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File: 80 KB, 800x600, Small-studio-apartments-waterfaucets.net-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10101275 No.10101275 [Reply] [Original]

Two bedroom apartment: $1400 a month
Three bedroom apartment: $1479 per month.

Can someone please explain to me why we live in a society where living alone has become unaffordable for wagies?

I bought my first home at $240k last year on an engineer's salary and I'd never be able to afford the mortgage, insurance, and maintenance costs if I weren't renting out the other rooms.

Lately I've been fantasizing about living alone and realize how economically inefficient it is in today's society. Why the fuck is a studio apartment so close in price to a 3 bedroom? Walls and not sharing a dishwasher / fridge does not equate to how expensive it is to have a studio apartment compared to roommates.

Someone explain this pls.

>> No.10101308
File: 44 KB, 223x237, dubsnukem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good to be a wagie making 45k year paying 700mo for a 1br 5 min from my work

stay cuckolded, cityfags

>> No.10101364

i'm renting a 3/2.5 house for 1400 a month but the floorplan sucks, wish i could find something smaller close to my office

>> No.10101369

Is there anything more cuck than renting? Literally dead money going into someone else's pocket

>> No.10101371

how can you not afford a 240k mortgage?

>> No.10101376

are u me?

>> No.10101404

>home repairs
>property tax
>stuck if shit neighbors move in
>housing bubble --> house is now worth 1/2 you paid for it
>paying a fucking mortgage

homeownership is unironically worse

>> No.10101405

240k mortgage is like $1300 a month but I can't afford that when I DCA about 20-30 percent of my paycheck into crypto.

>> No.10101409
File: 70 KB, 380x349, C248D451-851F-4CA2-9387-F09446A7328F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. 65k here and I pay 750 for rent minutes from the beach. Feels good. That $700+ a month that I don’t spend on rent goes into crypto. Stay cucked $1500 a month for a small room cityfags.

>> No.10101417

just started a new job 3 months ago and still trying to get my money up after grad school

>> No.10101420

So you can easily afford it but are a fucking retarded nigger

>> No.10101422

Is it, though? My property value has gone up $5000 while my mortgage has decreased by about $7000 in the last year. $12000 profit. Who knows what the future has in store but I doubt home values will decrease by half. Maybe a 10-30 percent at most, and I've already survived my cryptos losing 70-95 percent of value so 30 percent seems like a fucking steal.

>> No.10101428

$620 a week for 2bed apartment
Feel my pain dude

>> No.10101437

Whatever help a you cope man

>> No.10101443

I'm white and it's my tenants that are stupid retarded niggers. Their rent covers the mortgage and half the utilities. The point of this post is why the fuck does a studio apartment cost so much compared to 2 and 3 bedroom. God damnit.

>> No.10101445

My rent is about $500 less expensive than a mortgage for a similar property in the area. Plus the area I live has shitty HOAs.

>> No.10101459

Also, my neighbors are all black so it's not possible for shittier neighbors to move in. You think I'm larping but I find Newport boxes, white owl wrappers, and colt 45 cans tossed in my yard or the drainage ditch.

>> No.10101477

But you're not saving money in the long term, it shift money down the toilet. Paying $500 more a month would be building equity

>> No.10101495

I lived in Korea for 5 years in a nice one room for 250,000won a month. Shit was perfect and taught me about minimialism. Come back to Canada and you need to pay 600 and live with 6 people and share a kitchen that always smells like onions sauce and vag. Fuck Canada.

>> No.10101498

I thought this too, especially since my state gives fat tax rebates for renters. Then I bought a house and realized it's so much fucking better. I don't have to deal with anyone else's bullshit. If I want income I can airbnb spare bedrooms. Incredibly comfy. Worth the 3400 a month (3bd house, about the same price as a 3bd apartment here)
>t. neet

>> No.10101626
File: 282 KB, 548x550, kelobaovoc6x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw when i live in a 2.5 room apartment in the land and in Switzerland only paying 700 USD a month, plus a great view and surrounded by the mountainous countryside and unemployed while the welfare pays for it and can afford to eat meat daily and travel the around europe fucking random chicks with my designer clothes all payed by the welfare state while wagecucks waste their life away slaving to their jew masters

>> No.10101644

I literally can't afford spending anymore money on housing. I hate it, but its the way it is for poor people on the west coast.

>> No.10101658

Lol then move somewhere that's not the west dumb nigger.

>> No.10101676

I'm going to pay $2500/mo for a very small house after buying a house fell through. It's way less than 1/3 of income but holy fuck I'm not used to lighting this much money on fire. At least I'm giving my money to white people.

>> No.10101679

>meme studio apartment
>hurr why is so expensive I stupid

>> No.10101688


Come to the Northeast, as long as you don't mind a little shoveling in the winter it's great here

>> No.10101705

>living alone has become unaffordable for wagies?
Wagies are subhuman, why should they live like us?

>> No.10101707
File: 80 KB, 869x350, 1529026507268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a couple that paid $80k for their first house in like 1980 and people thought that was a shit ton of money. Now it's worth $1 million. Fuck these boomers. Just wait for the impending real estate collapse and buy cheap.

>> No.10101720

>stuck if shit neighbors move in
fucking this. this is the greatest advantage of renting, you can get the fuck out whenever you want without feeling like you're sacrificing something you've put a lot of work into.

IF i buy a house it will be in a rich neighborhood with huge lots where the houses are tucked away and i don't even see my neighbors

>> No.10101781

I feel like thats not that much money. I was going to get a great downtown apartment 10 minutes from a beach for $1300 a month and felt i was getting a deal.

>> No.10101804

Because you're a fucking idiot wagecucking who will throw away $1300 a month.

>> No.10101829
File: 40 KB, 600x485, 6bb32eaebfdd1e90d45f504da78ddaa4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait why do you need a 2-3 bedroom apartment if you're living alone?

>> No.10101841
File: 39 KB, 712x660, 35118897_212510749567673_7712679361354137600_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, how dumb are you faggots? I live in middle America and own a 1,500 sq ft home and only pay 1400 a month total. I split it with two roommates. And they just put in new apartments a couple blocks away that charge under 600 a month for a single bedroom. I dont even have a real job, I pay my share of the mortgage with app delivery services and live withing 5 miles of the major metropolitan area. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.10101854

Full disclosure, I live next to blacks, but theyre church blacks that have me over for Friday night cookouts.

>> No.10101872


>> No.10101895
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>> No.10101913

To store all of your anime body pillows.

>> No.10101934


Because you bought a 150k house at the top of another housing bubble, which you couldn't afford to begin with. You chose to get on nosebergstein's roller-coaster

>> No.10101936

Church blacks are no better than nigger blacks. They'll try and tell you about Jesus which is as much of a meme as the USD is.

>> No.10102527

Leasing a car without a doubt. Renting a home makes sense in a lot of situations if it's super short notice move for work or you know you'll be moving again in a couple years and when you factor in all the closing costs of buying and selling plus property tax plus maitence a lot of people end up losing money on a house they owned for a short period of time.

Leasing a car on the other hand is unfathomable to me. Hats off to them tho, one of the most successful jew tricks of the 20th century is convincing the average 50k/yr pleb he can afford to be driving around in a brand new 60k car every three years.

Just fucking LOL at taking out a car loan, paying 60% of it of, and then giving the car back to Ezra to resell to someone else and walk away with nothing.

>> No.10102704

350,000 dollar condo in the rich suburban area of Montréal

100,000 left on the mortgage (thanks for the down payment, Ethereum) = $400 a month

I have like 2000 sq feet, a gigantic projector for old movies, a huge designer couch, an office, a king size bed, one of those neon Bitcoin Accepted Here Signs in my modern, well appointed kitchen, and i've had all the furniture custom built in Québec.

It feels fucking good. Renting is for manchildren -- moving all the time, not being able to customize anything, throwing away an ever increasing amount of your own money every month, not having a safe investment for your future,... no thanks.

It feels fucking amazing to choose your own appliances and furniture (solid fucking oak all the way) and be able to put up artwork on your own walls, rent out rooms on AirBNB and boomer it up at Costco every other week

>> No.10102741
File: 23 KB, 439x290, days-without-jewish-tricks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone explain this pls.

They've cornered the housing market in major cities. Guess what's going to happen to rents? Rents go up.

>> No.10102769

what part of mtl mate?

>> No.10102856

Because your country has let in "foreign investors", and your schools have let in "foreign students", and your government has let in "foreign workers", and it continues.

Your cities (and greater area) were not designed for more than the existing population. This is called "Carrying Capacity". The housing market is reflecting a natural process where the population the environment cannot support is culled. Money being the only equivalent force to natural selection right now, if you can't afford to live somewhere, you fuck off on out of there to where you can afford to live.

Blame the Jews.

>> No.10102880

Vieux Boucherville, brah.

Québec is Paradise

>> No.10102913

You're dumb. There is no "carrying capacity" of cities. If there was a magical "carrying capacity" and any of America's West coast cities have hit it, then how the fuck to mega-cities like Shanghai and Tokyo exist? Seattle is a fucking village compared to shit in East and South Asia

>> No.10102937

>literally too stupid to realize we can just build more housing whenever we want

>can't fathom that housing creation is being restricted by the old guard, who profit from rising real estate prices and therefore artificially restrict supply

>> No.10102952
File: 29 KB, 538x297, ib388-figurea.jpg.538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, extreme rent increases should only arrive when he hit 10 or 12 billion according to the UN. The real issue is Nixon let Jews steal from us starting in the 70s, protecting Jew corporations and expanding their rights in courts. We have been stolen from ever since the 70s, we are not earning as much money for our work as our parents and grandparents. Cant believe you're letting them get away with it. Please just look at the statistics
>Wage Stagnation in Nine Charts

>> No.10102971

I was paying £1,000 a month for a tiny studio apartment for several years in central London. That was fucking cheap too because the average cost of a studio in my building was £1,300. London is beyond fucked in terms of housing.

>> No.10103058

jews and boomers did this. Some are even jewish boomers

>> No.10103075

>owning a 3 bedroom house at age 25
>not living with roomies
>living the boomers dream

>> No.10103179

>living with roomies

This only works if you have similar lifestyles or if the roommates are actually responsible enough to not leave shit all over the place and do the dishes. Trust me that shit is rarer than you think