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10091652 No.10091652 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10091785

imagine explaining to d-day vets, the moment before they hit the shores of normandy, that this is the future they are fighting for

>> No.10091805
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>> No.10091835
File: 195 KB, 400x400, MEGAHOLO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apollo airdrop anyone? its 1800 tokens for joining a fucking telegram, the next ONT.


>> No.10091850

they would tear up with joy knowing that the facists were destroyed and their great grandchildren have the freedom to do whatever they want
kys nazi scum freedom hater

>> No.10091891
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tfw nazis are coming back and we are gonna all fight on the same side this time

>> No.10091898

yes fall a victim to the virus and help bring in a new dark ages, retarded sea person

>> No.10091908

They would fight even harder knowing that the world can be truly free

>> No.10091909
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imagine having a daughter and putting insane amounts of money, love and time into raising her right.....to love her family, build morals, and instill a hard work ethic into her.... after going to high school, giving it her all and getting into a prestigious school, her first winter break she comes home and wants you to meet her new boyfriend, the second one she's ever had, and its this goy.... he got into the same college for free because he's an ethnically diverse and has already had 3 months to poison her brain... you sit her down, try to understand why she's doing this, plead with her to continue down the right path and all she says is "my man, icy narco, is gonna take care of me, he's a rapper and he's rich!" later on in the week she tells you she's pregnant with his kid..... a week later, you get a knock on the door, a policeman and a priest are there to tell you your daughter was found beaten to death in a ditch.... icy narco has been arrested for killing your daughter, angry that she was pregnant... you ask yourself, what did i do wrong, how could i have let this happen.... you sink into a deep depression and your life falls apart, all your life's hardwork had been to raise your daughter right and this degenerate destroyed 18 years of your pride and joy and labor in 2 months.... just imagine.... its probably more common than you would like to admit

>> No.10091915

removed your shitty ass referral. but thanks

>> No.10091917

This better

>> No.10091937

Serves them right for trusting Jews

>> No.10091938

fuck off with your fetish stories you degenerate freak

>> No.10091992

dude its a matter of time. white people's survival instinct will kick in at some point. you can't expect a people to just go extinct.

>> No.10091997
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that nothing sexual or a "fetish" about this story.....just conveying what goes through my head everytime i see new rapper #5692 and he looks more degenerate then the last... a never ending race to the bottom of morals and civility

>> No.10092001

they had no clue, they were all drafted and thought they were doing their duty

>> No.10092028


>> No.10092343
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This generation is fucking retarded