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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 80 KB, 1876x1200, boomerclipper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10132519 No.10132519[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>that 30 year old boomer that comments crime news articles with "probably a black or a immigrant"

>> No.10132541

... and gets it right 90% of the time.

>> No.10132551

>implying 30 year old boomers arent left wing scum

>> No.10132576

Go be a cuck somewhere else, shitskin.

>> No.10132589

Yeah i cringe hard at how blatantly racist boomers are like do you even want to go to heaven

>> No.10132596

99% of the time you non-racist fuck

>> No.10132609

reported for racism outside /b/

>> No.10132641

>statistics are racist

>> No.10132661
File: 78 KB, 700x350, 1530484658449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Zoomer is merely a reactionary. infinitely jealous of the Boomer and the Millennials' feats, it must resort to make fun of the American Dream: owning a house, being industrious early on weekends, mowing your lawn, staying energized with manufactured caffeinated products. These pieces of Americana represent the vision of a past that will never come back: like Vaporwave, they are mere memories, mere bytes in a broken flash drive lying in the gutter of a gritty New York City street.
The Zoomer is upset at its own peers due to the rampant political correctness, so it resorts to the bowels of the internet: the chans. There, however, he is met with a nasty surprise: the dregs of past generations call him a faggot, a nonsipper, and are still better off financially and emotionally.
Cue the first sip of the day: the Zoomer jumps at this opportunity to disparage his older peers.
until he learns this lesson, here's to another /sip/

>> No.10132681

Wait so who's a zoomer

>> No.10132696

what statistics? dumb fuck has nothing to do with race

>> No.10132699
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Gen Z neets

>> No.10132703

>what statistics?
All of them.

>> No.10132738

Announcing reports is against the rules you absolute summerfag

>> No.10132742


>> No.10132754
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People can't seriously be this dumb?

>> No.10132765

hook, line, and sinker

>> No.10132811

racism outside /b/ is a global rule violation you dumb fuck

>> No.10132821

This. go be a cuck on /bant/

>> No.10132857

Do you report random people on the street for racism you genius?

>> No.10132867
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>> No.10132983
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>> No.10133017

kys inbred racist

yes i have actually called the police when i have seen people calling racial slurs in public
its actually a crime

>> No.10133058
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I am going to call you miracle. You keep up that good fight little man.

>> No.10133080

Fucking pleb. Cite that statute pls. I’ll fight this shit to the death. If you’re serious you are wasting our tax dollars that pay cops to respond to your pussy ass cries in the name of social justice because you want the government to fight your pathetic civil right entitlement centric battles for you. You make me sick. Hate speech is a thing but the first amendments protections override that nonsense in the name of protecting our freedom. Typical brainwashed libtard.

>> No.10133081

lets be honest... it's just natural selection/evolution to be racist.

so as a white boomer i hate other races to ensure my survival as superior species

>> No.10133087

Boomers sound cooler and more legit wity every thread.

>> No.10133152

>see crime and lawbreak
>report it


lol? how fucking stupid are you

>> No.10133162

hate speech is not protected by first amendments dumb fuck

ask any judge

>> No.10133202
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>Diversity is so good it has to be enforced at gun point

Oh you mouth breather.

>> No.10133212


The problem with "hate speech" is the subjective definition of the term. Calling a black man a "negro" could be considered hate speech, even though many textbooks still refer to someone with dark skin as such.

>> No.10133224

This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

>> No.10133228
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deal with it faggot. facts are facts.

>> No.10133244

this board dont have mods
we do what the fuck we want

>> No.10133246

>because outdated literature from a racist time is racist it's ok to be racist today

>> No.10133263
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True senpai.

>> No.10133284

New fags gtfo

>> No.10133296

to get into heaven you have to have a high consciousness which coincidentally means being racist

>> No.10133312

the truth is racist

>> No.10133336
File: 72 KB, 450x565, hp lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the Creation of Niggers
by H. P. Lovecraft

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Iove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

>H.P. Lovecraft is a very well-known author from around the 1920's - 30's who is best known for the creation of the Cthulhu Mythos and other excellent poems and fantasy/sci-fi writings.

>> No.10133497


Oh great statistics there.

That forst neighborhood is still located within the Los Angeles, where many poor blacks also live.

Your second community only has a population of 100. A single person committing a violent crime would nearly double the violent crime rate.

You call this good statistics?

>> No.10133657

you sound like a huge cunt. and yes, statistics show that the majority of crimes are committed by blacks/hispanics in the US. you can interpret it the way you want but you cant deny facts.