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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10114155 No.10114155[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have been laid of of work as a paramedic and I'm having trouble finding new work. Please help me. I'm am 5 days away from my electric getting cut off, and because I am spending the money feeding my family.. I am hopefully slated to get a job in the next two weeks, but I need to get by. Any amount will help. I will link my paypal, and crypto links, (apparently it's an easy way to transfer money). I would be most grateful. I will provide pictures as needed.

Paypal: asp3892@gmail.com

BTC: 38Vgoov919ekRxVMJWotGrjVt3ujQWgmV7

ETH: 0x77f32B0E3F86712f374933295f0370c100DC12C7

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

>> No.10114158
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>> No.10114172
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>> No.10114182
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>> No.10114190
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>> No.10114201
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>> No.10114218

Please please help. I'm sorry for rule breaking but I'm desperately in need of bill and food money for myself and my son

>> No.10114228

sent ;)

>> No.10114243

I didn't get it :(

>> No.10114303

So sorry again for begging. I am starting a job on 2 weeks but need to support my son and myself until then. Unemployment takes a long time to receive

>> No.10114315

Why are these always in the same format.
>lost my job
>so close to my new job, already started, first paycheck is too far away
>help me get there
>gib gib

>> No.10114332

nice, I want to help. Can I send negative money?

>> No.10114337

My son

>> No.10114340

Pajeets are good at following scripts. It's like a call center
Enjoy your ban op

>> No.10114347


>> No.10114361
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>> No.10114378
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>> No.10114379

ah, the innocence. doesn't even know his dad is a deadbeat yet

>> No.10114392

The fact that you have a family makes me want to donate even less tbqh

>> No.10114401

So... did you get "laid off" for diverting the narcs.

>> No.10114403

Sell your phone nigger.

>> No.10114410

No. I was downsized due to county budget cuts

>> No.10114421

fuck u my autistic 4 year old takes his diaper off shits on the floor steps in it and fucking laughs running thru the house. i want to kms and my crypto is down 80%

>> No.10114431

That sucks how long ago did you get laid off?

>> No.10114435

> begging is prohibited on this site
> start a go fund me and beg there

Roger Ver, Jihan Wu, Calvin Ayre, The 8btc mod (19hZx234vNtLazfx5J2bxHsiWEmeYE8a7k), Jiang Zhouer, the bitcoin.com cofounder, the Coinbase founder - all BILLIONAIRES who can complete the flippening with their own cash TODAY.
They're not doing so because they'd rather invest in BCH adoption. BCH adoption is skyrocketing while btc adoption is dropping.
In a few years both St Kitts and Antigua will use BCH as their main currency (Roger is working on St Kitts, Calvin is investing in Antigua more money than their GDP exclusively because of BCH adoption), Craig Wright will increase transaction counts by circumventing corrupt governments in Africa for money transfers (this one is not certain but very possible considering his funding), Roger is speaking to VIP-s every other day, including Japanese bank CEO-s, stock exchange owners, etc. Brian Armstrong will push BCH and shit on BTC subtly every chance he gets, bitcoin.com wallet is the most popular mobile wallet and it literally shits on BTC, propaganda/censorship effects are fading, Purse just added BCH meaning that normies can use it to get 20% discounts on amazon, Koreans love BCH and they seem to matter at least as much as Americans and significantly more than eurofags, miners are looking for ways to destroy BTC in the next few years otherwise their profits will crumble, LN is proving more and more of a failure every single day, Wright will patent-troll startups into moving into BCH, tipping on github is now possible with bch, smart contracts are coming in November, stress tests are a massive success, charities are popularizing BCH in struggling countries (Venezuela today, others will join in if trouble arises), Free Society project is progressing well, Circle is adding BCH next few weeks, Ayre who became a billionaire from gambling is going to create BCH-only online casinos

>> No.10114452

stop posting your rape dungeon here


>> No.10114459

I sent .5 BTC. God bless you, Rakesh

>> No.10114462

About a month

>> No.10114472



>> No.10114482

Oh my god, fuck off OP

>> No.10114504

Also, for anons that aren't aware, this sympathy play is the oldest trick in the book.

I was fooled by this at the tender age of 20.
>in Walmart parking lot
>guy approaches me
>tells me that they live on the other side of the state and haven't eaten in days
>just needs gas or food to make it home
>points over to a shitty dodge caravan with his wife and toddler inside
>promises he'll mail me back my money
>even if it's just a ham sandwich for his kid
>go in
>buy a pack of ham and bread
>give him $60 and my address
>go home and sit down for five minutes
>realize I'm retarded and that Christian charity is retarded

>> No.10114524

Why not scam the scammer, has top be some way to scam a scammer. Maybe ad-free on the condition that you can borrow their ID to buy booze, then just jet, I think it's like fifty dollars for a replacement.

>> No.10114554

Just find a way to waste his time. Looking back I would have keep handing him things to carry and then get in line and then pretend he was buying you things.

>> No.10114611

Ok, so you want me to believe that you were laid of from a COUNTY GOVERNMENT JOB? Which is most likely covered by a UNION CONTRACT, and you DIDN'T GET MORE THAN ONE A MONTHS SEVERANCE PACKAGE? Your a larp and a wanna be RICKEY RESCUE. You do realize there is a nation wide shortage of medics right now. My guess is you are on some volunteer FD and you get all wet when you get to ride in the big red truck a couple times a year. This only happens when you respond to the local bar, since Richard burned the popcorn again, and set the fire alarm off. Post your certs and I may change my mind to the validity of your claims. Until then larp away hose dragger.

>> No.10114648
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If ya’ll are gonna do it. Don’t fucking post about it... just do it. I want to help as much as you do but I also don’t want to encourage that type of behavior.

I tithe my 10% off of all quarterly earnings, because Kek wills it...

>> No.10114692

No begging and no exceptions. One begging pajeet invites a million.

>> No.10114697
File: 11 KB, 328x154, Fren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do you need fren?? I semi made it last year and am happy to share with someone in need

>> No.10114707

Why are our mods so fucking slow.

>> No.10114718

I fell for this once. Gave the guy some money, he took my address down. Ran into him when I went with a relative to look at some vehicle to buy. I didnt recognize him but he kept saying I looked familiar. Like later that day or the next day it finally hit me he was the guy who scammed me for some money. Told my relative not to buy the vehicle.

>> No.10114725

This faggot is ban evading
Furthermore, he is a liar
He was begging 1 month ago too with the same $6.67 in his bank account


>> No.10114731

This same dude got $17 for providing the same fake sob story.

I had $8 in my bank account last night, at the end of the month, and you didn't see me crying for /biz/ to send me money when I'm the tard who spent it on Link and XMR

>> No.10114734

I got banned, had to fix. As muh as ypu care to spare p,ease

>> No.10114735

Sent ;)

>> No.10114743

And that went to groceries, what littke i got

>> No.10114749


/b/ro if i could help i would. Goodluck man. I hope someone here helps out

>> No.10114752

One minute i Will

>> No.10114758

LMAO. Are you going to beg every single day on this shitty board? kys, scum.

>> No.10114771
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>> No.10114783

Never got :( cruel joke if not true

>> No.10114810

This thread has been up for an hour and must have gotten over 10 reports.
wtf are the mods doing? Is this begging pajeet a mod or what?

>> No.10114811

I checked, and you've only used the 0.0011 ($7) that was sent to your bitcoin address.

Prove it: show the receipt for what you bought with the $7.

Or give a timestamped(not the name of the picture, anyone can change that) version of the picture of your degree

>> No.10114812

Ok anon. Just make a req invoice and il send u 10 req. Thats enough for like 6 big macs, k?

>> No.10114813

I feel bad for your kids since I grew up in foster care and I know what it's like to be hungry. How much would you need to get back on your feet. Currently have around 23 bitcoin which I have no use for since I live a frugal and lonely life.

>> No.10114831

Last night they didn't even take him down, they just added a warning "This user has gotten enough free money" under his post, I should've screenshotted it

>> No.10114834

Most likely a mod

>> No.10114841

Whatever you can spare anon. I am I a really bad situation.
The 7 dollars is still in transfer to my bank it will take a couple days

>> No.10114853

I am in*

>> No.10114863

Sent ;)

>> No.10114888

Not a funny joke :(

>> No.10114894

If I send you 4 bc will you stop making these threads and use the money to feed your family?

>> No.10114898

Yes and pay bills

>> No.10114906


>> No.10114914

Lmao, fuck this place. /b/ tier trash.

>> No.10114919

I would be more grateful than you can imagine for my family

>> No.10114924

Will you actually post proof such as grocery store receipts or utility bills?

>> No.10114929

Oops my mistake i accidentally sent u xrp.
Sent ;)

>> No.10114935

You got banned yesterday already

>> No.10114941

If you want, e to make follow up posts or send proof to your email yes I will

>> No.10114969

He's already posting with a new id because he got banned again. But why are mods keeping the thread up when they're aware of it?

>> No.10114970


;) Sent ;)

>> No.10114971

I have no problem giving money to people who are in need, but he hasn't given much proof to show he really is in need.

Even if he showed a timestamped bank account that showed he had some money, but not much, it'd be more than what he's shown us so far.

I'm not gonna take this dude's word on something he clearly cannot prove himself, that he got fired from his paramedic job.

For all we know, that's his sisters degree.

Yes, I'm a pessimistic asshat, but at least I'm not asking for money without giving any proof of needing it.

>> No.10114979

I haven't gotten anything :(

>> No.10114984

faggot mods delete the thread

and give us flags already.

>> No.10114989

It has MY name on it

>> No.10114997

Sent ;)

>> No.10115004

Sent ;)

>> No.10115021

Two weeks is far off when you need emergency cash in a few days.

Anybody have any ideas on how to obtain some emergency cash in a few days? Or know employers that pay in one week or less?

The only thing people seem to think of is Uber and shit daily gigs posted on craigslist.

>> No.10115029

No need for that you seem like a man of integrity. Just sent you 7 btc just remember to pay it forward.

>> No.10115043
File: 1.56 MB, 2576x1932, 20180701_234834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a bill in collections about to get shut off

>> No.10115055

I didn't get it :(

>> No.10115066

Or get that either :(

>> No.10115081

Are you calling me a liar?

>> No.10115097

No sir I just haven't gotten a notification and it's not on coinbase

>> No.10115103

I have as much proof his name is Andrew and he was fired from his paramedic job as I have proof you sent your transaction.

>> No.10115111


The op got banned but the thread is still up.
And in his last two threads they just added a message in red before deleting it an hour later.
Why are his begging threads so special?
This guy is a mod and it annoys me because the mods are not doing anything to clean up this board but have the time to create begging threads.

>> No.10115119

I'm not a mod

>> No.10115137

I just need help

>> No.10115225


>> No.10115227

Ooohhh you're using a coinbase account. Wow you should have mentioned that earlier. The thing is I am using a proxy encrypted wallet. These kinds of wallets aren't able to send btc to exchange wallets like coinbase. This happens all the time when I send bitcoin to my friend's coinage wallets. An easy fix is to just send a small amount of bitcoin like $5 or something so the transaction gets triggered and you'll be able to receive the money. Give it a go I sent the money to you already you just need to send a little to this address so my transaction could go through. Sorry for the inconvenience and God bless you: 37BUN2Hn8tQmAzQ4UH7PNBHE22c8aHYRjz

>> No.10115237

I don't have the 5 dollars to send

>> No.10115268

No you don't have 5 dollars, you have 6. Just send those 6 dollars to the address to trigger the transaction. Otherwise It will be stuck and it will never show up as a transaction in the blockchain

>> No.10115283
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>> No.10115299

I already sent the 6 to my bank and it hasn't hit yet