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File: 1.48 MB, 1016x571, thefounder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10144354 No.10144354 [Reply] [Original]

When you guys watch movies about entrepreneurs such as The Founder do you ever wish you were American?

I just can't picture a story like this happening in Europe.

>> No.10144411
File: 1.07 MB, 700x987, 04b77ae154c65de22193f727a3fb6a15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw as american have never once fantasy about being born another country

>> No.10144445

>As a norwegian, never even fantasized about beeing born in another town

>> No.10144463

Having lived in Europe, definitely not. They are raised to hate on Americans and take any chance they can get to put them down. but I think it's because they secretly feel inferior.
It's also ironic because they consume so much American pop culture that they are more like mainstream Americans than the autists on biz.

>> No.10144502

Yeah, sometimes. But we also see that the average life in America is extremely high paced and stressful. I'm not sure I could handle commuting 50km from a suburb to my office job where I slave away 8 hours a day and apparently rejoice at the prospect of overtime.

>> No.10144505
File: 234 KB, 2400x1800, most-and-least-happy-countries-in-the-world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to think America was the promised land. But the more I read and watch about it the more I hate it.

- massive government debt
- consumers in massive debts
- huge influence of big companies on policies
- opoid crisis
- shitty public schooling
- expensive healthcare
- starting point of all the left activism , gender discussions etc.

Yes there are nice places to live in the US and I like your firearm rights but I rather stay in Europe ATM.

>> No.10144528

Antifa started in Europe. So did gay marriage.

>> No.10144536

I'm a Canadian who wishes he was American
Its John Stossel that really makes it for me, along with some free market libertarians I follow.
Inalienable rights, free speech, sounds nice.

>> No.10144551

To be fair, being gay in general started in Europe.

>> No.10144567

True but I'm talking about the last few years. Whe had barely an active gay right and antifa movement.

But since America is talking about 5 different genders, violence on black people, Trump election etc we have justice warriors in Europe

>> No.10144588

Honest answer? Yes and no at the same time.

>> No.10144589

I cannot deny this but I'm still happy living here.

>> No.10144647

As a Croatian, no.

>> No.10144653

>be American
>get shot

>> No.10144672

eurofag here. i went to florida last year and was shocked at how rundown miami airport was. felt like being in a third world country desu. south florida felt like a giant strip mall crawling with drugged out niggers. had a job offer there but turned them down i dont see how people can live there. im sure other parts of murica are real nice thougv

>> No.10144708

I hear that in a lot of European countries making money and being an entrepreneur is frowned upon while doing manual labor is praised.

Is this true?

>> No.10144738

eurofag here. i watched The Founder and i honestly don't think it would be possible in the America of today. those were boomer times and we all know that economy isn't the same as today.

>> No.10144754
File: 3 KB, 151x50, luxottica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happens in europe too, you just don't notice it/haven't heard about it

Example: Luxottica. Started by a nobody with no money, in a small town in Italy, it became the empire it is today. They even bought one of the most iconic american brand: Ray Ban

>> No.10144756

People doing manual labour are viewed as less inteligent/poor/whatever. Dismissing the working class if you are middle class is universal everywhere.

And about being an entrepeneur,...the part of the old socialist pre 1990 system remains in the conviction that they are all tax dodgers who constantly look for a way to cheat the state and who alway want to pay you under the table (they put you on the minimum wage and you get the rest of the paycheck in cash without any paper trace)

>> No.10144775

Nonense, look at American companies like Amazon, Facebook, Starbucks, SpaceX, Apple, ect.

That Boomer talk is all just biz propaganda caused cynisism.

>> No.10144807

hell no your food is shit, your society is full of feral niggers

>> No.10144812

pause for a second and think about the thought process of those 3 posters and what kind of insecurity would make them post this lmao, your pathetic pathetic "empire" is dying and no amount of shilling online will bring it back. We're currently at an all time low in the interest of Europeans to migrate to the USA so I can understand your attempts here on 4chan to somehow patch up its soft power and make it attractive to Europeans, however they're sadly wasted as you don't come out as attractive self-confident people, you come out as very insecure ones who're desperately begging Europeans to migrate there and somehow hype up the image of this decaying country so it's at least a little bit attractive

>> No.10144827

>Lives in a country where his women are literally being raped by Muslims daily

>> No.10144850

Anon I am South African and our country has a better long term outlook than Europe atm.

>> No.10144872
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I've lived in Texas all of my life. Never once have I seen europe as anything more than a vacation destination, with the only exception POSSIBLY being Norway.

And yes, I've also heard the stories of people in UK putting down people that were supposed to be their friends when they proposed an idea for a business or anything entrepreneurial, like just telling them their idea won't work and such. which to me secretly sounds like they want you to fail.

I actually admire german culture, but I don't think I could live there. The next 20 years are going to be interesting when it comes to europe

>> No.10144882

>Do Europeans ever wish they were American?
Yes. Make me a Floridian for 3 months a year pls.

>> No.10144887

Hell no.

>> No.10144898

europoors never understand success
they can't know it when they see it

>> No.10144945

what do you mean nonsense ?

Amazon founded in 1994 (24 years ago)
starbucks founded in 1971 (47 years ago)
apple founded in 1976 (42 years ago)
spacex founded in 2002 and thats only because of the money paypal earned them which was founded in 1998 (20 years ago)

the newest of them all is facebook and was founded in 2004 which is 14 years ago

all those companies were set up way before the crisis and are not our generation anymore

>> No.10144975

I've done projects with Americans and Euros. So far terrible experience with Americans - it's like someone in deal has to be loser, in Europe it's win = win for both.

>> No.10145006


No. Both are praised

>> No.10145009


I remember those 80 year-olds carrying luggage at SF airport.... I was kinda shocked.

>> No.10145028

Yes at least in Japan the old guys still work but they get non-physical jobs.

>> No.10145040

Because eurofags always try to please other people when Americans know business is cut throat and there can only be one winner. Sorry Pussy.

>> No.10145041

Reminder socialists are currently trying hard as fuck to destroy the american dream, get your asses to America and help us fight the good fight.

>> No.10145053

Thanks for proving my point. I'll stay in Europe.

>> No.10145068

In my job I had to cancel a yearly 3 millions supply contract for a chemical because the american company was retardedly greedy. Switched over to french and german suppliers. A lot better. Ofc since my company is a r&d contractor that means our customer will switch over to the new products. Bit of a bad idea for burgers.

>> No.10145070


Yes, I imagine anyone wishes to be one. Or at least anyone that isn't mentally challenged and realizes America is #1, hell I even consider my self an American even though I live in the Netherlands.

America to me is more than just a place on the map, America is in my heart.

>> No.10145073

becoming filthy rich by
>creating a culture of obesity and cancer
>cultivating billions of genetically modified and pesticide ridden crops (farmers can't even farm their potatoes without wearing full length protection suits)
>destroying rainforest to grow shitty crops
>Saturating the oceans with single use plastic straws and other plastics
>changing the perception of america from prosperity to obesity

how could you ever call this a success story?

I am American, but I've moved to New Zealand. Pretty much, the rest of the world views America as a big corporate cucked nation with no economic or political freedom.

>highest obesity rates in the world
>highest poverty rates out of all first world countries
>not even top 10 in the world for educational quality
>highest cost of prescription and life saving medication in the world
>most people per capita addicted to prescription medication
>highest cost of education in the world - you mother fuckers literally get charged interest on a student loan which you need to get a job, this is the definition of getting cucked
>mother fucking school shootings every month
>rednecks, mexicans and niggers constantly fighting everywhere
>pay stupid high taxes to fund a big chess game that is the network of 3 star military generals that in turn work for gas, oil and arms companies

Do i need to go on? I'm so fucking glad I woke the fuck up and don't call myself an American anymore.

The shit was real in the 50s and 60s, now it's a cancer destroying our planet. Bet you feel mad that and instantly think of "traitor or something along those lines, right? Institutionalised patriotism is dangerous and you need to wake the fuck up to see that your values and perceptions of reality have been warped by it.

sorry but this was the stupidist shit i've seen all day

>> No.10145098

We love your president though, those of us who are not lefty.

>> No.10145113

Yeah well the rest of the world views New Zealand as being a fucking pain in the ass.

>> No.10145117


La messe est dite.

We do we even bother using the Empire's language ?

>> No.10145125
File: 1.17 MB, 1237x2230, 951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody wishes that in the current year

>> No.10145129

Uber eats
Whole foods

>> No.10145153

Never, modern america (((culture))) is rotten, it's utter filth, I am disgusted by europeans worshipping and mimicking the burgers.

The only part worthy of respect was the old rural America with its focus on freedom and self reliance but it's basically dying and the average american is now a cosmopolitan mutt with no identity or roots in a big city wagecucking for big companies and voting democrat.

>> No.10145167

every place on earth is a shithole if you're poor.

>> No.10145238


Also ... can't beat European music!

>> No.10145244
File: 504 KB, 740x646, Dutchbog4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No never. We think of America as a third world country.

>t. Dutch

>> No.10145247

When I was young and brainwashed by Hollywood yes, then as I got older I realized how fucked America is. Now I don't even want to go tehre for a holiday.

>> No.10145253
File: 69 KB, 460x619, 1528962645169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the average american is now a cosmopolitan mutt with no identity or roots in a big city wagecucking for big companies and voting democrat.
Bro, who do you think voted in Trump? The Silent Majority. Still strong my man.

>> No.10145286

>silent majority

>> No.10145311

Every day I wake up I thank God for not being born an Americunt or a Europoor. Your countries just quarrel with each other since ever but they're both literal shit.

>> No.10145319


More Rummelsnuff. How does it feel like Mr. American?

>> No.10145321

dude i would love to move to nz
is it shitskin free? unfortunately i have no skills these kiwis would let me in for

>> No.10145322

Not anymore.
They might have some 50 years ago, before America went to shit.

>> No.10145435

NZ has major drug problems, just stay in the south where there's mostly sheep. NZ is beautifull and a really cool country, but its got serious issues that are very noticeable.

>> No.10145462

hm that sucks i figured it would be the last white paradise on earth like living in hobbington

>> No.10145625

Europeans wish they were arabs.

>> No.10145647

Except that movie depicts an America that hasnt existed in 100 years.

>> No.10145670

>these ameritards
Meanwhile im chilling at my pool with a beer in the european capital. Possible by entrpeneurship

>> No.10145679

You have those in Canada retard. Right wing dummies here pretend they live Venezuela or China.

>> No.10145684

>I just can't picture a story like this happening in Europe.

Sorry about your limited brain capacity

>> No.10145716

Mfw I live on the best country in the world overall. No single thing is the best (most are good or great though) but overall it’s the best. Great education, solid wages (considering purchasing power), very good healthcare, all government and legal etc systems are pragmatical and no nonsense (could go on the government website and start my business right now in 15 min), 99.9% people are white, almost 0 immigrants, not stupid socialism or super high taxes, beautiful nature, four seasons, blonde cuties everywhere. Not USA, nor a western european socialism cuckistan, not an easter euro shithole (we are not fkn easter euros). I’m not gonna tell you what country, we don’t want you here.

>> No.10145733

Yes, I wish the IRS to be on my ass no matter where I am on the planet. I also wish to be born in unpayable education debt and I wish bankruptcy everytime I needed to go to the doctor. I also wish to be living in the land of nigger trapmeme culture. I also wish all my communications compromised by NSA. Truly the American dream.

>> No.10145749

Forgot free education, I got a free STEM degree, actually they literally paid me (scholarship) to study. And no it’s not some shithole university, it’s in the top 1% in the world, and my faculty ranks even better (citations).

>> No.10145768

lol, this map is utter trash.

>> No.10145797
File: 497 KB, 500x475, 12425324213.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to have your gun rights, otherwise fuck no.
America would have been lovely at first, up until lets say the 50s..

I much prefer european cities to american, countryside is nice in US/canada but so is europe and asia if you know where to look
>t. Dual citizen EU/New zealand
Life is good

>> No.10145806

Nah. Europe has better food, alcohol, education, healthcare, public transport, internet, interesting places, prettier girls, etc. In another words, better quality of life.

>haha Muslims
They make up 5% and they live mostly in big cities. Besides, USA is full of niggers and spics too anyway.

>muh gun rights
You can own shotguns in Europe for hunting and target shooting. In some shooting ranges, you can shoot handguns and automatic weapons which isn't the same as owning them but I can live with that

The only advantage USA has is cheap petrol and larger roads. You can also shoot any people who break into your home without any consequences but from what I know, that's only possible in Texas.
From a business perspective, USA is better but I don't want to start a business anyway. It's also not impossible do it here, it's just that in the US is easier.

>> No.10145812

I live in the only functional capitalist socialist society on the planet, so no.

>> No.10145825

Nope. Can't imagine gettting taxed on long term capital gains (which only takes 6 months).
Can't imagine paying more than 150 euro per semester for uni.

>> No.10145835


p-p-please tell name of country anon
I swear Im white

>> No.10145843

Not to mention all those normie girl stores liken Kate Spade and Kendra Scott

Also clothing stores
Also all those fucking door to door box food and gift things

I would move out of American to live in Spain. Is the unemployment thing that’s seems like the end of the world over there real or a meme?

>> No.10145851

I gave you pretty much hints, have a guess pajeet.

>> No.10145856

Aussi or Jap?

>> No.10145861


>> No.10145863


Im not sure anon sounds like some central euro country but those places are shitholes so it must be something else
pls tell

>> No.10145878


meant to reply to this

>> No.10145883

No, but good guess. Iceland seems like a very good place to live as well.

>> No.10145885

Fuck when eaven someone from a shitcountry like croatia wouldnt want to live in the "wealthiest" country of the world it means burgers are fucked

>> No.10145896

no we prefer to keep our dicks unmutilated, also invest in belarus.

>> No.10145897

>do europoors ever value mcdonalds the country consumerism and materialism with niggers and spic over their own countries with culture

yeah probably, not me though.

>> No.10145900

Not central, agree, they are cucked with immigrants and socialism.

>> No.10145913

spend a few months there, very happy I don't have to live there. People are stupid as hell.

>> No.10145919

Lel, got him

>> No.10145924


are you talking about CZ or hungary?
those are slav shitholes though. pls gib hint anon I got my bags packed ready to move.

>> No.10145927

How did I miss this movies, thanks annon. Give me more.

>> No.10145941

>mexico ranks among the top happiest

>> No.10145945

Fuck it, it’s Estonia anon.

>> No.10145953

>be American
>get shot

>> No.10145954


oh wow estonia?
meh you conveniently left out that you efags have like 6 hours of sunlight a day. pass.

>> No.10145956
File: 287 KB, 750x1295, B712CB59-3EDF-4E8A-A9E3-5EFFA4E15F9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are objectively wrong and now officialy a retard. American stupidity confirmed.

>> No.10145963
File: 652 KB, 4562x2974, 1508953815706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before i go, invest in ukraine.

>> No.10146010

Imagine being this delusional. >>10144898
Not realising the richest families come from europe
Maybe this is why murica is a declining power?
Thread killer

>> No.10146169

I moved out of Spain to find a better job, so you tell me.

>> No.10146235

Last time I checked, Kiwis are just behind burgers for obesity in the Anglosphere.

>> No.10146285

>normie girl stores liken Kate Spade and Kendra Scott
Never heard about them

>> No.10146368

>Be Sweden
>9 million people
>Most innovative country
>Stockholm creates most unicorns
>Beautiful population
>Not full of trash laws putting business over people
>Still beats America

>> No.10146453

You forgot to say your whole fucking country is literally brown from all the niggers you invite in. They've fucked up all the malls/suburbs and Sweden in general.

I used to love visiting Sweden +10years ago, but these days it's like a fucking Nigerian village with savage nignogs in every fucking corner just waiting for to rob you.

>> No.10146483
File: 52 KB, 657x527, 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw it's still safer than the US

>> No.10146767
File: 67 KB, 800x635, 1514576653093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reads like a reddit post without the reddit spacing. Don't come here just kys please.

>> No.10146777


every single day of my life anon, i kid ye not.

>> No.10146794

nope, never

>> No.10146817

>eating this much propaganda..
The state of burgers

>> No.10146840

Outside of nice white countryside, we are Brazil 2.0 my man. This country is walking dead. Everything about the cities and federal government is pathetic and embarrassing.

>> No.10146857

You’re either from Czechia or Estonia going by your insistence of not being called Eastern Europe. Which one is it?

>> No.10146891

He already said Estonia. Not sure if I agree with him

>> No.10146919

The thing is, Europeans just aren't entrepreneurial minded. It's just not part of their cultures. They are content to wage-slave under Mr. Shekelberg for the rest of their lives.

That's why the don't care when their governments keep introducing new regulations that only make it harder for business. The regulations favor large corporations that can afford legal teams and hefty fees, but they shut small business out. And Europeans cheer the government on when it does this, because it doesn't really affect most of them. They think the government is doing something good for them, when in reality it just makes it harder for them to escape a life of wage-slaving. And they don't notice or care, because they would never try to start a business in the first place. As I said, it's just not part of their cultures. Most Europeans live a life of mediocrity and keeping your head down. That's why so many of them enjoy being herded like cattle day after day onto trains or subways. Almost none of them own cars because the governments made it too expensive to own a car with taxes. They are content with living mediocre wage-slave lives like drones.

>> No.10146935

>imagine coming up with and actually publishing this map unironically

>> No.10146942

>his country litteraly has big businesses in parliament writing laws
>he allows and endorse this

>> No.10146952

america, like any other country in the world is nice if you're rich

>> No.10146966

This is another thing about European culture: you keep demonizing this vague "big business" boogeyman to justify your life of mediocrity. You say, "Oh, the Big Business already controls everything, I might as well just give up." And so you don't even have to try, because trying is too hard, isn't it? Well, in America, the situation isn't as hopeless as it is in Europe. You can still succeed as a small startup and grow it into your own financial empire.

>> No.10146973

>You can still succeed as a small startup and grow it into your own financial empire.
Like you can't in Europe lel, deluded

>> No.10146978

Well, I am from Germany. And I never really wished to be born in the US. I mean I had a pretty good education, full healthcare etc.

But, I could imagine to move out to the US.

>> No.10147044

Then isn’t a third of the population mongol Russians? Definitely not 99% white.

>> No.10147090

Spain after next elections will become a business friendly country as their boomers will get BTFO by the new parties that broke the bipartisan party system. Might want to get in now. Unemployment is bad but decreasing decently. It just means that you should create a business instead.

>> No.10147107

>That's why so many of them enjoy being herded like cattle day after day onto trains or subways.
No that's because we have actual first world infrastructure. It's something burgers can't grasp I get that.

>> No.10147128

NYC Subway is so third world in comparison to most metros in Europe. Heck even Prague, Madrid, Rome, Moscow had better ones.

>> No.10147136

Change "Europeans" to "Americans" ( or any other nationality) and you'll be correct too.
Lots of businesses start up all over the world anon.
America doesn't have a monopoly on entrepreneurs.

>> No.10147145

I wish i was an american boomer. Being an american millenial? That shit seems even worse than my socialist shithole.

>> No.10147170

Estonia is okay but... I fuckin hate crazy people on Tallinn streets. On spring had to escape off some wacko Russian druggie... South is nice with great people but infrastructure is dying there. Still paradise compared to 90 percent of the world

t. Estonian

>> No.10147184

Buy a UAZ.

>> No.10147213

Schools, shops, gov institutions ... you can buy car yes. If you want to live in quiet and beautiful but rather melancholic nature, South - Estonia is great

>> No.10147218

Imagine that americans are so afraid of their crumbling infrastructure they refuse to use public transport and prefer spending 3 or 4 hours every day in fraffic jams. They have 0 sense of "long term".

>> No.10147264
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I don't know about entrepreneurship but I do want to address the ass blasted European mediocrities getting angry implying our welfare state's weak:
I was born in the US and lived here all my life

my K-12 education was free and very high quality
as a result my college education was free and gave access to the best employers
as a result my healthcare is free (premium is literally $0.00 per pay period)
my housing costs half or less than Europe
my pay is double/triple than the European equivalent
cars are dirt cheap, gas is dirt cheap, and you have access to whatever quality of food you want
many people here own guns, but it's a white suburb and very safe anyway - I'm never going to get mugged or pickpocketed, harassed by gypsies, or run over by a muslim in a lorry

unfortunately the people are very fat, there's no point in dating because the women will be completely obese a few years out of high school at best

>> No.10147279
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>getting this booty blasted on a independence day shitpost

>> No.10147303

>my housing costs half or less than Europe
Pretty doubtful about it that since so far every burger poster here has shown housing prices twice or 3 times higher than in the most expensive european cities.

>> No.10147309

America isn’t what it was in the 50s or 60s but at least above all we still have a healthy distrust of government. What I always found bizarre about Europeans is civil servants are viewed almost like how Americans view soldiers, the highest noble profession one can achieve and are the guardians of muh freedom and security.

>> No.10147341

Well you can't find such evil as Clintons or Bushes in EU so that is understandable. Our leaders are soft and sometimes dummy but almost never pure evil.

>> No.10147400

It's based a lot on history, in Europe civil servants are generally still useful, and public service is still a big deal. Civil servants were also instrumental in overthrowing the monarchies. In fact, in Europe, we used to have a public sector way larger, and it's shrinking over time. In the US, it tends to creep and abuse every power it gets.

>> No.10147439

No. I don't like western europe or western europeans, which is what americans (and most new worlders) are. Fuck white people. Given that your idea of "europe" is most likely western europe, i don't get why you're asking this. You're basically the same.

>> No.10147478

Can I come live with you while I look for a job anon? I’ve legitimately thought about moving to NZ my trade is in demand there and I think they’d let me immigrate

>> No.10147511

I‘m German and glad I will never be a burger:
>can keep my foreskin
>based food
>legal brothels

>> No.10147517

Please educate yourself.

>> No.10147525
File: 86 KB, 510x546, 1484407617191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>german food

>> No.10147546

Prussian food is garbage-tier, Bavarian and Austrian food is great.

>> No.10147549

And much more. Stay mad.

>> No.10147581

Better education and more interesting places? You have to be kidding me.

We have the best colleges in the world for both bussiness and engineering/science.

And what interesting places does European have? I've been there twice as a teen cause my mom forced me to go with her and it's all the same shit LMFAO. Boring old churches and castles, they're all basically the same. Who gives a fuck about old buildings. America has real history, the history of ideas and world change.

And let me just inform you the only reason you guys have better healthcare is because your socialist government forces you to pay 60% income tax.

But all that aside the major problem with Europe is the mentality. The belief that the goverments main job is to create social safety nets rather than to provide an environment where anyone can succeed with hard work. Thats why American culture and companies dominate the world.

>> No.10147595

hey La criatura, no need to post a selfie together with your Post

>> No.10147606

not the best example. I live in ohio and the last time I was in Miami I said I would never go back. Go to Santa Monica for a week.

>> No.10147610
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Did one of my internships in bayern, food is passable, nothing original or interesting but not as shitty as north german food

>tfw euro upper middle class
>tfw 8% income tax total
>grande école graduate, been headhunted by US companies because their own engineering graduates are fucking retards
>tfw working in the most advanced r&d lab in the world (not in the US lel)

>> No.10147611

>corporate influence, massive debt
true everywhere you go. it's just fiat money anon, crypto up and don't worry about it

>opoid crisis
started in the black community and was used as a pretext to persecute niggers instead of addressing the underlying problem. now that it's spread to whites it's a "crisis" all of a sudden?

>shitty public schooling
big time. detroit report came out showing rat infested schools. in math class they were just putting khan academy videos on projectors because there was no teacher. solution: go to a private school.

>expensive healthcare
yeah, i'll give you that

>leftist activism
the feminists are starting to eat themselves now, so don't worry about that.
case in point: most popular pundit today is laura ingraham who only has a platform (or even the right to vote) because of liberalism and feminism. what does she do with it? spends all her time bashing liberalism and feminism. you don't have to destroy these people, they do it to themselves.

>> No.10147622

you can get a 2000 sq ft house for about ~$250k in my 3 million person metro

what does that go for in Europe?

>> No.10147624

Europe seems like a hellhole right now especially in the major cities with immigration

i love my white gated community, every black I see is literally a cleaner/service worker and they do not act niggerish

happy 4th of july

>> No.10147646

Another estonian on biz... can’t be. Don’t tell me you’re a linkie.

>> No.10147659

90-180k depending on how far in the suburb you want to go in my 2.5 millions urban area.

>> No.10147710

This is a stupid question. In which country? Considering that about half of the continent is russia, it makes a pretty big difference.

>> No.10147746

It's all about china now boys. not even kidding.
Here in america if you're opioid addicted it's your own responsibility to pull yourself out by your bootstraps, and we aren't going to touch McKesson or any other fatcats dispensing millions of pills to the countrysides.
China HAD an opioid crisis, they set up work programs and community support centers to help the addicts in a holistic fashion while cracking down on the dealers.
Here in america we're still arguing ferociously as to whether people have the right to literacy.
Meanwhile in china they literally redesigned the writing system to improve literacy. What a surprise they now have an educated workforce ready to eclipse us in both academia and industry.
If you aren't learning mandarin right now and you're not already a boomer you are fucking stupid

>> No.10147750

>depending on how far in the suburb you want to go
20 minute commute to the city center

major metro areas in Western and Northern Europe
the same countries people ITT claim to be so superior

>> No.10147772

trading LINK and drinking Monster Ultra like everyone in here

>> No.10147791

120-150k€ range then, apparently, except on the western hills where it's more expensive.

>> No.10147810

Well, in my city every black I see is literally a cleaner/service worker and they do not act niggerish. It's supposed to be normal here you know.

>> No.10148064

ITT amerimutts and eurofags arguing which country is less terrible when theyre both circling the drain

>> No.10148456

>ywn grow up in a cultured small Japanese or European town
>grew up in a cultureless American town
>zoomer scum, community died out in mid 2000s when I was like 8

>> No.10148471

It's because infrastructure doesn't ever get updated, because tax hikes r bad, and lobbiests get politicians to cut any remaining funding

Here in Michigan they are underfunded because more public transport means less people buying cars, which GM Ford and Daimler don't want (they threaten that they will have to fire people if bus system gets funded, for example)

>> No.10148590

No, proud kraut

>> No.10148600

White people are a third world race in our modern era.

>> No.10149422

Mandarin is useless just need a degree thats somewhat usefull.

>> No.10149431

wauw sucks
t. Belgian

>> No.10149496

europan straight man.
wish I was amerimutt tranny

>> No.10149543
File: 176 KB, 397x387, justed ogre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm a burger who wishes I was a bong

>> No.10149625

>massive government debt

the difference is that most countries are debted in currencies they don't have full control over (e.g. USD), therefore they can go default

the US has its debts in USD. it can't go default. the worst that could happen is hyperinflation, but its debtors are super counter-interested in having their investments hyperinflated away. so the US CAN afford the huge government debt, it's really hard for it to bite back, unlike for other countries.

>> No.10149659

so did America. So did this shit thread.

>> No.10149745


>Rains half of all days

whew. no thanks.

>> No.10149774


>legal brothels

still can't believe u guys have this. I can't even imagine this in the USA

>> No.10149777
File: 566 KB, 1387x702, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bong here
there are lots of nice places, but the laws suck
I hate the intense propaganda and the demographics are about to ruin this country permanently
I hope there will be open borders between the anglosphere once our countries are sorted out

>> No.10149788

don't forget the muslims and constant anti white propaganda

>> No.10149912

being born in usa is like winning a lottery. All you need is a good idea and you can make it.

>> No.10149913

From Chicago but currently live in South Florida, Hollywood to be exact. Yes, it is a fucking shithole down here, wish I could round up the niggers and have them "dealt" with ha. ha. ha. Once link hits 1k eoy, I will be moving.

>> No.10149923
File: 184 KB, 800x841, nvbrothels(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevada has them
(Just not in Vegas)

>> No.10150022


>> No.10150097


>you mad yank?