Anon you don’t want that lifestyle. They aren’t happy. Anyone who takes that many selfies is dead inside.

>> No.10149109

Nope. I used to be a complete pessimistic depressed loser. Then I realized i was just making myself unhappy for no other reason but to feel sorry for myself. So I changed my perception.

>> No.10149126

>Be rich kid
>Get addicted to drugs

>> No.10149232

Being born rich comes with its own problems. If you never worked for anything you can’t appreciate a dollar or the sacrifice it took to get there. You’re investing and struggling now, one day your kids might end up like the ones in this video, try to impart good work ethic and respect for what it takes to make it.

>> No.10149286

All of these rich people are a disgrace to wealth. None of them are using their power to improve humanity. These fucks are the worst products of capitalism. All of them are low IQ fuckers.

>> No.10149296

He was autistic and had a weird plastic surgery looking face.

You have to look good, be non autistic and be rich to be happy. Enough intelligence to not lose your finances but not so much that you become a tormented mong.

If you aren't the arquetype CHAD its over.

>> No.10149298

I mean, good for them, but everyone in that video acts like a fucking faggot. I guess that's what happens when their wealth was not earned. Nobody respects them whereas people respect the rich people who earned it from the ground up.

>> No.10149313

>muh kids
Who cares if it isn't you who is getting blowjobs all day from 16 year old hoties in your yatch like the ones OP posted.

Its fucking over mongs.

>> No.10149342
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They are a bunch of faggots indeed.

Billionaire quaterback 6'4'' thunderjock OR DEATH.

>> No.10149353
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I don't feel like typing out a long story
But i know first hand what happens to many of these rich cucks that were thrown money.

>Saudi fren
>Royalty tier rich
>gets anything he wants
>starts getting into drugs
>looks up to nigger life style
>moves to vacation spot permanently
>drugs, prostitutes, and fun every day

Rip my nigga kooka, we had some fun times when we were younger....

>> No.10149381

You're still a loser. You just learned how to cope

>> No.10149387


>> No.10149419

loser is nothing more than a mindset. Much like someone who turns to name calling to justify the insecurities they feel come to the surface when they see someone else happy.

>> No.10149432
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Sounds like he died doing what he loved.

>> No.10149434

>living in your super successful father's shadow
let's be honest, unless you're a normie you're going to eventually get bored of hedonistic pursuits, then you'll be lamenting your lack of success in relation to your parents for the rest of your life

>> No.10149501

>tfw I'm now like you describe.

What did you do to make that change in your life anon?

>> No.10149514
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Wealth is much like a cornucopia in how it spoils. The fruits are plentiful and rich until one generation of heirs sees no need to harvest the seeds and the next one sees no need to tend the land.

>> No.10149516
File: 58 KB, 750x709, Linky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best days of my life were middle school hanging out with him. We found fun things to do every week end
>$400 automatic airsoft guns
>his guard drives us around
>we drive by shooting random ppl

>go skateboard around the city
>eat top tier food
>play vidya at his house on big screen TVs
>prank call ppl at 4am
>play around his neighborhood and throw rocks at cars
>break into new homes under construction and rek them

10/10 , would nostalgia again

>> No.10149554

those saucage fingers

>> No.10149558

stop lying, your life is shit

>> No.10149569

THIS so much

>> No.10149609

Why none of them look normal or straight?
Either gaylords or bimbo surgery bitches.

>> No.10149699

I had a friend who had a ps2 AND a gamecube

>> No.10149794

Whenever I notice a negative thought I ask myself why I feel that way. Usually it's fear of some sort. Then I ask myself what I could possibly gain by thinking that way. Usually it's nothing. If it can't pass those first 2 then I make an effort to change the way I think about it when it pops in my head. A good example is when I was jealous a lot.
Why was I jealous? Because I was scared people would think they're better than me. I was scared I wouldn't have what they have.
What do I have to gain by thinking like that? Mostly make myself look like an ass and feel like shit about myself.
Regardless if the thoughts were true or not, they gave me nothing of value. After that I started turning my thinking in a different direction every time they would pop up. I can't say what that looks like for everyone else. For me it was telling myself something like. "They look really happy. If they can do it so can I. I'm glad there is still proof that happiness is possible and I'm happy they found it." After a while it just becomes natural.

>> No.10149865

Thanks anon, I'm trying to change the way I look at stuff, it's hard when you have done it for a long time.

>> No.10149902

there is no such thing as "rich people who earned their wealth from the ground up"

every single mega-rich person got by through some connections or their family

>> No.10149917

How about Jeff Bezos? The richest man on the planet...

>> No.10149940 [DELETED] 

You’ll be forever depressed with this mentality. Sage

>> No.10149949

He worked for D.E. Shaw in NY, one of the most secretive and well-connected companies in the world

>> No.10149956

This. I managed to save up some money and I'm taking a six months sabbatical, travelling and building my own product. Life is great

>> No.10149970
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np anon. It is hard. Especially after years and years of training myself to think that way but luckily neuroplasticity is a thing and we can change it over time.

>> No.10149972

If you aren't rich you are a slave to the rich

>> No.10149993
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my Id changed

>> No.10149994

He's a Jew, he had Jew connections

>> No.10150021


Why are they all gay?

>> No.10150085

Besides food, cheap traveling, a mean of transport and a solid place to live, money doesn't really do anything for me.
Don't think I have to cope with being straight anyway.

>> No.10150109


>> No.10150318

poor person confirmed

>> No.10150411


why do all these dudes sound gay? Not even saying it as an insult, they just sound like homosexuals

>> No.10150516

the only way to improve humanity is to actually make investments that make you more money, feeding niggers for a decade won't stop them from killing themselves after they stop having money again, and investing in science won't produce any more autists who are capable of discovering better science or tech. Making an effort to make society more efficient and making money out of it so that it becomes sustainable is unironically the best way

>> No.10150554
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moar of those girls OP

>> No.10150568
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>> No.10150580

imagine being without a goal in life, to have everything handed to you, to never achieve anything that will benefit humanity

sounds pretty comfy to me

>> No.10150633
File: 23 KB, 650x366, white men lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine having a goal, working towards it for years by getting a phd, going to interview for your dream job and getting passed over for pajeet, then having pajeet call you at your shitty 40k postdoc asking for technical advice

>> No.10150662

Those midget girls legs ratio is almost as disturbing as those rich fags kids.

>> No.10150678


>> No.10150689

I was born rich mate. Why do you think I sit around here wasting my time instead of working? I reckon everyone here is probably a millionaire to be able to waste time like this.

>> No.10150710


She's even standing on her toes to make her legs look longer....hate that shit.

>> No.10150731

You will not find a hot gf unless you come from money

Do you think women give a shit if you "worked hard" to build your wealth? Nope

Why would they date you when there is another guy as equally good-looking and ambition as you, but he has his parents buy him a BMW, a boat, a condo, and send him to private school? Why would she date you when she could date him? There is nothing you have that the richfag cannot offer her.

>> No.10150765
File: 2.02 MB, 3024x4032, 5436827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just date ugly fat arm fuckers

>> No.10150954

Watch Dan Bilzerian's Insta for a few weeks. You'll see everything a man without money could be envious of, but eventually, you'll notice the ever-present dead gaze in his eyes. Can you imagine being able to purchase every dopamine releasing pleasure you could ever want, but it's still not enough. So you must resort to being a burn out cruising on daddy's 'Madoff' money, making up stories about how you got your money because of the shame-shell that is your life. Just watch some of his shit, you'll understand.

Also, watch some Jordan Peterson, desu. You need that self-therapy.

>> No.10150995


I hate that one where the fucking faggot is buying a purse and peering into one with his little fuckin salad fingers, then lamenting the thought of having to be a cleaning person

I want to break his neck

>> No.10151041

I grew up very poor in a rich area.

I hate golf. Rich men sit around and talk about golf all day. (See country clubs)

They are all so boring and have no story. The only good ones were born poor and made it. They clique together and are great guys.

Every movie has a conflict that makes it interesting. It's the same thing with life. Growing up with no problems makes your life very full and boring.

>> No.10151074

I used to be like you but then I stopped lying to myself and realized that my life was shit.

I now see the meaning behind suicide, if you haven't been happy for so long and don't foresee a potential uptick in happiness then you might as well end it all. Nothingness is better than perpetual sadness.

>> No.10151077

Mewing wont fix it for you?

>> No.10151128

Problems do not exist.
If it's not a problem, yay.
If you think it's a problem, can you do anything about it?
Yes? Then just do it.
No? It's not a problem, but a condition under which you live.

>> No.10151432

Is the one on the right half-midget or something?

>> No.10151447


Looks like a gymnastics dwarf. God I need to get a job coaching gymnastics.