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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1010399 No.1010399 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/
I came into some money, $500k to be precise. I need some advice on whether I should invest it in stocks or purchase a home. The average price of a house in my city is around $450k. If I did purchase a house I would basically be left with no cash when you take out stamp duty.

What should I do?

>> No.1010402

Dont buy the house outright.

>> No.1010405

Move to where the houses aren't insanely expensive! Then get a $100k house in cash and put the rest into a portfolio of rental properties. Stocks and real estate sales go up and down, but you can always get tenants if you price the rent right.

Note: Make the rent just a bit on the higher side so you don't draw as many druggies and deadbeats.

>> No.1010707

Depends on you. Personal homes usually net 3% or less during the living cycle, and huge transfer and transaction costs.

Stocks and Rentals you should be aiming for 12% a year. Very difficult right now.

You're completely discounting business. With a warchest like that. You've got access to roughly 2.5 Million in Small business Association funding, for existing businesses.

a business like that should throw off 30k per month with a few 100k months.

>> No.1010709

>Gets $500k
>Hmmm I better ask /biz/ whether I should buy a home or "invest in stocks"

Seriously? Why do you people keep making these threads.

Are you Chinese?

>> No.1010720

>a business like that should throw off 30k per month with a few 100k months.
How do you figure that? I mean, it just seems like a pretty wild assumption to say that with $500,000 in startup money that "a business" is going to net you any specific figure.

What kind of business are you talking about?

>> No.1010722

Disregard him.

He is Chinese and gives idiotic advice.

>> No.1010724

put 30% in stocks
65% in REITs
5% in bonds

>> No.1010748

I think he means that you could purchase an existing business with that money, and that business could draw returns that amount to that much.

>> No.1010784

I'd just buy properties in Detroit like 100k$ worth. Shit is cheap as fuck and its next Brooklyn.

>> No.1010790

500k is well over a million in real estate leverage. Get loans paying as less as possible and let poors pay it off while also profiting

>> No.1010907
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OP, execute the following actions:
>Put $10,000 downpayment on a very cheap duplex as part of a mortgage.
>Go to a bank and get a loan equal to the value of the duplex with the mortgage as collateral.
>Take all of this money plus your remaining money and short WTI light sweet crude petroleum.
>Close the short contracts after the price of said oil futures drops by about 10%+.
>You now have one million dollars.
>Pay off the mortgage.
>Continue to do crafty things with your money until you're a multibillionaire.

mfw I'd do all this if I had even a tenth of what op has.

>> No.1010985

>Put $10,000 downpayment on a very cheap duplex as part of a mortgage.
>Go to a bank and get a loan equal to the value of the duplex with the mortgage as collateral.

How is a mortgage collateral? It's like saying "use your credit card debt as collateral to pay off your credit card". I've never heard of this.

>> No.1010995

invest in steam games. shit is the future of money

>> No.1011019

Subtract your age to 100. That's how much % you are investing in stocks. 5% into cash and the rest in bonds.

>> No.1011021

Interest baring savings account?

>> No.1011022

40% in an IRA
25% in an S&P tracker fund
25% in an REIT
10% in savings

Get a fuckin job and don't touch the money in savings unless you need to

>> No.1011231

Oh shut the fuck up, you know literally nothing about this.

A 30 year old should be putting 25% of his money into fucking BONDS? Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.1011245


Live somewhere cheaper you idiot.

>> No.1011249

100% bitcoin now

>> No.1011250

You're obviously not familiar with the Australian housing market. I can buy a house for $300k, but that means living in area full junkies, drunks and busted up sluts.

>> No.1011259


>> No.1011293
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>65% in REITs
>30% in stocks

65% in reits... lmao

>> No.1011296

>short WTI

oil is going to go UP dumbfuck

this is the time to buy oil futures and hold until oil gets to at least 70$ a barrel

>> No.1011297

Oil ain't going up for at least 5 years

Also $70/barrel may never happen again since Russia has said they're planning to force $40/barrel as long as they can produce

>> No.1011301

In that case it sounds like there is a HUGE housing bubble (aka U.S. pre-2008) but who knows, you're the one that's familiar with the Australian housing market so you should know if that's the case. So assuming that's the case, buying a fucking house is literally the worst possible financial decision you could possibly make. So find a mid range place to rent and invest like 80-90% of your cash now for the long term.

>> No.1011304

Get the fuck out of the USA and retire in Brazil, use $100K to buy a nice house in the South, save $50K for the year and invest everythng else in PETR4.

>> No.1011310

150-200k In house. Rent a room or 2 to make them pay the interest on the mortgage.

100k into a net egg savings account

Buy a good used car for like 10k

Invest the rest. Since you wont have to pay for rent or car payments you will be able to very easily have a positive cash flow.

Congratulations you won life. Have 5 white children

>> No.1011334


Here's a tip:

Shove. It. Up. Your. Ugly. Ass.

>> No.1011360

Buy lots of cat litter, then sell it for 2% more than what you bought it for.


>Taking specific stock advice from anyone, never mind a stranger on the internet

>> No.1011538

You always get dividends from stocks too if you pick the right ones and it's much less of a hassle to manage a stock portfolio than rental properties.

>> No.1011625
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>stamp duty.
What the fuck kind of foreign shit is stamp duty?

>> No.1012168


Why not?

>> No.1012457

overfunded life insurance

>> No.1012505
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>> No.1012507
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