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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10102949 No.10102949 [Reply] [Original]

Guys heres my plan, im 18 now

>buy 5k xrp
>wait (HODL)
>buy a 200k to 400k house

Is that a good plan?
Also where is the best place to buy xrp? I heard uphold is good

>> No.10103003
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Surely there are some huge whales on here. How much xrp are you guys holding

>> No.10103069
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0 because it's worthless. Also when I wad your age I made a shit ton off the 2017 bull run. Maybe try doing that. Just do your best champ.

>> No.10103365


I wouldn't call myself a whate, but I hold 21k XRP. My cashout point is $10.


>when I was your age 6 months ago...

>> No.10103525

why is it worthless

>> No.10103757


It's not. Ripple & XRP will be a household name in the financial world. Biz has an animosity towards Ripple because "muh jew banker coin". In reality, it's the only crypto racking up untold numbers of partnerships. While biz spurts their pants over dumb shit like Verge + Pornhub, or some Korean coffee shop accepting Litecoin, Ripple is bedding financial institutions around the globe. Follow the money.

>> No.10103861

Where should i buy ripple from BRO
Idk if i should use uphold or what

>> No.10103874

Should cashout at 100
Millions right there

>> No.10103940

I completely agree, I own 12k. I'm just curious of why he thinks its worthless.

>> No.10103944

Binance. Funds are safe

>> No.10103963

Can anyone confirm?
Leddit told me uphold is the best.

>> No.10104037


Any major exchange is fine - Bittrex, Polo, Binance, etc. Just get it off there right away. I don't trust ANY exchanges, I don't care how reputable they are. Mt Gox was the most reputable around - until it wasn't.

Buy a ledger nano and hold your funds there.

>> No.10104044


Uphold is the EASIEST because you can buy direct with a debit card.

I have no idea how "safe" it is.

>> No.10104120

>Buying a liability is the ultimate goal

>> No.10104128


>cash out at 100

Honestly I want to believe, but I just don't see it hitting that price without truly epic levels of adoption. I believe Ripple/XRP will be a major player, but not an absolute standard. Yahoo was a sure bet in 1998. In 2002 Google was kicking their ass all over the place. You have to be cognizant of the fact that this market is still in it's infancy, and anyone can come along and steal the crown.

$10 XRP makes me 100% debt free, including my house, and still leaves me a substantial chunk for re-investment. I'll re-evaluate the market at that point.

>> No.10104205


A house is an asset. An asset that every creditor appreciates. Stop being a millennial moron.

>> No.10104254

>buy a ledger nano
>offline storage
Why? And i will consider it desu

>> No.10104279

XRP = Yahoo
LINK = Google
Think about it.

>> No.10104346




Fuck off stinky linky.

>> No.10104429

If it costs you money it's a liability.

>> No.10104453


No shit, sherlock.

Food costs money - you gonna forgo it?

>> No.10104577

You have to eat. You do not have to own a home.

>> No.10104585


You still need shelter, retard. So what would you rather do? Pay your own mortgage or pay someone else's?

Think, moron.

>> No.10104593

I would rent and keep investing.

>> No.10104605


Paying your own mortgage is investing you moron. It's called "equity". Come back when you move out of your parents house - then you can start talking with adults.

>> No.10104608

I actually moved out in 1999 so fuck you.

>> No.10104615


So you've been contributing to someone else's equity for 20 years. Well you're just the fucking epitome of investment advice aren't ya?


>> No.10104622



>> No.10104630

Lololololol.... Fuck off.

>> No.10104641

I actually made a lot of money in that time but then it was stolen from me. So I am starting over.

>> No.10104650

good plan anon xrp is the only viable coin

>> No.10104656


XRP is so far ahead of this game you're in the kiddy pool, we're doing laps in the deep end

>> No.10104664

renting is cheaper

look it up absolute retard lmao

>> No.10104686


Wrong. My house cost $115,000. My mortgage is $691/month, including taxes and insurance. My neighbor is paying $750/month rent for far less square footage. Tell me more about things you don't understand.

>> No.10104702



>> No.10104707

So you don't have maintenance costs moron?

>> No.10104745


Of course I do. But it's a HOUSE, not a car, retard. I don't have to fill it up with gas every 3 days. It's literally built to stand the test of time. Are you stupid or what?

>> No.10104764

Fucking idiot, you still have to pay to keep your house from becoming delapidated.

>> No.10104844

115k House...what Kind of shithole so you live in? Or is this considered a lot in Burger Land?

>> No.10104870

So basically, you are telling me to get this hardware wallet INSTEAD of holding the coins online on uphold?
Should i do it? I know its a good security measure and all but is it worth it?

>> No.10104875

Burgerland is way bigger than europe anon.
Places like cali, a small house is like a 800k. It varies

>> No.10104907

Not having a Hardware wallet when you have some money in Crypto is irresponsible af

>> No.10104993


>> No.10104998


No, dumbshit, you just have to take care of it. I know actually accepting responsibility for something is a foreign concept to you degenerate millennials. You'll learn someday.

>> No.10105005


News flash, retard: Not everyone lives in urban hell. You'd be amazed what $100k buys outside your liberal shitbubbles.

>> No.10105008

>XRP market cap will be 1 trillion $

>XRP market cap will be 10 Trillion $


>> No.10105012
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Basedboy warning

>> No.10105017

Well here we have a saying. The state has a hundred years to take your house. It may not be while you are alive but sooner or later it becomes the property of the state.

>> No.10105019

If i make 300k with xrp
Im going to buy a house
No mortgage shit

>> No.10105029



>> No.10105042

the venn diagram of people who like ripple and people who like litecoin or verge is a near perfect circle, you all are the normalfags of crypto
it's like the vechain/walton shit. why you faggots are so intent on dissing each other's "investment" is beyond me, there's nothing but air behind any of these projects. putting the spotlight on any of them also evidences the failings of your own shitcoin

>> No.10105045

I dont think you making 300k is something you have to worry about if youre too dumb to get a Hardware wallet

>> No.10105051

another MC argument noob, the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.10105066


Because it's a scam, everytime you buy those XRP tokens you're paying for Ripple's private business plans. Banks aren't going to buy those tokens off you, Ripple will provide a banking coin paid for by you stupid XRP bagholders.

XRP is a gigantic fucking scam second only to bitconnect.

>> No.10105209

Oh yea?
Shill me what you're holding cunt

>> No.10105441

Nice b8 m8 now fuck off back to plebbit

>> No.10105446

Market cap is literally the only thing that matters.

>> No.10105481

Sounds like you’re not factoring the long term costs of upkeep like replacing roof, plumbing, electric etc. factor it all in and land tax and your neighbour is getting a better deal

>> No.10105486

I hold 20k xrp OP.

XRP is the future for world payments and global currency... the plans are in motion and the price will be $5-10 EOY- mooning next year indefinitely to $589 max price.

The real reason for Coinbase not listing xrp is because of the behind the scene relations... CB ceo hates XRP for its connections and how it has partnered with the elite/planned for world takeover.

One coin will win this battle for money transfer, it sure as hell won’t be anything else.

>> No.10105491

>Coin market caps are meaningful

What’s the market cap of the Swiss franc, or don’t you know or care because it’s a useless number?

Absolute retard

>> No.10105518

Where do you buy your xrp?

>> No.10105543

Don’t buy a house they are a liability. Why do you think people use them for negative gearing if they are so profitable?

>> No.10105547

>nothing but air behind XRP

Have you read their numerous technical white papers on consensus algo?

>> No.10105550

I just want a place of my own that i will be living in the next 60 years or so.

Whats wrong with buying a house?

>> No.10105580

>Whats wrong with buying a house?

Did you not read?

A house locks your capital in and prevents you from investing.

>> No.10105644

If you rent you're still spending the same amount of money each month you fucking bean.

So you may have equity locked up which you can't use but then if you rent you have fuck all.

Nigga please.

>> No.10105738

I don't understand you faggot
i don't live in fucking Florida where a hurricane will destroy the house in pieces.

>> No.10105840

Dude if your not baiting your a fucking brainlet. Get off my board NOW.

>> No.10105860

i spent like 30$ every day in xrp since jan

>> No.10105874

>your a

>> No.10105878

damn man
accumulating it
im gonna accumulate as well, which exchange you use?

>> No.10105924

so what's the prognosis on XRP? 1 trill dollars by 2021?

>> No.10106683
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not gonna make it

>> No.10107028

>years of building liquidity for xrp just to scrap it without any reason and start again
you are a special kind of retard