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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10125971 No.10125971 [Reply] [Original]

who else here /madeit/ and has fallen into a hole?
>not worked since october of last year and steady 3k€ rolling in monthly
>been travelling asia, spain, germany, uk and living in south america now
>bunch of friends here, have fun, drink too much
>spend my time chasing girls
>live on my couch in my 12th floor appartment
>it feels empty and i am unsatisfied because i'm wasting so much of my potential
>work out a few times a week so i'm actually really /fit/
what do? i thought /madeit/ actually meant /madeit/ and not /haveanotherchallenge/

>> No.10126016

You could help donate to a poor wagecuck my man xx

>> No.10126045

build a 2.2T audi and do 4 wheel burnouts every day

>> No.10126107

Make a videogame. Paint. Invent something. Teach. Volunteer. Play a sport. Throw parties?

come on son, there's always stuff to do.

>> No.10126113

sharpie, pooper, you know the drill
>delusions of a negro before making it

>> No.10126124

>he's not gambling on shitcoins with leverage
Never gonna make it.

>> No.10126145

Similar spot a while back

I work part-time to keep busy and took up woodworking

Making a coffee table rn

>> No.10126150
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yeah, thought about painting. i enjoyed drawing and painting pictures in the past. maybe I'll get an easel. but that doesn't seem like the solution either.
how have you other /madeit/ anons filled the void once all the pressure is off? there can't only be pajeets here.
where are my unironic frog posters at?

>> No.10126180

If you're interested in painting, join an atelier school. You'll be in intensive study with instructors, and you can become a proficient artist in under a year.

>> No.10126220

>studying second language, visited a couple times for practice
>created small mining farm
>bought some condos and have a property management company renting them out for me, 100% automated
ive never really felt bored tho that was even before, there was always something i was interested in doing.

>> No.10126225
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I could teach you creative writing and poetry on the down low.
My father and I have done it as a joint family thing for years, he has several published books.
Writing is a great release for the troubled brain.

>> No.10126226
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Read pic relateds books you fucking retard.

>> No.10126252
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>its another "Rich guy complains about how boring is life is because he's boring" thread

>> No.10126253

I can relate. What helped me, was first finding a greater purpose to life. This vid helped,

>> No.10126265

You've let boomers dictate your mindset only to find once you have reached the fabled gates its only got some luxurious restaurants and hot women. You are disconnected from your true self. No amount of cars, food, and riches will satisfy your soul. You still haven't answered the most important question: "what are you going to do with your life"

Most of us spend our time and out lives just surviving to get the time to figure that out. Some come out the womb knowing from day 1. You have the time and the resources all thats left is the call to action. So, what do you really want?

>> No.10126357

I'd rather wagecuck for an eternity than do that gay shit nigga

>> No.10126398
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I fell into that trap about ten years ago too.
I decided to travel to odd places to feed my soul...geographic center of asia, gold panning in the yukon, Ecuador Amazon...expand yourself. I currently volunteer at my local red cross

>> No.10126426

only boring people get bored
i've been a neet for 16 years and there's not enough time in a day to do 10% of the interesting things i want to do

>> No.10126446

You need both purpose and some sort of responsibility, especially if you're not even close to retirement age. The novelty of having nothing but free time will dissipate until you either do something worthwhile or an hero

>> No.10126472
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>3k€ rolling in monthly
uh... good job on your 36k/year income I guess?

>> No.10126567

how did you make it OP? crypto?

>> No.10126596

36k/yr passive income is bretty gud man. I could live off that easily and not even have to sacrifice much

>> No.10126626

He can't. He fell for the modern meme and is incapable of building a family or anything beyond present gratification.

>> No.10126639

if it's a consistent $3k/month passive income that's literally fucking insane, you have no idea. $3k/month isn't as good if you're putting in 160 hours a month to earn it, but when it's passive? that gives you the freedom to literally travel the world forever.

>> No.10126672
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i've done the travel meme, been to 40 odd countries, lived in 10 including romania, china, brazil. fuck, I even paddled down the yukon with my little brother
volunteering might be key
i'm not bored. I have no drive, that's different
i'm 27
i'm an agent for IT projects and connect decision makers in big business (e.g. insurance, banking, retail) with consultancies that cans solve their problems. I get a cut of the monthly turnover the consultancy bills. projects run for years...

real question: how do I into discipline and motivation again when there is 0 pressure on me. I got all the money, girls and sunshine I could ever have asked for?

>> No.10126710

Way of the Peaceful Warrior helped me, anon. Maybe it could help you.

>> No.10126734
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>> No.10126754

not without a timestamp

I'll have a look

>> No.10126760
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>if it's a consistent $3k/month passive income
come on
it never is, especially some dipshit on /biz/
one recession and this kid's permanently fucked

not only that but to get this amount of passive income you would need a portfolio amounting to $900k which is significant, but doable if you're frugal, don't take on debt, and have a high income

by the way it isn't particularly hard to travel a few times a year even if you do work 40 hours a week

>> No.10126767

I haven't worked since like Sep of last year but my money is just sitting on my bank account. How do you get 3k€ passive?

>> No.10126792

I can't believe nobody has said this:
Have kids, that emptyness in your life is your biology saying you are failing at your prime directive. Do it while you are young with energy. Unless you are a cunt, then don't have kids.

>> No.10126797

when the economy tanks and and all my clients lose their projects and I can't use my sources to get them hired again then indeed, I am wiped out
i've done 3 years of travel now and have on average worked a few hours a week. it's pretty decent

>> No.10126820

Oh so it isn't passive. How the hell did you get started doing that work?

>> No.10126825
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yeah man, thinking about it. great advice actually
however, i am somewhat unwilling to give up chasing beautiful young girls and because I lucked out in the genetic lottery it's just too fucking easy. i don't want to settle down yet nor have i found the right girl (because my expectations are sky high, admittedly)

>> No.10126854

Sage this poor larp thread.

>> No.10127031

>doubling down on the extent of the larp


>> No.10127106
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Aw, it was a good try though. On the bright side I learned that there’s an entire subreddit dedicated to sharpies in roasties poopers

>> No.10127130

This is me, except I'm not making any money, and slowly eating away my savings.

As soon as I create enough passive income to support this lifestyle, I will be chasing girls around the world constantly

>> No.10127159

I've been ignoring these tay lopez kind guys that tell you to invest shit all my life since people poisoned the well pretty fucking hard.

But recently I came to the realization that some of these guys on youtube are legit just giving you information for free they don't gain nothing for, so I'm just trying to learn and maybe become a day investor when I have some money saved.