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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1200, adv1_ferrari_f430-wide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1012296 No.1012296 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm on track to buy a very expensive car... I'm about 50% of the way there already.

>be me, 23
>insurance broker since 18
>have 82,000 already for my car
>car costs 160,000 here
>less than 2 years, and i will have enough

>mfw i'll be 24 and own a Ferrari F430, my dream Ferrari, and I have the Lego version since 2007 and that's when I told myself I'd buy it someday

why didnt you sell insurance to cucks /biz/? what are you doing with your fucking life?

There is no reason to be older than 24 and not drive a special car. There is no reason to be in debt. There is no reason to be a wage slave. The only thing holding you back, IS YOU.

I also went to college 2 years late, (20) and I'm almost finished a degree in Mathematics and Statistics BSc, and I'll be writing my CFP exam soon as well. My avenue to bitches and money is becoming a Financial Planner/Advisor and getting clients by showing them the life I'm living.

>> No.1012297

Has to be a troll. No one is this pathetic.

Your car is not your penis. Your car is not your self-worth. Your car does not fix your shitty life.

Grow up, kid.

>> No.1012300


Pathetic? How?

This was my dream, I'm about to achieve it, within 2 years.

I love cars, I remember begging my parents to buy me that Lego Ferrari F430 Challenge, in Red and Yellow, I begged for 3 months before they finally gave in.

Me? Grow up? So just because you are not close to realizing your dream, however Honda Civic pathetic they might be, you think I'm the one who needs to grow up? I was going to be a loser, working at McDonalds. I was so out of it, I decided to go and sell insurance, door to door. Now I have clients coming to my apartment, meeting with me. I insure many different things, but mainly houses and luxury vehicles. I'll probably own my own Insurance company by the time I'm 30. I ensure most of the luxury cars a lot of the kids around my age drive in my city. I have 437 clients right now, since I first started. I give people great rates and word of mouth grew.

What do you do with your life?

>> No.1012307


You should only buy a car that is 10% of your income. Youre still a poor fag kiddo. If you buy that car youll still be a virgin and ruin your future.

>> No.1012309


Should does not mean I have too. I can spend my money how I damn well please. I posted here in hopes some people who had questions, would ask them, and I could answer based on things I knew about the industry and what I do.

But, if everyone here is just going to tell me to grow up, or how to spend my money, then there really is no point to posting in this section is there?

By the way, lost my virginity at 16, and my future is very secure, 82,000 for my car, does not mean my entire lifes savings is 82,000

>> No.1012311

Man shut the fuck up

>> No.1012312


>> No.1012314

A fool and his money are easily parted.

>> No.1012315
File: 144 KB, 600x413, Ferrari-F12-Berlinetta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spend your money however dumb way you wish. However, don't imply that you've made it because you'll own a Ferrari, I live in central London and can identify Ferrari models by the sounds they make going past my window numerous times a day. This is supercar city, even special edition Veyrons are normal to me now. You must be some Midwesterner American peasant who thinks a Ferrari is the height of success.

Its just a fucking car (not even the best Ferrari), you should be trying to own your own home at least. Also, spending all the money you own on a fucking car, which will go down in value significantly, well, retards do retarded things I guess.

Pic related is better.

>> No.1012318

>working this hard for an asset that depreciates like a block of cement in the ocean
>Ready to empty entire savings on it
>Thinks debt is bad because 'not a wage slave'
>Doesn't understand how debt means you can invest the money more intelligently to beat the interest on the debt and keep your financial stability in better shape
>Has no plan for emergencies
>Thinks a car means everything

I hope it gets stolen the week after you buy it. You seem dumb enough to think insurance is a scam.

>> No.1012322

can a felon sell insurance?

>> No.1012324

I'm keying it if I ever see it. Hope you don't live in Australia ;D

>> No.1012331

and yet you're a sad fuck who needs come to 4chan brag about your "goals and conquers"

>> No.1012332


Depends where you live, in North America, it might be harder to get licensed than Europe or Asia. In NA, its entirely up to the state/province. Some allow depending on seriousness of the conviction, if its just a misdemeanor, its easy to get the license, but if its really serious, no way you're going to get it.

What are you even convicted of?

>> No.1012333

selling heroin

>> No.1012334

Good on you OP for achieving your dream, but its such a shit financial decision that could be be spent more responsibly elsewhere

>> No.1012335
File: 23 KB, 221x346, stopactingrich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The best finance professor I had in college gave me a copy of this book. You really need to read it or you'll make yourself poor trying to keep up with guys that can actually afford to spend how you want to spend.

>> No.1012337


Might be do-able, check with your states licensing department of government and see what they say, its usually just a letter they write for you after you meet with them in person... Dress nice and you should be good to go.

>> No.1012338

how did you start?

>> No.1012339

He's right you know.

What's going to happen to you is that you're going to spend all of that money on your shitty car only to realize that owning it is completely empty. Do you know why? Because the hype you've created in your mind about this car CANNOT EVER live up to actually owning one. A far better investment is to hold on to your opportunistic beliefs about what a beauty that car is rather than bring in into the real world only to realize that you now want a different car and that people secretly consider you an asshole for owning one.

Look up the "hedonistic treadmill." In short: it states that your hedonistic desires move relative to your ability to satisfy them. So say you're a rich fucker and you buy that car. It would kind of be like buying a piece of shit as a poor person. That's the level of satisfaction you would achieve. Hence the logical conclusion is that many kinds of desires shouldn't be fanned at all. Especially materialistic desires which are emptier than anything you can possibly imagine.

>> No.1012383

>b but it's my dream

Get a dream that's not stupid

>> No.1012387


Fuck u

>> No.1012391

>Hay guise, I'm so cool im getting a small penis car!
Save your money and buy extenze or something like that

>> No.1012396


What's extenze?

>> No.1012398


Fuck u

>> No.1012405


i respect your desire OP, unlike some of these other fags here who can't appreciate the fact that some people admire things besides japanese dolls and a gayming rig.

however, if you are really blowing a majority of your savings on this car, you are dumb as fuck. being young is your best asset, you have a lot of time to make that $160,000 work for you and multiply itself many times over.

You have the cash, why not just lease a flashy car for a while if you want to have a cool car to show off? Make a few million dollars, then buy your ferrari. you'll be at that point in just a few years anyways if you keep doing what you're doing!

don't give up on your dream, but don't waste all the progress you've made so far

>> No.1012406

Made my night

>> No.1012409


Fuck ur night

>> No.1012410

>buying a Ferrari and not having your own house with a garage to park it in.
Your priorities are fucked man.

>> No.1012411


Like I said before I have more than that in savings already, I could go buy the car tomorrow morning if I wanted, (there isn't actually one available right now in the color I want, but you get the point). I have more than 160,000 but the other money I'm saving to buy a house in the next 3-4 years with my girlfriend maybe. Haven't exactly popped the question yet.

But I just really want this car, in red, with a black interior and red accented stitching, leather. It's literally my dream to have one of them, so that's why I'm so stuck on buying it. I guess I could lease it or finance it actually, for 5-6 years. But it would still be huge payments per month, which I don't want to be on the hook for in case some months I need cash for other things. That's why I'd rather just have enough and buy it all at once.

>> No.1012412

>buying a house with a woman out of wedlock
>getting married ever
You're just racking up the stupid points.

>> No.1012413


House isn't important to me, I have a parking spot, 2 of them in my apartment. I don't see the point of a big house when its just me living there most of the time for now at least. That will change in the future, but even then, don't see a point to a house, since all I'll be doing is sleeping there. I'm outside everyday, at events, selling insurance, etc etc. Too busy to even enjoy a house.

>> No.1012414
File: 87 KB, 584x649, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the most retarded shit ever

> Buying a depreciating $160,000 piece of shit
> Not turning that $160,000 into $1,600,000

>> No.1012416

>Renting apartment
>Putting cash into depreciating shit rather than appreciating real estate


>> No.1012417


Actually, this Ferrari, will be an appreciating asset soon, I'll be buying the Scuderia version, and its soon to be a collectors car.

Just like the Lego version I bought for 59.99, it is now selling used for $1430...

>> No.1012419
File: 56 KB, 800x440, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To top it off, you're still just a wagecuck. You sell *someone else's* product. You aren't the one doing the insurance.

>muh commission

Commission isn't profit, bitch

>> No.1012420


What's wrong with renting as a single bachelor?

>> No.1012423

This isn't a rare car, it's mass produced. It depreciates. It will not appreciate due to mass production. Just because it as a few differences doesn't mean it's going to be a rare car.

Just fuck off already

>> No.1012424

What country are you in OP?

How did you save so much while in school?

>> No.1012425

Putting your money into rent and a depreciating micropenis car is literally the most nigger shit you can do with your money. Go blow it on Jordans and menthols or some shit and it still couldn't be this nigger. Money should be used to make more money.

My net worth is currently $17.8 million and I'm 28 - and you're a faggot.

>> No.1012428


And? I still make more than 99% of wagecucks! Including you

Like I said, by 30, I'll be able to open my own firm.


Are you retarded, a lot of F430 Scuderias are appreciating already, especially the red and grey ones, because of how rare they are, especially in black leather with red stitching. I've studied these cars a lot, I know which ones are worth buying, and I won't go and buy some generic silver with brown leather like you see everywhere.




I schooled part time while getting clients, and I got a lot of clients in 18-21, so after that it was easy to pay for school and get clients by word of mouth, I only work maybe 3 hours a day meeting people and filling in forms, rest of time is just spent self marketing and having "fun" but I make it a point to attend 2-3 big events in my city weekly to get more contacts and clients so I can keep growing. Right now I'm on track to bring in 130 clients this year, so starting 2016 I'll have around 570 clients. Since I'm finished school early next year, I'll have much more time, trying to hit 1000. Then I can move into an actual office instead of using my home as an office at the moment.

>> No.1012429

Clients for what? What do you do?

And what country senpai

>> No.1012430

>Make more than you

No you don't lmao. Just kill yourself and save the agony when your wagecuck commissions dry up soon enough

>> No.1012433



All I do is middle man insurance deals, and I get a % from whatever package I sell someone. For instance, I sell you $500 a month insurance for your BMW M5, I get a % of that in commission from the insurance company. For simplicities sake, its 10%. So, every month you pay $500, the insurance company pays me $50. If I have 600 clients, on average $500 a month in insurance from me, that's 600 x 50. There are other things that make the overall take lower, and the % is different from every company, but you get the point. All I do is middle man insurance deals, and people go with me because I find the lowest rates.

Get it?

Also country is Canada

>> No.1012438

Oh cool.

What university you go to senpai?

>> No.1012440

>My net worth is currently $17.8 million and I'm 28

*heavy breathing*


>> No.1012442

>Trusting people who claim to be multi-millionaires who go on fucking 4chan, let alone /biz/ and type "nigger" in their posts

Yeah I'm sure this is very legit. It's not like the poll has shown that 50% of the board is NEET or in school rn.

>> No.1012443


University of Calgary/Haskayne Business School

Anything else you need to know about what I do? Or is that it, lol

>> No.1012444

hey man, I know the odds. I just want to see what he'd say :^)

>> No.1012445

Because its the internet.
Also I'm a NASA astronaut and I am talking to you from the ISS. You won't find my name on the mission statements because its a secret.

>> No.1012446

>University of Calgary/Haskayne Business School
>Anything else you need to know about what I do?

Yes. I thought you said you were doing a degree in Math/Statistics?

>> No.1012449


Yes, I am, Mathematics and Statistics, for Business.

>> No.1012455
File: 49 KB, 881x596, ucal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But according to UCalgary the Mathematics and Statistics program is part of the Science faculty, not the school of business.

Pic related

>> No.1012458


I'm doing a part time program, I can tier my degree with business courses, so when I graduate I will have a bachelor of science in mathematics and Statistics, with a focus in commerce written on it

>> No.1012459


Except not. I've started multiple businesses, all of which currently are profitable and growing. I have several hundred employees.

I won't reveal anything personally identifiable - but I primarily am in business services, as well as nutritional supplements, and commercial real estate

>> No.1012460

>Except not. I've started multiple businesses, all of which currently are profitable and growing. I have several hundred employees.

And pray tell what draws you to 4chan's business and finance board?

Wouldn't a part time program take like 6 years to complete? How are you almost done in 4?

Btw idk how Calgary is but driving a ferrari in Canada seems beyond retarded. The roads are shit so you'll be taking it to the repair shop weekly and I don't even want to image what you're going to do with it during -40 Alberta winters...

>> No.1012462

>And pray tell what draws you to 4chan's business and finance board?
School is out until after new years.

>> No.1012465

I've been posting on 4chan since 2004 (mootxico etc don8 bring back snacks), before I started any of this. Once in a while there are some decent posts here on /biz/, and I post on /pol/ primarily

>> No.1012466

I graduated college in 2009 in a hard science, attempted my MBA but got too busy actually running businesses.

>> No.1012467

>Successfully (multiple) businesses with several hundred employees
>Posts on /pol/ and /biz/

Yeah ok buddy.

And I am CEO of a fortune 500 company and regularly post on stormfront.

>> No.1012469

Not matter how dope your car makes you feel, on the inside, you'll know that at age 16 you were a lazy kid begging your parents to buy you a Lego car and you'll always know...
>>you were a begger

>> No.1012470


Free time during the summers, distance courses (e education) and my program was designed to only take 4, since I chose my courses carefully so that time wasn't wasted on bullshit courses

>> No.1012471


I like you, lol
Yeah, forever a beggar haha, even still, I'm still basically begging for clients lol, just much more subtlety now

>> No.1012474

Pray tell, what is "a hard science"? Is that geology?

>> No.1012477


Hard science is physical science like chemistry, biology, physics, etc

But knowing how dumb he is, he'll say social science

>> No.1012478
File: 282 KB, 1023x513, 1450668775523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's obviously a multi millionaire guys. It makes sense that someone successful with a business to run would be on /pol/ posting MRA, jew and nigger memes all day next to a bunch of NEETs complaining about muh degeneracy

>> No.1012483

Some of us post here because, despite being wealthy, we're still the same miserable degenerate fucks we've always been. Money doesn't make you happy. Money doesn't change your mental state. Having a business to run and a few million in a bank account doesn't mean much when it's the holidays and like every year, you're still alone. I come here to feel less alone. Sure, it's a shitstain on the internet but it's one I enjoy because of the memories this place brings back and around this time of year, I'll take what I can. So yes, some of us are here and are quite real you poorfag.

>> No.1012484


Physics - and I really don't care if you don't believe me anyway, but I know my worth. And since when does owning a business and being successful mean I can't post "nigger" on the Internet

>> No.1012486

Basically this. Life still sucks even when you have money and success. It's awesome to have but it doesn't really change some things

>> No.1012487


I don't know nigger, ask other anon, I don't have a problem with saying nigger anywhere lol

>> No.1012488

Plus, implying I can't run my business and post here - it's fucking Christmas and 3AM. There's literally no market movement.

>> No.1012494

"The magic of a Ferrari is that its the only car make where, when people see it, they don't ask about the car, they ask about you, they want to know who YOU are and what YOU do"

>> No.1012496


And I like that

>> No.1012497

Beautiful car. If what you're saying is true, I can only wish you the best and hope that I may be able to achieve my own dreams one day. And maybe we'll happen to meet eventually so you can give me a ride.

>> No.1012499

Alberta School of Business > Haskayne Business School

>> No.1012501

Kek. Ferraris are for dipshits who are like "HURR DURR LOOK AT ME I SUCKED A LOT OF DICKS FOR THIS".

Get a non-meme car.

>> No.1012506

A nice BMW or Mercedes says more about someone than a Ferrari. A Ferrari makes you either look like a pretentious faggot if you're young or a someone in a mid-life crisis if you're old. Coming out of a nice BMW or Mercedes with a top tier suit on makes you look fucking boss young or old, but especially young.

>> No.1012512

And then they find out you're some retarded insurance broker and lose all respect for you

>> No.1012524

6 years to save 82k

I'm not impressed. That's 10-14 months saving at my rate. I could buy your dream x 2 already but instead I lease a Mazda.

It's like I need a medal just because I'm not you.

>> No.1012527

Congratulations mate.

25 is a good age to have cool stuff in life.

>> No.1012603

Wow the amount of butthurt in this thread is astonishing.

Congratulations for being successful OP.
haters gonna hate.

>> No.1012605

>owning car
some people have different definitions of successful

>> No.1012606

Great blogpost you stupid faggot.

>> No.1012618
File: 31 KB, 447x247, city-bus-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OPs epeen car:
>seats 2
>insane maintenance

My car:
>seats 50
>no maintenace
>comes with a professional driver

>> No.1012625

Why wouldn't you take that money and invest it instead?
You run up a big liability with a supercar but only have your wages as an asset.
But why am I suprised? This is just the poor acting rich as usual, fucking kek.

>> No.1012651


It's not just any car and the fact you don't understand the costs and logistics around it is a hint you should STFU.

>> No.1012652

Hey guys, the OP is 16 years old. And so are most of us arguing with him.

Perspective, you know..

>> No.1012660

>But, if everyone here is just going to tell me to grow up, or how to spend my money, then there really is no point to posting in this section is there?
right. i absolutely agree you should stop posting your pathetic childhood dream.

>> No.1012664

I just skimmed this thread but its clearly full of retards... A 10 year old luxury car has already lost most of the value that it will ever lose.

>> No.1012666

>Spending your life savings on a depreciating shitbox

Surely you aren't serious?

>> No.1012671

>"Investing" $160k in a depreciating asset.

You must be retarded.

>> No.1012681


The Porsche Cayanne turbo s is the most respectable rich man vehicle

>> No.1012687

I live in the northeast. Half the year is shit weather and the other half you still have to put up with pot holes and salt on the road. A nice sports car is a terrible investment here and no measure of success. Also many people measure success by what you build, not what you buy. Hence, people measure success differently

>> No.1012707

OP I really hope that the amount of money you are going to spend on this car is only a portion of your money. If not you are fucking gay.

>> No.1012787


>> No.1012816

Success, to me, is when your needs are completely satisfied and you can spend money without worrying you might not be able to afford something important.
You can be successful making only $50k a year if you are humble with your necessary purchases, IMO. OP is not successful, OP is just a guy who thinks a lot of money buys something expensive.

>> No.1012896

>OP is just a guy who thinks a lot of money buys something expensive
Um, isn't that the definition of expensive: that it costs a lot of money?

If you're going to splurge out with some hippie-dippy rant about living modestly, at least be slightly insightful about it.

>> No.1012922

Bad wording on my part. I should have said "OP thinks if you have a lot of money you should spend it on all on something expensive."
We can argue the merits and downsides of living modestly, but to keep the thread on point, OP is looking to empty his savings to buy a car with cash because he doesn't understand how to manage debt. Forget how idiotic his purchase is, imagine having no money in the bank but only that purchase? It's a very poor decision he's going to pay for for years.

>> No.1012926

That car looks like shit.

Your goals are shit.

Use your fucking imagination faggot.

>> No.1012930

while OP's goal is retarded if i were to choose between driving a smelly piss soaked bus or wasting 160k on a car that will burn holes in my pockets i'd rather take the car.

>> No.1012964

If you have piss soaked buses where you live, you may have larger problems in life than how to get around. Like, how to get out of the shithole city you live in.

>> No.1013723

*rich soccer mom mobile

>> No.1013729

You love cock though ,OP. Selling insurance is basically prostitution , and your sales pitch is your version of knee pads.

None of us want to suck cock

>> No.1013819

Op you are a pleb if you blow all your savings on a Ferrari ,you will realise this a few weeks after you buy it.

>> No.1013979

You're just assuming that the price of the car will go up based on a fucking lego set?

Buy the car OP, I can't wait to see how fast you will make your life tumble. In 5 years that car will be a piece of shit. Look at the mass produced ferraris from 2010. If you were to buy a car on speculation, it's the ultra low production number cars, like the f-40, Laferrari, and the Enzo. Those are guaranteed to go up in price as they age. Don't buy it.

>> No.1013982

If the cars are appreciating already (Which I doubt they are) You are already too late to make the excuse in your mind it will be an investment.

Go buy a house.

It's obvious that even though you are claiming you make a lot of money, you don't know shit about money. Lease the car if you feel like you must own it, that will cost you much less in the long run. But buy a house, that is the best thing you can do right now with your money. That will appreciate. Just keeping 100k in the bank is a moronic thing to do, it's not even keeping up with inflation. Right now, you are losing money trying to save up for that car.

>> No.1013983

God damn I can't wait until you have to take it to its first service.

>> No.1014039

The rule I'm going to have for buying something very expensive is to have 2x the money in my account than what the item actually costs. Also, don't buy a ferrari, buy a porsche 911, the depreciate a lot less and cost less to get serviced.

>> No.1014045


>> No.1014048

>Go buy a house

Within 10 years the millenial generation will become the primary homebuyers, and they can't afford shit. Prices are going to crash when so few can pay what everyone is asking.

>> No.1014086

and what will you owe to acquiring this car ?
being an insurance broker since 18 , surely working long weeks , limited social life, not my idea of a dream life . All so some kids turn their heads when u drive past

Keep it up next it will be a newer Ferrari , maybe a helicopter .Culture will always have its carrot dangled in front of the stupid mule

>> No.1014097

this desu senpai

Why would you want to lead an honorable life selling a service that people won't use for 99% of their life?

>> No.1014123
File: 5 KB, 184x141, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1014127


>this Ferrari, will be an appreciating asset soon

You're going to have to wait about 30 years for your car to ever sell for more than you bought it for you fucking retard. Its mass produced, until there's a small number in the world you won't be able to sell it.

Do you know anything at all about cars?

>> No.1014132

nobody cares faggot. If you have to come to 4chan to brag about your car then youre probably not a cool guy to hang out with anyway

>> No.1014794

Latest gen mustang gt. White. My midlife crisis car

>> No.1014821


sorry faggot OP, but you're going to look like a massive idiot to any patrician by clearly blowing all your money on a fucking car like a nigger would

HERE IN MY GARAJJJ. you're at the beginning of your investing timeline. the cash that you have now is the most significant investment money you're gonna have if you look at things from a time value of money perspective. considering you're clearly retarded and never going to make serious money in your life later on, you're REALLY fucking yourself here

>> No.1014861

if a car is your dream i pity you

>> No.1014890
File: 161 KB, 1577x751, 1986_Ford_RS200_Evolution_0066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dream car
>an F430, car that doesn't do anything interesting and more important is FUCKING WORTHLESS

Are you retarded, OP? You choose a neuvo-rich mobile that will do nothing but depreciate. Great fucking job.

Of all the Ferraris, you chose the ONE model that is a consistently terrible investment.

>> No.1014892
File: 303 KB, 1600x1066, Ferrari F40 GT IMG_3747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless it has an H-gate it won't be appreciating. The salesman gave you a rimjob and now you are hear saying stupid shit.

Pic related is an actual appreciating asset. 430s are over produced volume models.

>> No.1015005
File: 301 KB, 962x532, 1987-Buick-GNX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, since /o/ is here, let's post some more dream cars that actually go up in value.

Mine is pic related. GM only made around 500 of these cars and the original price for a GNX was $25k. Today a GNX can easily sell for $100k

>> No.1015014

What a kind and insightful response to a troll.

>> No.1015040

>buy ferrari
>get key'd on the first night out

>buy ferrari
>have no money left to maintenance

>buy ferrari
>put it in a poorfag's garage and end up looking like a try hard compensating for a small dick

>buy ferrari
>mfw afro-egyptians-kings steal it

>buy ferrari
>mfw insurance
Well at least you sell those, so you probably can cut a deal but still upkeep taxes on ferrari aren't cheap.

>buy ferrari
>discover you have cancer and have no money left

I could go on, there's so much bad outcomes.

>> No.1015044

>im gunna get this car at 24
>there is no reason to not have this car by 24

I wonder what you'd say if you decided to buy it at 25..

also insurance is for lames

>> No.1015046
File: 324 KB, 1024x683, Talbot Lago T150C SS Figoni & Falaschi Roadster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American straight liner
Avoid them, the baby boomer market is dying.

You want a car with an artist's/carrozeria's name behind it. Not a committee designed car famous for being the one OPEC-era car that wasn't slow as dicks. Look for carrozeria builds, homologation specials, halo cars for non-accessible brands, cars with one primary deisgner or a racer with a winning history.

Start searching through

>> No.1015091
File: 20 KB, 226x370, 1358031681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the idiots ferrari

>> No.1015125

> could be investing money
> could be well on track to never having to work shit tier sales job again
> could be well on track to never having to work again by 35
> could own house
> buys ferrari
> only attention you get is from teenage dudes

>> No.1015133

I suggest you read this.


The Opportunity Cost of the Car You Drive Is One of the Biggest Financial Decisions You’ll Ever Make

>> No.1015480

Best thing about shitty v8 ferraris is they halve in value the moment they roll off the lot.

>> No.1015509


Nope. He will get lots of attention from women. Women that will find some way to spend the rest of his income, and maybe fuck him once per every $10,000 they piss away

"but daddy I'm hungry why don't we go get some food'

'you want me to eat there?!?!"

'daddy it's cold I need a new jacket'

on and on and on

OP fucked

>> No.1015800

your car
>comes with a free stabbing

>> No.1016534

youre going to be broke pretty soon kiddo.

First I really dont think you even have this kind of money unless you can go the atm and print out a receipt and post it on here.

Second the moment you purchase that car you will lose money. Guranteed.

Unless you somehow score a good deal and pay lower than market for a little shitty one with higher mileage etc or maybe a salvage title.

Third you will not have enough monies to do maintainence on of these italian ponies. Oil change costs 3k and timing chain upwards 10k. It will cost you approx 15 k a year at the very least to keep this car in good mechanical shape. Dont forget insurance, registration, road tax etc.

All in all I wish you buy this car so you can go broke and reaize your stupid mistake.

Im 20 and I can afford the newest m5, but does that mean i run to the bank and buy it? no nigga, i like riding public transit knowing that my money will increase over time.

>> No.1016558

Meanwhile, a Ferrari burned in the streets of Tokyo


>> No.1016583

donald trump?

>> No.1016601

I can't believe this thread is still going. No, not Donald trump or whoever Aubrey is.

I just know how to run a business. Getting into residential rentals soon not just commercial.

>> No.1016604

And yes I'm same poster - just new ID since its been almost a week

>> No.1016608
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I just want this car to be honest

Unfortunately it seems to be very difficult to find one where I am, even with shipping in mind

>> No.1016640

Hi. I am Hungarian and we have a lot of trabants in our country. Try import one from there. Where do you live?

>> No.1017293
File: 1.27 MB, 3000x1978, 18435775-c540-4655-8f7f-2145c1acb7b8..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we're talking investment cars

>> No.1017435

OP plz cum bak

>> No.1017461

David Hasselhof bought a Trabi sometime back but it was said that the buy was difficult to conclude.

>> No.1017471

>Doesn't understand how debt means you can invest the money more intelligently to beat the interest on the debt and keep your financial stability in better shape

when you have the money to buy cash, do you go into debt? no, because debt is a liability not an asset!

>> No.1017483

>Car breaks down
>Can't afford to get it fixed.

>> No.1017486


>> No.1017527
File: 116 KB, 894x894, notice-me-senpai2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you tell about about how you started your businesses? Did you work first or just jump straight to it? Did you start with single family real estate or what?

>> No.1017544
File: 400 KB, 1600x900, 65 mustang black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


selling insurance seems like it sucks dick, but hey if you like it.

Also, supercars are a dime a dozen. Get a classic and really stand out.

>> No.1017553

>dime a dozen
>get a mustang

>> No.1017557

didnt read the whole thread, but why dont you consider owning a home in full THEN buy a 'toy' to put in the garage.

>> No.1017803

you are a dumb fuck. i bet you don't even know how to drive a manual car.

you don't like cars you like attention that's why you made this thread.

>> No.1017827

Fuckin Australia


>> No.1017911
File: 156 KB, 919x437, De_Tomaso_Pantera_GT4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're gonna blow all your money on a car, at least do it on a car that's actually worth it. De Tomaso Pantera, shes a thing of beauty. Google the specs and check out how she sounds via youtube. My favorite car ever atm. and I hope to eventually call one of these my own.

The catch is they don't make them anymore and sell, at the most recent Barrett Jackson auction, for well over 100k, some hitting as much as 500k.

Do what you want with your money OP, but a Pantera is better than an F430

>> No.1018202
File: 38 KB, 617x347, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here OP,
21 now and i've been doing it since 18. But to be honest i started saving up at 15.
I am planing on buying a Bentley continental GT, and I bought a 50^2 m house in the best neighbourhood in my country (Hungary) with half the money provided by my dad.

>mfw i am going to own a house and a Bentley when 25 y/o
>mfw i never had to study or work hard

>> No.1018357

Maybe if your credit is absolute dogshit and you can't get a good interest rate. Otherwise, debt is not bad.
What makes more sense, a loan at 0.9% APR and $20,000 you can invest in the market, or paying $20,000 for a car and having nothing?

>> No.1018878
File: 351 KB, 1600x1200, htup_1010_05_o%252B2002_honda_s2000%252Bmugen_frp_hardtop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im there with you anon.
I'm saving up for my dream car too, pic related.

>> No.1018900

Do you work for an insurance company? how does the freelancing work?

>> No.1018934
File: 148 KB, 1024x768, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice op. Money is too easy to make to not drive your dream car. I'll have mine by next year. 98 Porsche 911 turbo. The last real Porsche ever made.

>> No.1018984

> I have the Lego version since 2007 and that's when I told myself I'd buy it someday
Is this satire? Rich people don't buy cars, they lease them because why the fuck would anyone burn off tens of thousands of dollars just for driving off a lot? Just buy more lego you little shit.

>> No.1019531

>rich people don't say nigger, only white trailer trash and neet's
>successful people are against racial slurs and are smart enough to see that everybody is equal
t. college kid