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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10144681 No.10144681 [Reply] [Original]

Not forever, just right now.
Who else has noticed that /biz/ has turned to absolute shit lately, (crypto discussion) I went from browsing several times a day to maybe once or twice a week because crypto just isn’t exciting right now and all I see is fucking 30 year old boomer threads.
There’s plenty going on development wise but there’s just no buzz right now.
It’s like a lot of projects are delaying waiting for the market to turn but where is the spark going to come from this time?
I don’t understand how there can be a normie fomo when even we aren’t excited.
I’m thinking maybe it’s another few years at least before we see anything like last year.
T. Disillusioned bagholder

>> No.10144698


Nope. /Biz/ was shit when Bitcoin gained popularity with all the low IQ Instawhore posting. Now it feels like August 2017. Pretty comfy.

>> No.10145004

I’ll take your word for it.
Can you at least tell me where the hype is going to come from?

>> No.10145140

the spark will come from projects getting finished enabling things to actually be done and lightning being battle tested so it can cope with the next bull run or a series of big green candles made by institutions who think the bottom is in, making everyone bullish and frothing to get back in

the next bullrun will be bigger cause cryptos will be able to handle a lot more stress than last time before getting bogged down in huge fees, long confirmation times and people will be more familiar with the tech, will have told more people about it
I wonder how high we'll go next time

>> No.10145159
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This thread is a strong buy signal.

>> No.10145206

>I don’t understand how there can be a normie fomo when even we aren’t excited.
That was exactly the mood last year before the December bull run. No one understands it. I remember when The Big Bang Theory aired an episode about Bitcoin in October. At first we thought the episode would bring in the normies, but instead prices went down for a few days. Then, a week later, the bull run began for unexplainable reasons.

>> No.10145214

From the price going up

>> No.10145223
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>the future of crypto

-Bid rigging the price to "maintain miners"
-Absolute failure when you find out who is behind the curtain
-print print print

>> No.10145754

Alex Jones is that you?

>> No.10145765

Well fingers crossed it’s the calm before the storm again. I hope so but can’t help but feel as though I’ve missed out

>> No.10146014

thats because it wasnt normies. some of them bought, but in tiny amounts.
it was tether.

>> No.10146043

i like your enthusiasm anon but the fact is all crypto currencies are overvalued. there might be some that surpass their current speculative value and if stars align that could be many times over, but all finishing them does is show the cards, and they will not be pretty.

>> No.10146232

The main problem are the unbelievable amounts of real shitcoins flooding the market.
Normies cant find the good ones.

>> No.10146275
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The fuck have you been, /biz/ has always been shit. In fact, it was worse when the bullrun was happening. So many shill threads,and at least the chainlink retards have slowed down significantly, it used to be 1/3 of the board.

>> No.10146457

That's good. I don't want normies to be rich. I just need them to buy the main ones and drive prices up, also buy in underrated shitcoins when they become expensive

>> No.10147163

That's perfectly explained. It takes about a week to verified and get fiat into crypto.

>> No.10147172

This is what the board was like in April 2017 but less shilling now desu