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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10125747 No.10125747 [Reply] [Original]

Hey biz intern at Bloomberg, can’t say much without revealing my identity but expect a really big story this week that will likely create the biggest wave of fomo you have seen for bitcoin yet.

Screencap this.

>> No.10125766

>insider here
>le fomo

Time to short.

>> No.10125769

Do you unironically believe that shitposting on a mexican basket weaving forum will have an impact on Bitcoin's price?

>> No.10125797

thanks anon!

your service has been noted

>> No.10125809

Etf approved!

>> No.10125812

also working at Bloomberg, there a several big stoires in the works that could influence Bitcoins price, what specificity are you referring to?

>> No.10125816

nice larp. we used to have better ones back in my zoomer days tho

>> No.10125819

I'm CEO at bloomberg. I'm letting go all interns tomorrow
t. trust me

>> No.10125822

Your first lesson as an intern should be; markets do the opposite of the news. Everything, no matter how fresh and new is priced in already.

>> No.10125824

Fomo buying or selling?

>> No.10125831

topkek :DDD

>> No.10125834

Hey biz intern at Bloomberg, can’t say much without revealing my identity but My name is Timothy Baker expect a really big story this week that will likely create the biggest wave of fomo you have seen for bitcoin yet.

Screencap this.


>> No.10125836

Wtf how you doxx me faggot?

>> No.10125842 [DELETED] 

I am not Timothy Baker

>> No.10125850
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>> No.10125853

Stop lying Tims the gig is up.

>> No.10125859

look like he got you

>> No.10125861
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Where's your credibility faggot?

>> No.10125862

anything that's available to an intern at bloomberg is already priced in
low iq larp

>> No.10125981

Im a saucier at pizza hut, next week we are having a 2 large pizza deal. You were warned

>> No.10126015

how many stinky linkies for the pizza

>> No.10126110

How hot is Emma Chandra in person?

>> No.10126143

pretty sure interns are market makers at bloomsperg.

>> No.10126159

It depends who you intern for and how much they like you or how willing you are to bust out the kneepads if a woman Kek

>> No.10126237

>intern at bloomberg
>has inside info on what he's brandishing as the biggest story of the year for the industry

5/10 larp, better luck next time

>> No.10126254

>Emma Chandra
I'm more into Betty Liu

>> No.10126273

I also work there. Are you that guy who sucked 5 clocks in the bathroom in one lunch break? He talked about posting something about a made up story on 4chan

>> No.10126293
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>telling an intern material inside information

>> No.10126306

insider at mcdonalds here, just wait till you see our new burger special

>> No.10126318

this LMAO

OP is a BAGEL FETCHER if that

>> No.10126355

>12k more longs than shorts


>> No.10126404


>Babbys first Bloomberg terrminal access

>> No.10126450

OK this may seem like a LARP but hear me out....

So I work retail in NYC on madison avenue. I always get lunch at the same street vendor, his name is Tony Dragon. Anyay Tony always has a line around the block, and today was no different. I'm sitting behind these to d-bags in thier baby blue button downs talking shit to each other (I studied finance but can't get a real job because of anxiety). Anyone d-bag a is really excited about something but d-bag b doesn't want to hear it. he's really pestering at this point. Anyway, long story short--- buy chainlink.

>> No.10126524

hey can you shitheads remove your article limits?
that idea was fucking retarded and you aren't going to make any money

>> No.10126536

I hope I get to meet sergey some day too

>> No.10126647

>OK this may seem like a LARP but hear me out
MFW when I start reading. Let P(L) = probability that anon is larping. Start with bayseian prior P(L) = 95%

Turns out there actually is Tony Dragon food truck on madison. P(L) = 93%

"I studied finance but can't get a real job because of anxiety" -- unironically sounds extremely plausible that a bizraeli would have this experience. P(L) = 75%

d-bag a is really excited about something but d-bag b doesn't want to hear it. P(L) = 60%

he's really pestering at this point. P(L) = 50%

So, I rate this story as 50/50 could be true. Going to go by 5K more link now.

>> No.10126661


god damnit I just fomoed back in

y do I always buy at the fucking top

>> No.10127292

Coinbase buy Facebook

>> No.10127354

Guys hear me out, I just got out my local Bangkok McDonald’s and guess who I saw: SERGEY! and with two voluptuous looking traps towering from each side of him. I wanted to ask him about the singularity but he looked busy jerking off his traps while attentively studying the menu. Believe it or not, he ordered a McChicken.

>> No.10127381

Sucking clocks eh? Father Time getting desperate?

>> No.10127395

good decision anon. The story is mostly true. I did study finance and worked retailed on madison avenue. I'd always see these bloomberg assholes eating lunch, and Tony Dragon's is the best lunch cart in the area by far .

>> No.10127848

this is the most acoustic thing I've read today

>> No.10127883

topkek at these replies. It'll either be a.) Facebook is buying Coinbase b.) There's a large fund being created with crypto or c.) Sergey is integrating Chainlink into Bloomberg terminals. Probably a combination of the 3

>> No.10127895

reading comp skills: 0 points

>> No.10127911

bloomberg is the biggest piece of shit news site for crypto that exists. You guys are always wrong and never do any proper research. kys

>> No.10127914

Obama here. Me and my inner cabal of reptillian overlords have some big news coming.

Better buy Link now or fomo on the way to 1k.

>> No.10127964

these faggots try to push the price of crypto with their articles all the time OP might be full of shit but it wouldn't be unexpected to happen

>> No.10128199

Unironically just bought 100K of everything in the top-50.

>> No.10128223

(((Bloomberg))) and (((CNBC))) have done NOTHING but FUD crypto NONSTOP for the last 2 years straight, why should we believe you?

>> No.10128271

Their latest story on Tether is a real laugh.
They talk about people "investing" in Tether and wonder why buys and sells never move the price.
It's in that "not even wrong" territory. They have zero clue about crypto

>> No.10128414

Op here you’re all faggots and this was a larp

Buy chainlink sirs

>> No.10128438
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Im Mr. Boomerberg, boss of Mr. Bloomberg, how yall youngins tonight? Sippin as she goes!

>> No.10128591
File: 10 KB, 224x225, download (20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op is a faggot

>> No.10128621

Why do LARPing faggots post shit like this?

Do these faggots who bought at 19k unironically believe that doing this shit here and posting crap like this will influence the price at all?

>> No.10128631

At some big tech companies, interns have a surprising amount of access.

I don't what the inside of Bloomberg is like, but if random international have the ability to search the internal intranet, I could imagine it happening.

>> No.10128644

You're fired Tim. We monitor all of your internet traffic here at Bloomberg HR

>> No.10128893

I swear am not Tim plz don’t fire Tim

Tim dindu Nuffin

>> No.10128958

That's chainlink's color theme and font

>> No.10128968 [DELETED] 

Bob -
What are you doing monitoring 4chan without authorization? You're suspended until further notice.

>> No.10129480
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