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10140141 No.10140141 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm opening up a vineyard.

Give me one good reason not to hire a Mexican to do the work for dirt cheap and no benefits instead of an American.

>> No.10140158

no one here will tell you to not higher labor at market value, frendo

go ahead, turn your plantation into little mexico

>> No.10140165

This. Ever hear "you get what you pay for"?

>> No.10140180

I fail to see how Mexicans can do a worse job of picking grapes off a vine than Mr. Whitie who requires benefits, minimum wage, and taxes.

>> No.10140185

Don't you mean wineyard? Why the fuck would it be banned vine unless you had a lisp

>> No.10140189
File: 54 KB, 970x644, 1522452221188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn this is why I love you

>> No.10140209
File: 21 KB, 480x400, 1481456900395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are called Vineyards my slow friendo. You don't make wine in a yard. You grow vines in a yard.

>> No.10140223


Yeah, that would make more sense but in English "vineyard" is what you call the place with rows of vines that grow grapes for wine.

At least the place they get turned into wine is called a winery (which may or may not be near the vineyard).

>> No.10140241

The more you know.... Thanks for teaching frens.

How does the fruit grow on vines though, are they attached to trees? We don't have them in my country

>> No.10140262

Trellises. In fact, you can grow your own grapes very easily if you wanted to.

Just takes 3 years to start producing fruit. Did you know that grapevines live for over 100 years?

>> No.10140283

But they're just like roots? They're not full plants right?

>> No.10140296
File: 223 KB, 1023x682, Vineyard with grapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are most definitely vines and grow above ground and everything.

>> No.10140324

Those just look like trees to me, they have trunks

>> No.10140342

mexicans are the best pickers money can buy
fuck, they even do it for free that's how much they love picking

>> No.10140354

Trees are just really thick vines if you think about it.

>> No.10140360


bro, the bulk of the work is seasonal. hire some high school kids from your local FFA. will do it for food sometimes :)

>> No.10140373
File: 58 KB, 500x289, broccoliforest1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like broccoli, they are little trees before they've grown fully.

>> No.10140389

I hope ICE raids your property and shoots your dog when he reaches for a weapon

>> No.10140406


>> No.10140476

aw cmon not the dog, just OP. please be rational.

>> No.10140532

What if the dog's a chihuahua?

>> No.10140681

As long as the Mexican is here legally, I don't see a problem. Low pay and no benefits won't get you much loyalty, though.

>> No.10140806

Look into h2a migrant workers family has winery and we use a large crew of them.... where are you looking to open?
how many acres?
What grape types?
Do you have to plant?

>> No.10140844

Nice try ICE

>> No.10140913

I'm for real worked in the vineyards and wine industry for almost 30 years... the h2a guys are great they cost more than illegals but they are worth every penny...

A because legal
B they work their asses off
C Worth at least 5 American workers per man. ..
If you need trimming, tieing, and hand picking done they are great

If I new the size of the farm you could always look into a mechanical harvester.. we have 2

>> No.10141141

We're starting off with 10 acres out of the 100 we have. California land. Plan on growing Chardonnay.

>> No.10141226

Chard or cab sauv out there is probably best.... in terms of growing and market.... see about contracting someone with a laser planter which will give u practically perfectly straight rows... grow tubes and im betting some form of irrigation eould be needed... i dont know what you would need migrants for 10 acres is totally manageable with 1 or 2 people... plus u r waiting for 2 years min after planting to get a partial crop

>> No.10141243

what county?

>> No.10141310

I think OP wanted to low key brag and troll. You took some wind from off his sails.

>> No.10141860


Who cares