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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10078792 No.10078792 [Reply] [Original]

>the normals and the wagies all ran away from the Ponzi so no one will buy your bags

>no one has IRL demand/use for crypto currencies

>trend line is broken

Meanwhile on /biz/ people are still buying Crypto

>> No.10078797


b-but what about that vending machine in Korea

>> No.10078816

I sold all of my crypto today when i noticed:

-nobody is buying them for speculation purposed because we're in a bear sentiment
-nobody is buying them for utility purposes because no one is using non-currency cryptos
-nobody is buying them for currency purposes because people who are using them as hard currency never interact with usd anyways

There is literally no reason for crypto to go up right now. All alts + BTC are breaking their trend lines.
If i was smart i would have done this earlier.

>> No.10078833

op here. I am impressed. you are smart you are going to make it and fuck models. have fun cumming on models

>> No.10078840

Bitcoin’s real world usage was stagnant or declining during the 2017 mania. The price went up because the price was going up.

Herding behaviour and the fear of missing out - except that crypto evangelists had a rock solid argument justifying every $1k jump to $20k.

>> No.10078850

"Smart" would have been selling at $15k+.
Selling now is just the "i still have normal human brain activity" certificate.

>> No.10078858

well BTC value was estimated at $200 when it was actually used in silk road. not its used for nothing. the boomers were right; this shit will go str8 to 0

>> No.10078873

>i still have normal human brain activity" certificate.

you are correct. I sold in january. you are a bit more stupid that I am. maybe thats why I am rich and you are not?

>> No.10078885
File: 73 KB, 746x398, dollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think about that: $800 billion. Total world wealth is figured at $280 trillion.

If bitcoin became the sole currency on earth, all fiat and all the altcoins go up in smoke, it would only increase by another 350x its ATH. And how likely does that sound?

At the peak it was up 200,000x from 2011. Best case scenario: THE GAINS HAVE ALREADY BEEN MADE. Bitcoin takes over the world and we're still just chasing diminishing returns.

>> No.10078900


>> No.10078902

well in the unlikely event, you forget that plenty of alts would still 1000x+

>> No.10078903

OP here. there are many reasons why that wont ever hapen.

maybe someone will bother to explain to you why BUT why bother? you will try to fight off all arguments

>> No.10078921
File: 38 KB, 500x461, cryptofeels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I agree it won't happen. I'm saying the moon shot is behind us. Turns out nobody wants phony internet money for anything other than bubble speculation and libertarian fantasies.

>> No.10078938

Nice reading comprehension retard.
You're making me want to buy more.

>> No.10079035

>this time it's different

>> No.10079096

Is it so hard to comprehend that cryptos are an inevitable transformation from the control of the nation state?
Prices going up and down now is irrelevant, people just don't get crypto yet, but they will with time. Buying when nobody else wants it is a point of maximum opportunity. You just have to figure out which of the cryptos will be most popular.

>> No.10079129

>You just have to figure out which of the cryptos will be most popular.

none son. IRL demands just are not covered with crypto. money laundering used to be a service offered by BTC but that's being cracked down hard

>> No.10079141

There is no inevitable transformation to make, people are just fine using state currencies. The only reason some people got into buying crypto was literally greater fool theory.

>> No.10079191

crazy how fast a bubble pops

>> No.10079204

People were just fine reading newspapers, going to the cinema. Nobody needed cellphones, everyone had a landline and there were payphones on every corner anyway. Oh but they solved some fundamental issue, you'll probably say. The issue of communication. But was there really an issue? You could call a town across the entire continent back then too. You would need to wait half and hour to get connected through dozens of operators, but people were just fine using that system.

>> No.10079208


This makes me realize how lucky I was. Sold Bitcoin at 16-17k, then rode a bit of the XLM, traded it all for ETH and sold all said ETH for fiat at $1200. Thank God.

>> No.10079222

Biz talking about how clever they all are for selling. Time to buy

>> No.10079229
File: 114 KB, 727x1039, Wright-Kim-Jong-Un-Profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go all in on LINK

guaranteed mooning since crypto is gonna be mass adopted any day now :^)

>> No.10079233

I wouldnt mind it if governments started using paperless money, heck that's where the trend is moving. Crypto is not the same thing.

>> No.10079234

This is true for the present and the past.
Using BTC nowadays for that is just stupid.
My point is that 'money laundering' will eventually become the norm once people realize how easy it is now. They are incentivised not to pay 50% taxes for an inefficient piece of shit. I agree that most people don't care that have it good currently, but the rest are suffering from corrupt governments.

>> No.10079249

System was already there, it just got upgraded. State currencies would have to transform to cryptocurrencies for your analogy to work and yes, that can happen, government would have perfect control over everything. If that is a future you want, then sure, carry on.

>> No.10079256

No one cares about your sub $1000 late adopter portfolio cryptozoomer

>> No.10079265


>> No.10079287

Using a crypto with a public ledger for government would actually be good, because anyone can trace that money is being used efficiently.
And people can use privacy coins for their everyday life.
The government should be a business competing in the interests of the people. Not a mandatory piece of stagnating shit.

>> No.10079311

>implying chink alts would survive the purge