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10099923 No.10099923 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you sympathize more with the nigger than the white guy


>> No.10100062

Thanks for the share.
Both don't seem happy imo. The white guy seems like he doesn't have many people that aren't influenced by his wealth around him and he's so busy continuing earning money to enjoy it. Constantly looking at charts etc. The Black guy seems a bit down and lonely.

>> No.10100089

that's a jew, genetically if nothing else

>> No.10100093

Owning a GT-R and Corvette at the same time seems like an odd combination

>> No.10100124

White dude has the clear mindset that's going to have him squander everything the moment his investments go seriously south and he'll be shit poor in 10-15 years

>> No.10100145


>has like 3 expensive cars
>saves money by only buying water for a drink


>> No.10100243


>> No.10100300

the jew is a trust fund baby , the black guy is an underachiever.

Case closed


>> No.10100308
File: 504 KB, 1080x1080, Really makes you think the thinking thought.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bumped the thread

>> No.10100312

I know right? it seems to me like he's lying about stuff. Like he said he's trading with 30k like it's a lot, the fact that he presumably makes millions a year and he only trades with 30k? how is he able to make so much a year? also he makes it seem like he's making this kind of money every day... which is bullshit. he'd be the richest person on earth if he could do that. He doesn't seem genuine at all.

>> No.10100320
File: 58 KB, 1080x539, IMG_20180630_191935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm black and tryna make that white boy money
>pic related

>> No.10100352

Look at his channel lmao

>> No.10100389
File: 1.60 MB, 1311x852, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao wtf? how is this guy this rich. he makes peanuts compared to what I (used to) make in crypto.

>> No.10100409

Yeah something doesn't add up. I don't doubt that he makes plenty of income but $6.5 million? And he's open about that while living in a suburb?

>> No.10100438

He sells premium analysis and runs some private trade group where you have to pay to join it seems. I'm not surprised people are dumb enough to pay for that shit. But in the video he does also mention owning real estate and other series of online businesses.

>> No.10100612

>*laughing and acting like the millennial retard he is*
>"What's going on guys, I made a mistake"
I closed the video there.

>> No.10100700

As an Arizonafag, I sure as shit wouldn't living in Gilbert if I was a millionaire. It's middleclass Mormontown and in the valley so it can get up to 120F in the Summer. I can't believe that guy is projecting to make $6MM and not living in Sedona or one of the nicer areas in Arizona. Fucker won't even pay for a drink at Chipotle, yet he has multiple 6-figure cars. I don't understand how he can feel okay parking those in the same parking lots poor people use. If he wants to stay in the valley because he's a normalfag who needs a large society around him, he should at least be in Scottsdale. Priorities way out of whack. You can just tell how miserable he is compared to the black guy.

>> No.10100951

What if the cars he buys go up in value during the time he owns them? Would that be a good answer for owning them? It would explain the "odd" combo of cars to own, would it not.

>> No.10100976

I would imagine he owns them because he likes them and they bring attention to his channel/business. The GT-R, Corvette, and R8 all depreciate to at least half their retail value. Not sure about the McLaren 720S.

>> No.10100986

I allways am vary of people who say they make lots of money on something but keep making youtube videos. Which makes me assume they really are making money off youtube and not the other business.

>> No.10101003

Like if you were making 7m a year. Would you still make shitty youtube vids?!

>> No.10101021

Yeah, Ive seen a ton of wealthy guys go on like dating shows (Millionaire Matchmaker) or youtube channels that highlight rich young lifestyle but everyone is always selling a product. They have a business to push trying to get more exposure/clients. Rarely see one doing it just to show his lifestyle. I think most guys living that lifestyle would just want to be out of sight and not draw attention to themselves unless absolutely necessary.

>> No.10101034

In one of his videos he says he buys them and sells them

Yup. you don't see bezos or buffet making a youtube videos even though they'd have more subs than any of these shitty motivational ""rich"" guys

>> No.10101037

>any modern car
>ever going up in value
Modern vehicles are like Apple products: designed to break and become outdated.

>> No.10101141

>I closed the video there.
i was about to do the same too but watched the rest just to see how bad it was gonna get.

>> No.10101293

>I think money can buy things that make you happy
>I struggle with depression and stuff, but yeah I am extremely happy

>> No.10101571


>> No.10101607


>> No.10101624

trading options with 30k would allow for those kinds of gains.

>> No.10101708

those are trophies of your accomplishment

>> No.10101736
File: 13 KB, 236x176, short_stories_foxandgrapes3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sour grapes philosophy

>> No.10101785

what you dont get is part of the 7 million is fooling idiota into buying into your scams and making money off of them

>> No.10102038

Nice job advertising for this guys shit channel anon

>> No.10102163

Very manipulated short doc.

The guy was down 600. Yet they showed 3k+ and increasing, THEN minus 600. Which is blatant lie. It should just show negative 600 because he's not making some income. Trading is his entire income.

>> No.10102204

he has other businesses you idiot.

>> No.10102209

The "white" guy looks like one of those affiliate market scammers. There are quite a few of them on YouTube, driving Ferraris yet peddling their Amazon affiliate links or idiotic pump and dump groups.

Something doesn't add up.

>> No.10102219

yeah, he has real estate + online businesses, but I find it extremely hard to believe he made it all trading shitty stocks especially since he's only 23. something doesn't add up

>> No.10102237

The other business is what? Youtube? Selling his trading tips and tricks on his website?
So the entire doc is about a business owner/trader vs an employee?

Of course if you're selling videos to thousands of people you'll get more money than serving bunch of individuals. Retarded as fuck.

>> No.10102261
File: 82 KB, 468x250, janelevypic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody selling trading services is a normie
REAL traders have hardcore radical autism and are shut ins reading charts all day

>> No.10102299


Here's people like this Gutierrez guy work:

They made a few lucky choices and made millions from it, similar to someone who got in and out of Bitconnect at the right time.

Then they buy fancy cars as "proof" that they are smart and successful and then start peddling useless services and affiliate links, as well as grow their YouTube channels. They end up making a lot of money from these secondary activities instead of from the core service they are advertising.

However, they have no fundamental talent or insights. They are just salesmen. This guy is just another Tai Lopez.

The people who have truly successful trading strategies will keep them a closely guarded secret. It's also very hard to develop consistently profitable trading strategies without a team of math, physics, and computer science PhDs. I do not believe that a random kind sitting in his bedroom has cracked the code to the market.

>> No.10102347

>I've lost like 2k before
>7 mil/yr

Must be a absoulte whizz

>> No.10103370

Normalfags think struggling with depression means getting sad sometimes. They think everyone around them is happy 24/7 and there's something wrong with them for feeling bad sometimes.

>> No.10103466
File: 45 KB, 960x733, mama mia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6-7 mill in a year @ 23yo
meanwhile i make 10k in a year @ 33yo
it's not like i regret anything tho... i regret everything

>> No.10103666

Given that on the middling only roughly 10% of traders are able to beat the market and usually that is by luck ( unreproducible in following years), then what the fuck does this wigger actually do?

>> No.10103752

Aye fucking this

If you've ever talked to a real depressed person you would know that it is clearly an illness of the mind and that they are straight delusional

>> No.10103765

hes just some pennystock faggot desu
nothing special
id actually have respect for him if he was an otptions guy. that at least takes a degree of skill

>> No.10103793

You may be able to get some kind of shaky working model of the market with the help of computer scientists an mathematicians, but let's once again remember that no one has yet 'cracked the code' to the market which is why index funds became a thing and still are a thing

>> No.10103868

>It's also very hard to develop consistently profitable trading strategies without a team of math, physics, and computer science PhDs
nah. some of the best traders ive ever met never even had a basic background in finance. its all about experience

this faggots not one of those guys. hence why he gives out his "master strat" to people behind a paywall.

>I find it extremely hard to believe he made it all trading shitty stocks
i find it pretty incredible that you guys dont seem to understand that you can easily make what you (used to) make in crypto with a little leverage and some derivatives. are you all just stubborn or retarded? i bet a lot of you guys would actually be pretty good at trading commodities given the similarities between the two

>> No.10103902

Penny stocks take more skill than options. Options are practically gambling. You can actually use research and skill to get in the right penny stocks.

>> No.10103933

this is silly
the point of a strat is to make it so that you are winning more than you are losing over "x" amount of trades. you also have to make sure that youre managing your risk so that your losses dont blow out your gains. then you just do the same shit ad infinitum, or write it in python and leave it on forever.

its mostly about the backtesting

>Options are practically gambling
you know theres more to options than just buying deep OTM long contracts like a nigger playing scratchers, right?

>> No.10103987
File: 133 KB, 885x500, gambling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know there's more to gambling than just being a nigger who only plays scratchers, right? Making something more complex doesn't make it not gambling.

>> No.10104013

Ah, just another day meeting clueless people in biz. You fucking idiots. You can make even more daily returns than crypto even at the peak of the bull market by trading options and derivatives. You can even fucking trade derivatives of crypto and use leverage. Unfortunately, you guys are too retarded to understand this. The time for investing in crypto is over.

>> No.10104103

why so touchy mate?
fact of the matter is, you take any inexperienced dumb asshole and give him all the same tools and money that a pro has to trade, and he will STILL fuck up. because without skill, and without risk management, its ALL gambling. doesnt matter what you trade.

also, making something more "complex" (ie adding more legs) in terms of options and futures generally makes it FAR safer and more risk defined, so its clear you dont know too much about how derivatives work

>> No.10104139

All these fucking derivatives are literally what caused the 2008 crash and they'll do it again. The more complex the system, the harder it's going to fail.

>> No.10104204

lol thats insane
futures traders didnt cause the subprime mortgage crisis. large banks did.

are you talking about the flash crash? that WAS caused by leveraged ETFs creating a feedback loop on the major indexes, but thats not the same as derivatives.

the one ill give ya pretty much for sure is februarys volpocolypse (though this also had to do with widening credit spread). futures guys pumped the VIX to mug all the retail idiots who were short the volatility index. they were retards who deserved to get mugged. literally shorting the bottom of something that cant go lower.

either way, futures manipulations pretty much the same thing that happens to you guys when you got a ton of people leveraged short on bitmex or whatever and you get a bart formtion. or like when futures guys started trading and crashed your whole economy

>> No.10104224

You sound like the pope.

>> No.10104243

he just sounds retarded
>derivatives caused the subprime mortgage crisis
>NOT subprime lending
>options traders

>> No.10104339

Idk I bought his program and found it kinda helpful... it's put me lightyears ahead in understanding the markets.