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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10079820 No.10079820 [Reply] [Original]

So how much money have you lost this month?

>> No.10079886


i'm at like $3300 in crypto rn but $10,000 in fiat i saved up from wagecucking.

could have had $23,000 total if i sold at the top. i'm getting by though. only down 40% from my initial investment.

>> No.10079893


>> No.10079898

I calculate in coins

>> No.10079902

Did not loose any, invested in the right project. Get a little airdrop, will help you to buy a big mac menu -> https://airdrop.pchain.org/index.html

>> No.10079908

0. 1 DOGE is still 1 DOGE.

>> No.10079922

like 80K these past few months

Sold a huge amount in January though

>> No.10079962

$0 because I bought in at $2k

(I still expect to loose money at the end of this year, strap in motherfucker)

>> No.10079980
File: 28 KB, 619x453, 1524385237341-bant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put in $1000 each for crypto and Fiat back in february. Lost about $500 in crypto and $100 through vanguard.

I don't think I'm cut out for investing, /biz/

>> No.10079984

I accumulated more Chainlink. There’s no other currency like this.

>> No.10079999

I have lost no money as I have not sold low. Its time to accumulate. People wished for a time when they could buy bitcoin under 10k, well its here.

>> No.10080096

Of course you have, you just don't understand accounting.

>> No.10080112

I bought 1 bitcoin that 1 bitcoin is still worth 1 bitcoin.

>> No.10080116

>0 as I haven't sold xD

should have expected this amount of denial

>> No.10080156

Dont spend currency you cant afford too. Your poor judgment does not equal my loss.

>> No.10080189

You don't understand accounting. How has anon "lost" money when no sell event has taken place?

>> No.10080218
File: 17 KB, 214x202, 1529197211825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roun bout a brand new kia's worth

>> No.10080238

You lose money every time you waste time on 4chan. If the price of your holdings is falling, not only do you lose the money by which it has fallen, but you also lose every other investment opportunity. You're only chasing sunk costs.

If you don't believe me, try going to a bank and getting a loan with BTC as collateral, and explaining how you bought it for a 40% higher value but haven't sold so it's not like you lost it. They will laugh in their face. What something is worth is exactly what somebody else will give for it. Not what you paid for it.

>> No.10080274

Thats only true if my Bitcoin was sold at this time.

>> No.10080281

Are all the weak hands gone yet?

>> No.10080283

I'm up by 0.70 BTC, not bad. Daytrading.

>> No.10080299

60% last 2 months





>> No.10080326

No, it is true at this time. All that invested money, and you're just accumulating losses. Completely useless, you'll never make it. Only boomers buy stocks, or silver, and just dumbly sit on it - it's like buying a lottery ticket but you can feel smart while doing it, instead of just feeling desperate.

>> No.10080388


>no coiner

>> No.10080972


>> No.10080982


Thanks Tether

>> No.10080988

>You lose money every time you waste time on 4chan
Then why are you here?

>> No.10081619

>He hasn't Mexed his way from mid 5 figures to mid 4 figures

>> No.10081627

Reminder you don't lose money if you don't check your account balance

>> No.10081643

I'm in nkn since 21 cents so I'm actually up.sorry but not sorry

>> No.10081647


I've lost about $18,000 this month

>> No.10081696

2500$ the last week

its so painful

>> No.10081746

Bought 1k link at .20 because I "wasn't gonna miss the dip this time"
If only I'd known...then I'd of saved more and bought today.

>> No.10081907

I invested in Quadrant Protocol ICO yesterday :(((

>> No.10082048

$66k usd
from 189k down to 123k

>> No.10082121

nothing. i hedged my bitcoin holdings by shorting the equivalent amount on bitmex in may

>> No.10082136

only made 150 dollar
enough to pay for food

>> No.10082170


>> No.10082629

Jesus how do you live with yourselves?

>> No.10083360

Up by 200$.
t. bonds pro