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10083913 No.10083913 [Reply] [Original]

>That 30 yo daltonic b00mer who buys the wrong monster

>> No.10084273
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that's one of my favorites, granted i never tried ultra

i like hamilton cuz it only has caffeine and vitamin b-s, also like 'energy' which is the exact same thing as doctor, but tastes better

still drinking doctor because that makes me work best usually

>> No.10084280


I don't like memes that come with advertising

>> No.10084283
File: 314 KB, 1239x1103, EA624E14-B3A5-44BF-B0E8-A3E86444751D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gamin time boys

>> No.10084292

drinking shit with sugar

is like you want to die before the next bull

>> No.10084294

ye we're all paid shills by cocacolaᵀᵐ

>> No.10084306
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>that boomer who picks up a Monster 0 at the gas station and sees another boomer with the same can and they both nod to each other
Who knew making friends could be that easy.

>> No.10084310

It tastes like bubblegum

Orange best, my opinions are facts

>> No.10084312

it's like ur retarded and believe anything you've seen enough anonymous posters tell you about

>> No.10084326

doctor doesn't taste like orange, it's bitter grapefruit and disgusting

>> No.10084339

I was talking about ultra orange

>> No.10084388
File: 109 KB, 428x682, D18F5449-B851-4B51-98DC-FC07C378823C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Switching it up with my man Glen today. I’ll be cruising around at 9pm with the windows down.

>hey let’s pump some tunes BROTHAAAAH


>these kids wouldn’t know a good tune if it punched them in the nards!

>> No.10084447

That's cool brotha

>> No.10084527

LMFAOOOO just pictured that happening in my head

>> No.10084565

The funny thing is the sponsors they pay to promote the drink empty them and put water in LOL

This shit is literal rat poison.. even 80 iq rappers who have monster sponsor empty this shit and put water in @ live shows etc

>> No.10084602

Id says nu
Basedboy detected

>> No.10084629

yours say bc you fucking momo

>> No.10084656
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Interesting sponsorship deal, I like superbike racing, but I still hate energy drinks. That shit is NOT good to be consuming regularly.

>> No.10084659

Ok basedboy

>> No.10084671

Not regularly ofc but sometimes is ok, it's not fucking rat poison

>> No.10084685

post rare monsters

>> No.10084716
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I like this bad boy but I don't think it gives the energy kick the others do

>> No.10084726
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*Sees HB10 looking confusedly at the Monster™ section*
>So many kinds, huh? Hehe. I like that Tea+Lemonade+Energy Monster Rehab™ stuff. Great after a long night of partyin'! You look great today by the way.
*Winks and walks away*

>> No.10084742

Still got it. :)

>> No.10084757
File: 3.92 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180629_205845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't they all the same mount of caffeine?

Not rare but still a cousin of the beloved ultra

>> No.10084759
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Ok, I admit I sometimes have an energy drink if I have a long drive. Used to drink them daily at work and it got to the point where I needed them to feel normal, so I quit the Caffeinated Jew almost completely. Adderall (the Pharmaceutical Jew) is better anyway, but I'm off that too now.
Plus there is my eternal soul to consider in the case of Monster drinks specifically :^)

>> No.10084780
File: 3.48 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180629_210027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OT: rare cola

>> No.10084782

This is the best one. Lewis Hamilton is second best. The ultra (white can?) is a solid 0/10

>> No.10084792

I wanted to try different shit to caffeine but there's no legal alternative besides buying from shady sites

>> No.10084806


your le epic sip viral campaign failed so you moved on to associating your trash product with a meme with the hopes that the meme will propagate awareness of your product for free
sadly you have no idea how the internet works and people will eventually get tired of seeing monster everywhere, turning against that brand and doing far more damage than any benefit from the years of coordinated shilling

>> No.10084813

I hate the ones with calories, whats the point of putting so many calories in an energy drink, my anorexic brother drinks them, I stick with ultra and absolute zero

>> No.10084821

There are plenty of reputable nootropic supplement sites. Nootropics Depot is great.

>> No.10084858

Is it an EU site? I wanted to buy from rawpowder but looked shady

>> No.10084895

What can I buy from there that will just straight up get me high? Not looking for productivity or anything, just wanna get high legally (in in the US and get tested at work).

>> No.10084931

They are US based but ship internationally. The owner is in the Nootropics subreddit all the time and you can tell he takes purity and quality seriously.
Some stuff on there can be mildly pleasant but not worth doing recreationally.

>> No.10084994

Ty for the info
>tfw a monster shitposting became a discussion about nootropics
Ty anon you were unironically useful

>> No.10085079

Really like their racetams but they have lots of good stuff. I can make recs if you don't know what you're looking for.

>> No.10085100

I just know the next methoxetamine (MXE) is out there somewhere, and when I find it I'm going to buy pounds of it! I really need to look into RCs again...

>> No.10085112

and? i would never drink a lot of caffeine before or while doing sports, thats just retarded

there's a lot of placebos in monster but nothing even coming close to be unhealthy

>> No.10085113

I was thinking about buying a racetam or noopept, stuff for starters and that I'm sure is legal in my country (shItaly)

>> No.10085178

>buy monster energy zero
>notice boomer before me buying monster energy zero
>say "you have taken the lead" in quake announcer voice
>he replies with "excellent"

>> No.10085233

ye but none of the ingredients in monster causes proven permanent neurotoxicity, unlike adderral


>> No.10085245


>> No.10085253

19 year old boomer
23 year old boomer
27 year old boomer

>> No.10085388

I'm more worried about my teeth, my liver, my glucose levels, and the pH of my body chemistry when considering whether or not I want an energy drink. And I'm not going to defend amphetamines.

>> No.10085472 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 640x420, iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old skool sippin 1 rn m8

>> No.10085504

I'm an organic rockstar man. Monster tastes like shit compared to it.

>> No.10085516

Use a straw, take the sugar free version. As for the pH of your body chemistry, yeah they're pretty acidic but I don't think it causes that much harm if you're otherwise healthy. (This means stay off the MXE, it's addictive, disconnects you from reality and causes bladder issues. Any potential harm sugar free sips can cause are nothing compared to that.)

>> No.10085536

you guys are some dirty faggots on this board. how much are they paying you street shitters to shill this garbage?

>> No.10085573

I'm white faggot

>> No.10085604

>stay off the MXE
That's not even a decision I get to make anymore ;_;

>> No.10085613

im getting paid in memes

actually im drinking 5-6 a week at the moment in the addition to coffee so i should probably tone it down and i agree that its overpriced garbage

>> No.10085805

valentino rossi is a cool guy