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File: 62 KB, 686x400, neet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1007603 No.1007603 [Reply] [Original]

How do I live comfortably as a NEET/non wagecuck?
Day Trading?

>> No.1007606

Trust fund. Winning the lottery. Being exceptionally talented in something that can make you money working for yourself.

Other than that suck it up and work like rest of us or go live under a bridge

>> No.1007627


Find a rich man/woman/transgender/genderqueer to pay you for house keeping.

Housewives will claim that raising kids and cleaning a house is two full time jobs but it isn't.

>> No.1007643

if you can actually make money trading, sure. but chances are you're no better than the ~95% of retail traders that never actually make anything close to what a mcdonalds worker makes and in fact loses. most of the individual traders you hear about that make real money got their start at an actual firm where they were trained by experienced professionals.

>> No.1008992
File: 182 KB, 866x635, 1450054560027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to this cuck slave >>1007606
Fake your autism and apply for disability and subsidized housing or stay with your parents.
I did it, living the dream.

>> No.1008998

suck dicks

you could go for like $10 each

>> No.1009004

It's hard to make money as a daytrader. If you have some capital dump it in an ETF.

>> No.1009081

Im making 600 in Bitcoin monthly, it's enough for a frugal shitposting lifestyle, better than wageslaving. Im saving all of it due muh parents paying everything. At this rate, I should have around 50 BTC in 3 years, which will retire me in 10.

>> No.1009091

>retire me in 10
Lmao. You NEETs these days never fail to put a smile on my face.

>> No.1009102

>Fake your autism and apply for disability and subsidized housing
How do you do this?

>> No.1009122


Google Uncle Remus guide. You should find some surprisingly comprehensive guide that outlines pretty much everything you ever wanted to know about getting autismbux. Never used it but I've heard good things. Would consider if my life was looking differently desu.

>> No.1009814

Not a NEET
but i quit my job to focus on school
i have a 4.0, and taking 18 credits next sem, what How much money can i get in scholarships?

>> No.1009838

>Housewives will claim that raising kids and cleaning a house is two full time jobs

Well then, I have 3 jobs.
>wake up
>feed kids get them on school bus
>work ~10 hour day
>come home
>do the dishes
>clean a room or two
>interact with the kids
>sex with spouse
I guess that makes 4 jobs since I am a hooker as well.

Stay-at-homes are what is wrong with America.

>> No.1010848

yeah keep telling yourself that you "faked" your autism

>> No.1010852

Grats you earn ~$1k/month.

Yet you get no job experience, no skills and a terrible social setting which means you'll be completely unable to get into the real world in a few years.

Is it really worth it to "earn" in a month what even the shittiest non-min wage jobs earn in a week?