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10143094 No.10143094 [Reply] [Original]

RIP gains

>> No.10143143

buy more, faggot

>> No.10143166
File: 155 KB, 960x1200, tumblr_p92f72DJQ01s2yc47o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a reset to what

before the sys pump?

well then do we get another chance at buying in before it pumps again


>> No.10143182

The pump was caused by the api hack to launder the money. So only downies would buy this shit coin.

>> No.10143199
File: 186 KB, 640x960, tumblr_p742ckmMai1s2yc47o6_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya but why wouldnt there be a temporarl pump since the attention brought to the coin from that whole shitstorm

i think it will thats why as soon as binance is back im going in

>> No.10143204
File: 41 KB, 530x688, tumblr_pb3falAWVX1s2yc47o2_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the coin had 30,000 btc volume

everyone was in that shit

>> No.10143205

You're braver than me. God speed!

>> No.10143229

I fucking hope so, I'm down 15% today.

>> No.10143239
File: 126 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_p72wuysyaI1s2yc47o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried day trading i tried buying the dips
i tried buying coins going straight up for days

i tried everything and literally anything i touch shits the bed

i have not once in like 20 coins got it to go up

>> No.10143247

Just look for coins that are going on coinbase

>> No.10143265

I feel you, but honestly your idea of buying sys when the exchange is back up is pretty smart.
IF they do a rollback to pre-pump prices, it would probably be the best buy on binance. pajeets will undoubtably pump it 2x again just because of all the attention it saw today.

>> No.10143278
File: 312 KB, 750x1334, 43B1B469-608C-427E-9104-9EA7232FA165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, it’s not that hard

>> No.10143311

>bragging about 1% profit on each trade
is this a troll? you lose 5% and wipe out a week of work.

>> No.10143313
File: 253 KB, 800x1076, tumblr_parj24YrvG1s2yc47o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so youre like a god or some shit winning on every coin

are you waiting like 5 hours or a whole day
youre waiting a long ass time it looks like

>> No.10143528
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>buying & selling KEY 4 sats apart

>> No.10143540

Wow what a god some of those trades you made like 15 USD!

When will u kids learn day trading is the biggest meme of all time.

>> No.10143559

lmao, you probably lost money on just fees

>> No.10143577
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that coin shit the bed harder than any coin i wasnt touching it with a 10 foot pole

you risk losing so much to gain 4 sats in his situation

i cant do it

>> No.10143588

The aliens running our computer simulation don't want you to make money.

>> No.10143597

Once again proving day traders are the true brainlets here in crypto.

>> No.10143657

you still had a good chance of trading some very simple and easily readable charts earlier today on KEY/POE to make some double digit % profits. Ironically my profits are now locked behind a frozen exchange so there goes all of that effort

>> No.10143678
File: 214 KB, 640x960, tumblr_paqfnueLjw1s2yc47o8_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its easy to say that when key was mooning today

you didnt know it was going to go straight from 200 to 500

anyone can make profits if youre lucky to get in on a moon mission

>> No.10143713
File: 41 KB, 952x691, key.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my shitty 5 minute chart from earlier today, the breakout was obvious and so was the stoploss in case it failed. I didn't expect that retard level of pump but anyone could've exited that between 10-20%

>> No.10143729
File: 138 KB, 500x750, tumblr_pariv5sfKj1s2yc47o3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the breakout was obvious

m8 that first green candle could have been the only green candle

day trading feels like meme magic because theres really no way to know whats gonna happen

>> No.10143761

>day trading feels like meme magic because theres really no way to know whats gonna happen
yes it is a meme and without a stop loss you're gonna get your angus hammered with red dildos. I'm not sure its worth it honestly but when you get these high volume coins with so many retail traders involved the TA becomes much more effective

>> No.10143777
File: 186 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_pa6rx9KejR1s2yc47o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a question when you put the stop loss you obviously put the sell at a price lower than the stop correct just so youre positive that it goes through

but how much lower do you put

why wouldnt you just put 0? so that way it sells through no matter what

>> No.10143791

Just a litle below chink waifu

>> No.10143798
File: 167 KB, 1080x1079, tumblr_pb1ijhYThh1s2yc47o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why wouldnt you just put 0? can you explain that to me

you might not be putting low enough one time and maybe one time it doesnt go through

i cant really comprehend it

>> No.10143808

0 is 0 so you give it free

>> No.10143817

Jessica <3 Fuck the other 8 whores though

>> No.10143842
File: 124 KB, 398x275, 194bc6fda542900bbf8cc84884bfddcc199dd13086af960f8bb76fe07b8409fb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't give a clear response to that i dont fucking know brah. Get a few hundred $ and trade a shitton expect to lose it all and after hundreds of hours of stress and madness you get an idea of where its safe to sell and buy. Learn and experience I guess its not like i know much either. Most people that want you to believe they know 100% what is going on are liars too

>> No.10143860
File: 383 KB, 1200x1920, tumblr_parikzp2qm1s2yc47o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im saying the stop loss has a limit and a stop

the limit is always lower than the stop and it always gives you the best price

so why not put a limit at 0 and just let it sell through

rather than risking it not going through if you dont put the limit low enough

>> No.10143951

How fail are you
Btw don't over trade. Swing trade only
It may take days to rise to a decent spot to sell some. Then you wait...days for the dip or dump and buy in.

You probably get nervous and sell at any signs of it going down at all. Then buy when it's going up