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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 194 KB, 675x601, 71E1F5D2-BC70-4E5C-9494-A052E01BEDFE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10068606 No.10068606 [Reply] [Original]

>hey Alexa what is the price of Litecoin?

Heh, better open up my coinbase app and buy more it’s like I’m stealing from these millennials at these prices.

Heh, I better

>> No.10068616

i set a max of one monster a day i dont want it to get out of hand

>> No.10068629

I set my limit for 2 a day only cuz I can get 2 for 4$ on special at the gas station

Heh, nothing like a good bargain

>> No.10068641
File: 29 KB, 249x228, 8D724285-6BBD-4B93-9886-EB17F89D3F5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey Alexa, what’s the price of chain link right now?
>Chainlink is currently $.17

Close but not yet...once we hit $.10 I am going all in.

>> No.10068660

the best deal is to get a 10-pack at walmart or something because the price averages down to about $1.40 per can. I drink up to 3-4 a day usually.

>> No.10068726

i dont think thats healthy
i usually get 24 for $1 each btw

>> No.10068739

The MONSTER logo is Shin Shin Shin,

The Hebrew script for 666.

Boomers getting Synagoged, again.

>> No.10068752


>> No.10068754

it's not, but i'd rather do what i enjoy now and die early than extend a boring life.
do they make 24 packs? how/where do you get those prices?

that's a meme myth, the company is just trying to be edgy.

>> No.10068758

that 30 year old boomer who believes in stupid /x/ /pol/ shit

>> No.10068767

also its vav vav vav you dumb faggot

>> No.10068826

This bear market isn't over until LTC is in the $50s

>> No.10068873

no the jews are poisoning you... retard

>> No.10068921

Oooh a litecoin thread...nah the boomer meme.

>> No.10068930


>> No.10068947

what if I appen to approve these Monster Energy feel guy boomer memes my suicidal homeless ico starter?

>> No.10068956

germany/amazon on sale
they are also regularly discounted to $1 (0.85 eur) in stores here

>> No.10069022

>cant play aggressive
>will advance while losing
>poland pretty much dgafs just wants to win for honor
>have to hope senegal doesnt score

is this even football

>> No.10069042

What did /pol/ mean by this?

>> No.10069112
File: 76 KB, 680x711, 1502297997728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up and down a 5 hour energy
>Wash it down with a sip of monster
>sip on the rest of the monster
>start crashing by noon
>5 hours my ass
>chug another monster and make a pot of coffee
>first cup gets chugged
>vibrating at optimum frequencies
>somehow it's already 3am
>pass out after major crash
>wake up like a WW2 vet having flashbacks
>mmmm 5 hour energy

>> No.10069449

Jesus christ, why don't you fucks just drink a couple of cups of coffee like a normal human being?

>> No.10069471

based bubs working the millennial marks

>> No.10069515
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>> No.10069528


its pretty clear. its hebrew numerology 666 on the monster

>> No.10069545
File: 83 KB, 1208x448, Rm5cKmb6Z-iUJx7V-xX02O63EEnxFMR90V_mJuiyn4M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell em gramps

>> No.10069549


That 30 year old boomer looks like a cool dude. I'm a 29 boomer and I wish I'll be half as cool as him when I turn 30...

>> No.10069553

Im a 32 yo boomer, never had a Monster drink before. Now I kinda want one...

>> No.10069566

>actually believe that 40 y/o boomer woman on a myspace viral video from 8 years ago.

>> No.10069572
File: 87 KB, 768x438, 1528831417475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 yr old
>so edgy

Worse than fucking reddit

>> No.10069582
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Heh, how long you think we'll keep on living this way fren?

>> No.10069606
File: 300 KB, 615x1143, Screenshot_20180628-114649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mmm yes, quite nice it's both sweet and sour and
>oh my, the bubbles seem to add nicely to the sourness, no bitter aftertaste of caffeine or
>my dear, I just can't believe this is so loaded with vitamins! Why, yes, I do feel hydrated. And what's that?
>you say this white one is sugar free? Why, goodness that's wonderful to
>may I have a sip of yours too my dear?

>> No.10069651
File: 1.43 MB, 1440x1913, Screenshot_20180628-115530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10069673

monsters is literally cancer; energy drinks are a gimmick; all placebo effect; another jewish trick; have fun getting cancer at 45 boomers.

>> No.10069729
File: 1 KB, 301x341, 1510402859183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought one once because of the /fit/ memes and it gave me the most terrifying diarrhea in my life. Never again.

>> No.10069728

>open kazaa
>System of a Down - The Legend of Zelda.mp3
>korn + kitty + marilyn manson live RARE SONG 1998.mp3
>rammstein- smurf song.mp3
>start downloading the 3 songs
>56 kbps connection working the best it can
>new r@yg0ld.mov kino
>pause rammstein song, it was probably fake anymore
>r@yg0ld at 02.45%
>try to preview the video file before it downloads

>> No.10069735
File: 259 KB, 1000x861, 1530139225453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im a beer boomer

>> No.10069741

>caffeine is placebo
turbo retard

>> No.10069742
File: 274 KB, 948x609, Screenshot_20180628-120129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy chugging dirty fattening beer alone in your parents basement as you make shitty trades and poor choices you sipvirgin

>> No.10069815
File: 42 KB, 600x325, monster-ultra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this meme, but do you guys seriously drink this sewage?

>180mg sodium

Just drink bleach for fucks sake.

>> No.10069843
File: 22 KB, 480x480, 1509727002177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will kill me faster.

>> No.10070021

beer comes from nature monster comes from jews. heineken only nibba.

>> No.10070031

>180mg sodium
It's just salt. High salt intake is only a problem when combined with other health problems.
Literally just B6. Optimal amount is much higher than normal dietary amount. This is just healthy.
Naturally occuring thing in almost every organism. No hypothesis regarding how it might be toxic and no statistics indicating it is.
Just a polysaccharide that is made into glucose in the gut just like starch before absorbed into the blood.

All in all it's pretty much like drinking a more easily digestible fruit with a bit of extra salt in it.

>> No.10070080

Oh wait, actually the caffeine is probably the only really damaging part of it. The caffeine is definitely bad. So it's pretty much as bad as coffee with sugar (maltodextrin is healthier than sugar though due to a lack of fructose), and it has a little extra salt in it, but it's also nicely fortified with vitamins that are healthy in high amounts.

Fuck caffeine though. Constricts your blood vessels while sending you in indiscriminate hyperdrive. It's sure to cause a toll in neurons that should be restful due to being damaged or on the brink but are forced to be highly active.

>> No.10070085

Yeah, no.

You're drinking concentrated amounts of this shit. Just because it "occurs in nature" doesn't mean it's somehow safe to drink absurd concentrated amounts of it.

>> No.10070105

>it uses chemical names it must be unhealthy
not an argument

>> No.10070112

I guess the taurine and l-carnatine compensates a bit for the stress the caffeine induces. The sugar helps too. The taurine being a neurorelaxant and neuroprotective and being the first on the list in "energy" blend (meaning that's what there's the most of) is a very positive indicator that they are compensating well for the damaging effects of caffeine.

>> No.10070123

does he have a set of poker chips on his table in that picture?

lol why is playing cards a boomer meme?

>> No.10070133

I went through all of them now. I'm convinced monster energy drink is much much much more healthy than a cup of sugared plain coffee.

I had no idea about this before today. I don't really drink energy drinks and have to say that before today, that is before actually reading the ingredients, I had some prejudice against them as being "garbage" too. But now I know they aren't.

>> No.10070154

Yes, keep drinking it goy, it's good for you.

>> No.10070155

Prove its not safe retard. You can literally just buy all those things individually and take as much as you like. The only real danger is if you drink too many everyday for weeks and you have heart problems because you won't be able to handle the caffeine.

>> No.10070168
File: 107 KB, 937x1171, 1530012952951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought LTC at $3.89 last year and I suffered all through 2017 where it nearly broke $100 and then crashed back to $30. I remember when $80 LTC was just the most insane thing I'd ever seen and beyond my wildest dreams. Hell I had watched LTC literally wick down to $0.01 in late 2016.

And here you are... thinking $79 LTC is a steal. You are a fucking idiot my friend.

>> No.10070185
File: 341 KB, 631x757, D19A2B6F964E4EB284DA86F5AD2FEEE6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure. It takes so much to feel anything and I just crash a few hours later. ready for a nap already today.

>> No.10070189
File: 75 KB, 1920x1008, 1357865834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr its safe to drink excessive amounts of processed extracts

I don't need to prove anything to you lol. Drink whatever poison you like, I'm not the one getting cancer.

>> No.10070222

Muh cancer zomg

You still believe that myth? Cancer isnt real.

>> No.10070245

even still at the end of the day, even if it's perfectly fine for you.

you're still paying like $2 for a can of sugar water that "amps you up" which is super fucking pathetic imho

>> No.10070261

Does anyone have the link to tutorial how to mine litecoin? I have a pretty sweet rig but I need help installing the LINUX

>> No.10070264
File: 90 KB, 604x496, 1529800168593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That 12 year old zoomer who abstains from sugar water because he is "all natural"

>> No.10070279

>everything that is "processed" is bad for you
There's no reasoning with this guy. Magical thinking syndrome making him think everything that isn't whole foods is automatically dangerous despite all these methods of "processing" are wildly different from each other.

People like to overgeneralized where they are incapable of discriminating. It's similar to how many poltard autists can't look past the melanin content of a person to judge a person's character individually (they're literally incapable of the required analytic empathy).

>> No.10070313

Caffeine is proven to actually unironically prevent cancer.

>> No.10070346
File: 303 KB, 1032x1242, boomer talk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10070589

>Just because it "occurs in nature" doesn't mean it's somehow safe to drink absurd concentrated amounts of it.

true but hes right on the fact that they are harmless. cant use a blanket counter when it don't know what you're talking about bucko

>> No.10070641

Eata dick fagget

>> No.10070694


Wow, I really felt this Anon.

>> No.10070789

caffeine is a drug. the jewish drug of choice. have fun having the jews steele your health then your fortune then your wife. boomer

>> No.10070857

Name me ONE FUCKIN JEW that's in shape

>> No.10070946

Isis taught man how to make beer.

>> No.10071128

Ben Stiller

>> No.10071150

He said "in shape" not "holocaust starving thin" lmao

>> No.10071158
File: 88 KB, 645x729, 1523995819664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buys Litecoin

>> No.10071207
File: 6 KB, 237x213, 1530041720459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all in since 250
locked my price on my ledger
Just hodl Bubs

>> No.10071244

Jesus christ, these boomer feels.

>previewing video for hours with my dick in my hand
My fap sessions use to take much longer in those days. I also deleted videos after I was done so my parents never found them.

>> No.10071324

>that 30 year old Monster salesman Boomer who does outreach to the youngins on that 4chan
>whoa gramps you cant seal the deal without a firm handshake

>> No.10071368

>paying a shit load of money on unhealthy buzz water
I'll stick to water and coffee. If I cut out coffee I'm certainty not going to start drinking energy drinks.
>It's similar to how many poltard autists can't look past the melanin content

>> No.10071390
File: 109 KB, 428x682, 63DDD7AD-DB9A-43B8-90C5-28B8E7D6635A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes you are.

>> No.10071498

i spammed the shit out of that meme loving the result

>> No.10071629
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>> No.10072432

>180mg sodium
so literally like a few french fries' worth, okay cool, the average american gets grams of this shit a day
that's a milk sugar, it's found in dairy products and is fine for you once again
>Glucuronolactone is a naturally occurring substance that is an important structural component of nearly all connective tissues. Glucuronolactone is also found in many plant gums.
okay sounds good
>Maltodextrin is a polysaccharide that is used as a food additive
maltodextrin would be my only worry out of what you listed as artificial sweetners still fuck with your insulin response system

>> No.10072929

Bought the white monster for the first time today. You can taste the fucking aspartame through the cheap fake strawberry taste. It's fucking horrible. I can get into red bull but this is absolute garbage.

>> No.10073085

>I'm with Her

>> No.10073137

this guy knows

>> No.10073206

We can't let them keep getting away with it!

>> No.10073283


>literally just

>> No.10073305
File: 35 KB, 684x631, not feel good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to think this meme is making fun of me.

>> No.10073398
File: 18 KB, 600x238, TooMuch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10073417
File: 146 KB, 1400x1246, 1454034571737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go back /biz/

>> No.10073732

wow quality funposting fren

>> No.10073753


I downloaded the entire Trigun series on 56k through a Kazaa type program, think it was called directconnect. The best of times, and the worst.

>> No.10073877

this is too real