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10109111 No.10109111 [Reply] [Original]

Scamming faggot

>> No.10109125
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>he bought chinkcoin bags

>> No.10109135

Nigger shut the hell up. Not everyone is fucking retarded and bought LTC at $200. God you fucking crypto newfags piss me the fuck off. Wanna know something? I’m still positive on LTC despite being getting justed this year

>> No.10109150

He did nothing wrong. Seriously. We should have listened to him.

>> No.10109177

hello charlie!
you ready for jail

>> No.10109195

This guy literally told people not to buy at ATH and expect a 90% retracement.

>> No.10109274


After he sold the top. Litepay and Litepal were both scams. He also claims Abra runs primarily on Litecoin which is also a lie.

He is a scammer.

>> No.10109293

He’s also a pedophile

>> No.10109297

Litepay and litepal were entirely disassociated from the LTC foundation. Welcome to the real world you fucking pussy. No coin is picture perfect. Learn to find the ones which will stand the test of time

>> No.10109305

But that’s okay I’m pretty sure most of you fucking weirdos on this board are into CP and all that shit

>> No.10109348


Doesn't matter. He did not rebute the fact that Litepay was dissociated. In fact, he shared media that hyped up Litepay and even donated $25,000 to them.

He is a scammer.

>> No.10109358

That's infinity chan lad

>> No.10109372

Not a scammer, just doesn't want to accept the pointlessness of his baby.

>> No.10109380

he is so fucking ugly lmao

>> No.10109400

>Hai white boi
>lets play game
>i buy low you buy high
>i sell high you buy bags
>i win you lose.

>> No.10109407

yes that’s how scams are run retard

>> No.10109432

you fell for it nigger. Boomer daddy can’t protect you from falling for it. I reiterate, welcome to the real world you fuckin pussy

>> No.10109449
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>I’m still positive on LTC
Not for long

>> No.10109460
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>entirely disassociated from the LTC foundation.
Entirely disassociated after receiving funding from them.
Damn ltc bagholders are the dumbest bunch

>> No.10109476
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>just doesn't want to accept the pointlessness of his baby
If he didn't understand the pointlessness of his creation, he wouldn't have dumped it on you at ATH

>> No.10109479

nice try CNN, prove the funding nigger

>> No.10109504

He does understand it, he just doesn't want to accept it.

>> No.10109525
File: 138 KB, 1080x1082, f828f824ce4ddbe1c4a6a126e58d28e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prior to that, the foundation had approached Kenneth regarding his less than transparent nature with the company and to express our, and the community’s, concerns regarding his recent Reddit AMA. It was at this time that Kenneth asked the foundation for more funds to continue operations. The foundation refused any further funding as he was unable to provide a satisfactory picture of where the money had been spent and refused to go into exact details about the company and show objective evidence to back up his statements.
10 seconds of googling and I've already found the foundation themselves admitting that they've funded Litepay and have "stopped" doing so. Took me 10 fucking seconds. You're literally dumb as shit if you couldn't find this on your own

>> No.10109529

fell for what exactly? i have never bought one of these silver chink coins

>> No.10109546

>My creation is still amazing and I fully believe in it, I just happened to dump it at ATH accidentally
Sure thing, buddy

>> No.10109563

Why is he still working on it?

>> No.10109575

>working on it
>working on it
>working on it
Throughout its entire existence, the only work Lee has done is copy+paste from the bitcoin core repo + shilling on twitter. Oh, and using his connections to put it on coinbase, so he can dump it when it pumps (which he did).
After he dumped he's repeatedly called it "a shitcoin", which jokingly or not, he never did while he held it. Also just kek @ your definition of work...

>> No.10109589

dude are you fucking serious? where is the proof of funding? god damn retards posting nonsense and expecting to prove a point. PROVE THE FUNDING

>> No.10109789
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>Foundation admits to funding litepay
where is the proof of funding

>> No.10109860
File: 100 KB, 1125x1071, 52F72AB5-AF2B-4ACE-BAA4-65E9E094BB7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts unsourced, unverified text claimed to be from reddit.
>claims proof of his point, despite proving absolutely nothing
Classic CNN tactics anon, I applaud