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10095191 No.10095191 [Reply] [Original]

I was wondering how black males get welfare in the USA? Generally I see a ton of able-bodied healthy blacks running around doing nothing all day (they also have smartphones + expensive shoes) while I toil in wageslavery.

I don't want to work anymore so I am considering following in their footsteps as a first stage to becoming a NEET

>> No.10095201

they are drug dealers.

>> No.10095309

not these days.

>> No.10095314
File: 22 KB, 500x375, B550BCFF-7515-442A-A618-54BD3A25ABAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


President Johnson’s War on Poverty combined with Reagan’s War on Drugs left the progress made by the Civil Rights Movement a smoldering shitheap.

When you subsidize something you get more of it — now we have a lot of lazy blacks

When you ban something you make it profitable — now we have more drug crime

>> No.10095335

The fucking liberals destroyed the black community by paying black women to be single mothers while locking up all the men.

>> No.10095363

You can buy a smart phone for 100 bucks. Everyone has one this isn't 2008

>> No.10095397

google welfare for your state
glorious neetdom

>> No.10095701

Laziness is so deeply rooted into black genetics. You should see how it looks in africa. There's a reason why, while the rest of the world developed toward organised infrastructure, the most permanent thing ever convieved throughout Africa was mud huts.
No pure African culture ever developed beyond the nomadic hunter gatherer point and as such they simply do not understand infrastructure or the need to upkeep it. Everything and everyone is just a potential meal ticket for that day.

>> No.10095721

Niggers in America have an average IQ of 85. No incentives created by liberals will bridge the genetic gap between whites and blacks. They are not capable of sustaining the kind of civilization you take for granted.

>> No.10096341

Call them lazy all you want, but they probably work harder than you hunting and gathering, AND building their own homes.

If the internet and entire public infrastructure went down, Africans would be fine hunting and living off the land. Wh*teoids would die

>> No.10096411


>> No.10096416

Behind all the hate.Behind all the monkey and KANGZ memes,Tyrone sheeit comics,gifs,demotivational
pictures, and webms - 4chan users secretly admire the Negro.Every three or four threads created on
the board you will find one discussing them.The raw brass confident masculinity that they possess
which they are quick to compare to a feral animal,and yet at the same time acknowledge is what women
truly desire at their core and what is lacking in many white heterosexual unions.Their intrinsic
ruggedness that enables them to stamp their mark on any field of physical activity that they
enter.The amazing sense of rhythm that they naturally seem to possess that they liken to ape
gesticulations and yet are oh so majestic to witness.Then there is the stereotype of the black man's
sexuality,particularly his phallus.It has become a bodily protuberance of myth and legend.There is a
reason that r/AsianMasculinity trolls are laughed off while BBC and Blacked generates anger and
solemn disdain.For where the asian man's masculinity is considered a joke the black man's is a
threat to be taken with utmost seriousness,for there may be a kernel of truth to it. Based on my
assessment, I have thus concluded that 4chan is a board populated with manic
depressive autistic shizoid individuals afflicted with a sort of Freudian-Jungian-Pavlovian
psychopathological negroid-complex.

>> No.10096430

Fuck off, /pol/.

>> No.10096450

imagine writing all this shit
my guess is that it's pasta but imagine being the original writer

>> No.10096527

I would love to hear somne good arguments.

If OP is just shitting, you guys can surely explain in simple words how they can afford everything.

>> No.10096567

pop out kids and get the gibs. I honestly thought the same thing op. It seems pointless to work so they can take that money and give it to evolutionary dead ends because "it's the right thing to do" Now they want to abolish ICE so everyone can get gibs and we can all work harder to support the whole world. Our ancestors had to fight and die on multiple occasions to have what we do today but other people shouldn't have to work to fix their country. We will just let them live here and give them free stuff. I mean they have a right to the blood sweat and tears it took to get to this point by just existing, right?

>> No.10096577


Yep, someone is DEEP in his BBC fetish. Literally beyond help.

>> No.10096634
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u ok buddy?

>> No.10096709


So why don't you stop working then if being on welfare is that great? (hint: It's not, you're just too fucking stupid to see it.)

>> No.10096727

>Get on welfare
>collect money
>Invest money
>make more money
Why work?

>> No.10096757

socialism only works as long as the money from other people does not run out

It currently is running out in many socialist countries were liberal people are voting for more gibs without moving a finger.

>> No.10096828

If it's so shitty then why are so many people on it?
>getting something for free is harder than working for it
You might want to reflect on who's fucking stupid here. The person getting it for free or the person working for it so they can give it to someone else for free?
>health care
>Free college
>disability for physically able people
>Food stamps
>free or subsidized housing, cars, phones
And not only does the working person have to pay for that themselves but they have to pay for the lazy fucks too. Sounds like a fucking horrible deal for the losers on it, right? Get the fuck out of here retard.

>> No.10097272

i'll tell you, as a nigger, how i live the good life.
im a felon so its basically impossible to get a job in america with that on your record.
so, i gamed the mental health care system, pulled some crazy shit, talked some crazy shit (mainly stuff i read on /x] - got admitted into mental hospitals, got the schitzoaffective disorder and a few other diagnoses that allow me to get early disability, cause nigga, im legally mentally disabled now.
it feels good and all i do is take my $1,400/mo and invest part into crypto mining rigs and the other parts into crypto itself.
also get food benefits cause ssi
crypto is my job. also donate blood plsama at the vampire clinics for extra shekels a mo like $500/mo - also with less blood plasma in your system u get way more fucked up off weed
and yea i am a nigger, straight up, but i dont act like a nigger, im basically a white guy but with a really bad criminal record.

>> No.10097290
File: 85 KB, 720x545, 1526959433183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god tier autism. the bad kind.

>> No.10097327
File: 83 KB, 500x500, 1236946776150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm actually impressed. on hell of con if you weren't a fucking larping infinigger
pic related.

>> No.10097357

They are on permanent disability. They go to the doctor and make up a phantom illness tht can not be disproved (like chronic back pain) and say it's so bad they can't work. So they live off of permanent disability/social security. And then work for cash on the side. That's why when you go up to the projects parked outside are new BMWs, and I, an actual taxpayer, drive a 10 year old Nissan. Nice right?

>> No.10097363

Knock a woman up. Woman and man live off of kids welfare.

Black and white men do this (often black men wind up in prison - skinny white men hang out with fat women so they have a roof over their heads)

For the life of me I don't understand why we don't triple welfare benefits but require permeant sterilization to receive them

>> No.10097398

>tfw i say /x/-tier shit all the time for the lulz and everyone thinks i'm crazy, but not crazy enough for gibs

>> No.10097411

>triple welfare benefits but require permeant sterilization to receive them
very good idea

>> No.10097414

85 IQ people can handle menial jobs, the problem really is the shit Johnson passed.
>I'll have those niggers voting democrat for 1000 years
Indeed, mission accomplished.

>> No.10097429

Black man here with family members who manage welfare offices. I am open to answer any question regarding my people and welfare.

>I was wondering how black males get welfare in the USA?
Well there are a few diffrent ways to obtain gibbs form the government.
1.) Have a disability
2.) Grow up a ward of the state
3.) Pump out kids for increased gibs
4.) Come up with a BS reason for not working.

Welfare recipients in the hood typically have a few different side hustles to generate income. These hustles include but are not limited to:
- Running numbers
- Scamming
- Stealing
- Crypto ( I know a few that have invested in crypto)
- Working various jobs off the books
- Pimping
- Selling illegal substances

>I don't want to work anymore so I am considering following in their footsteps as a first stage to becoming a NEET

Stop being stupid and learn a skill and get a cushy trade job. Also you do not want to live off welfare, my mother and grandparents fought tooth and nail to elevate my living conditions. You do not want to stoop this low.

I hope this helps

- Black Anon

>> No.10097433

Who's the ones who need billions in financial aid just to keep their people from starving to death again?

>> No.10097435

Do you have a baby momma who can get on welfare and say you are out of the picture? Then you just shack up with her and get her welfare too.

>> No.10097440

Seriously a good idea what the fuck

>> No.10097454

Welfare encourages less working because if you start to make a certain amount of money you might actually make less than you did when doing nothing once taxes are though. Welfare is a fucking shit system and needs a complete overhaul for the sake of everyone, including those that get it since it essentially encourages working less because effort actually works against your own interests

>> No.10097465

There are more white NEETs on welfare than blacks even when you account for population percentages. The ones that aren't on welfare have mommy and daddy's money to back them up.

t. social worker.

>> No.10097478

>For the life of me I don't understand why we don't triple welfare benefits but require permeant sterilization to receive them

Just start implementing universal basic income and don't give out more money for having more kids. Statistically more well-off individuals will have less kids, and the fact that those kids won't ever be a new source of income also works at discouraging having them. Add in some not shit public sex education and having too many kids isn't an issue

>> No.10097480

>what are percentages
yep, definitely a social worker

>> No.10097493

That's because if the internet and public infrastructure went down, whites would move back several hundred years in terms of the development of their civilization meanwhile blacks are already living in it lolololololol

>> No.10097501

>not shit public sex education

> Use a condom & don't have kids.
> Don't use a condom / have kids.
> All forms of birth control works 90%+ of the time

Have literally never met an adult who is unaware of this. Obvious impulse control issue - not fucking "education"

>> No.10097517
File: 65 KB, 480x480, HoodrichPablo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lazy who whiteboi?
I be rappin an trappin, in da studio
Grindin every day, i work hard for my money

>> No.10097519

its easier than you think. just read up on the symptoms of schitzo disorders and then display them when you are being evaluated. thats how i gamed the system and the x shit just added to the crazy i was acting. good luck

>> No.10097521

Where does the money come from?

>> No.10097525

>Obvious impulse control issue
retards love their edjewcation

>> No.10097528

Technically you *could* just do it via inflation. IDK what that would look like on paper to our money supply though (it's fine with me now that bitcoin is here as I will capitalize off of stupid govt fudicial policies)

>> No.10097535

damn, this shit is so tempting for the lulz alone

>> No.10097536

>private citizens deciding to provide for individuals is every bit as much of a public concern as taxpayer funds stolen by the government going to provide for someone
>t. social worker
Checks out. You're every bit as bad as people on welfare.

>> No.10097549


Theoretically higher taxation once automation really starts to take hold of major industries throughout the world and a hell of a lot of people are put out of work


You'd be surprised how retarded some shit down South in the US still is

>> No.10097551

>do it using inflation
>let's dilute the money supply even further so that nigs are happy getting 3k a month for free as opposed to the 1200 they used to get, except whoops now a loaf of bread and a gallon of milk both cost 12 dollars each


>> No.10097571

>muh South
Lived in the deep south for half my life, everyone knows how birth control works.

>> No.10097576

Solid plan. lol
Higher taxation of who? And it's going to be a long time before everything can be automated so how are you going to convince some people to work and while others get free money?

>> No.10097584

Nearly half of welfare recipients actually have jobs. Mega corporations like Walmart and McDonald's essentially use welfare as a government wage subsidy, so it could be argued that the most egregious leeches are businesses.
Blacks take more per capita, but Whites take far more welfare in absolute terms because Blacks are only 13% of the population. The black-white welfare gap was primarily created by jim crow laws, which ended only 55 years ago, sequestering and disenfranchising blacks while denying access to education, markets, and homeownership.

>> No.10097621
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>Anonymous (ID: Ori2zBW+) 06/30/18(Sat)13:58:38 No.10097549▶

I live in Oklahoma. Literal trailer house park of the USA.

Everyone knows condoms and birth control prevent pregnancy.

They just laugh about not doing it, then tyrone goes to jail.

Also assume you were stupid and didn't know about condoms or other birth control. How long does it take to figure it out after you grow another human being?


>> No.10097623


Interestingly enough, white trash makes up the majority of your welfare.

>> No.10097624

I thought african americans get free schooling and they're usually the first to get picked in a college due to affirmative action.

>> No.10097657

Higher taxation of the corporations, when automation really takes off we're going to see companies that previously employed tens of millions employing tens of thousands.

I think his plan is an inevitability but we're probably talking a minimum of fifty years down the road.
>what about the people still working
They would still receive the same amount of UBI, UBI would be enough to provide a low quality of life so the incentive is simple, you want more shit.

If we don't get some form of UBI(or expanded prolongued unemployment which would be worse in my opinion) when all the factory workers, burger flippers, janitors, data entry, and most customer service positions are out of work then we're going to have massive civil unrest. There simply will not be enough high skill positions to employ even half the population and even if there were you can't take someone of below average intellect and expect them to handle a career in a STEM field or be able to run a business. About the only low to average IQ job opportunities that will be available are things like security and entertainment which are obviously rather limited in the amount of positions there would be.

>> No.10097697

>blacks use more per capita
Yes, absolute terms is an idiotic measurement.
>muh Jim Crow
>only 55 years ago
Jesus fucking Christ, how long do you expect us to give a flying fuck about things that happened before our parents were even born? If some nigger can't hack it that's their fucking problem.

>> No.10097729

But then putting higher tax on corporations that use automation (essentially paying the piece of equipment a wage) would make it pointless to use it in the first place. You would have to tax the corporations enough to give everyone an income big enough to live off of when they could just hire them in the first place. Plus the initial cost of the equipment and maintenance of it. Sounds like that would just hold back innovation and solve nothing.

>> No.10097742

yes because whites are still the majority demographic in the usa. i'd bet %of whites on welfare is far lower than % of blacks on welfare

>> No.10097799

if you have niggers you have to have wealthfare, because your country would convert in africa, so its the only way

>> No.10097818

>For the life of me I don't understand why we don't triple welfare benefits but require permeant sterilization to receive them

It's because historically, welfare in America was a campaign by single mothers to replace the fathers with the Daddy State. Women claimed that it was their right to divorce an abusive husband or never marry their babydaddy for whatever reason, but found it almost impossible to raise a child and work by themselves (surprise!), so they demanded the State provide what a husband otherwise would. In many locales, the State responded in kind by being as intrusive and demanding as any husband, sending threatening agents to interrogate women about their sex lives and the use of State funds. There was a massive campaign "for women's rights" in the 70s and 80s to relax the welfare requirements, and now, instead of being a temporary safety net, it has become a viable alternative to the nuclear family. Of course, the children produced by these state-sanctioned baby-factories are the perfect outcome for the deep-state, often becoming prison slaves, cannon fodder, or debt serfs. This Huxlean nightmare has occurred because of the degradation of men's reproductive rights by second-wave feminists.

>> No.10097841

>You would have to tax the corporations enough to give everyone an income big enough to live off of when they could just hire them in the first place
Average living standard would be lower under UBI than it is now, the reason for UBI will not be to make everyone's life nicer than it is now, it will be to keep the plebs from rioting. If you increase corporate tax by 15% but they're able to cut their labor cost by 90% they're still going to be coming out ahead. The alternatives to expanded welfare is outright making mass automation illegal or mass incarceration for the large spike in violent crime that will occur, of the three expanded welfare is probably the most preferable though I can see the argument for simply banning high degrees of automation. I tend to be pretty right-wing but this is one thing that I do not see being managed without a large amount of state intervention.

>> No.10097956

>absolute terms is an idiotic measurement
Not when it comes to dollar amounts. Amdahl's Law. If you eliminated the black welfare problem entirely you would still have a huge welfare problem.

>55 years ago
>before our parents were even born
Underage detected. Also it's interesting you think generational effects stop right before your grandparents. Grandparents were uneducated niggers forced to live in the ghetto, what will your parents be, and how will they raise you?

>> No.10097966

How would average living standard be lower? How would 15% be enough to give everyone an income big enough to support themselves even if people still working get it? That math seems off if all of those jobs are gone and you have to pay them all a enough to live off of including people who already work. Those corporations are paying far more than that to their workers and for a long list of services that also pay workers. The math doesn't make sense. Where is the rest of the money going to come from?

>> No.10097976

They have a cousin or brother who is dealer / nba player / rapper / judge or they have a legit job and they pass their free time doing bbq on the street so you think they are jobless but they work.

>> No.10097978

Socialism is the only viable option when automation goes full throttle since having to work and compete with machines is fucking stupid and useless.

>> No.10097995

No, the vast majority of them can't even afford college. Dept. of Education conducted a study and found that 88% of college scholarships go to whites.
The "affirmative action" admissions are mostly a thought experiment used by conservatives to energize their base. A white "COULD" get rejected for an inferior black. It's actually quite rare in reality, as the supreme court discovered in the high profile Fisher vs UT Austin case -- more whites with inferior grades received the benefits of the guaranteed admission system than minorities (many of whom had superior grades but were still rejected).

>> No.10098057

>Amdahl's law
This really doesn't apply to this situation whatsoever.
>You'd still have a huge welfare problem
Only if you're looking short term. Blacks use more welfare per capita. Black population is increasing, white population is decreasing.
I'm 22, my parents are both in their mid 40s, 30 year old boomer definitely detected though.
Shit tier medical care, pushing societal expectations like shared housing with UBI not being enough to live on your own so you need roommate(s). Just examples, I'm sure you can come up with plenty of ways to give people just enough so that they don't become desperate enough to start trying to kill the rich. UBI will just be an appeasement tactic, nothing more, its why its hilarious to me how many leftists support it because they think it will lead to some utopia.

>> No.10098109

Do they go to whites because both groups are applying and only whites get them or because whites are the only ones applying? I know there are a lot grants and scholarships just for african americans but I didn't see many for just whites.
Sounds like a good way for normal people to have no power and no reason for the corporations to keep sustaining them after that.

>> No.10098133

>Sounds like a good way for normal people to have no power and no reason for the corporations to keep sustaining them after that.
Very true, I could see some covert sterilization occurring as well.

>> No.10098142

>more not business
get the fuck out

>> No.10098191

>It's because historically, welfare in America was a campaign by single mothers to replace the fathers with the Daddy State. Women claimed that it was their right to divorce an abusive husband or never marry their babydaddy for whatever reason, but found it almost impossible to raise a child and work by themselves (surprise!), so they demanded the State provide what a husband otherwise would. In many locales, the State responded in kind by being as intrusive and demanding as any husband, sending threatening agents to interrogate women about their sex lives and the use of State funds. There was a massive campaign "for women's rights" in the 70s and 80s to relax the welfare requirements, and now, instead of being a temporary safety net, it has become a viable alternative to the nuclear family. Of course, the children produced by these state-sanctioned baby-factories are the perfect outcome for the deep-state, often becoming prison slaves, cannon fodder, or debt serfs. This Huxlean nightmare has occurred because of the degradation of men's reproductive rights by second-wave feminists.

Right - but it seems like responsible men + responsible women + people who wanted free money in exchange for sterilization (me) would outnumber these noisy thots

>> No.10098304
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At the very least it will be exciting to see how everything plays out in our lifetime.

>> No.10098550 [DELETED] 

like the last times in human history when 50% of people lost their job but somehow we still survived?

Jobs will be done by machines but these machine have to be created, maintained, coded by people.
If lazy larry is too stupid to learn something new and adapt he can GTFO.
How often do I hear
> I already spend 4-8 years in my life to learn something why should I learn something new again *hurr durr*

Yeah all will go down, this time for sure.
Creating a society which depends on handouts from the state.
Fuck no.

>> No.10098584

like the last times in human history when 50% of people lost their job but somehow we still survived?

Jobs will be done by machines but these machine have to be created, maintained, coded by people.
If lazy larry is too stupid to learn something new and adapt he can GTFO.
How often do I hear
> I already spend 4-8 years in my life to learn something why should I learn something new again *hurr durr*

Yeah all will go down, this time for sure.
Creating a society which depends on handouts from the state.
Fuck no.

>> No.10099538

He's a lying kike though. Even though niggers only make up 13%, they still use more welfare.

>> No.10099615

>Machines have to be created, maintained, coded by people
That might get you to 10% employment if you're lucky.

>> No.10099657

Dude, do u even know what socialism is and how it works? You make it very clear that you dont know what you are talkin about. Go back to 9gag and post you trump memes cause "he is going to make america great again" while destroying it

>> No.10099886

the only problem is that if you ever check into a psych ward in america, you lose your gun rights.
im a felon so i never had those rights anyway but just depends on how bad u like guns i guess.
i got a nice collection of high performance crossbows - almost better than a gun really.