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File: 41 KB, 640x640, 24178076_129431127724402_1246634538499571712_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10133663 No.10133663[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are asians usually a better investment for long time relätionships?
my gf is asian too, she is caring, loyal, hot and didnt have 15 guys fuck her before she turned 20 like most hot white thots nowadays do.
might sound cliche but im convinced asian woman more often have these traits

>> No.10133685

God what kind of faggot let's some bitch make a faggot ass pic of himself like that. Shit is fucked

>> No.10133707

Generalising is never a good idea, any asian girl could fuck 15 guys before and any white girl could also be caring, loyal, and not have fucked 15 guys.

Asian women are overrated
> here comes the 4chan army with a pitch fork

>> No.10133742

You're correct based on my experience. Asian women are still women.

>> No.10133749

of course there are also asian sluts i know that. but i think statistically speaking / relatively you have better chances with asians.... but then again, im probably biased as hell

>> No.10133770

Asian women are expert at playing the cute and innocent game. You have been warned.

>> No.10133776

It's all about education and who they are friends with. Believe me, you will know if a girl is a slut looking at her friends.

>> No.10133879

exactly what other anons in this thread said
they are still women but statistically yes

21 y/o eurofag here with a 20 y/o chinese gf
>she makes two delicious home cooked meals a day (perfect if you like asian cuisine - I love it because I was sick and bored from slav diet, its generally a lot healthier too)
>shes actually good with money, has savings etc.
>works out everyday, takes care of herself, pretty close to 90-60-90
>respects my preferences - when I tell her I dont want her to wear make up, to grow out longer hair etc.
>sucks me off 95% of the time im in the mood and shes not
>not once I was asked by her to buy her something
>shares 50% costs for rent, bills, food etc.

really cant fucking complain
problem with international couples is that you will often have to get married sooner than anyone could be normally comfortable with
but if you are sure about her and add an ironclad prenup on top of that, its not so bad

I have met my fair share of asian chicks and hapas...they can be batshit crazy, or they can be waifu material. just like any other race. so dont believe the asian superiority memes and be careful. The only thing they can be superior in by default based on race are obviously looks if you have yellow fever

>> No.10133897


>> No.10133937


beneath the surface it's another thing. two-faced af, tread lightly.

also if you think western chicks are materialistic, you've got a surprise. asian girls, even the 'cute, conservative' are thrice into materialism.

>> No.10133945

>>she makes two delicious home cooked meals a day (perfect if you like asian cuisine - I love it because I was sick and bored from slav diet, its generally a lot healthier too)
>>shes actually good with money, has savings etc.
>>works out everyday, takes care of herself, pretty close to 90-60-90
>>respects my preferences - when I tell her I dont want her to wear make up, to grow out longer hair etc.
>>sucks me off 95% of the time im in the mood and shes not
>>not once I was asked by her to buy her something
>>shares 50% costs for rent, bills, food etc.

Have this exact same situation with my Korean gf, she's American though so think she has a higher body count and sucks me off 100% of the time, even when I'm not in the mood. Literally woke up few times with her sucking my dick at like 6am and I was genuinely pissed off about it because I was pretty tired but then I came. Icing on the cake is she manages our ecommerce biz while I work on other shit. Only thing I would change is her being a virgin but that's like finding a literal unicorn these days.

>> No.10134010

She is compensating for her need of sex by sucking you off... Women need sex as much as men, damn I feel sorry for her. Not saying it's your fault though

>> No.10134027

Some of the most insecure, jealous girls on the planet. Don't date a foreign Asian girl, they are just super fucked in the head. At least the rich ones from Beijing and Shanghai are. Dated a girl for three years from Beijing, we moved in together and within a few months she fucked another guy because a female friend of mine had a crush on me. Batshit insane girl, told me stuff like "I want to die with you". Now she's spent the past 8 months begging for me back. Crazy girls, watch out for the innocent exterior.

>> No.10134031

thats basically my gf but she doesnt like cooking too much but i like it so its alright. also she brings food very often

>> No.10134053

dated a half chinese. Also insecure and jealous as fuck and fucking crazy

>> No.10134097
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>normies here are unironically in relationships

>> No.10134135
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im not a normie

>> No.10134149

I'm an autistic sociopath larping as a normie, doesn't count.

>> No.10134174

Too bad your children can't have blue eyes (or look anything like you) and possible boys will be beta weaklings

>> No.10134192
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We should start a club. On second thought, fuck that I don't want to meet anyone.

>> No.10134194
File: 361 KB, 1200x1800, 1512082701097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've dated asian girls. True asian girls not the Americanized ones.
They are VERY submissive. You are basically dating your #1 fan.
That means you can get her do to anything with you.
Including video games and anal.

They can be very motherly, which isn't to everyone's taste.
Their society is extremely sexually inexperienced. So expect to take full control in the bedroom.
Mine was able to tell me the chemical compounds that made everything in the room but didn't know how to open mouth kiss.

Overall? 10/10

>> No.10134202

High IQ white trash girls are better than chinks or alt-chinks, less slutty and better genetics. But they are harder find and usually crazy or religious

>> No.10134286


>> No.10134312

Kek'd, same.

>> No.10134353

can confirm everything anon said here is more or less correct
sex ed in asia is truly fucking horrible and from that stems the whole sexually inexperienced society

>> No.10134367

Asians are always bitching about money.
You marry one she’s going to be asking you to work more and make more money so she could send it to her slant eyed family.

They also feel nothing. Ever seen those videos where a kid gets run over in China and everyone walks around the body?

Asians are a fucking parasite destroying the earth with their pollution, and causing animals to go extinct because of their bullshit medicine.
Yellow cunts

>> No.10134370

Are you me? Except my Korean gf is actually Korean. I have one friend who got a qtchink virgin gf though, kind of jealous.

>> No.10134434

sounds pretty good

btw that pic is of a man dressed up as a girl

>> No.10134460

Tried white girls tried Asians. Both kinds are horrible. Gonna try for an African

>> No.10134464

I might be wrong, but that hip bone seems very feminine. Fooled me if that's a men

>> No.10134475


>> No.10134501

>Are you me?
Can't rule it out desu.

>> No.10134511

that describes it really well for me. i love the motherly part tho if i’m honest.
she was inexperienced too but she learned

>> No.10134518

The one that's not insecure about his manlyness

>> No.10134549

FUCK. 4chan got me again

>> No.10134550

Theyre ok. Pussy do stink

>> No.10134566

True Asian women are still women, making them more fickle than men, but relationships with Asians are statistically the most stable over time.

>> No.10134568

What's in your portfolio?

This is true, although if you're white, they seem pretty eager to please.

>> No.10134575

Also I forgot one of the greatest pros.

If the asian girl you are dating has never been with someone not asian then your normal sized dick will rock their fucking socks off.

Seriously I'll never forget her face the first time she saw it.

>> No.10134638

I reversed the image, it's a women

>> No.10134650

>motherly, sexually inexperienced, intelligent and innocent
>there are none

>> No.10134664

The years have changed boomers, an asian girl dating outside her race is considered pathetic. That’s why you only see trash tier Asians date white men. China and Korea are developing fast and its no longer “prestigious” to date a white guy, who for the most part, is an irresponsible manchild compared to asian guys.

>> No.10134670

I mean if you are an incel I can see why you would be desperate enough to date an asian

>> No.10134836

you're a racist globalist and will never make it

>> No.10134847

>walk behind an ultra-cute young asian woman
>all the white chads turn their heads against their will towards her

>> No.10134853

Unlikely in China. Used women are literally left behind. They keep themselves for marriage

>> No.10134901
File: 1.36 MB, 640x800, amemiya luna.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asian girls are truly the best, thank god they exist so I don't have to settle for a wh*te worn out whore

>> No.10134906

i found the sad asian boy with a tiny dick

>> No.10134925

Like I said after that post, education, and friends, China has a different culture, it is only normal to have different behavior.

>> No.10134929


>White women
>caring, loyal, never fucking 15 guys before 20s

kek you are fucking delusional. Yeah they have better genes than hooks but with smartphones, million of cocks and beta bucks pointing at them thanks to the internet is literally impossible.

>> No.10134940

Her facial expressions are so damn cringy... Why are these women trying to look like they are from an anime

>> No.10134943

I’m an asian girl. In my family and community it’s repeated often to date an asian guy. My highschool was one of the richest and all the asian girls dated asian guys exclusively, and the only girl we knew who dated white men cheated on all of them. The only girls we hear about dating white guys come from broken families and slutty backgrounds. It’s somewhat ironic, the more innocent you look = the more guys want you = the more dicks you’ve taken. And asian women know or at least assume white guys are “chads” and sleep around, so we believe asian men are good savers and worship the ground women step on, which is good because asian women are crazy (which is probably why asian men developed so “beta” to handle the crazy but it works out and the divorce rate is low.) gl dating asian girls bc the good ones don’t want you.

>> No.10134957

Calm down your horses, did you read the rest of the replies? I said it's wrong to generalize because there are a lot of factors to take into account...

>> No.10134986
File: 1.39 MB, 480x600, amemiya luna2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to get dicks hard, it works

>gl dating asian girls bc the good ones don’t want you.
asian woman can't resist the big white cock, they can't resist a tall white chad.

>> No.10134987

And then there's you, an obese 20 year old virgin still living in your mother's basement gaming for a living

>> No.10135000

> to get dicks hard, it works
For me, it is a fucking turn off, acting like an anime persona is not something I find appealing at all

>> No.10135039

now tell us what is in your portfolio

>> No.10135064

You sound like a person who says that he doesn't like makeup. The one that's completely oblivious to what he really is.

>> No.10135065

Let me guess, you are gonna judge me on my investments and women taste?

>> No.10135075

Nah, I like women with makeup actually, I just don't find their artificial behavior attractive. For each their own, but for you is better to do an ad-hominem argument instead of a constructive reply

>> No.10135086
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cmon don't be shy, tell us what coins you hold in your folio.

>> No.10135106

You ought to be insecure about that kind of shit. Looking like that can get your ass kicked. Can you actually imagine making yourself look like a total faggot just to get some pussy? Kek

>> No.10135136

When i make it i'm definitely investing in this asian goddess:


The plan is to become a billionaire with my LINK gainz and book her for a private gig in Iran or something then force her to marry me under Sharia law. Chances of success?

>> No.10135147

I'm gonna bite... I have it very diversified, to be honest
> Vechain
> MyWish
> Clearpoll
> Elastos

>> No.10135156
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I'll go first since I was already asked.

In Eth @ $10, in XRP @ $.05 and a fuck load of other coins I'm mostly still holding. Feels good to be able to predict the future desu.

>> No.10135164
File: 79 KB, 499x750, tumblr_mldhrtkRGB1qadkufo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cute Asian is 50.

>> No.10135225


Cultural reasons why the woman sends money back to parents.

>live in a society where public education is not publicly funded, need to pay for all education from kinder till the kid dies or graduates

>dont have retirement plans for elderly from government, this is in China and Taiwan, one communism and one democratic

>parents practically sacrifice for their childrens educational needs with heavy finance control

>children are the only source of investment to a family, a retirement package to help payback

>children have high ethic and morals to help pay their parents back when they have a successful job without complaining

>parents continue to invest that money into savings or stock market for their family and the future of thier elder children, also having money for grandchildren

>none of this is taught as a regular concept in american society because its fucked

>people like you complain that you need to pay back to slant eyed families without knowing why makes you a poor complaining faggot

>> No.10135271

google returns 50 year old asian

>> No.10135314

I’m in china right now where can I find an African Queen here?

>> No.10135329

Asia women are mostly ugly. All of them have bland personalities and they are extremely greedy/narcissistic. Anyone shilling them just wants to dump his bags

>> No.10135347

I moved from Australia to live with a girl in Vietnam

Can confirm this is accurate and it's fucking amazing
She works at home for a fortune 500, cooks for me and shit and I get to be a crypto neet

>> No.10135362

Korean male reporting in.
In a healthy long term relationship with a Christian conservative koreanQT.
The AsianQTs that all you white boys are dating are the western equivalent of a coalburner. Although most Korean men won't admit it, they will almost never settle down with one that whores around using tinder and shit.
The fact of the matter is, christian Korean girls, especially one with good parents, will never let their daughter date outside their race. That's right, most of the good ones are off limits from you fuckers.
The problem that remains is interracial marriages. The way we solve that is through ostracism and shaming. Imagaine if you're a white guy living in Asia and you don't have any social network that can help you when you are starting a family. That must suck. Also most Asian kids here bully Hapa kids alot from k-12.
When I have kids, I'll encourage them to bully Hapa kids even more and make them cry everyday so that when they grow up, they will want to get out of our racist country.

>> No.10135371

Also only boomer asians date white guys

>> No.10135405

based and redpilled

Im still enjoying impregnating your females though

>> No.10135436


Can confirm.

t. Consultant who has worked in Japan numerous times

>> No.10135437
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>> No.10135449

this is true, saw one couple like this today

>> No.10135451

Asians are good investments because they like BCH.
Roger Ver, Jihan Wu, Calvin Ayre, The 8btc mod (19hZx234vNtLazfx5J2bxHsiWEmeYE8a7k), Jiang Zhouer, the bitcoin.com cofounder, the Coinbase founder - all BILLIONAIRES who can complete the flippening with their own cash TODAY.
They're not doing so because they'd rather invest in BCH adoption. BCH adoption is skyrocketing while btc adoption is dropping.
In a few years both St Kitts and Antigua will use BCH as their main currency (Roger is working on St Kitts, Calvin is investing in Antigua more money than their GDP exclusively because of BCH adoption), Craig Wright will increase transaction counts by circumventing corrupt governments in Africa for money transfers (this one is not certain but very possible considering his funding), Roger is speaking to VIP-s every other day, including Japanese bank CEO-s, stock exchange owners, etc. Brian Armstrong will push BCH and shit on BTC subtly every chance he gets, bitcoin.com wallet is the most popular mobile wallet and it literally shits on BTC, propaganda/censorship effects are fading, Purse just added BCH meaning that normies can use it to get 20% discounts on amazon, Koreans love BCH and they seem to matter at least as much as Americans and significantly more than eurofags, miners are looking for ways to destroy BTC in the next few years otherwise their profits will crumble, LN is proving more and more of a failure every single day, Wright will patent-troll startups into moving into BCH, tipping on github is now possible with bch, smart contracts are coming in November, stress tests are a massive success, charities are popularizing BCH in struggling countries (Venezuela today, others will join in if trouble arises), Free Society project is progressing well, Circle is adding BCH next few weeks, Ayre who became a billionaire from gambling is going to create BCH-only online casinos

>> No.10135452
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shitfolio as expected.

>> No.10135453
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>> No.10135469



>> No.10135482

haha did a white guy steal your former sweetheart? no offense but there's a lot of racist cope in that comment. imagine if korean was replaced with white and white with black, it would obviously be some frustrated beta cuck crying over having to settle with something lesser he wanted

>> No.10135502
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>> No.10135512

Of course it is... I'm so surprised by your answer... was not expecting that at all...

>> No.10135524


Yeah this is what you believe is happening if you browse 4chan and that's your only basis of comparison.

>> No.10135531
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>> No.10135552
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I'm not surprised at all, actually made me smile in a smug way at my monitor when I saw that you have a "never gonna make it" portfolio.

>> No.10135573

So your saying asian girls are an easy fuck for a white chad like me with a comparatively MASSIVE dick of 6 1/2 inches. Booking my flights now.

>> No.10135589
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>> No.10135603

> doesn't understand irony

If that floats your boat

>> No.10135616
File: 58 KB, 850x400, 31321312323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dying. man, people really are monsters. willingly creating another Rodger case for their own selfish pleasure. this world is fucked.

>> No.10135659

>He thinks this is COPEposting
>Implying white boys don't go for Asian QTs because their women are batshit insane feminist coalburners
Most Asians aren't afraid of vocalizing and acting on our racism unlike the cucks in the western countries.

>> No.10135728
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lmao, the thing is you are speaking the truth and i can verify it myself, all the neckbeards on here are absolutely tripping out thinking that got some one up.
Except i don't agree in ever case. I learned Chinese for many years as a hobby and when i got pretty good after some formal learning i worked in taiwan and found that plenty of trashy women would make shit easy for me, the coal burners and bad looking ones, but when i actually spoke Chinese shit changed fast with their attitude.
eventually got a QT with a great family and moral compass but it wasn't easy at first, took white a long time to progress dont think i would have have got anywhere if i never knew mandarin

>> No.10135746
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>doesn't understand investing and why asian waifus are qt
actually makes sense that you won't make it.

>> No.10135765

You do know we can do this all day

>> No.10135780

I get more of a feeling that's whats happening watching the news than I do from here.

>> No.10135783

I’m curious, what do you think you have to offer in a relationship?

>> No.10135790


>> No.10135820

this girl fucks.

>> No.10135822
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true, I could laugh the whole day about people like you who will never make it.

>> No.10135833

I got time

>> No.10135852

Anything to westernized is good for long term HOLD.
>muslims and africans

>> No.10135874

You can be salty all you want but he's unironically right. All my Asian friends end up breaking up with their white/brown partners and marrying Asians. (East Asians, not jungle Asians)

>> No.10135911

Keep telling yourself that. I never had any problem getting girls here in America (6'1, fit, good looking) but when I was in South Korea girls there (white 'foreigners' and locals) would prefer South Korean men over me most of the time. Another thing that struck me is how tall the men are in South Korea, they're all like 6'1 6'2 and I didnt feel tall there like I normally would in some South East Asian countries.

>> No.10135926

>good looking
apparently not

>> No.10135935

>Eth @$10
Okay, we aren't the same person. I didn't start mining eth until last April when it was like $50. Glad you're doing well, anon.

>> No.10135963

only beta while males go for asian girls sry

>> No.10135981


i thought the same in Korea. i'm only 5'10 though. then i found out about shoe lifts. then i began to notice peoples ankles sticking out of their shoes combined with high tops. takes most dudes from 5'9 all the way to 6'1. lol

>> No.10136019

Stopped reading at slave

>> No.10136043
File: 7 KB, 250x205, 1516500197332s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty similar story here in the U.S.
My asian qt gf even makes more money than I do, so no worries about getting fucked if there is ever a divorce.

>> No.10136048


>> No.10136056

Are you from the bay area by chance?

>> No.10136158

"and didnt have 15 guys fuck her before she turned 20 like most hot white thots nowadays do."
Surely you have a self-esteem problem due to a very small penis. That's why it scares you that your girlfriend can compare you to other males. Real Beta

>> No.10136164

Yea totally that, and their average height is apparently already somewhere near 5'9 to 5'10 which is same as North Americans, except slightly skewed due to their older generations which are shorter.

>> No.10136662

>Mine was able to tell me the chemical compounds that made everything in the room but didn't know how to open mouth kiss.
anybody who thinks this is a positive thing is a dumb virgin. sex with girls who dont know how to fuck/kiss/suck is aweful. they dont know how their own body works, too. its just awful.

>> No.10136713

Tfw copped a hot asian gf before dating apps became popular. I thank god every fucking day.

She's constantly telling me about random friends of hers and how their "third date today" went (we are 24 btw). Literally cannot imagine settling down with a woman in this Tinder age of "dating".

From my insider info about gf's friends, 15 is WAY too low of a number op.

>> No.10136858

Are your gf and her friends FOB or not?

In my experience, Asians who move to the west slowly start to adopt it's degenerate values, usually becoming even more slutty than white girls.

>> No.10136960

american born in california, mostly white friends

>> No.10137107

Too true, its pretty common for asian girls to go on a crazy dickhopping spree once they get to uni/work in the west because there controlling family isn't around, I find its more common with western asians though

>> No.10137189


well yeah when you fucking generalize then of course.

just like a white girl you find on tinder or dating apps, why the hell would an asian be different?

plenty of FOBs dont assimilate much or just study and are pretty fine, but you guys dont go for them because its harder.

same for chicks raised in the west, they gonna have western values too unless you actually seek out quality. why would being asian make any difference if they are raised her. use your heads.