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10110959 No.10110959 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point in getting a job if you're just going to be replaced by a robot in 5 years?

>> No.10110986

What's the point in eating if you're just going to be hungry again in a few hours? What's the point of wiping your ass if you're just going to have to take a shit again tomorrow? Need I continue?

>> No.10110988

Because I'm getting a job as a nurse and that can't effectively be automated or outsourced

>> No.10111059


Why pay millions for a robot to flip burgers when you can just lower another grill on top and lock in the juices as well?

>> No.10111077

How much would it suck for these lawyer fags to go through all the studying just to be replaced by an AI

>> No.10111087
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>> No.10111116

that's what i thought 10 years ago when newsweek (paper edition) used to run articles telling us robots would replace everyone within 5 y ears
robots still haven't replaced anyone
neet life hasn't been bad to me but objectively it wasn't the best choice for life development, now i have a gf but i'm years behind to provide her with stability
never fall for the "right around the corner" meme

>> No.10111188

good luck replacing a paramedic

>> No.10111222

>House needs to be rewired
>Self driving car drives a $2 000 000 robot to my house for a "free" inspection
>"Sir that will be $8000, and please carry me up the stairs"
>Fuck this I will just call Bill the electrician

>> No.10111287


Bill the electrician is on his couch strung out on opiods.

>> No.10111332

>Decide to go on holiday
>Need to book a seat on a $230 000 000 Boeing 787
>"Sir that will be $920,000, and please arrive at this location at this time"
>Fuck this I will just go by train

>> No.10111334

Jesus how much for that okonomiyaki robot? I wish japanese restaurants would offer that instead of their generic sushi.

>> No.10111368


This. It's basically impossible to predict the future and especially something as complicated as AI and robotics development. It honestly might end up being sooner than you think or later than you think(there might be some big roadblock in development that no one sees before we get there).

>> No.10111374


>> No.10111886

Smart contracts will make that happen before physical labor gets fully automated since blockchain development advances faster than robotics.

>> No.10112063

ya that's just sensational media garbage to assume it will happen that quickly, it's reasonable to assume that it will definitely happen in our lifetimes though

>> No.10112074


Do you really want a legal system that runs automatically though?

>> No.10112086


everything automated has to be logically consistent

>> No.10112104

what we want and what will happen aren't the same. the government will give no shits about what we think about them, cause the average brainlet normie will actually support it cause they're sheepie

>> No.10112108

My thoughts exactly OP. To bad my welfare check doesn't care about my thoughts. To bad I don't care about what the government thinks, checkmate.

>> No.10112110


According to human logic, which is not infallible.

>> No.10112111

too bad neither laws nor people are logically consistent

>> No.10112119
File: 1.73 MB, 1978x3426, ford_and_amazon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they won't replace EVERYONE but they will replace probably half of workers. at my job right now we just wrote code to replace probably half of the people below us. they didn't outright tell us - "Hey, write this so you can make a bunch of people lose their jobs", but I know that's what it's going to do.

these companies aren't thinking longterm, only for their next greatest quarterly profit so they can please their shareholders.

who is going to buy your useless junk meme product when everyone is either out of a job or struggling to make more than $20 an hour (in 2018 no less)

>> No.10112159

>Who's going to buy your useless junk meme product when everyone is either out of a job or struggling to make more than $20 an hour
Kids with trustfunds?

>> No.10112176

Automating the legal system will identify logical inconsistencies and allow them to be fixed before someone runs into them in a case. That's a good thing.

>> No.10112219

>thinking UBI won't be a thing

also after UBI being a thing this is where a massive population culling will take place. when rich people realize they can just kill off the shit stains that are actually more useless than worker ants with an AI PMC, they will. money as a concept will literally change at this point as they will just use their AI to create anything they want, and when you've killed off most of the world population, there's a lot of land to go around for the remaining rich people.

>> No.10112267

I work jobs operating cnc type machines because they already have been automated.

>> No.10112290

Yeah right buddy - robots are coming for doctors as well. They've already shown robots have better incisions across the board, especially after 8 hours of work

>> No.10112316


yeah any knowledge based field will pretty much get shit on by automation. the only surviving fields will be innovating ones, so researchers, game developers, etc. to think otherwise is delusional

>> No.10112397

Have you guys ever actually worked with robots?
They are still dumb as fuck, they can't even do a simple mig weld properly for a single day without constant supervision and reteaching.

Yes they have fancy robots in laboratories and shit that can do open heart surgery but any reasonably smart robot costs a fortune and no short-term profit focused company wants to spend the money on them so they pretty much only exist to make engineers and scientists dicks hard at the moment. Nobody's job is in any danger of being automated any time soon.

>> No.10112439

there'll have to be humans in the loop for a loooong time

>> No.10112575

It's not about knowledge. It's about human contact. This board of autistic retards will not understand. Pay might go down because you won't need as much knowledge. Most people are going to want another human to take care of them after serious injuries or surgeries.

>> No.10112735

because robots are literal brainlets

>> No.10112766
File: 8 KB, 221x250, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking we're gonna let brainlets that only care about superficial shit live in an AI dominant society

also don't forget ai isn't the only thing to worry about, designer babies will replace the current generation of brainlets before AI does so the average iq of the population will go up, and the retards that sabotage their healthy by binging on mcchickens everyday or doing dumbass shit like skateboarding off a railing will go down. we'll also develop medicine to reverse aging so we don't have to give a fuck about the elderly anymore and most diseases will be cured without any need for surgery. the health industry will get fucked hard the most cause people like u actually think it's gonna be safe haven from automation and future technological advancements when it won't be.

>> No.10112783



>> No.10113691

>Implying that is not 50+ years away from mass use
>Implying it wouldn't take another 20 years for the US government to approve it
Seriously... It takes like 10 years for pimple medicine to get approved by the FDA.

>> No.10113716

Not if we start ww3 and shit went down the hill again. Or the economy will collapsed and the bubble bop.

>> No.10113729

Just buy shares in those companies.

ez money.

>> No.10113754

Dude, you're literally reading from a science fiction book.