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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10068060 No.10068060 [Reply] [Original]

If yes, explain why.

>> No.10068102
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its the new bitcoin

>> No.10068185

Dystopian hedge

>> No.10068195

Isn't it just a cash grab token?

>> No.10068215

Just consider this okay?

Once upon a time Bitcoin was worth less than $1, and in 8 short years it peaked at $20k!

Let's suppose ripple only does half as well as BTC and hits $10k, that means that if you invest $10k into XRP today, in 8 years it could be worth $218m! And that's conservative.

>> No.10068257

Refer to the brainlet image in my original post.

From 2016 to now, it seems the overal market cap of each project was veeeery small. Most projects now start at 30m min.

Nice trolling though, XRP will do 0.5x EOY.

>> No.10068268

XRP is only with tangible steps already taken towards use case. Everything else is theory and dust.

>> No.10068279

Sure, companies can use existing methods or use RIPPLE backing (LMAO).

Im sure they will use RIPPLE.

>> No.10068317


Is this a bad joke or are you a retard?

>> No.10068344

XRP holders bag holders to death huh

>> No.10068345

crypto is supposed to be decentralized. all of xrp got preminded devs hold 50% of supply. fucking retards think its the future. stay poor faggots. bitcoin is king.

>> No.10068375
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It's one of the two or three coins that will still be around in a few years lol

>> No.10068389

>stay poor
>best performing coin of 2017 (literally--less than $0.01 to $3.00)
Yeah you're making so much money with those $10 profits from your 0.001 boomercoin lmao

>> No.10068409

People fell for the decentralized meme, even bitcoin is not decentralized retards. Invest in banks and follow the kikes if you wanna get rich, I don't give a crap about decentralized bullshit it's never going to happen bitcoin is here to fuck us all over not to save the world.
XRP will make me rich. If you can't beat them join them.
Do not make investement based on your emotions retard.

>> No.10068417

Take some of your own advice tard.

>> No.10068429

I do? I hate the kike but I know they are the smart money so I'm following.

>> No.10068463

>>>/pol/ Jews are no more involved in banking than whites. This conspiracy shit needs to end go put on your tin foil hat.

>> No.10068477
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>> No.10068529

Dubs confirm I have a big brain.

>> No.10068541

because it is the best coin out in the market
>more partnerships than every coin in the market combined
>the only one that is getting traction in real world use
>fast 3 seconds transactions, with fees of only pennies, 1500 tps and has its own infinitely scalable version of lightning network
>has its own on-chain decentralized exchange

>> No.10068556

>volatile asset

>> No.10068587

>oh no dont buy xrp, it is too volatile!!!
better keep it on cash or buy fucking gold or silver if you are that much of a faggot

>> No.10068679

You interpreted my statement incorrectly. I was referring about the banks perspective.

Why would they ever choose to use XRP.

>> No.10068731

Do you know how many billions are kept by banks in local currencies to facilitate currency exchanges? Do you realize the risk exposure that creates?

With xrp, no more need to have piles of local currency sitting in accounts. This reduces bank risk exposure and allows banks to use those parked funds for other purposes eg giving out loans and generating more revenue.

t. Some finance faggot

>> No.10068763

>$1 today, $0.8 tomorrow

>> No.10068773

Anon I don't know what I want to do with my life please recommend a book on finance and banking.

>> No.10068779

>1$trillion today 800$billion tomorrow

>> No.10068817

now you are talking
listen up, this is the plan
>now there is not enough liquidity for banks to transfer massive ammounts of money
>increase liquidity by investing in projects that use the network (xspring , coil), make it a standard for payments
>get people to know crypto, and to trade it, (giveaways and donations)
>(we are here)
>get payment providers and small companies to test and use the network for smaller transfers, this also increases liquidity
>by now there will be enough liquidity for small banks to transfer money and avoid the pain of having to pay bigger banks (their competitors) to send money
>then big banks will join because with xrp they dont need to have 27 trillion dollars sitting there, doing nothing as transfers only take seconds

>> No.10068937

making it simple
>volatility is not a problem as transfers take only 3 seconds, liquidity is more important
>volatility will die down as time pass anyways
>companies join because no middle man
>payment providers want it because speed, and much lower costs
>small banks join to stay competitive and also because no need of nostro and vostro accounts
>big banks join for the same reasons

>> No.10068955

Is there a strong use case for the token itself?

What market cap is realistic - ripple is already #3 by market cap is it feasible realistically to see 10-100x gains (ha?)?

>> No.10068976

>Because it's so cheap... 1 XRP is less than $1! compare that to BTC... now Imagine if 1 XRP is $6000 like 1 BTC some day!
I unironically heard a XRP holder IRL say this

>> No.10069056

>Is there a strong use case for the token itself?
everything i said above is about the token
>serving as a mean of payment settlements (main use case)
>being a internet and interledger standard for payments with coil
>smart contracts comming with codius, this opens the horizon a lot
and there is a lot more to discover as people with use case ideas apply for project funding with xspring. (if you have a use case idea, ripple helps funding your project)

>> No.10069205

i have been in bitcoin since 5 dollars.
The decentralisation is gone.
over 50% is owned by bitmain colab with other big miner firms. now i stack up on xrp after the first post on r/btc being negative about it.
because back than most fud around alts use to be deleted instant.
only xrp stayed on the board and more and more idiots joined.
its the only coin that can beat the whole market with its usecase better than btc by far
do yourself a favor and send some xrp around, than do the same with btc or eth.

>> No.10069228
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i dont think i can give a acurate enough price prediction, sbi holdings president, yoshitaka kitao said 10 eoy, if there is another hype based bull run like the previous, it would hit around 10
but with mass adoption there isnt really a market cap limit, market cap is just price of token*circulating tokens so it doesnt really tells you too much about how much money is invested in, some tokens may be lost, some may be on hands of people that hold really really long term

>> No.10069352


because it moons violently and then crashes back down every time 1-3times/year. im buying now and will sell at a dollar before it crashes again

>> No.10069357

Meh info graphics like this can be misleading.

We are comparing a market cap with yearly revenues.

>> No.10069406
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>> No.10069464

Are fucking autistic?

The services offered by ripple are revolutionizing the financial. And they are starting to see real world adoption. This is an enormous paradigm shift

Seriously are you autistic?

>> No.10069556

Devs do not hold any notable percent. Your words are a lie

The company ripple which uses xrp in conjunction with, let's face it, their revolutionary financial systems. Holds a large amount of xrp in an escrowner account, gifted to them by the developers of xrp. Xrp was not created by the company ripple, the xrp in escrow can only be used to further advance products utilizing xrp, and ripple cannot freely access that xrp nor do they have the ability to manipulate anything with it

You are a liar fudder and this has been proven many times

>> No.10069577

Fees that are just fractions of a penny actually :)

>> No.10069591

it's the chosen coin of the (((people))) who rule the world. it literally can't lose.

>> No.10069609


False it's actually a much more secure asset for money transfer, why the banks are adopting it, because of how fast it is.

Where current money transfer takes days and allows prices to fluctuate ripple takes only three seconds allowing no time for price fluctuation

You're just making up false statements. Look into things before you say them

>> No.10069612

shorting this shit down to 0.35 then going all in

>> No.10069621

I made $7000 on XRP last year lmao

>> No.10070325

People in this thread be dumb af.

Let's get the facts straight:

1.) 60B locked up in escrow. 1 B a year released per month for sale. If not sold, goes to back of line. XRP Founders, Devs, Ripple, Etc. CANNOT Flood Market.

2.) Ripple did not create XRP. XRP is not ripple. Ripple is a top contributor to XRP.

3.) XRP is decentralized. If Ripple shut down every single validator they operate, XRP will still flourish. There are validators being maintained across the globe. If you disagree then point to a centralized node in the link below.

4.) Go do yourself a favor and read up the Interledger Protocol (ILP), Codius, Coil.

5.) You can stream data over the ILP - meaning you can stream money and digital conent.

6.) 1,500 + Transaction and transactions in 3 seconds.

7.) Eliminates the need for Nostros/Vostros Account for Banks. HUGEEEE

I can continue if you'd like.

>> No.10070544

How much to make it.

>> No.10070653


Further more - banks don't have to hold xrp. Marker makers will and can profit from it.

They are first going after such inefficient corridors that the risk associated with holding xrp is less than the benefits.

>> No.10070661


See: >>10070544

>> No.10070700

>Go do yourself a favor and read up the Interledger Protocol (ILP), Codius, Coil.
>Do yourself a favour and quickly get a computer science degree


>> No.10070709

I'd be willing to hear more.

>> No.10070718

Make what?

>> No.10070740

Guess you could always do both at the same time no?

>> No.10070753

Get rich, you know, "make it".

What I want to know is, what is the equilibrium price for XRP once it is adopted. Is it more beneficial for the ecosystem that the price of XRP is very large (>$10+).

Or is it more favorable for XRP to be low priced in these systems?

>> No.10070812


Simply from a banking standpoint, they would replace SWIFT and others which transfer 5T a day. So price would need to be able to handle that. $10 is easily achievable with simple adoption. Not accounting for codius, coil, xspring, and further bank, fed reserve and FI adoption.

>> No.10070856
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>> No.10070880

Also consider Jevon’s Paradox

XRP becomes much more efficient for international payments, then companies that currently don’t keep piles of money around the world (because it’s too tedious and inefficient) and instead rely on correspondents for their payments (and possibly make fewer of them as well) would find it cost effective to hold XRP. In other words, as less XRP is needed to make a wider array of payments, more and more organizations would find XRP worth holding.

>> No.10070919

Thanks for all the info, I appreciate it, and I apologize for coming off as someone who did no research (I did no research).

What is a good buy-in price?

>> No.10070988

i only invest in the most controversial closet scam projects there are. these intellectual scams are what separates the poor from the rich. tron, ripple, ada, they all attract some of the most power hungry, greedy individuals there are. these are some of the coins that pump the hardest and dump even harder. im not even thinking of these coins for more than 5 seconds before and after i sell them, because the only thing separating me from them is the money.

>> No.10071345

You thought about all that and then typed it out in less than 5 seconds? Or are you still hodling?