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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10086255 No.10086255 [Reply] [Original]

As soon as Julia Engel drives her 1.2 Mio. hysteric followers crazy by showing her new underwear on Wysker Stories purchased with Wys I‘m going to become rich as fuck with a token that will be totally independent from that fucked up manipulated Bitcoin graveyard called Crypto. In August I say good riddance you faggots and stay poor with Chain Link.

>> No.10086292


1.) what is value of wys token, and;

2.) why would julia engel give a fuck about wys.

>> No.10086328

1. 0.00011 eth
2. Money

>> No.10086367

still holding my bags i see. you must have bought my pump when i was shilling this over a month ago. my entire shill was "normies will love this"...looks like you're a normie

>> No.10086447

Feeling sorry for the loser who sold this coin at a $3 M market cap. He probably sold Ethereum on $10 as well

>> No.10086460

instagram will create a chip that you can install in your skin to keep all your followers up to date and take pictures of everything hands free

>> No.10086462

or he is the one constantly fudding trying to push the price down to buy more.

>> No.10086500

5k wyslet here.
10$ EoY right?

>> No.10086528

I got a couple wys tokens by grinding with the app how do you actually buy it?

>> No.10086986
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You can get the tokens cheap at idex. Still only double ico price.

>> No.10087032

Nah Instagram is fine, with it's current feature of Instagram TV it will bite nice portion of millenials from YT.
Buy Facebook stock trust me kids thanks to this feature it will double in its price.
If there is a thing Facebook is good at is content monetization and users engagement.

>> No.10087071

Who wants to buy Facebook stocks which sells the users data and then lie about it? With wys you can control your own data and exchange it for discount if you want to. It's all up to the users themselves, not like with Mr. Zuckerberg

>> No.10087078
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>> No.10087090

$5k daily volume


>> No.10087118

k mr moralfag
Morals don't buy you nice life lol
Fine with that tho

>> No.10087769
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>sells a 100x coin for 3x
>thinks they're smart

>> No.10087786

Just browsed the whitepaper. I guess WYS might be good for a quick pnd, but the actual fundamentals of the company seem meh. This shit aint going mainstream

>> No.10087802

feel even sorrier for the retards holding at 3M before this shitcoin is forgotten at 500K

>> No.10087822

IF this was actually worth a fucking thing Zukerberg would have already destroyed it

>> No.10087861

lol not to say that the company has less than 1 mil in funding left, burning their cash at over 100k per month and spent 100-200k on a times square ad right after ICO that no one watched.. these pajeets need new bag holders desperately it seems same old shills every day

>> No.10087921

>hasn't used the app and realized that it's complete shit
nobody has bought anything at all on this piece of shit and it won't be any different with muh version 2. i was pumping version 2 over a month ago and you norman summerfags bought my bags. kek

>> No.10088032

I cant even find this shit on the playstore

And its NOT going to be on the appstore anytime soon since they just don't allow shit unless its stupid fucking games for boomers

>> No.10088414
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They removed it because 2.0 is imminent and they haven't been doing any bugfixes for 1.0 because of that reason. Don't want people getting turned off the app when there's such an improved version very close. Also, already approved for the apple store.

>> No.10088449

lol the ceo tobi is here shilling his own shit as usual...think about it biz why shill so hard if the app is going to take facebook over? pajeets gonna pajeet...app dead on arrival

>> No.10088488

this. i hustled these faggots with my daily shills months ago and now they're cucked and carrying dead bags. the app is a spastic piece of shit and nobody bought a fucken thing from version 1. these bag holders think that version 2 is the maker of all bull runs. must suck shitting in the street

>> No.10088670

>pp dead on arrival
no doubt

>> No.10088713

>and spent 100-200k on a times square ad right after ICO that no one watched..
Damn. Their marketing department must be retarded for spending so much on marketing B2C before people can actually use the product. B2B marketing is sensible but B2C is useless without product.

>> No.10088803

WYS will dominate

>> No.10088822

yes, yes it will
it will dominate the crypto graveyard

>> No.10088926
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Yeah sure, he's up at quarter to 3 to shill his mastercoin to you ya lying faggot. You never shilled this coin and dumped, the dailys were from me and some other wys OGs who've made a lot of money from /biz/ and wanted to pay it forward to get some of you cunts in early. You're just samefag fudding and spinning bullshit trying to get cheap coins rather than helping out bizbros. Poor form anon, sounds like you're the poverty stricken pajeet who's too tight to market buy a 100x coin at 2x ICO.

>> No.10088948

Top kek

>> No.10088955

They had a product and everything was looking good but then apple cucked them by stonewalling them for a month or so while they figured out how to classify the token. B2C is first because b2b will only be attractive with a big userbase.

>> No.10088987

lol pajeet try harder, you will need to shill this shit to the end of the earth to get the next wave of suckers...wysker OGs are normie faggots who think this place is for charity

>> No.10089118
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Yeah keep switching IPs while f5'n the thread so you can come back with your scathing fud.
>normies won't buy the coin
>you guys who bought the coin are all normies
>normies won't buy the coin
>haha you're normans and you bought the coin, haha no one will buy your coins norman
Devastating fud there, brainlet.

>> No.10089168
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that was some serious COPE

>> No.10089188
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Fuck up faggot, we all know it's you. How're your bags going?

>> No.10089211

LOL man you guys are running out of conspiracy theories at this point... So hard to believe that enough people laugh at this trash?


>> No.10089252

Which VPN do you use ya papadom samefag?

>> No.10089279

lol you guys are fucked in the head, no vpn here, nice try spinning this as some lone fudder...go buy more bags with 3k USD daily volume LOL

>> No.10089305

ShitCoin Of The Year

>> No.10089524

He doesn't know.

>> No.10089674
File: 51 KB, 640x640, ReneFag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

investing with my friend Rene, boomer believers

>> No.10089711

>i'm on team wysker
sorry pajeet you're suffering from paranoia. you'll need a truck bigger than that to carry your bags though

>> No.10089735
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>> No.10090062
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>Samefag thinks if he says no samefag he's not infact a samefag.
Keep trying you subhuman pajeet. I'm assuming you're an untouchable desperately trying to fud wys so you can get a couple of rupees in to buy some soap for that left hand of yours.
Wysker is krsna tier.

>> No.10090142
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>he still thinks it's a conspiracy

>> No.10090192

Post screencaps of my replies to "others" then. Bet the majority of them will have (you).