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10076855 No.10076855 [Reply] [Original]

I've struggled with acne since high school. And it's been 4 years. 4 years of my life spent almost always by myself besides when i'm at home with family. I just dont understand why it had to be me ? i kno this sounds so pathetic but i spent 3 years in high school eating lunch in the bathroom doors because i was too afraid to eat in the cafeteria with thousands of people. I've tried all the fucking cosmetics,proecedures you can fucking think of, i literally gave the last 4 years of my fucking life to fixing up my face but nothing has worked. I'm a pretty high ego guy so this acne shit literally has to stop now. I've already thought of suiciding several times but just dont have the guts to do it. Never in my life have i been stressed this much. I always find shortcuts, ways to deal with anything i come across but this acne shit ? it just wont leave me the fuck alone. So i decided. If i dont have clear skin by the end of the summer im dissapearing forever.

>> No.10076911

get stridex wipes for your face. use them every 6 hours, and everything will clear up in a few weeks to a month. easiest solution. also keep your fingers away from your face since oils from your hands clog the pores.

>> No.10076950

um, if you're willing to end your life over your acne why don't you just go to the doctor and get accutane or something? i know skin problems suck i've had them my whole life but vanity is never gonna work out well for you

>> No.10076957

It's probably your diet, cut out sugars, refined foods, and most of all, dairy. It's the first thing you should try and fix to see results since it's the most immediate and easiest thing you can try out before spending hundreds on products and planning out skincare regimens. I cut out dairy and I haven't seen a pimple since.

>> No.10076969

Stop stop it

So people with missing legs should do the same ? Wheelchair ? You have a small problem and it's a big issue because of the place you live in. Save a little bit of cash and move out brother.........go far ......far like South America . Life is much easier and 80% of people are short and ugly (Incas) your English will make you feel like a millionaire. People will adore you and respect you. Acne is shit compared to other problems

>> No.10076985

I had the worst acne out of anyone I ever knew. Go on accutane and don't listen to what ever any one says about it's negative side effects.

You go in for blood tests every month and they make sure you're liver is fine. People claim it causes suicide but that's just scare mongering.

Trust me this shit works everything else is a scam.

>> No.10076984

There is medicine for that, like roacnetan

>> No.10076993

Atleast you don't have man tits like me. Your acne will clear up when you go on Accutane. I have to get surgery for this shit.

>> No.10076999
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I had this issue too.
I'm 28 now.
Nothing worked until one day on a random tip on a random forum online said the answer that actually worked.
Took only 2 weeks too.

Here it is.

Put a fresh clean towel around your pillow and another one under your pillow every night.

Not kidding.
Cleared me up after 6 years of stridex, dermatologist creams, proactive, soap, baking soda, toothpaste, diet, anti-depressants failing.

>> No.10077001

Avoid this advice. When I cut out dairy and went on a low carb diet and all that it didn't make my acne go away. And I had some bad fucking acne.

I went on accutane and it cleared up my face. My diet is absolute shit now and I get almost no pimples anymore. And the few I do get aren't giant cysts.

>> No.10077003

If you're already suicidal take accutane. Its nasty fucking stuff but it's the most effective acne drug in existence and the effects are permanent

>> No.10077016

Go see a derm.
Protip: you don't need retinol

>> No.10077020

Dude, I can't stress accutane enough.

In the U.K you can get it for free with the NHS but the wait time is hideous.

So I went private and bought it myself. best £300 I've ever spent. It's an investment .

Do it.

Stop being depressin fag.

>> No.10077026

Don't be a fucking retard, just because it didn't work for you, doesn't mean it won't work for OP, sure as hell worked for me. He can TRY it first, and if it doesn't work, then he can spend the money on accutane.

>> No.10077053

OP has had acne for 4 years and most likely has severe CYSTIC acne. I highly doubt that's what you had.

>> No.10077068

My insurance didn't cover accutane and I had to pay around 600 a month for six months, not including my monthly visits to the doctor.

Literally the best investment I ever made

>> No.10077105

Why are you making assumptions? I've had severe cystic acne, the ones that are deep under your skin and leave PIH scars for months before fading, for years. And i've tried all the methods, and none of them worked. If he has a particular sensitivity to dairy, then the smallest amount of it can set him off, and you would be surprised how ubiquitous dairy is in food. Accutane won't do shit for you if the cause is due to a reaction to the food you're eating.

>> No.10077108

Tried quitting dairy for a few months? It increases the amount of sebum your body produces.

>> No.10077122
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All the creams and antibiotics the derm will prescribe you won't work for your kind of skin. Those are for people with a few pimples here and there. I had cystic acne, and the only thing that worked was accutane. Don't waste time with other stuff, if it's fucking with your social life (I also became a shut in) it's severe. I know the feeling, accutane will solve it within 4-5 months, you'll notice in less. good luck op

>> No.10077131

Dairy gives me cystic acne. The thing is you may have to cut it out of your diet for a long time before you see the full results. Like months.

>> No.10077133

Well my assumption that you didn't have cystic acne was based on the same assumption you had that dairy could be causing OP's acne - nothing.

I'm just speaking from my personal experience. When I went no-dairy and no-sguar it didn't help much.

>> No.10077138

This absolutely. If you have truly, really, fucking crazy acne I've only ever seen accutane work for one of my friends.

>> No.10077166

Exactly my point, so why are you ruling out diet as a cause of his acne you idiot? I told him the first thing he should TRY is to cut out dairy. If you just blindly tell him to go on accutane first without ruling out his diet, not only has OP wasted his time, he's wasted money as well to go along with all the side effects of going on accutane.

>> No.10077170
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also anybody talking about "it's your diet" are the equivalent to people who eat alpha brain. They don't and have never had severe ance. Some people's skin simply produce more sebum and lack a particular dermis bacteria that prevents acne. It's all genetic.

>> No.10077185

Your diet effects how much sebum you produce anon. One of the best things you can do to test this is a 24 hour fast. Nothing cures acne faster than not eating anything. Unfortunately this is not a long term solution.

>> No.10077187

How do I short kids with acne?

Good to see lots of helpful responses; but, mods, common.

>> No.10077192

I kno its you DataDash

>> No.10077217

fish oil

don't worry about all that fancy soap and facewash shit. if the above doesnt work you need accutane my dude

>> No.10077218

I don't think there's even more than one mod anymore lmao

>> No.10077234

I don't think you comprehend how fucked some faces can be, acne wise. Like, real horror story shit. It's a legit medical problem and requires powerful drugs.

>> No.10077243

I don't think op is talking about a couple pimples here.

>> No.10077256

Everybody that has acne LISTEN! Buy 100% pure natural oatmeal, 100% pure natural dried basil leaves and face moisturizer (check if you have oily, dry or normal skin and buy moisturizer for that type of skin). Soak oatmeal into water and wait until its soft, after that start scrubing your face with it for 5 minutes with medium pressure. Use the water that the oatmeal was soaked into as well since it contains lots of great stuff. Boil 3 spoons of basil leaves in water for 5 min, strain the basil leaves so you have just basil water and wait for it to cool down. After you washed your face with the oatmeal apply the basil water to your dry face with a cotton ball (put the rest of the basil water in the freezer since it can last up to 2-3 days and you can still use it). Wait for the skin to soak up the water and after your skin is dry apply the moisturizer. Do this every day in the morning and evening for 1-2 months and your acne will be cured, your skin will feel smooth and the overall face will look younger and better. I had terrible acne but this solved it and it is really cheap so you dont have to spend a fuck ton of money for different expensive creams. If you are alergic to any mentioned ingredients dont do this. If you have any questions go ahead and ask me anything I will be here for another hour

>> No.10077260

if your dad is a oily fuck, you will likely be a oily fuck. Your diet can increase and decrease sebum yes, but barely to the point it doesn't matter. Most people suffer do to the fact that their oil glands are too big and active. Also like I said in my previous post research has shown that people severe acne lack a certain gene that promotes a bacteria which kills acne causing bacteria. That whole probiotic craze for skin issues came from this. But misguided people into thinking they could just change their skin biom significantly with fucking yogert

>> No.10077264

Lets look at this logically.

If OP goes no-dairy and it works then he saved himself money.

If OP goes no-dairy for months and it doesn't work he just wasted some of the most important years of his life and has to go on accutane anyways thus wasting both time AND money.

Now lets look at what happens if OP goes on accutane. Accutane is guaranteed to work so he will not be wasting his time under any circumstances. The only thing he'd be wasting is his money IF no-dairy works.

But if you ask me risking a little bit of money to not risk some of the best years of your life is worth it.

>> No.10077274

>Soak oatmeal into water and wait until its soft,

For me this is breakfast

>> No.10077296


>> No.10077305

Post a pic

>> No.10077308

Do a 36 hour fast first when starting your no dairy diet. It's like jump starting it. You'll be surprised how fast your lesions heal when you're fasting.

>> No.10077338

Being an angsty faggot is normal for your age, we all went through it just chill the fuck out. Literally take 1 thousand miligrams of lysine everyday. Will help tremendously. Also drink more water.

>> No.10077346

This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

>> No.10077389

i had acne when i was 15-16 but it mostly subsided when i was about 17 with just red marks on the face and the recurrent pimples. found some advice online that suggested that vitamin d deficiency is a huge cause of acne

got on 20k iu's of vit d a day and after a few weeks not a single pimple. it also suggested taking 500mg of vit c and this cleared up the patchy redness of my face. when i forget to take them after a couple of days my pimples show up again. just thought i'd share this with you

>> No.10077397
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your inflammatory response dwindles due to your immune system being too weak. A little less red (barely noticeable) and does nothing but allow more bacteria to nest underneath.

>> No.10077408

Your immune system gets stronger not weaker in short term fasts. Why do you think animals stop eating when they're sick?

>> No.10077420

Also forgot to mention while the skin routine will really help you it wont hurt if you clean up your diet as well. For starters try cutting out all fast food shit that you used to eat and eliminate sugar out of your diet for good. Drink lots of water, start exercising, eat a well balanced diet, in the morning mix up 2 table spoons of natural ACV, half lemon and 200 ml of water and drink that. After you got that shit down I would also try intermittent fasting since when you wont be eating for 16 hours your body can direct that energy into healing itself instead of digesting your food. But before you do intermittent do all the stuff that I mentioned before and make sure you stick to it. When you will decide to do the fasting make sure you google/youtube the shit out of it do you will do it properly. Trust me when I say this if you have skin problems while your skin routine is good there is something that you have in your diet that your body doesn't like so def look into that. Good luck and I hope you heal your acne and never try doing suicide because of such a minor thing as acne because you will overcome it!

>> No.10077437

they stop eating because their digestive system takes too much energy to process, energy which is needed more for their immune system fighting the illness

>> No.10077450

Yes exactly.

>> No.10077481

often acne can stem in part from an overactive immune system, the skin is hyper inflammatory.

>> No.10077482

You can call this stupidity but you can just google what I've said and you will find people with horrible skin conditions such as psoriasis, acute dermatitis etc... completely curing themselves with natural oatmeal. I had terrible acute acne where people didn't want to even look at me but after doing this routine for 3-4 months my face cleared up and I'm only left with minor acne scars which will probably fade within the next few years.

>> No.10077510

I know oatmeal can help skin agitation and inflammation, but it doesn't stop the root of excess sebum production. Cystic acne clogs deep below the surface

>> No.10077548

Whatever. I don't know why I'm wasting time arguing about what I know cured my lifelong cystic acne.

>> No.10077577

Get some fucking acnetuane nigger. See you in 8 months. Without that drug I'd still be on the path wizard hood.

>> No.10077584

constantly fasting non-dairy?
what happens when you want to not starve?

>> No.10077600

You open up pores with steam, you follow up with oatmeal to exfoliate and finish with basil water since it has anti-spasmodic, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and moisturizer. With time you can get rid of even acute cystic acne. OP should at least try it before using accutane since that can really really mess you up.

>> No.10077657

with sensitive skin if you strip away the oils, it will start over producing. So those 2 time a day skin routines really agitate. All moisturizers are bad news for cystic, oatmeal is great though.

>> No.10077670


>> No.10077735

Wait you mean that oatmeal is gonna dry you up? With good moisturizer you should be fine even you have cystic

>> No.10077755

Clean up your diet fag. Stop eating fried foods and meat. Eat 90% veggies and fruit.

>> No.10077798

This, Vegan now had skin problems all my life now /fit/ can eat as much as I want plus the food is lit.

>> No.10077840

You fucking fag. I have acne, hives, seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea at the same time. I'm 32 years old boomer and living with this skin problems since 14. There are people having much worse conditions yet they don't complain like a faggot you are. See different docs. Try solutions suggested here. Take notes of what you do and what you eat every day. Read every piece of information available on the internet. Stop masturbating. You'll be fine over the time.

>> No.10077856

skin doesn't just stop producing sebum because the surface moisture has increased. It has to come from the source. Drinking a lot of water (A LOT) will decrease sebum production minimally. The act of washing things off and putting them on in itself causes irritation is what I mean.

>> No.10077864

get some palmolive and degrease yourself
also not business

>> No.10077960


I used to have very bad acne as well. ITS GENETICS. Fuck watching your diet. You see those morbidly obese shows on TLC? They have perfect fat cheek skin. Yes its ok to see if a different diet would help but not for OP. He has the type of acne that just keeps coming no matter what. It has to do with his genetics. I tried everything. I searched and searched and it was all a waste of time because I knew deep down it was genetic because my father had acne as he told me. DONT listen to a shitty dermatologist trying to sell you fucking CREAMS. Find a good Dermatologist and talk about accutane. Its the only thing that worked for me and I was not suicidal but just had some very vivid dreams ( some pretty cool shit). GO to the gym. Find a 24 hour 365 fitness gym and get your body right for when your acne goes away. The improvement you see in your body will help somewhat off set the bad acne you see in the mirror. My body is amazing. NO larp my body is amazing due to my past bad acne. I feel for you man. Things will get better.

>> No.10077989

Stop masturbating? Take notes of what you eat? Lol. These are all myths and completely useless to some one with actual severe acne. Nothing, i repeat NOTHING will help. Either you wait for your genetics to say its time for your acne to stop. Or you talk to your dermatologist about accutane.

>> No.10078039

accutane is the only solution. i had acne for years, tried diet changes for months, been sleeping with my face on a new towel every night for years, tried drinking water. nothing made any difference. not even washing my face made any difference.

>> No.10078057

Accutane all the way. I had the worst cystic acne in college, tried Accutane and the shit worked. Your face and lips will get dry as fuck, and you can breakout during the upping of dosage. 6 months more of hell, for a lifetime of clear skin. Go to the doc and get that shit handled, you'll be glad you did.

>> No.10078074
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I have quite the formidable sebum collection on my mirror

>> No.10078085


Did you guys get any small wrinkles from it? My experience was good too but a friend of mine tries to say she got her smile lines from accutane which i dont even really see.

>> No.10078200

I didn't, but even if I did, it's better than the bullshut I had

>> No.10078223

Dry crisp towel around pillow

>> No.10078266

I solved the multi-year problem growing up, using the towel on pillow method for around one full year(kept doing that afterwards as a good habit) and applying for a few weeks a solution of alcohol and some other shit that was custom made from a dermatologist. It hurt like hell but it got rid of the worse part of it. My forehead was as dry as a desert in the mornings and pimples were decimated.

>> No.10078295


>> No.10078323

Exercise more and eat better. I know that sounds self evident but take it from someone who knows from experience. No need for fad diets just cut most meats esp red and balance it well so youre getting most food groups for most of the week. Occasional intermittent fasting for a day or two will also help. For exercise do wjat you like most, be it cycling, running, swimming or sports, so long as it gets the heart pumping fast. Walking and stuff like pushups and crunches are good but it doesnt really push your bpm enough so just choose something you like and stick with it and build it up gradually. Take it from someone who ended up having heart surgery, not even because I was out of shape but thar aside, you want to get AHEAD of this curve before your life is beyond your control or remediation.

>> No.10078837
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To the "it's genetics" fags and the "accutane" fags. Genetics will make you predisposed for acne, it doesn't mean it's unsolvable, you just have to take more care of it, unsurprisingly this takes effort. Accutane seems an easy solution, go for it if you can afford it, but there are slower methods which are as effective. Seriously start analyzing your problem and see what works. I didn't start seeing results right away, in the beginning my efforts resulted in a few less blood spots on my pillow in the morning. Then you notice that you actually start making a lasting effect on your skin. Then you'll be scared of scarring, that doesn't go away but gets a lot better. Today I'm considered a decent looking guy and people barely notice them.

If you have acne on your cheecks scarring will be more noticeable but skin heals with time, and you'll be so happy that you defeated pimples that it won't matter a lot, you can treat that later if it bothers you. Patience and effort, see a dermatologist for creams or solutions(I also tried clay masks in the evening, it worked wonders for absorbing already white pimples but didn't stop the problem, what worked best for me is in the other post).

Maybe someone can find this useful, it was a terrible experience being considered disgusting by everyone my age except my close friends. If you are young understand that these are small obstacles in the bigger picture.

Sage because not /biz/.

>> No.10079119

Same except with rosacea
At least acne goes away

>> No.10079148

go vegan, no sugar. buy yourself a nice blender, drink green smoothie every morning.
i bet my fucking dick on it: if you don't have wayyyyyy better skin after only 2 months, i will eat my fucking dick

>> No.10079176

It's your diet man. I used to have terrible acne. Eating healthy will do wonders for your psych. Wash your face with a bar of soap every night too.

>> No.10079206

Not biz you retarded cunt. Your acne is a sign of your brain damage obviously.

>> No.10079259

Go fuck your fat self. You don't know anything about diet.

Anon go to bodybuilding forums and start reading. Learn about nutrition. Learn learn learn. So much bullshit that people want to sell you, forums are the only non biased source of information these days. I was in the same position as you 5 years ago.

Products and procedures are a scam. I tried so much different shit. None of it works! Get in shape and your acne will go away guaranteed. It's not easy but it's worth it.

>> No.10079959

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