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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10082933 No.10082933 [Reply] [Original]

Being rich will never make up for the fact that you missed out on teenage love, even if you do manage to have sex you will never experience a female in her prime and experience a pure 10/10 teenage virgin female. Sure, you might be able to attract some used up 22 year old roasties on spring break with your money, or buy some hookers, but you missed out on a vital stage of development, the female body in its prime, and the purest relationship possible. Just admit it /biz/, wanting to be rich is pure cope. You will never make it if you missed out on teenage love and missed out on sex in your prime.

>> No.10083004

Fucked a 17 y/o grill back in 2009, nothing special about it.

Also tried to mine btc a week later, but couldn't figure out how and discarded it as a useless scam. Went back to playing cs 1.6 KZ maps instead.

If only i could go back in time.

>> No.10083052

What the fuck is the point of this post apart from making people feel bad? What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously- stand up, look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself what went wrong. I’ve fucked girls as young as 16, and taken a girl’s virginity and it isn’t anything anyone should feel upset over missing out on. There’s no such thing as “teenage love”, everyone is just shallow and just wants to fuck at that age, there was nothing special about it.

>> No.10083242

No I didn't. lmao
Plus that isn't love anyway. Just all your teenage hormones going apeshit. I don't even remember some of their names.

>> No.10083285

There is an entire board dedicated to wallowing in self pity >>>/r9k/ and of course people mocking them. They find their way here now and again.

>> No.10083310

Ehh, I had it when I was younger and it's not worth it. More confusing than anything else.

>> No.10083322

Op is explaining herself problems

>> No.10083413

To elaborate, you'll be envied by your peers at best. If you want to be envied you've never experienced it.

It's a lot like getting publicly rich. It tests everyone around you and you will be depressed at the people who fail it and try to drag you down. In my case it took me years to even realize what happened.

Then the girl will leave, because teenage love doesn't last, but the destroyed relationships remain. The envy remains.

>> No.10083425
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Did anyone summon me? I am the rich retired boomer with 18 yr old gf

These guys just dont know what they missing so they cant feel the void.


>> No.10083464

nice poorfag cope
just remember if you cant pay rent your landlord might agree to fuck your gf\wife instead

>> No.10083472

Correct. Landlord here. Never did it myself buy i know about it... not really keen on fucking old herpatic roasts. I leave that for you guys

>> No.10083486

>teenage love
is a meme you retard

>> No.10083493

Age of consent is 16 in my state. I'm sure I can manipulate at least one 16 year old virgin to have sex with me heheheheheehehehehhehhehehehehehehehhhhehehe.

>> No.10083495
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Op there’s no need to project your “problems” onto a latvian basket weaving forum to get people to feel bad so you feel better yourself.
Thinking your prime is when you’re a young teen is more delusional that thinking the team behind nano is competent, fuck off and kill yourself you pedo

>> No.10083502

I had my first time when i was 15 and she was 16. Next gf was 1 year younger so we started when she was 15 and i 16-17. I fucked plenty of times as a teen since im not a cucked burger or op larping that sad faggot

>> No.10083523

nice copey pasta.