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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10114917 No.10114917 [Reply] [Original]

>Another day of excruciating wage theft begins tomorrow

When will we overthrow our bosses, /biz/?

>> No.10114947
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Everyday until you like it.

>> No.10114973
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>> No.10115211


just as soon as people decide to stop being traitors to the working class and choosing to serve as the fighting organization of the bourgeoisie and fighting against the revolutionary proletariat we will be able to get right on that but porky has them all brainwashed

>> No.10115405

We gotta get rid of jews

>> No.10116263

I-I actually like working if I didn't have a job I'd just stay home and let my mind rot...

>> No.10116301




>> No.10116317
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>> No.10116448
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My boss is on vacation this week due to America's awesomeness.

My schedule for everyday this week, besides the 4th:
Show up about 2 hours late
Immediately take a 45 minutes coffee/breakfast break when I get in
Shitpost or an hour or so
Take a 1.5 hour lunch
Send a bunch of emails offloading any tasks assigned to me to others to make it look like I've done some actual work
Flirt with the new receptionist (Lookin good ladies)
Shoot the shit with my broworkers for an hour, making sure to ask a few questions about work to make it seem like I'm engaged
Shitpost/listen to audiobooks for a couple more hours
Go home

All ya'll are doing wage cuckery wrong.

>> No.10116454

Literally sat on a bus on a 2hr journey to work fml

>> No.10116475

if i showed up half an hour late id get fired on the spot

>> No.10116482
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How do I mental breakdown guys? My endurance is too strong. I just wanna go batshit insane, start clubbing my desk in an autistic rage and get hospitalized for a couple of months so I can start anew.

>> No.10116485
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Everyday I give away countless hours that I will never get back... and all for what... a piece of paper that says I can go buy the bare minimum I need to survive another day just to wage slave again. One day crypto and automation will set society free allowing the human race to put our minds together to reach infinity, but until then, I have to wait.. because that's all I've ever done.

>> No.10116487


You ARE the bourgeoisie brainlet. That revolution of the proletariat of yours inevitably ends in you and your little buddies getting gulaged. And what, besides money, does your capitalist class all have in common other than money? Oh yeah, disproportionately Jews or financed by them.

>> No.10116890

Why don't you poor fags just buy some money?

>> No.10117185

If you aren't making at least $20 an hour with retirement, you should be in college.

>> No.10117247

The only reason I am not a communist is because the community are filled with retards like this with no pragmatic solutions for anything and if something inconveniences them they just ignore it.