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File: 88 KB, 1330x585, SHL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10094631 No.10094631 [Reply] [Original]

2m market cap
15 member team
new exchanges incoming
competitor skycoin JUSTED

Enjoy gains my lads.

>> No.10094952


>> No.10095078

I really like IOTA, but it's an unproven technology at the current stage, especially PRL / SHL are somewhat lacking, this rising in price would be 100% on the potential value, because at this time this would be 0 as far as I know

>> No.10095124
File: 605 KB, 1024x681, showingoffgains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, just like everything in crypto. Also Speculative price is most of the time much better than real price.

>> No.10095181

I do invest in crypto and I understand a lot of the technical aspects of it, but I really try to not invest in projects based on unproven concepts, the risk is a lot higher than a blockchain project with a tangible objective. It's all a risk management game for me, and SHL is one the VERY high risk spectrum even on crypto standards

>> No.10095296

what are you talking about ? PLR has fully functional tesnet that was improved like 1000% since first release.

>> No.10095347

It's based on IOTA, as good as IOTA seems, it's still unproven. I hope it gets better but I won't take the risk

>> No.10095371

117k here

>> No.10095376

IOTA is number 3 crypto ranked by quality of developers scientists and mathematicians working on it.
plus PRL use their own fork of DAG for sharding,
everything will connect nicely on 2020
>screencap this

>> No.10095391

I also bought Antshares ar $3/$5, Ethereum at $80, and Ark back before the moon/crash. This coin will do great, solid concept and good technicals

>> No.10095406

oh not this shit again, this is not a team fight, IOTA vs y vs x vs z, it's an investment strategy ffs, somethings are more proven than others, it's a risk management strategy. I LIKE IOTA, stop selectively reading what I write ffs. You guys look like football supporters. Their team is amazing, yes, and I believe the odds are in their favor, but for now, there are SAFER with same upside investments to be made.

>> No.10095472

in case anyone falls for this, SHL was airdropped for free, meaning people have hundreds of thousands of coins they're waiting to dump on your heads. It's also vaporware and not being developed for at least another year. buying this would be a huge mistake.

>> No.10095484

yuuuge mistake sirs
>buy my link please sirs

>> No.10095512

buy the useless airdropped erc-20 shittoken of a scam that is -97% ytd what could go wrong

>> No.10095545

pleb boomer virtual money is the future!

>> No.10095561

It seems to call anyone boomer nowadays is a good enough argument for anything

>> No.10095840

Better buy those other USEFUL tokens then.

>> No.10095852

why would anyone pay for file hosting that expires after a year when dropbox/mega is free?
cheese pizza is literally the only use case for this, so it'll get banned if it ever gets adopted.

>> No.10095870

SHL is not a file hosting coin you dumb nigger. No wonder you're going to miss gains.