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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10102123 No.10102123 [Reply] [Original]

Do people on this board ironically think being rich will make them happy?

If so, what are you reasoning's why?

>> No.10102135

Being rich would mean that I could live life without needing to worry about ever making ends meet. I would work in places and industries that I want and not have to think about the finances at all. Being rich itself wouldn't make me happy, but it would allow me to achieve happiness through my own work much easier

>> No.10102150

>memes fuel denial
>denial is safety
>safety reminds them of mommy

>> No.10102155

being rich affords an individual power and influence to affect positive change in this world. the buddha says enlighten yourself to enlighten others. may you always walk in light and love, brother.

>> No.10102175

Wouldn't it be nice if you didn't have to be rich to have the agency to pursue what you're actually interested in? It seems like so much of human time and energy is wasted on just trying to survive, and we would be so much more productive and regenerative and mutually supportive if we could feel safe knowing our basic needs would be met.

>> No.10102194

As social animals, humans find happiness in their relationships with friends, family, lovers, etc.
However, ultimately nobody cares about you unless you provide some kind of value
If you have a lot of value people will care about you, they like high value people
Getting rich is one way to increase your value and can make up for shortcomings like being out of shape, autistic, and ugly.
We just want to be cared for, and some of us have nothing to offer and due to medical conditions, location, and/or other circumstantial limitations other than our potential to obtain resources (wealth).
t. Out of shape and ugly autist

>> No.10102201

being rich = no work ever again

i hate working, so yeah it will make me happy

>> No.10102207

Yeah that's be nice. I want more in-depth studies on universal basic income done to see if it's a viable thing to put into practice in the future. Assuming it's practical and viable, it would improve the whole of society tremendously to remove all that pressure we live with

>> No.10102223

idk man, being fed and clothed is a pretty good thing desu

>> No.10102244

You might be interested in this: https://medium.com/social-evolution/how-we-become-the-social-safety-net-2994a68a53db

Could be built on something like Holochain...

>> No.10102268

Getting rich =/= providing value, unfortunately

I would also like to live in a world in which providing value was actually rewarded, rather than greed and psychopathy being the main things that get rewarded.

>> No.10102285
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>lost soul

You are the definition of dilution. Prayers go out to you and your future.

>> No.10102309

>>lost soul
Who are you quoting right now?

>> No.10102310

Value is rewarded, you just don’t know what value is.

>> No.10102322

There's nothing more obnoxious and annoying than cryptic pseudospiritual nonsense that pretends its mystical magical schizo thinking isn't just basic partisan political horseshit. Fuck you, you fucking retard.

>> No.10102331

If I were rich I wouldn't be afraid to die in poverty. I live in ear everyday thinking what will happend to me in the future.If I had money That fear will dissapear and I could face life without being afraid.

>> No.10102338

Value can be derived from the happiness you provide to others through meaningful relationships instead of the resources you provide.

>> No.10102349

money = freedom

>> No.10102379

Then tell me, what is value? Is it valuable when CEO positions are dominated by literal psychopaths who don't care that capitalism is destroying the only planet we have? Because those assholes sure make a lot of money, which in your view seems to imply that they are EXTREMELY valuable. I disagree with that view.

>> No.10102383

missed my point normie, you need value in the first place to obtain and cultivate those relationships
Would you rather become friends with a homeless heroin addict or someone with their own job and friends?

>> No.10102386

shut the fuck up

>> No.10102390

That's all you have? Maybe trying sticking to the topic.

Universal basic income = fiat currency peddlers trying to automate their cyclical long term pain

But hey be my guest and repeat past mistakes in the name of your brilliance.

>> No.10102394

I tend to look down on people who just want to be rich to retire and have no ambition of their own, people who cant derive happiness from their work.

but when depression hits it makes you realise there's nothing wrong with desiring a minimalistic, stressless life. In this scenario, happiness doesn't come from working and so being rich makes you happy

>> No.10102400
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>cryptic pseudospiritual nonsense

i don't do requests but for you i'll make an exception since it confuses you to the point of crying

>> No.10102411

They are extremely valuable because their money says they are.
>think of the planet, the animals, the environment oh my, muh ethos
Wake up kid, if you aren’t physically attractive, athletically gifted, or some kind of genius money is the only way. At the end of the day people just want to eat shit and fuck, they don’t care enough about the environment.

>> No.10102419


no, I get rich, then I can focus on being happy. Right now I have to fill 40 hours a week with bullshit and another 40 hours a week with DD. No time for happiness.

>> No.10102436

To be happy I need this answered, Did I create myself or was I created. Did I chose who I am or was I put here against my "will"?

>> No.10102438

Their money says they are rich. That is not the same as valuable.

I am interested in deep wealth, not riches. Deep wealth comes from qualitative wealth, not just vaults full of cash. Qualitative wealth brings feelings of contentment, meaning, and connection. Real wealth comes through relationships and participating in meaningful things.

Those who increase deep wealth in society are the ones who are valuable, regardless of how much money they might have or make.

>> No.10102452

do you realize that you are NOT SEPARATE from the planet? it is actually the only rational, selfish choice to try to take care of this planet, because we are the planet. you may think you are a distinct, discrete thing with no concern for what happens "out there," but this is a tragic delusion that leads only to more pain and suffering for yourself and for everyone around you.

>> No.10102513
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>> No.10102529

put down the Ayn Rand faggot

>> No.10102589

Not necessarily happy, but money is one less thing to worry about

>> No.10102624
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Dude y still doesnt realize how ignorance and rational people on biz are. We are just some kid that never grown up and living in mom basement and thinking that the world hate us because we living in our mom's basement. We hate people who have a jobs not because they're a slave bt because they are more socialize than us and we don't how to become one of them. We just using meme to hide our insecurities, buying some line of code on the screen and thinking that if we made a billion we could have love and attention from "normie and bitches".
You do realize what place is it by now right ?

>> No.10102648
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I've had less than ten dollars in my bank account for about two months. Don't you dare fucking tell me that money doesn't make people happy.

>> No.10102685

Money makes you happier with diminishing returns, meaning that it makes you happier as it helps you get your basic needs met, and then as you go above and beyond the basics and some small comforts, then it stops making you happier.

I think you, and everyone, deserves to have their basic needs met. I wish you didn't have to worry about basic survival.

>> No.10102980

>If so, what are you reasoning's why?
I have a grandmother, a mother, 3 sisters, and 7 female cousins. At 29 years old I am the family's patriarch (my father being an alcoholic, and my grandfather having died last Christmas), and I would like to serve as their benefactor. Having money is not, for me, about happiness but rather satisfaction and security.

>> No.10102998


With the current design of corporations (top-down hierarchy), it's not possible to transparently incentivise "who does the actual work" even if it happens at the detriment of customers.

Basically I want to work within a framework where my work is directly incentivised (this acts as motivation) for providing direct value to end-customers.

If you re-design a corporation with a cluster of decentralised startups teams all harnessing common infrastructural elements


>> No.10103067

You are talking with ignorant retards.

Anyways, to have better-argued rebuttal you all should read this - https://charleseisenstein.net/books/ascent-of-humanity/

This should be made compulsory in schools/colleges.

>> No.10103120

What, did you just skip out on paying rent for the last two months or something?

>> No.10103156

Some form of "survival anxiety" is encoded deep within our socio-cultural structures. And as far as basic needs are concerned - it's highly dependent on geo-socio-cultural factors. 2000$/mo net will not get you far in San Fran, but would make you "free" in some Asian country with quality suburbs.

>> No.10103160

I would finally have the freedom to do what I want, not spending my days doing work I do not care for.

I would wake up because I want to, not because I have to. I would look forward to the next day because I would do what I want, not what I have to do.

In short, it's not about money, it's about freedom.

>> No.10103197

In this day and age it's easy to make enough money to cover you needs, but that has a heavy toll on you and is extremely time consuming (at least for most people). Being rich will give me a lot more time to work on things I consider important instead of breaking my back for people that I don't care about just to ensure my survival.

>> No.10103414

the USD money give only a problems
the attempt to spend dollars turns into humiliation when you prove that you are not a terrorist and worked as a slave to the lord, then they will allow them to spend dollars
this is: https://pastebin.com/ZUxTmR99 the true

>> No.10103443


>> No.10103447

> wake up at 6am for a job which I tolerate because it makes me money
> can't afford to pay for uni or do anything extra because I support my autistic bro and my mom is terminally ill
I don't fuckin know man, going from this to being able to retire early and spend the rest of my life learning the things I want to learn might help a bit.

>> No.10103449


Maybe not happy but at least happier. It's stressful to be poor but I don't think being a millionaire vs being a billionaire makes that big of a difference.

>> No.10103502

Thats an easy one.
I dont get laid and everyone in town thinks im a gay since im 31 and have never been seen with a girl while everyone else moved on. So nobody wants to give me a piece.
With money, like rich mans money, i can pay for a plane ticket and spend a day or two at the bunny ranch. That will make me happy or atleast feel good about the small shit.

>> No.10103524


I can save this world when I'm rich.

>> No.10103555

Money = freedom. That's all you need to know. There's one more thing, don't get married.

>> No.10103603

Holy shit, did you just get checked.

>> No.10103629

nice, surprised to see someone else interested in eisenstein here. perhaps 4chan is not a lost cause.

>> No.10103879
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>Privileged monks giving life advice

>> No.10103960

Money is power and freedom. Money can't bring happiness through material goods but it gives a person the means to move about the world at will and accomplish activities or projects that are otherwise impossible without.
Yeah a person could just blow it and fuck off from society while using it to the fullest, they could effectively exit the system and live for themselves, produce and improve themselves for thwir exclusive benefit, or do the same thing to give back to the world at large. I'm sure we can't count the great minds we've otherwise lost because they got locked into a contemporary lifestyle, made the mistake of getting involved and starting a family as a dumb shit child, and then had to slave away to fulfill those obligations to their spouse and kids. You can't take all the same risks when you do that regardless of the wealth you have.

>> No.10104647
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>> No.10104698

Sorry mate I can't even if I can do that, I won't. You need to except the truth that who we are.

>> No.10104719

I don't really factor happiness into it, the pursuit of wealth is just so I won't have to concern myself with money anymore.

It's stressful when you're not wealthy, when you actually have to worry about making your mortgage payment and you fear getting fired from your job, or you fear your car breaking down. I'm not really in that position right now (have huge savings) but I have been in the past and it's a dreadful feeling that I never want to experience again.

Don't even want mega-wealth, just a comfy amount so I can live a middle-class life without any worries.

>> No.10104720

money makes women happy, women makes happy man

>> No.10104834 [DELETED] 

Way I look at it money isn't everything unless you need it. 99% of the problems in my life and for my parents and their grandparents (those who are still alive) can be solved by throwing money at the problem.

When I was 14 years old an allergist told me the only way I could stop feeling like shit all the time was to move since I'm allergic to the wild grasses and there's nothing to help long term, something thus far has not been financially feasible. My parents should of retired 10 years ago, with money my mom could quit her retail job and they could actually start having a life again, and the constant stress over basic expenses and stupid bullshit go away.

>> No.10104865

money doesn't make you sad, which is basically the same thing

>> No.10104871

Survival is the most basic thing for any life. It's built into us. The alternative is communism and that shit doesn't work.

>> No.10104873
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>another thread inspired by first world problems and 1% rich kids that desperately trying to find their life meaning in some spiritual shit

>> No.10104933

nigger idiot lol. and im black as the sun white boy

>> No.10105010

same here.

im almost were i want to be. im a programmer and is what i want todo the rest of my life. good thing my company does not demand a lot of me so i can work on games, programs and ideas i have while im sitting in my office 90% of my time there (im also more motivated todo stuff when im not at home). bad thing - in the next 5 years the company will most likely be closed and i have to look for a real job. thats why i have to make it until then. my biggest fear is to have to really work on shit i dont care.

>> No.10105037

Correct. But the problem lies - what's the bare minimum necessary to "survive". Our needs are limited but wants are infinite. With current socio-cultural conditioning we believe in a inflated lifestyle (even for "middle class") as "bare minimum". And this is not going to change due to our hedonistic adaptations. The idea to live frugally, close-to-nature, with minimum expenses - is already there in form of eco-villages and country-side living. But we don't care.

Must read: https://charleseisenstein.net/books/the-ascent-of-humanity/introduction/

>> No.10105093
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>Become rich
>Grow wealth steadily
>Get smart woman
>Have lots of kids
>Kickstart the shit out of my children's futures
This is the dream.

>> No.10105117

If I have extra money I won't have to spend 8 hours a day every day doing stressful bullshit and conversing with normies. I could focus on myself, making my body well, and figure out what I want to do with my life. All I do is work, sleep, and shitpost, and it's wasting the precious time I have on this planet.

>> No.10105133 [DELETED] 

I "made it" in crypto, but it didn't make me happy. It removed most of my problems in life, but I still lack a sense of purpose and meaning. That's what ultimately gives meaning, I think.

>> No.10105146
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Anon we share a dream.

>> No.10105177

Money will not make you happy, I can tell you this as someone who "made it" in crypto.
It can solve most of your problems in life, but you will still need meaning, a purpose.
"Solving problems" is not enough, you need to find meaning. Just having a family and copying everyone else's "blueprint" of happiness, the American Dream™ won't cut it. You'll need to find something authentic.

>> No.10105266

We're both gonna make it.

>> No.10105296

If you want to become rich to increase your social standing and garner attention, then you should just drink bleach already.
If you want to become rich to increase your isolation and lubricate your ability to slip away from financial stress, you will find happiness.

>> No.10105532

this. there's a 1000 things i want to do in life. spending 40 hours a week in a fucking office is not among those things

>> No.10105548

It would make muh dik very happy

>> No.10105586


We live in a capitalist society - so even though IDGAF about mansions or anything personally, the whole economy is engineered to be a Red Queens Race so I'll basically starve is I stop working. On top of that, there's no more frontiers or empty land - no way to just walk out into nature and build a log cabin or anything unless you own the land (ie paid some Jews for a piece of paper saying nobody will kick you off unless they find oil or something). So yeah, being somewhat rich will free me up enough to persue more meaningful shit.

>> No.10105587

I d rather cry in a lambo via mars with btc&skycoin-post-mooning then be a sad cuck on the streets without $ to cover my poor ass for basics. there's no middle way

>> No.10105646


Not true though, but partially correct. See, you still need a constant stream of money to fuel that lifestyle as well - rates, taxes etc don't vanish just because you live in the country. So you can do business online and with a phone - but that's more expenses. On and on it goes.

Don't get me wrong, most normies are living as delusional debt slaves, brainwashed to blindly consume, but the whole hippie "Drop Out" meme failed for a reason - it's not actually viable. Which is why we're mostly here, get financially independent, without wagecucking (basically, buy our freedom and with enough passive income from investments to offset expenses) and yeah, then go live the simple life. This is why people who think you need millions to make it are deluded of course.

>> No.10105923

I just want nice little cottage
right now, I have nothing.

>> No.10106152

No, communism is not the only alternative. There are other ways that are coming to the forefront as we speak. But capitalism has failed, and must be replaced with something more sustainable, otherwise civilization WILL collapse.

>> No.10106316


>> No.10106329

Unlimited hookers anon. 9/10 asians, russians, Brazilians. Any hole you want you can stick your dick in. If that doesn't make you happy well it might be time to kys

>> No.10106333

> ironically
> unironically
> link
> Bart
> Mfw
> Desu
> TA
> triangles
> muh bull

>> No.10106370

because modern existence is slavery if you're not financially independent. wagecucks will try to explain why it's not, since they can't cope with the facts. the simple truth is that money does buy happiness when not having money implies slavery.

>> No.10106670

Good point. BTW, by eco-villages I meant some sort of sustainable (economically and ecologically) eco-village. This can be achieved by co-operative organic farming (direct-to-consumer channels) + P2P solar energy trading - under a decentralised framework (I call them DESECO - Decentralised Spiritual Eco-villages)

I believe it too that you don't need millions to be FIRE-d. Calculation has to be done w.r.t the place you will settle down with a much lower CoL and slow-life (my preference; slow-life tends to induce lesser man-made stressors).

>> No.10107218
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my chosen profession is investing.
consistent profitability is how i measure my abilities as i progress.

it isn't the money that makes me happy. It helps, but the more important thing is getting good at making it.