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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 391x139, chrome_2018-06-28_10-06-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10093555 No.10093555 [Reply] [Original]

> https://chainlink.news/endorsements/
Lmk if there's more to add https://chainlink.news/contact/ or add it yourself: https://github.com/NavyAdmiral/linkmarines


>> No.10093603

Dont fucking shill an unfinished product you absolute fucking retard.

It will make cl look like a conspiratory haven for retarded brainlets to normies. Wait for it to fucking finish before shilling or your doing more harm than good. Cl is already stained in the normie crypto world.

Finish the site, but fucking wait til the time is right. Never premature ejaculate.

>> No.10093619


>> No.10093634


>> No.10093638

you fags this shilling will be nothing compared to CL's marketing director shilling when mainnet releases now BTFO. i am the gatekeeper of CL safe haven. I will safeguard it and make sure you autists dont kill the baby before it is born

>> No.10093658

This is some next level website anon
Add LINK memes category as well and I could even donate

>> No.10093670
File: 54 KB, 640x628, 1518045170653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone get they mans

>> No.10093675

Mate did you forget that fact that Salesforces implementation architect follows chainlink on twitter?

>> No.10093679

You are doing a grand job anon, bless you and praise kek

>> No.10093687


>> No.10093694

30.6.2019 as a endorsements date is incorrect

>> No.10093703

ok, the site is actually fucking nice.

>> No.10093714

How will biz fud this?

>> No.10093725

Don't fucking help this cunt out

>> No.10093733

Ty fixed

Refresh in 3 minutes

>> No.10093739

Wtf my LINK is all gone

>> No.10093740

Fuck off dickhead I always help out fellow Marines a fucking poofter cunt like you wouldn't understand so piss off I bet you dont even tell your mates about Chainlink.

>> No.10093793

Don't shill it. We will shill it all after main net, but now this baby must be nurtured with the strongest hands, normies will only make it harder for us to make it, let your brothers accumulate until September, normies should mofo after main net.

>> No.10093811

Wouldn't this be better in the Salesforce section? She's not just following Chainlink but everything: LinkPool, SmartContract and a shill account.

>> No.10093816

CL won't need any shilling after main net. If you still haven't accumulated after 19 September to this date, forget about it, you'll never accumulate enough. I'm sorry.

>> No.10093830

OP your coming Thailand eoy with biz right? All expenses paid for you

>> No.10093843

Chainlink doesnt need shilling

>> No.10093864

This doesn't look like shilling to me.

>> No.10093887

added that info. will update Salesforce section later

>> No.10094100

Can we get a wallet autism section to track movements of LINK

>> No.10094187

You are doing the Lord's service

>> No.10094271

This. Please, OP. Don't put it all in one place just yet. You're going to end up making people rich that don't deserve it.

>> No.10094415
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>> No.10094430

Dope picture you got there buddy

>> No.10094450
File: 140 KB, 960x1200, boyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you

>> No.10094462
File: 3.45 MB, 2991x2731, pedo_donuts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this some kind of (((pedo-signaling))) art work?

>> No.10094481

When will ChainLink surpass Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is old, ChainLink is better tech
Why is Bitcoin priced so much higher?

>> No.10094494
File: 41 KB, 430x589, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you kindly

>> No.10094501
File: 568 KB, 736x552, 1513705195649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You belong in an oven

>> No.10095263
File: 123 KB, 712x770, 8ACE841C-B217-42F9-A071-C2D9189AB0A1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There us still a fuckton of information missing.

>> No.10095288

Whose mans is this
Somebody didn’t get they mans

>> No.10095301

Voodoo’s captain crunch and maple bacon donuts are just as delicious as pedophilia. It’s just a metaphor.

>> No.10095304

Salesforce has thousands of implementation architects. All they do is take the salesforce base software and alter it to specifically fit a customers needs

>> No.10095372

Ive told all my friends. One has bought like 500 but the rest just pretend to understand and nod along. Wonder what our friendships will be like after this takes off. I see them blaming me for not convincing them to buy

>> No.10095457
File: 71 KB, 344x530, capgemini niggers bullish af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but seriously there is lots of information missing in this collection.

for example under "endorsements".
>no mention of Gartner shilling chainlink
>no mention of capgemini shilling chainlink
>no mention of accenture shilling chainlink

>> No.10095513
File: 24 KB, 306x306, 89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or under use cases:
>mortage industry not mentioned
>BIM industry not mentioned
>stock exchange market infrastructure not mentioned
>fraud prevention not mentioned
>loans not mentioned

>> No.10095600


>> No.10095632

How tf did you find this?

>> No.10095670

This chill the fuck down. Great site but no need to shill the fuck out if it until mainnet launch. Relax. Buy more link. Relax some more. It's that easy

>> No.10095768

Do you want the SEC to fuck us over? Because this is how you get link classified as a security, wait until their product is finished before flapping your gums about it. Why do you think the devs are busting their asses to get this finished? Why do you think Sergey has left us in the dark so long? He isn't fucking stupid, he clearly knows about this because it's in the whitepaper. Keep working on the site because it's pretty cool, just don't post it everywhere until they finish mainnet.

>> No.10095774


>> No.10095790

can anyone with the firepower please DOS this fucking fake news site before it ruins /ourproject.

>> No.10095801
File: 260 KB, 750x937, 9086C3AC-E2C1-4301-A6B0-303F155E98A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUDers on suicide watch

>> No.10095804

This. This "find" really bothered me and the way everyone blew their load over it made me rethink what other "connections" were literally nothing. She is a nobody at Salesforce and thousands share her job title.

>> No.10095855

I have a stack of 20k, my family collectively has a stack of over 100k. This isn't about fudding you stupid fuck, I argue with fudders all day long on here because they're incredibly retarded and it's funny to call them out. This website is not good for the project right now and I'm trying to prevent it from being spread all over the internet. Go read the whitepaper, look for the section with the disclaimer about CL not being a security. They wouldn't have included that if they weren't concerned about it being a possibility, this news website before they have a finished product won't help their case.

>> No.10095871
File: 25 KB, 214x235, 76904359-2BE2-42CB-BCCE-D05588596527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>registered on the cayman islands
>burgers were not allowed in the ICO
>disclaimer on their website said its not a security

Nice SEC fud retard but the time for fud is over, now we start the mass shilling til mainnet.

>> No.10095900

Read my other post dumbfuck.

>> No.10095911

And check my digits

>> No.10095933

Cool story bro but we gonna shill this much much more in the coming weeks

>> No.10095941


>> No.10095943

Rory straight up said in the Slack channel that they are not going to shill Chainlink until the token has actual utility so it’s not considered a security. This is also in the Link Marines For Good telegram

>> No.10095952

Triple dubs. Fucking checked anon

>> No.10095970
File: 10 KB, 352x462, B4CA143A-C646-4001-B23E-FD26BE21CE4E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I care if US investors get fucked up the ass by their jewish overlords.

Shilling begins now!

>> No.10095999

Please kind fuck off and shut down that site op. Give us another 6 months to stack more link

>> No.10096008

you had your time to accumulate. get fucked

>> No.10096057

>kike posting a crusader in some vain attempt to deflect their pedophilic tendencies
the only oven-dodger I see here is you

>> No.10096076

fuck you pajeet motherfucker

>> No.10096103

Nice background miner, Vishal

>> No.10096219



Holy fuck boys! 1 confirmed partnership (Zepplin-OS) and a hand full of vague “friendships” and a deleted retweet from Vitalik saying the project was overpriced at ICO (now about 2x ICO).

The absolute level of deluded ness is absurd here.

>> No.10096220
File: 72 KB, 788x685, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you had almost a year to accumulate, you wasted that opportunity.
not our fault that you are so slow, but the shilling will continue no matter what.

>> No.10096225
File: 2.61 MB, 600x338, Gard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10096348

based triple dubs

>> No.10096352

You weak faggots

>> No.10096373

Fuck off desperate shiller, can't even wait for mainnet to shill.
Piece of shit moonboy.
Anddd off I go to post racist images on swift's Twitter.

>> No.10096399

ChainLink also has a partnership with BraveNewCoin:https://bravenewcoin.com/about-us/
scroll down

>> No.10096412

Guys how do we DDOS the page?
I'm gonna start tweeting disgusting chainlink memes to all of the people involved with chainlink.

>> No.10096413

Its ok, I am the one that gets all the info. More than half your website info from me. Should I slow down the news?

>> No.10096465

I appreciate the effort OP but you're site needs work. The connections are loose and the wording is almost kind of cringey sometimes, sounds like a high school kid trying to be professional and falling short. Please dont take offence I like what you're doing but it needs serious work because in this state it will be laughed at by professionals.

>> No.10096479
File: 163 KB, 1013x1000, reichslink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can i ask?
Youse still bringing all them drugs in and throwing all those party's for the kids?

>> No.10096531

You'll regret trying to hurt this projects image especially knowing the largest top 20 wallets are right here.

>> No.10096547
File: 846 KB, 1440x2449, Screenshot_20180630-101541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying I'm not a top 100 wallet.
Fucking impatient cunts.

>> No.10096579

Also lol @ thinking the top 20 wallets are there. Top 20 wallets are owned by devs, swift and signal capital.
Ask me how I know fucking faggot.

>> No.10096584

You're not top 100 or 1000. If you had any significant money on the line you'd be in the gitter setting up your node instead of gaining pleasure practicing sadistic behavior

>> No.10096625

>implying I'm not paying seome to do that for me
Kys retard

>> No.10096626

You're a loser in real life. You conceal your identity and lash out online to try and cover up your own flaws that stare you back in the mirror every morning. Your only way to cope through your chronic depression is by immersing yourself in egotistical sadism. Your will die lonely even if you have hundreds of people around your bedside onlooking your last few breaths.

>> No.10096664

Listen Mr. Nobody, you probably have less than 50k link, that's why you are so desperate about link "mooning". Shilling and fudding is the difference between getting another 100k links for cheap or not.
Setting up a node right now is useless since the consensus algorithm being worked by Ari Juels and team isn't finished yet.
Also you want some breadcrumbs?
Cryptocompare, polygon and bravenewcoin API's are being used in the testnet by a well known project for a fiat integration.
Pathetic fucker.

>> No.10096678

Yup, sure sounds like me boyo. ;)
Fucking retard.

>> No.10096688

You guys can't be serious with this 1k shit can you? I'm going to get a stack of 1k because the regret of ignoring this would be worse than losing $200 lmao

>> No.10096725

Guys, stop arguing and comparing dick sizes. Do you really feel compelled to convince anyone of your holdings value on an anonymous horticultural appreciation forum?

Let’s just share info and stop being faggots.

>> No.10096772
File: 58 KB, 400x208, chainlink_nuwojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Link bread
>Stop being faggots
Pick one

>> No.10096786

>stop comparing dick sizes
Says the guy with the small cock

>> No.10096958

Nice trips. Under the World Economic Forum entry plossibly add that it's CEO Klaus Schwab directly endorses Smartcontract.com in his book "The fourth industrial revolution"

>> No.10097013

Plz OP don't do this.

If you really believe in the team, please also believe they have an good reason to keep it under the radar...Your shilling might label it as an security. Just wait till after main net plz.

>> No.10097177




>> No.10097184


>> No.10097212

I don't get the FUD.

Why would chainlink getting classified as a security be bad?

Doesn't that make the network more secure?

>> No.10097249

So many of you hoodlucms think ChainLink will be worth something. It’s all delusion, this is worse than yellow fever

>> No.10097287
File: 40 KB, 409x409, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fudders are scared because Link keeps pumping now and they didn't buy in because they thought they could fud the price even lower.

>> No.10097609

Anon, I know your heart is in the right place. But >>10095855 has a very good point. The reason the team doesn't shill is because its not done, and this could help label it a security. I trust Sergey will deliver, and you should too. We don't need this yet.

>> No.10097635

This. Take the site down anon

>> No.10097645
File: 2.51 MB, 3000x2000, Case LINK updated 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol butthurt

>> No.10097667

I don't understand how you don't see the downside of this site. I'm all in on link, but I realize that site can be seen by anyone. The reason why link is cheap is because only 4chan talks about it, and I think thats neat. We share information with each other regarding the project, and have discussion about it. I don't think this site helps chainlink in any way, because it only draws attention to an unfinished product, and with all the SEC security shit going on, the last thing we want is to put link in an incriminating light. The site coming down would help make link safe from unnecessary security classification, do you see where I'm coming from anon?

>> No.10097691

The team will let me know if they want it to be taken down and I will act accordingly. It's already posted on Slack and it doesn't seem the team is concerned at all. As for now, I'll keep updating with relevant information. Tons of stuff I haven't mentioned in the current posts and a lot, lot more posts can be created.

>> No.10097695

Do you not think that Sergey and his team are capable of making this project succeed? I don't think that mass adoption of smart contract technology lies in the deciding hands of small group of investors on a Mongolian basket weaving forum, and I really have faith the SC team will deliver. You should too fren, we will make it.

>> No.10097703


>> No.10097705

He should just make the password protected with the password only being on /biz/

>> No.10097734

I really admire your dedication to revealing the facts to people as theres a lot of shit fud that floats around here, I guess I just worry about the possible outcome. I know you're doing what you think is best for the project and I can dig that, and if the Link team is chill with the site then I guess I wouldn't see a problem with it, as long as everything was clear to them about it. Thanks for your help in contributing to the collective knowledge on this project, and I'll see you on the other side brother :)

>> No.10097751

What is poa

>> No.10097813

I will personally ask the team right now and report their answer to you. If they're okay with it, I'll keep good stuff coming, if not I'm taking the site down.

>> No.10097826
File: 69 KB, 1071x561, 1529764913183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for understanding fren, you seem like a good anon

>> No.10098020

everything on the site is public information already you are just compiling it all in one place although people just do not want all this speculation to be out in the open like this it's embarrassing because most of it probably will not come to fruition

>> No.10098106

How much linkies to make it? Also, Why did price drop so much with all this speculation??

>> No.10098122

Just got off the phone with Sergey, We talked about this website briefly and he will be filling a DMCA strike on the domain to take ownership of it. Sorry OP

>> No.10098258

Forget it man, these guys are too stupid to understand.

>> No.10098305

Can someone ddos the site?

>> No.10098343

LINK is pumping hard...big things happening soon

>> No.10098349

I'm working on it, you're gonna have to help me tho. I don't have much time since am at work right now.

>> No.10098379

Actually this. Loving the effort, but this website is preaching to the choir. Maybe make it password protected with something easy, just to keep the idiots out.

>> No.10098385

Even this imbecile will become rich with LINK

>> No.10098393

So basically you just download the program, copy and paste the url and then it sends a lot of transactions.
We would all need to agree for a specific time for it to be more effective.

>> No.10098428



>> No.10098474

I hope 30k is enough to make it bros, I'm broke and the price keeps going up now

>> No.10098496

yeah lets all ddos the site forever that will work. solid permanent solution

>> No.10098564

Either that or I keep posting weird shit in Twitter.
Actually the page has all of the people connected to chainlink compiled in one site, so it'd be easier for me to start harassing them.
Do I start with Janet Stimac, Jonathan Levi, Ari Juels, Benioff, Gonser?
Who do I start with?

>> No.10098615

How do we get these stupid cunts to stop shilling though? Harassing the team won't stop these kids from advertising.

>> No.10098629

Senpai you need to proofread that shit. I just read for 2 mins and found 3 typos. I'll proof read it in return for link. Let me know.

>> No.10098630

Do you realize how small the total of link holders is? I mean, my holdings are distributed over more than one wallet and I guess you smart asses have done the same so the 3000 holders with 10k is bullshit. You could easily divide that number by at least 2. P of courseut some protection on your website anon.

>> No.10098645

Just flud reddit with nazi link.

>> No.10098650

Wow, "put some protection on your website anon" is what it's supposed to say.

>> No.10098686

Some of us have real money on the line faggot. Your 5k LINK is a joke. You will sell early anyway. Don't ruin it for the rest of us.

>> No.10098689
File: 360 KB, 600x580, HAHAHAHAHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Fudders on suicide watch

>> No.10098709
File: 453 KB, 1385x967, accounting niggas are in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep crying bitch nigger, this LINK shit is getting shilled RIGHT FUCKING NOW and you CANT stop it. you had your time, you missed it. deal with it.

>> No.10098720

just posted this in my crypto telegram group with 15k members, great info, keep it up! thanks

>> No.10098735

These stupid fuckers lack vision so they don't understand that keeping quiet right now is good long term, so maybe saying that this won't moon until 2022 or some shit will make then go away.
Another option is shilling a complete shitcoin along with Link on the same post (Funfair, bounty, etc) so that normie perception is that it's as shit as that one.
Also, we could advertise it as the neo Nazi token of preference to scare people from the token and shilling mobius as a good alternative to the link scam token.
Also if someone has a group i want in, I have good ideas.

>> No.10098768

I have been given a green light from Thomas. How do we conduct a referendum on /biz?

>> No.10098770

In the current market, Trump himself can make a PSA about LINK and it still won't pump, so we still have time to accumulate.

>> No.10098801

Fuck off already fudder homo
You had your time to buy Link, you missed it and now nothing can stop the shilling that is about to happen.

>> No.10098817

No we don't, these retards have fucked up the price overnight.

Good idea, I also like the idea of ddosing this faggot site. We need coordinated fudding clearly

>> No.10098819


>> No.10098821

Sergey will seriously sue you for this.

>> No.10098835

Dat butthurt and we didn‘t even reach peak shill yet.
Its gonna get a lot worse for you, better fomo in and join us.

>> No.10098838

post proof

>> No.10098848

are you blind?

>> No.10098876

Do I create a telegram or do you know of any group?
If anyone is interested in a group reply to this post, if there's enough interest I'll create it.

>> No.10098880

God, please take it down. Stop bothering them on a weekend..

>> No.10098942

I'll be fine. I'm 100% certain I hold more than you and most of this thread. You only reach that point by buying cheap, not pumping prematurely

The only groups I know of are focused on general discussion, so we'll need to see if there's enough interest for our own group.

>> No.10098956

They're Satanists, it's ok.

>> No.10098969

350K Linkholder here

>> No.10098974

351K holder here

>> No.10099051


>> No.10099073
File: 6 KB, 306x165, 1521518623033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'll be fine"
>is clearly seething from a small pump

>> No.10099077
File: 96 KB, 830x783, 1529980345491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was so nice to have it so low.
Now my poorfag ass can only buy a little on monday.
Whales please.

>> No.10099078

> Had time from September 2017 to accumulate
> Still chasing sub20s
> What?

>> No.10099087

what a shitty page

>> No.10099134

352k holderlink here

>> No.10099143

I'm a fresh linkie, when does mainnet launch? Traded a good portion of my LTC into this because it got boring.

>> No.10099152

probably in the next 2-3 months

>> No.10099167
File: 266 KB, 537x512, ChainlinkMan13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10099184
File: 25 KB, 669x514, IMG_1411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>links to an image board on an image board

>> No.10099204

good point. i am progressing tho, will hit -30 IQ soon.

>> No.10099207


>> No.10099220

I have 200k LINK, almost bought another 50k at the bottom but I didn't want to put all my cash in. Oh well.

>> No.10099240

You can send an email to tathguy@protonmail.com for an invite to the telegram channel. I see you were calling people retards. There's no shitposting in this group. You don't speak unless you have something of value to add.

>> No.10099259

Disregard. After viewing some of your posts you seem motivated to market link as a "nazi token" to suppress the price. This group is dedicated to further investigating use cases and connections. Not this >>10098735

>> No.10099301


>> No.10099335


>> No.10099366


CL FUDers are mad because bad and also poor

Nice work, anon

>> No.10099389

>There's no shitposting in this group. You don't speak unless you have something of value to add.
No thanks, rather work by myself than to be cucked in a group like that.

>> No.10099399
File: 59 KB, 655x527, 1523848864182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some proof there anon?

>> No.10099438

>No thanks, rather work by myself than to be cucked in a group like that.
so basically you are 14 years old and your IQ is not fully developed

>> No.10099440

You can't, because this is an illegitimate centralized site, and the team would never approve of it.

>> No.10099468

...what you wrote doesn't even makes sense.
Already told you that I don't want to join your group. Why do you get mad? Learn to accept rejection and stay down.

>> No.10099487

Oh, you are that anon from last week. You actually delivered, good work!!


>> No.10099515

Actually I think this website was created by Sergey. I have nothing to do with it, I'm a wagecuck submitting posts. He keeps it full anon. >>10099487

>> No.10099887

im not in the group fucker
>iq not fully developed
at least try and hide it

>> No.10100165


>> No.10100747

thread dead market sell link pump over 1 dollar eoy 2020

>> No.10100899

Chainkink sucks dicks bro.