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File: 940 KB, 3024x4032, 1530036607848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10092734 No.10092734 [Reply] [Original]

disclaimer: this thread is not for moonbois.
it is for long term opinions only

i'm thinking cardano could be the one long term coin to potentially overtake ethereum due to it not being as centralized as EOS. But will it be able to beat ethereum's plasma is the question.

>> No.10092747

what happened in pic

>> No.10092753

Is that the leftovers of a spontaneous combustion?

>> No.10092761

Show us more pics like that thanks

>> No.10092767

Obviously someone died there.

>> No.10092769

Nah. That body had been there a while. Notice the maggots in the carpet. Also, the chunk of scalp(?) attached to the hair near the chair leg doesn't seem to be burned.

>> No.10092777

more like spontaneous heart combustion, if you think about it it's kind of sad that the body sat there for a long time because that means no one visited that person often.

>> No.10092779

Are they still dead now?

>> No.10092787

Ha. Well, trips confirm it I suppose.

>> No.10092789
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i hope they're ok.

>> No.10092817

Why am I not holding some of this shitcoin

>> No.10092821

Probably overdose. With heat in the room body decomposed at a very fast rate. Some fly laid eggs to form the maggots to feed off the corpse , accelerating the process further. The decomposing corpse left an imprint on the floor and it is highly probable that what you see is all that's left of the body.

Source: forensic scientist

>> No.10092829

Op, explain cardano in your own words

>> No.10092883


what happened to the bones though? that's what I don't understand. there should be a skeleton there.

>> No.10092885

>muh Haskell

>> No.10092893

someone used them to make broth soup

>> No.10092908

they got picked up.
the sludge crew removed the body..
slap it in a plastic bag, and bang it's head off the doorknob situation..

why dont you kids know this?
you never had to pick up bodies or run crematoriums or dig graves when you were kids?

i bet you never even tasted char flesh.

>> No.10092920

judging by that stain..
body was there 2 weeks tops. in heat.

>> No.10093090

Is this one of those - Jesus appearing in everyday objects?

>> No.10093096

>muh solidity

>> No.10093103

Im no expert, but, yes, not much melting into the carpet.

>> No.10093111

>it is highly probable that what you see is all that's left of the body.

Sure thing science man

>> No.10093188

It doesnt taje a genius to work out

Its just body rotting the carpet and stuck to it

Probably a few weeks left until discovered

>> No.10093189


>> No.10093202

t-mobile is taking this marketing campaign too far

>> No.10093415

The Ethereum foundation has a lot of teams working to push forward it's development, it's not going to be easy to surpass it.

Also, look at the relative size...was it a child?

>> No.10093423

Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong door, Reddit's two blocks down

>> No.10093424


>> No.10093437 [DELETED] 

How is it possible for the bones to be decomposed too? Also I guess the smell finally attracted someone to come and visit.

>> No.10093471

Well, from this pic I can tell it was a single woman in her 40s, overweight. Most likely childless and with not good relation with her family and not many friends. Living in english speaking country, judging by the furniture eastern England.

>> No.10093479

And by the way she must have been there few months, because of the worms.

>> No.10093505
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>> No.10093524

>T-Mobile UK existed until 2015. What makes you think this pic isnt that old?

>> No.10093558


There's a Reeses chocolate rapper on the floor, is that more common in the UK or US? I have never seen them before (AUS) is it a clue?

>> No.10093609


Not that it matters but that's a US post office priority mail package crumbled up and a dominoes pizza advert on the back of what looks like some key card. So this is almost certainly i the US. Not that it matters.

>> No.10093626


Edit nevermind: Im learning the UK has dominos pizza also.
Jesus Christ England you fucking cucks get your own shit and get off America's fat capitalist cock greedily ass fucking your little boihole

>> No.10093802

You realize that the furniture is literally ancient, right? These things are not in the US as everything like this was made there.

>> No.10093834

Yeah we have reeses tmobile and dominos

>> No.10093842
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Bitcoin CASH

>> No.10093871

Looks like UK to me based upon the T mobile and old furniture

Now the real question - Man or Woman?

>> No.10093879

you get reeses in australia just not from normal grocery stores. its normally in candy stores

>> No.10093972

Why can you see the full imprint? If they were wearing clothes wouldn’t there be minimal residue in the torso and at least to the knees? And the feet?

>> No.10093996

There is a USPS envelope...it is Burger

>> No.10094010

at least he died next to a Reese's.

>> No.10094018

Where do the maggits actually come from? That's what I never understood

>> No.10094027
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>tfw you weren't there to save her

>> No.10094036
File: 125 KB, 805x563, Man+i+sure+love+these+wacky+tictacs+_09a1cdf8b5dfc98b4df6123b6ec6926b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at those gut rolls. Poor thing. No dignity for ones self and therefore no visitors to reduce the chances of severe rot. It's important to care about attaining decent impressions about your existence every now and then.
>product placement

>> No.10094050

Maggots are fly larvae. Flies land on the body, lay eggs, and the larvae feed until they hatch.

>> No.10094053

flies lay eggs on dead flesh, maggots are the larvae which hatch out and feed on the corpse.

>> No.10094103
File: 41 KB, 686x579, 13118910_1133871089996313_5548025247102553759_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the new death stain thread?

"Death stain" left on carpet after decomposing body was left past putrefaction (the body will swell and have a marbled, bruised appearance due to the internal gases and fluids leaking out of various orifices)

>> No.10094120

nice. they should have used this technique in ancient times to create a long pasting portrait of a person

>> No.10094126

But how do flies get inside a closed apartment?

>> No.10094156

they wouldn't get in if the room or appartment was completely sealed. but no normal room or appartment is completely sealed. it takes just a tiny opening somewhere for a fly to get in. also there could be flies already in the house at the time of death

>> No.10094159
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That's a good business idea. Then turn them over and place a cheese cloth over the entire body to get the front impression like they did Jesus's face. Charge $666.

>> No.10094799

what the fuck am i looking at here op?

>> No.10094836

Literally every boomer in 20 years

>> No.10094958


There’s a USPS flat rate envelope lying on the floor

>> No.10095003

going alone must be the worst way to go. Near me they found someone who had died with the tv on 2 years later.

>> No.10095024
File: 120 KB, 736x981, D4F151BA-FF82-4F47-8C66-1BF89F805531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayy lmao

>> No.10095067
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>> No.10095221

Long term this is basically the only thing I see happening without tribal politics. Everything has its best niche to occupy.
>BTC/BCH as store of value layer
>XMR has slice of pie for privacy layer
>ETH as smart contract layer
>IOTA as iot/interoperability layer
>shitcoins pop in and out of existence

>> No.10095626

Imagine being this stupid.

>> No.10095723
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Bitcoin used for buying things, as cash.
That's the real Bitcoin right there.

>> No.10095987

He probably hit his head on the edge of the chair , black out, and never woke up again because he was alone and no one could rescue him