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10097552 No.10097552 [Reply] [Original]

How many bitcoins do I need to look like this?

>> No.10097564

I think you just need to be a 5'5 manlet with a decent diet and 30lb dumbells.

>> No.10097574

you do realise he is a 33 year old boomer.....yfw.

>> No.10097577

enough so you don't have to wagecuck and can train all day

>> No.10097583

That posture though.

>> No.10097606

that guy is 6'1

>> No.10097632

Does he only train lats?

>> No.10097641
File: 71 KB, 499x368, CristianoRonaldoBeforeAfter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

however many btc it takes for dental work, botox/facial surgery, hair transplant, and 2 years in the gym

>> No.10097709

To look gay? Youre already there anon

>> No.10097728

I think all he did was fix his tongue posture, stopped mouth breathing, and started sleeping on his back.

>> No.10097741

This is so gay. Football is so gay.

>> No.10097760

nice comparison, laughing and pulling a goofy face in one picture, smiling in the other.
His hair line looks exactly the same either way. Only thing I agree with is dental work. And obviously training/gym.

>> No.10097764


1. Do push ups and pull ups with progressive overload.
2. Consume less calories than you burn.

>> No.10097820

You can pull up other pictures of young Ronaldo and see for yourself. His hairline started fucking up later in his career but he eventually got it fixed.

>> No.10097910

Underdeveloped arms and chest. Overdeveloped lats.

>> No.10097911


All he did was start mewing you dumb fuck.

>> No.10097925

Fair enough, but the comparison you provided has a damn near identical hairline.

>> No.10097973

isn't it retarded to do both?

>> No.10097987

>His hairline started fucking up later
Not true unless you post proof..

>> No.10098043

You don't build muscle at a caloric deficit.

How would it be retarded to do exercises for various parts of your body?

>> No.10098047


What do you mean? You mean progressive overload while on a calorie deficit? It's a meme you can't do both at the same time. Seen at least two studies where people gained muscle while losing fat. Of course you'll gain more on a surplus but you also get fat so.

>> No.10098058


>> No.10098059
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hey buddy, fuck you

>> No.10098091
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>> No.10098112
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>> No.10098152

Haven't looked at studies but from what I've heard/read, you need to be at a caloric surplus to gain mass (either fat or muscle). Which does make sense if you think about it (energy is mass after all).
Of course if you eat at a deficit and lose fat, your muscles will look more "defined" and it may seem like you gained mass, while all you did was uncover it from the fat.

>> No.10098207

>sleeping on your back
good luck with that, its fucking annoying

>> No.10098218

Dumb ass, he has no male pattern baldness genetics, look at his dad.

>> No.10098250
File: 81 KB, 786x476, cristiano-ronaldo-family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at his dad.
dude looks alpha af

>> No.10098290


>Haven't looked at studies but

I think we found the problem.

>Which does make sense if you think about it (energy is mass after all).

Yeah but your body can use your fat stores for energy, that's why they disappear eventually when you don't get enough calories from food. If you're really low on fat it's harder I think but if you're obese you can definitely build muscle whilr losing fat. Also muscles are mostly water anyway.

>> No.10098378

You need to train your body to use fat for energy through diet. I'm saying an average person won't gain muscle when on caloric deficit.
There's a reason why people go through bulk/cut cycles. Most people put on way more muscle through a regular carb/protein/fat diet. Instead of cutting out carbs and entering ketosis to burn fat for energy.

>> No.10098416
File: 317 KB, 980x735, david-beckham-veneers-before-and-after-photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10098446
File: 11 KB, 250x240, WTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You need to train your body to use fat for energy through diet.

WTF does this even mean?

>> No.10098691
File: 175 KB, 639x871, tsuuuuuu4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rest in peace Tsunaldo.

>> No.10098765

It means exactly what I said. You don't just randomly force your body into burning fat for energy one day. It takes time. Easiest way is to go on a keto diet for a couple of weeks.

>> No.10098796

terrible genetics, disgusting symetry

>> No.10098809


Wait you're serious? What do you think happens to fat when you're in a calorie deficit and why?

>> No.10098841


the average person who starts working out the first time in their life will gain muscle while on a 20-25% caloric deficit and train heavy and hard

its called body recomposition

>> No.10098970


Nope. their bf% will just go down so their existing muscle will just show more.

>> No.10098993


lol no stop talking shit

>> No.10099022

Ronaldo has god tier genetics in terms of athleticism though. And I'm English so I hate the fucking guy, but he is one of them people who can play ANY sport and be good at it. I heard a sports commentator who knows him say the same... that he will start playing a sport like if you mention it to him, and then before you know it he's better than you at it.

He's getting fucking old, and he's still the best player on the planet. It's actually fun to watch him play, and I rarely watch football. He makes watching the game a joy.

So yeah, that paired with enough money to eat well, no stress, etc, and you start to look good over time.

Rich people even if they're naturally ugly always look better because they usually live better. They dress better, smell better, and are more positive, etc.

>> No.10099033
File: 1.21 MB, 640x1136, EAB1F8FA-14DD-439A-80AA-ABA0548146F2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggots just a figure of speech on /biz, you homos really can find a better place for your homo admiring

>> No.10099060

Thanks for gaysplaining that, fag

>> No.10099069

Yeah? I wanna see him try cycling you toothless eegit.

>> No.10099071

you will never have enough

I've sold all my bitcoins at $5800, I don't even care any more, I'm out

>> No.10099074


body recomposition is a meme. You can't gain significant muscle mass on a consistent 25% caloric deficit. Especially if you're doing HIT.

You're either bulking or cutting. Pick one.

>> No.10099446

typical armchair lifter logic

>> No.10099709

I probably should have been more clear. Being in ketosis allows your body to burn fat in return for energy MORE EFFICIENTLY, not allows it period.
If you cut carbs cold turkey you'll feel weak af, until you enter ketosis and your body uses fats more efficiently.

>> No.10099739

then how do you explain strenght gains in a calorie deficit?

>> No.10099770

If you actually lift and believe that being in 25% calorie deficit will allow you to build muscle I'd like to see your pics. Probably got body dysmorphia and think your noodle arms are yuge.

>> No.10099899

Under 0.1 to buy enough for a blast/cut

>> No.10099912

He's 6'2 you tard. Not too tall. Not too short.

>> No.10100520

fat turns to muscle

>> No.10100789

Brainlets in this thread. I am /fit. In general if you eat at a deficit it’s difficult to make noticeable gains. However the lower your body fat percentage the higher your test levels are so for some people they could be slightly stronger at a lower body fat.
If you are very fat and an absolute beginner you could eat at a deficit and make gains because you will be making mainly CNS gains for the first few weeks anyway.

>> No.10100802

But no, fat cannot ‘turn to muscle’.

>> No.10102028

wtf would sleeping on your back do

>> No.10102054


>> No.10102152

>train heavy and hard
biggest meme ever.

>> No.10102995

You can certainly use the energy from fat to build muscle, if you also eat properly. Lifting at caloric maintenance WILL get you more cut

>> No.10103250

just do 2 day fasts with 1 day keto refeeds you turbo dyel faggots

>> No.10103379

He is like a fucking rooster