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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 225x225, stopmakingmoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10139640 No.10139640 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10139667
File: 30 KB, 672x732, smellsbetterthanmichelle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop stealing it

>> No.10139709
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it took two nukes and the entire american army to stop the nazis
Now America IS the nazis
What will you do now commie scum?

>> No.10139715
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nice one, op

>> No.10139748

nice try op, marx was a stock cuck

>> No.10139795

what are we gonna redistribute then?

>> No.10140084
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>> No.10140289

libertarianism is both the answer to fascism and to comunnism, statist cuck.

>> No.10140355
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>> No.10140365
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Way ahead of you.

>> No.10140367
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faggot bitch
people like you get their ass kicked in real life when you try to debate a real fascist
So shut the fuck up and let us save your life

>> No.10140376

Can i redistribute my losses?

>> No.10140399

You guys are useless, you never get anything done. Even Ron Paul cucked with that tweet controversy, you guys blink when it counts.

>> No.10140405

Sure, just start your own country

>> No.10140484

Lolbertarians are just cucks in training. You think Ahmed and his 200 cousins gives a fuck about your property rights? You can't fight em all 1v1 - you need other people, that have common goals and interests. The people most like you, and who'll be the most trustworthy allies are your own race & nation. Oh look, we're back to nationalism and governments again.

>> No.10140965

>own gun that you’re allowed to own thanks to libertarian principles
>Ahmed shows up and demands your house, attacks your family
>shoot him


>> No.10141008

Politics are nothing more than a coded way for people to say things about themselves. So people who adopt an egalitarian leftist perspective just want to be perceived as fair and kind. People who adopt an authoritarian perspective want to be seen as tough and resolute.
Political arguments are completely nonsensical because it's just two people virtue signalling about how they want to be perceived. There is no actual exchange of information or battle of ideas.
All the /pol/ ideologically demonstrates is that a certain class of white men perceive themselves to be powerless and marginalised, and want to loudly assert that they are big tough men who should be taken seriously.
All political discussions are a waste of time, and people who spend hours in /pol/ threads are just walking in circles talking to themselves.

>> No.10141018


>> No.10141037

The problem is that your fascism will support the libertarian right to guns, but not my right to enrich uranium. Because if libertarians could, we would each have our own nuclear arsenal. This would ensure absolute individual freedom and your cuck government would be btfo.

>> No.10141041

lol you came to the wrong place. No one on this board is making any money.

>> No.10141099
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>thinking potentially deranged 70 IQ brainlets owning nuclear weapons is a good idea

yes goy NOTHING could go wrong

>> No.10141479

Eat shit, you kike faggot

>> No.10141740

you wouldn't have ahmed in your backyard with a good, strong govt. No need to put your family at risk.

>> No.10141823

Lay off the vidya retard, real life isn't Fallout. You may as well start trying to tell people you have have a magic wand and will turn people into mice if they violate then NAP at that point.

>> No.10141917

Get the fuck out of my business board retarded commie

>> No.10141983

Actually it took just one pansy dictator killing himself.

>> No.10142024

>fought in WW1
>survived 20+ assassination attempts

go back to your reddit threads tough guy

>> No.10142027

>killing himself
kek even the CIA acknowledged that was a lie, dude escaped to Argentina.

>> No.10142037

Oh yeah I forgot he was a runner in WW1, literally the most dangerous job you could have with like a 90% mortality rate, and he volunteered!

>> No.10142045
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The money will disappear.

>> No.10142081

>believing that CIA psyop
Reminds me of the ones that said he was Jewish and secretly gay and part black - among other things. They want everyone to hate him, even if for different reasons.

>> No.10142163

Like muh superior race and muh superior nationalism isnt already some faggot tier religious voodoo?

The only person who can protect you is YOU, youre larping friends won't do shit

>> No.10142195
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funny thing is Marx was pretty much like a regular poster here
>frequently engaged in speculation based on insider tips from his stock whale buddy Engels, then publicly boasted about his unearned income
>took great joy in the misfortunate investments of others, describing his less successful peers as "Jewish niggers" despite being a Jew himself

>> No.10142329

What the fuck. This is actually real.

>> No.10142364

>despite being Jewish himself
Yup just like /pol/

>> No.10142388


Haha, that's fucking funny.

>> No.10142505
File: 215 KB, 1239x622, libertarian .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this naive

>> No.10142706

1. why would it matter if there were seatbelt laws its his choice to wear one or not

2. he would have private car insurance so that whole part is a non-issue

3. as is the food toxicity part as he would buy his food (unless he's a moron then he deserves to die) from a reputable food dealer

>authoritarian nanny state btfo

>> No.10142749

I wouldn't need a good strong government if I had access to my own supply of armaments to repel mudslides and communist sellouts

>> No.10142766

I like how this fucker is so weak they just "hope" every problem away.

A reasonable person would have a propensity to solve these problems.

>> No.10142799
File: 80 KB, 657x539, brainlett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. he's talking about other people not wearing seatbelts crashing into him

2. yeah collect insurance when u could possibly get killed on impact lmao

3. reputable what again? if i pay shills to pump out false reports of my food and to pretend that my food is good, there is no way to find out on your own that they did that. so say for example my rice product contains a significant amount of arsenic(more than it does now) but i dont wanna throw it away, it won't kill people instantly but they will develop chronic poisoning and have no fucking clue how to trace it back. u can't tell either at face value cause again they have false reports of their product that the average person can't audit. even if the person actually has the time to pay people to audit the audit(the average fucking doesn't, they're busy working), who's to say the rice seller hasnt developed a whole network of shills and u can't trust anyone? it's PROFITABLE for them before u dumb fucks say it isn't like the libertardians i've met.

well this isn't actually libertarianism, it's just brainlet ancapitards who wouldn't last 2 seconds in such a world cause the whales would fucking annihilate them for trying to in anyway fuck with their monopoly because of muh free market.

>> No.10142801

You will still get stabbed even there are police officers in your city. Cops can't be everywhere all the time and usually won't get to you fast enough to save you in an emergency. I would rather pay for local police service because state-employed cops don't give a fuck if they kill anyone and they have no obligation save people who need help.

>> No.10142815

Even in democracies, you still have companies like Monsanto, so there's that.

>> No.10142822

sure thing, tough guy. Lets see how you protect your family against a band of 20 savages, armed like you

>> No.10142826

that's mainly a result of state policy for police. there's nothing stopping us from actually telling the police to protect its citizens instead of just uphold the law as policy. the reality is from what i've seen is that no matter what political system, u have jack shit influence on anything unless you are an IRL whale. u can protest and meme all u want but whales have the money to bribe people to do whatever the fuck they want and suppress naysayers. and right now whales have decided to fuck normies over with cops so nothing they can do about it

>> No.10142836

It took 0 nukes

>> No.10142858

He's saying manufacturers aren't legally required to have airbags or seatbelts in the cars they make

>> No.10142866

>Believes in an open and free market doesn't correct itself
>Believes in an open and free market poison food would be dominating the profit charts
>Believes in an open and free market there wouldn't be privatize roads
>Believes in an open and free market services would cost high and not low due to competition and innovation
>Believes in an open and free market, people are exploited and people aren't just going to get another job at a better places and the value of labour isn't worth anything
>Believes in an open and free market there wouldn't be quantum internet free all over the world after watching a quick advertisement about MeUndies

Why are religious fags so delusional?

>> No.10142867

well at least in a "democracy" like the US, u have free speech, u can say whatever the fuck u want and won't get punished, so at least u can get ur group of friends to not fall for this scam shit. also audit groups generally arent gonna fuck u over as u can easily trace their connections. in an ancapitard society? lol u'd be lucky to have ur family walk alive if u ever tried to expose my company. ancapitards actually dont understand how fucking terrible their society would be, so they should just go to some shithole country like brazil and get ass fucked by a cartel and then have their limbs chopped off with an axe along with their family and learn what it's like.

>> No.10142881

>Muh open and free markets

Even libertarians know that there are market failures

>> No.10142937

>Implying the market doesn't correct itself

Cuckthoritarian wouldn't know this great feeling.

>> No.10142969

lol u know crypto is basically the ancapitard dream right now, right? where whale groups basically dictate the price trends and the average person pretty much can't protest shit about it. there is no muh correction by the masses, it's the whales deciding the correction. also shit like blockstream is basically the end goal of the ancapitard dream, where anyone above 80 IQ realizes that they get the most profit by censoring and suppressing others and basically being completely devoid of any morals in the face of money.

>> No.10143048
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>When you're too low IQ to make money in crypto

Crypto has been the best thing ever.

>> No.10143101

lol ya its such a great thing that any coin can for any reason pump or dump 10x within a day for no reason other than whales fucking with it. also pretty much every coin in this space is a pajeet scam or vaporware, like how i outlined earlier in my posts. this is what ancapistan would be like, cartels trying to one up each other with the most lies and manipulation and everyone below them basically gets fucked brutally if they cross their paths. btw who said i haven't made it? i have morals unlike most people, i dont change my fucking thoughts on the world based on how much money i have

>> No.10143441

Yeah its quite funny

>> No.10143474

>well at least in a "democracy" like the US, u have free speech, u can say whatever the fuck u want and won't get punished

Say the wrong thing and you'll lose your job, even if it's not meant for the public.

>> No.10143551

highly dependent on the circumstances. at least you dont get gunned down in the streets like the pajeet you are if it was ancapistan. you can always just find another job as well. im not saying that what we currently have is good, but thinking that replacing a shitty system with even more dog shit fantasy idealist systems is a good idea is a sign of low IQ

>> No.10143555

My gun cures fascists.

>> No.10143581
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>> No.10143957

>the private market only creates quality that's mandated by the government
>cars all have the same government-mandated safety ratings
>food all has the government-mandated heavy metal concentrations

>> No.10144126
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this is the dumbest strawman argument ever, holy shit

>> No.10144137

wrong, crypto is the way it is because it's not an actual fucking currency yet

in order for something to be a currency it has to be stable

people are using fiat for everythin

>> No.10144248

Marx confirmed patron saint of /biz/.

>> No.10144260

That is some intense delusion there, Hans.

>> No.10144380

We aren't making money.
We are Gambling.

>> No.10144534

europe is full of strong govt. and its full of achmeds.

>> No.10144573

Founding fathers were pretty libertarian

>> No.10144581
File: 16 KB, 372x290, give me a break.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's 6800 seats of state and federal legislatures, state and federal Senate positions, governorships.
How many are fascists?
Nobody seems to like fascism

>> No.10144594
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Give me all your money.
I'll take care of you.

>> No.10144614

Isn't it weird how the government didn't actually invent seatbelts or airbags, and that they were installed and standard in many vehicles before government regulation?
I thought this would have been impossible

>> No.10144772

those missing the "good" part, brainlet

>> No.10144965
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What will stop people you don't like from being elected indefinitely?

>> No.10145163
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>Commies keep bringing more and more immigrants into the country
>Welfare so close to popping
God damn I'll be happy when these moneyless NEETs kill themselves.

>> No.10145262

>everyone having nukes is a good idea
I knew libertarian tend to be autistic but that's a new high kek