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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10088055 No.10088055 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically, how many anons who are unemployable NEETs now will be homeless 10 years from now?

>> No.10088093
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I hope all of us will own some kind of property, being homeless sucks.

>> No.10088120

yeah im pretty sure im fucked, im planning on killing myself in ten years anyway. had a good run, played some good video games, fucked 15 girls. not a bad life.

>> No.10088125
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All of them

>> No.10088136

I'm so deluded and in love with my cryptos that I'll unrionically be homeless in a few months if I don't start working. Problem is I'm so convinced that they'll be successful that I can't even see the point in going to work to accumulate more coins.

Can you guess my two biggest holds?

>> No.10088167

trumpcoin an dogecoin

>> No.10088263

This minus 13 girls plus bad life

>> No.10088268

this minus 2 girls

>> No.10088275

we should unironically pool our shitcoins together to buy a huge farm for the NEETS as a wildlife refuge to keep them from killing their selves

>> No.10088332

It's not really that hard to hold down a place on shit tier jobs. No you won't save money or thrive, but unless you're literally insane and mentally ill, there's no reason why anyone should ever be homeless long term in the first world.

>> No.10088346

B-but we're all gonna make it :DDDDDDd

>> No.10088360

>unless you're literally insane and mentally ill

Playing too many video games qualifies as mental illness now.

>> No.10088389

Just cut your dick off and you will be considered normal again

>> No.10088558

Hi, it's your family
You're in a coma
the doctors are trying a new method of reaching you
BTC has crashed to 0$ and we can't afford keeping you alive anymore
they're pulling the plug tomorrow

please wake up

>> No.10088564

no, spill it faggot

>> No.10088603

Remind me in 10 years anon

>> No.10088608

NEET here,

Don't think I'll ever be homeless. I went from 2k -> 450k -> 100k with crypto, and when that's gone, I'll find something else, as much as it pains me. In all the jobs I've held I end up ascending to boss status rather quickly with next to zero effort. I'm also rather tall/good looking and command respect automatically. IQ is a blessing. But I am plagued with a myriad of mental illnesses, including depression. In 10 years I will have perhaps killed myself, or be living on the street as a schizo

>> No.10088631

damn, that was me up until the mental illnes part. good luck, anon. we're all making it

>> No.10088633

Homeless and loving it. I’m not going to be a soulless Babylonian ever again.

I do still own crypto and invest more every chance I get though. (Not homeless because of crypto, homeless because alcoholic and mentally ill)

>> No.10088648

where do you live? couchsurf homeless or like under a bridge homeless?

>> No.10088652

Fuck's sake, the real quotes are good enough. Admittedly that's an old fake, but it's still a fake.


"And I sincerely believe with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; & that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale" - 1816

"Bank-paper must be suppressed, and the circulating medium must be restored to the nation to whom it belongs." - 1813

>> No.10088681

I drift from town to town working odd jobs, flying signs, and living in my tent. I make fifty bucks, turn it into crypto, get drunk as fuck with the rest, then move on. It’s a pretty decent system.

>> No.10088696

I am homeless, AMA

>> No.10088700


>> No.10088706

you are one of a small handful of people who can criticize the system in a non hypocritical manner

>> No.10088729

Homebum or traveler?

>> No.10088826

like it

>> No.10088834

There are more like me than you think. There are entire communities dedicated to it. I just acknowledge why I’m on the road. Not trying to cover it up with a thin veneer of “wanderlust” and “adventure.”

I live on the fringe of society because I can’t stand being a zombie working 9 to five and every time I stay in one spot for too long my psychology tells me I’m not wanted and it’s time to GTFO.

>> No.10088858

I'm an older millenial. I was saved by crypto, otherwise I'd be fucked.

The generations after us will be completely fucked because they missed the big redistribution of wealth from old finance to crypto.

EXCEPT if automation will be at such a level that some kind of basic income will be implemennted.

>> No.10088863

>we should unironically pool our shitcoins together to buy a huge farm for the NEETS
i have unironically seriously considered this once i make it; which will be by march of 2019. once that happens, i will return to /biz/ for help in finiding the perfect plot.

>> No.10088871

It’s not hard to start your own business. But apparently lots of biz just wants hand outs

>> No.10088909

I was fired from my job 7 months ago, bought 40% of BTC from what I earned and been trade ever since..I'm still in the green, but still not enough to feel relieved

>> No.10088930

smart people don't like working any harder than they have to and would prefer not to work for a wage at all. how hard is this to figure out. nothing to do with handouts; hence why the OP was about being homeless instead of being on welfare

>> No.10088950

I work maybe 10 hours a week. Maybe and that’s really stretching it. I’d rather die than have to eat ramen so spending some time to set up passive income seems like a no brainer

>> No.10088956

>so spending some time to set up passive income seems like a no brainer
wtf do you think we're doing here?

>> No.10088960
File: 205 KB, 773x500, hg-578g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boomer barman waiting to be saved by crypto, never studied and no career ladder

>> No.10088985

Playing with internet points. Which I like to do to. But it’s not even my plan c it’s just what I like to play around with. With just the slightest amount of foresight you can easily make a million a year and sit on your ass. But to each their own

>> No.10089003
File: 11 KB, 343x295, 1530132799988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many active people are there on biz?

95% of that number.

>> No.10089005

Quick /biz/kneesmen
How could a third world shithole NEET make a fucking misery (let's say a dollar) over the internet and be able to move it to Paypal or whatever other digital wallet there is?
Because in my third world shithole a dollar is literally more than our minimum wage.

>> No.10089045

Post a throw away email. We might be able to set up some kind of import/export business.

>> No.10089053
File: 44 KB, 720x720, 1527707065146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew a girl who sent men her dirty pants and vials of her piss for $20 a vial.
Gogo my young padawan.

>> No.10089064

im going to be homeless soon, im getting cut off from centrelink
suffering from mental illness and started up new meds 2 months ago, i stopped going to work for the dole stoped doing my job sheet stoped cleaning my house, got some pretty hardcore depression creeping in
its hard to tell if the meds sucked the life out of me or just a general realisation of how fucked i actually am regardless, i thought crypto would save me and fomoed into an obscure shit coin back in jan with a centrelink loan
mabye death wont be so bad, cant be any worse then life right?

>> No.10089091

every single ChainLINK 'investor' will be (and is) unemployable. Everyone else will probably be fine.

>> No.10089098

>Playing with internet points
>With just the slightest amount of foresight you can easily make a million a year and sit on your ass. But to each their own
toppest of keks, my dude

>> No.10089113

Depends what you look for in life.
My hero is a guy called Diogenes he was homeless at the time of Plato and turned up to all his lectures to take the cunt.
He had nothing but a wooden bowl used to drink from but threw that away after seeing someone taking a drink by cupping their hands cursing himself for being so materialistic!!

Hope things take a turn up for you and you find some happiness.

>> No.10089120

This plus a thai lady boy

>> No.10089131

Anything you recommend?

>> No.10089171

Xanax. For a friend of course

>> No.10089192

Depends on where you are and if I could flip the product well, how much you would want to trust/not trust me/ and what kind of profit margin we’d be looking at. If I could buy x amount of foreign product from you, add my folksy traveler bullshit to it, and flip it, you would get a very powerful dollar and I’d get to have a return on my investment.

Everyone loves buying folksy artsy shit from homeless alcoholics. Especially when we sell it from a Uhaul self storage place.

>> No.10089210

People prefer Benzodiazapene's more

>> No.10089267

I know I will. STEM degree but couldn't fucking stand the onions trash people in science so i work minimum wage. My one joy in life was to work out, but now i have a chronic illness and can't even do that anymore. At this point it is kms or homelessness on the horizon.

>> No.10089318

Link hahahahaha

>> No.10089403

Reddit spacing