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10117620 No.10117620 [Reply] [Original]

This is what an asset backed crypto looks like

>> No.10117776

Here's my issues. Feel free to prove me wrong if you can.

Holo (hosting platform) bridges apps built on holochain to the regular web. People can still access and use the apps if they run holochain software on their devices. Basically Holo is for the app developers to reach the normies by giving them access to the apps through a normal browser.

Now here's my problem. The early adopters for the apps built on holochain will be crypto nerds that will install the necessary software. Most won't care if they can access the app from a browser or not (especially since accessing the apps form the browser is more centralized - quote by Arthur Brock). So in early stages, the need for holofuel is low. The demand increases once developers want their apps to reach the masses. The problem with this is the following: its just a matter of time until the masses get some sort of plugin/extension/app for their PC/phones that makes them holochain hosts and lets them access native holochain apps. The more people become hosts the less demand there is for holofuel. Also this is not some technical milestone. It would be trivial to implement something that makes people hosts on most devices. There was some speculation that Mozilla might add something in their browsers to make the users hosts.

The more hosts there are, the less need for holofuel. In an ideal future (according to the team) everyone will be a host and when that happens holofuel is useless.

The more I read about, the more it seems that for these guys Holo is a necessary evil that will help them get to a future where everything runs on holochain and everyone is a host. This doesn't mean holofuel won't pull some insane bullrun in the meantime, but my concern is that the window of opportunity where holofuel is in demand is shorter than people think.

I'd like to hear what others think.

>> No.10117973

The only flaw in your reasoning is that you're thinking of holo as a bridge only and not as a payment system to compensate hosters.

So you're right in thinking that holo will be running on all kinds of devices, but that will just make the hosting prices drop to zero and the value of holo fuel will skyrocket because of that.

I mean, why pay digital ocean 5$ a month when you can get double the processing power for 1 holo.

And why pay 1 holo when there's a fuckton of normies willing to undercut that offer and sell you the same amount of spare processing power for 0.99 holo

or 0.80 holo
or 0.69

in the long run holofuel price will tend to inifinity.

There will be a slowdown caused by the dynamic supply but it's just enough to ensure the volatily wont kill holofuels utitlity as a currency, it has too much of a lag time for that so instead of wild swings you're going to see an early insane bull run followed by a slow but steady appreciation.

>> No.10118149
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>The only flaw in your reasoning is that you're thinking of holo as a bridge only and not as a payment system to compensate hosters.

>So you're right in thinking that holo will be running on all kinds of devices, but that will just make the hosting prices drop to zero and the value of holo fuel will skyrocket because of that.

Fuck! I haven't thought about it this way. You're right. I had it all wrong thinking that with more adoption, the demand will decrease and the prices will decrease as well, when in fact holofuel would be backed by the mother of computational power.

Even if 50% of people in the world act as hosts and the other 50% don't, that actually makes the value of holofuel increase like mad.

Fuck my retarded brain. I actually became pink wojak while writing this because I remembered I wanted to buy another 5MM HOT at the last dip but decided against it thinking that my reasoning was bulletproof and I'll end up holding bags.

>> No.10118331

Same shitty writing skills. Fuck off pajeet and stop discussion your shitcoin with yourself.

Sage and KYS

>> No.10118490
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>street shitter drops in the thread like clockwork
>accuses other people of being pajeets and samefagging

made me reply

>> No.10118682

Another thing to consider is that, depending on the app, you might still prefer to access apps via Holo hosting if, say, you're mobile and trying to get to the app from your phone. You might not want to always be a full peer when you're mobile.

Another thing that Art has mentioned is the possibility for IoT devices to continue to need hosting services even after Holochain apps have a significant adoption running natively.

>> No.10118825

I get the part about the phone, cause nobody wants his battery getting BTFO by hosting. Was thinking more along the lines that you're a host as long as you're using an app based on holochain and as soon as you stop using it you stop being a host. This way you pay for what you consume and there's no need to have a phone running as a host full time. What I don't get the is the IoT thing. What use does holochain have for IoT?

Also, one more question while you're here since you seem to have researched this thoroughly. Can holochain be used for computationally intensive shit like iExec or Golem? Couldn't find anything about this and haven't heard the team discussing it. I asked Matt once during a livestream but he passed the question to that kid (Will?) but he couldn't answer it either.

>> No.10118894
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>> No.10118932

About IoT I'm not expert, just know that both Art and Eric have mentioned it. My guess is that IoT devices may not have the resources necessary to host adequately in native Holochain apps, but may still need to communicate with Holochain apps to provide and access data streams, therefore they will need to use Holo hosting to function properly. Sami, admin in the TG chat, has mentioned that she is planning to build an augmented reality agroforestry and crop management engine, which would require some sensors in the field that would need to be connected to the Holo network (she has mentioned, by the way, that she holds an assload of HOT and is planning to use ALL of it to pay for hosting her application).

I don't know the answer to your question about iExec or Golem. I honestly can't tell if the question even makes sense - could explain why neither Matt nor Will could answer it. In any case, Matt is the communications guy and Will, while very knowledgeable, is just the son of Eric, so they might not be able to answer very difficult technical questions.

I don't see why Holo couldn't be used for computationally intensive operations, but I'm not sure exactly what you mean. Can you elaborate?

>> No.10119002

>I don't see why Holo couldn't be used for computationally intensive operations, but I'm not sure exactly what you mean. Can you elaborate?

Well some guy asked about MapReduce and they couldn't tell him and I was curious if you could use the computational power of the hosts to do video rendering or even simulations. I'm aware that Holo is a hosting platform, but I can't imagine why it couldn't be updated for this purpose too. If holo succeeds it would have a fuckton of computational power behind it. Would be a shame if that computational power is used only for hosting shitty sites/apps

>> No.10119043

Good question. Are you on mattermost? You can try asking there, a dev might answer you, although they've been pretty busy since the ICO ended actually building this shit, so not answering as many questions as they used to.

>> No.10119062

I am on mattermost but I feel like a retard compared to most people there so I mostly lurk.

>> No.10119080

Yeah there are some literal geniuses there, but yeah ask the question and see what happens.