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File: 428 KB, 750x557, 8FEC1BA0-8C7D-4F0F-AA1A-A2BA22F4D044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10093429 No.10093429 [Reply] [Original]

>there’s nothing like the first sip of the weekend

>> No.10093435

are you serious with that dirty fucking nail fren?

>> No.10093438


I don't get it?

I drank these for a while and they literally gave me massive constipation. I couldn't shit for a week straight.

Why not just drink coffee? Same effects, less cancer.

>> No.10093439

Some of us boomer have to work for a living kiddo, sorry I haven’t had time to get get a manicure like you faggot millennials

>> No.10093441

>that 19 year old effeminate zoomer that doesn't recognize the dirty nails of the industrious boomer

>> No.10093445


>> No.10093483

where's your mcdonalds and low test you fat frauding fucking balding boomer faggot

>> No.10093487

Clean your disgusting nails, old man

>> No.10093498

>faggot millenial
>fell for the cover your webcam they can see you masturbate meme

>> No.10093566
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>> No.10093567
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Your garden is looking fan fucking tastic. You've earned that delicious beverage.

>> No.10093577

Does this can have a cap that you put back on? Like it's a bottle?

>> No.10093587
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>> No.10093611

clean your fucking nails you 3rd world living piece of shit

>> No.10093623
File: 38 KB, 1280x720, dead inside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what temp is it outside i dont want you to get a heat stroke elder =)))

>> No.10093683

Jesus Christ, where have you been

>> No.10093685
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>> No.10093695

That paranoid boomer who covers his webcam

>> No.10093699

Seriously wtf you are definitely a fat fucking virgin with those fingernails

>> No.10093705
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>> No.10093709

Your thumb looks really fat too tubby

>> No.10093712


>> No.10093722

I want to eat all of this.

>> No.10093729
File: 484 KB, 716x537, B137BED0-EA7B-4F62-ACAF-8262B6F6C031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10093797

>literally Boomhauer stands with his boomer friends sipping Monster

>> No.10093884

How could anyone find this garbage appetizing is beyond my comprehension.

>> No.10093892


>> No.10093909

Is this monster boomer meme an unironical marketing campaign by monster? Hoping to make monster a viral meme?
Thanks to this I started thinking about buying a monster
That would be the next level of marketing

>> No.10093948

Same. I'm going to have to buy at least one to see how fucking terrible it is so I can relive the taste everytime I see the meme

>> No.10094045
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>> No.10094329

dang boy, your colon hates you

>> No.10094340


>> No.10094360

It's been happening for a while on /pol/. Dunno if it's a marketing campaign. I do unironically like Monster though. Ripper is my favorite. Doctor's also great.

>> No.10094375

that boomer looks real comfy

>> No.10094382
File: 54 KB, 600x900, 2e16e02ca0f52fc6053a56b262a3bc7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does those Monster Ultra energy drinks taste like? Asking for a friend

>> No.10094417

like bags of sand

>> No.10094429

>how could anyone find food from the most successful fast food restaurant appetizing
why do autists have such a hard time with food? like the foods cant even touch without them having a fit

>> No.10094460

tastes like your moms pussy juice

>> No.10094489

That my idea of a 10/10 girl. Nice taste anon.

>> No.10094855


>> No.10094868

stale 7up with tonic

>> No.10094904

>zero sugar
>consuming aspartame
Enjoy your alzheimer's you fucking boomer.

>> No.10094922

Meh at best, but try it if you are curious.

>> No.10094923

about 3500 calories

>> No.10094931

lol how the fuck does aspartame lead to alzheimer pls line out the pathway for that lmao


>> No.10095007
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What a fucking idiot

>> No.10095013
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Educate yourself gramps

Monster Marketing Defense Force in action.

>> No.10095019

I don't drink these disgusting things sorry

>> No.10095068

in what doses? are the doses in soda large enough?

>> No.10095112

He wake and baked. That’s a bowl finger nail if I’ve ever seen one.

>> No.10095145

Fucking rekt

>> No.10095264

>she (female thumbnail) equates scraping out the shit from under her nail with a manicure

>> No.10095266



Alzheimer or is the German name of the disease and and was discovered by the German scientist Alois Alzheimer. But you burgers need of course to have for everything your own version to feel significant lmao.

I am basically living right in the neighbourhood of the institute where it was discovered and have studied the shit for years.

Nobody knows what really causes it there is just a correlation with β-Amyloid which accumulates in the brain and maybe aluminium.

Aspartame can't even pass the brain blood barrier.

Only its metabolite phenylalanine can which is a basic amino acid and completely harmless to people who don't have Phenylketonuria.

The reason for some critics to say that aspartame might be dangerous is because it also breaks down into methanol and formaldehyde which has been shown to not even come slightly close to reach the threshold at which it could be dangerous for the human body so it is harmless. Which has also been confirmed multiple times by countless studies of all major food regulation institutions all around the globe and by the WHO

All of this has no relation to Alzheimer's though.
And your link leads to a website which geo blocks countries and is related to Joseph Mercola a snake oil salesman and "alternative" medicine guy.

If you really want to post links to underline your argument post pubmed articles or something that is comparable. Something like that:

>> No.10095315

It causes brain damage tho, just google energy drink + brain damage. apparently some poor faggots got their brain fucked up by sipping too hard

>> No.10095316

wow monster really hired some good shills for this campaign

>> No.10095319
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Absolutely based post

>> No.10095333
File: 78 KB, 290x352, ADDE103C-AAED-4C11-B21A-2E2D7D1CB99B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>totally harmless sippin guys


>> No.10095393

I'm sure a lot of science is corrupt in the sense that its often funded by large corporations that want particular results. I've also heard of scientists that come from other fields that just refuse to accept or acknowledge any new counter information to what they have studied or been taught. On an actual psychological basis they simply can't accept they might have been wrong and all their studies were for nothing. Not saying you're wrong but it seems like scientists should always remain sceptical of any established results and constantly be open to questioning said results.

>> No.10095434

everyone in america calls it alzheimers so what are you on about?

>> No.10095445

this has nothing to do with aspartame though does it?

>> No.10095464
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it is fairly mild lemonade

The best monster is the purple one

>> No.10095597

Then it probably has to do with something else in the drink.

>> No.10095615

Hi larp. What kind of flowers are those? Asking for a friend of a friend.

>> No.10095625

there's other sodas that use aspartame like coke zero and sprite zero, and they dont have all the extra shit energy drinks have besides caffeine

>> No.10095646

Better not drink any of that shit and stick to water

>> No.10095652


>> No.10095653

Nothing there points to that being a case.
1st one has no cause aside from the retared clickbait title.
The 2nd one has 28 cans a day
no one drinks 28 cans a day
and it's still impressive it was just swelling after 28 cans, 28 coffes a day would kill you.
So according to you coffe sis horrible for you.

>> No.10095658

There is a big difference between corporate published studies/“science” which is rarely done correctly using the scientific method and true science, the kind that gets published in scientific journals and used for academic purposes. No scientist who isn’t on a corporate or religious payroll would ever not accept new information as presented in a scientific or academic capacity. For example, there are literally zero scientists without suspect motives who don’t agree man made climate change is real and dangerous. Every “scientist” with a counter argument there is on the payroll of some politician or company. If you actually read about these things, which sadly most people don’t, the evidence is overwhelming. There’s literally no argument. A great example of a bunch of dweebs who would prefer to get their science news from politicians vs. scientists is /pol/. They think scientific opinion comes from the right or left and don’t bother to seek true scientific discussion and research.

>> No.10095672

Just drink water and not disgusting brain destroying liquid.

Coffee is on par with this trash and if it kills or makes you retarded in large doses its simply not good for the body.
Very simple rule to follow

>> No.10095678

S-S-Sergey is that you?

>> No.10095681

Scientists get research grants from the government, literally making them biased as fuck

the only unbiased scientists are idealists who believe in the purity of truth, and you can't know who really is that way

>> No.10095693

how do i stop drinking soda? it tastes so good with meat

>> No.10095698
File: 109 KB, 588x823, 1514498587734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>antidotes are not good for the body let's stop using them

>> No.10095713

Just stop drinking this trash. You are destroying your body, are you really okay with this?

you drink antidotes?

>> No.10095728

what does your diet look like?

>> No.10095755

I don‘t eat or drink any processed industrial made garbage.

>> No.10095769

so what does it look like?

>> No.10095786

Lmao rekt

>> No.10095802

It's called a shower. Literally jist get in the shower and run soap on your body you dirty fucking monkey.

>> No.10095847


>if it kills or makes you retarded in large doses its simply not good for the body

that is true for almost anything and you can not conclude that therefore you should not consume something at a dose at which it is in fact save.

drink too much water and you will die too:


>> No.10095863

You realize drinking too much water can kill you to right? Better stop drinking it you fucking mong.

>> No.10095868


it has to do with the equilibrium of the contents in your blood and the resulting osmosis rate.

Basically if you delude your blood too much the physical forces don't hold the water in your vascular systems as good as before and the surrounding tissue swells.

>> No.10095883
File: 705 KB, 1920x1040, 1528282758453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is this Jewish shilling for Monster energy drink. Some of the first people to be loaded onto the trains headed for the holocaust camp will be you fucking shills engaging in your commercial Jewry you fucking kikes

>> No.10095973


You are right that scientists are being influenced ins some way or another but that is why there exists the scientific method (every result must be repeatable and falsifiable for example).
One of the "latest" examples is the tobacco or sugar industry that has been massively influenced many studies in their favour over the last decades. While everyone knows about the tobacco one the sugar industry manipulation has only come out in recent years.

All of this does not mean though that studies are just bullshit in general and you should just give up on it.
Legit research is peer reviewed and is transparent about its funding.
Separating the bad from the good research and studies requires effort and some knowledge of statistics and maths in general.
(A very good and short video describing some of the problems with studies and how they are presented is this video btw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybnDrY0OQ8c))

This of course is often too tedious and hard especially for journalists and the average joe which leads to the warped perception of studies that you and many others apparently seem to have.

>> No.10095995


>> No.10096338

fucking lol i meant to link this video

>> No.10096349


hahaha dude niiiiiice

>> No.10096447

I would unironically be on the floor, moaning in pain from stomach cramps, if I ate even half of that overly-processed trash. Not even trying to exaggerate here, my body literally cannot handle that level of garbage after eating healthy for so long.

>> No.10096460

That backyard looks small, yet comfy.

>drinking Monster zero unironically

>> No.10096494

that fucking nail hahahahhahahah

>> No.10096677

seltzer water, I drink like 6 a day

haven't had soda in forever and don't need it anymore

>> No.10096720

You clearly have time to sit on your tablet in the back yard and enjoy a Monster. It's all in what you prioritize. You clearly don't prioritize hygiene or self-care.