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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10067475 No.10067475 [Reply] [Original]

Just loaded up on some OMG 1,840 OMG here. Will I make it? Where are my omisechads?

>> No.10067522

I've got 2k of these bad boys.
Though i bought higher than you...

>> No.10067528

Everyone thinks that by investing in OMG you're investing in Plasma.

This is not true.

You're investing in ONE SPECIFIC implementation of Plasma done by some shitty scammy gooks. Kelvin and the Plasma researchers don't give a fuck about OMG. They're making forkable tech so that anyone can take it and run with it. What would they miss by cutting the deadweight of Jun and the Asians?

LOOK at Kelvins recent tweets. They're building a plug and play Plasma for hackathons??


Isn't this supposed to be supporting OMG? They're actively allowing competition in the spirit of """""""decentralization""""" when in reality the Omise team is just a bunch of 90 IQ nigger asians.

>> No.10067619

>Everyone thinks that by investing in OMG you're investing in Plasma.
LOL noone thinks that.

>You're investing in ONE SPECIFIC implementation of Plasma done by some shitty scammy gooks.
Omise is a real company that existed way before this whole ICO market. Don't talk shit.

>> No.10067625

I'm worried you fudders are starting to believe your own lies.
Plasma's research and implementation are done exclusively by the OMG team. Show me ONE developer who's working on plasma who's not directly tied to OMG. Show me ONE.
OF COURSE Plasma will be free to use/copy/implement by whoever. That's the whole point of the open source license.
I wouldn't WANT OMG to be using a proprietary ethereum scaling solution. Would you? Would anyone?? What's the point of a decentralised network if the software is not open source?

>They're building a plug and play Plasma for hackathons??
Exactly. A low performance simplified version of Plasma. So people can inspect it and play around with it.
It's technically already finished for such purpose.
>Isn't this supposed to be supporting OMG?
It is. What makes you think it isn't? Plasma should be audited thoroughly. In fact, it already had many revisions. The original Plasma paper won't be implemented for that reason. Has too many flaws.
>You're investing in ONE SPECIFIC implementation of Plasma
It's the ONLY implementation to this day. That doesn't mean it won't be used by other projects in the future, of course.
You should invest into OMG not because of Plasma anyway. Plasma's success is pretty much a given. You should invest in OMG because you believe OMG to be a success.

>> No.10067646


I invested in this fucking piece of shit thailand payment company that has yet to disclose any revenue. I didnt sell at fucking $29 and now im break even. Fucking hell what was I thinking.

It was bad enough this dog shit only did a 2x during that mega moon. Had I held onto BTC during the time i bought OMG I would have still been up 10x.

OMG is fucking trash and I cant believe I spent my valuable btc/eth on this piece of shit. Plasma is a side gig for the project thats being developed by research scientists.

Jun the fucking scammer sold it like OMG would be developing the plasma world exchange.

What do we have now? a fucking coin that still doesnt have a network after a year and this faggot that cant deliver a 1.0 sdk wallet

>> No.10067665


Loom network has its own dedicated plasma team in poland you stupid fuck.

github plasma is all community driven and yes while OMG is leeching off a select few individuals there are other groups separate that are also contriubitng.

OMG is leeching off fucking david knott and kelvin filtcher, 2 young millenials. Lmfao. Whatever happened to joseph poon too? Seems like he completely disappeared from the picture and its his fucking whitepaper

>> No.10067666

im all in on OMG and i buy more about 1-3 times a week. im gonna be rich.

>> No.10067745

>I invested in this fucking piece of shit thailand payment company that has yet to disclose any revenue.
>It was bad enough this dog shit only did a 2x during that mega moon.
Why would it moon? There was nothing new during that time.
>Plasma is a side gig for the project thats being developed by research scientists.
I assume you mean the other way around? And no. It's no side gig. It's their main implementation goal to have OMG operate on top of Plasma.
>Jun the fucking scammer sold it like OMG would be developing the plasma world exchange.
>still doesnt have a network after a year and this faggot that cant deliver a 1.0 sdk wallet
What do you need a network for at the moment? The software is not even finished yet. It's currently just a token.
The wallet SDK is looking extremely good. It's finished. 1.0 release is for Q3
>Loom network has its own dedicated plasma team in poland you stupid fuck.
Lies. https://github.com/loomnetwork
Get fucked.
>github plasma is all community driven
That's the point... WTF? It's part of the OmiseGO repo, by the way. Fun fact. Not the other way around.
>OMG is leeching off fucking david knott and kelvin filtcher
Yes indeed. Your point being? Doesn't every business leech off of it's employees by that logic?

>> No.10067814

Are you seriously claiming that one line of Donnie's quote from 2 years ago is actual proof of their revenues?

Do you understand what "these are scammy chinks who will say anything" means?

>> No.10067906

No. An analysis based on their 8.000+ clients back in 2017.
What did donnie say in terms of revenue? I didn't know he ever commented on such a thing.

>> No.10067921

>An analysis
Seems fucking legit.

I'm totally willing to assume THIRTY FUCKING BILLION DOLLARS in revenue because of some """analysis"""

Can you put together a slide with some logos on it to verify the 8000 clients too?


>> No.10067933

I just realized... Did you know you have the exact same style of writing as the migger?
The extra whitespace between each line. The ALL CAPS. The """"""""
It's you, isn't it?

>> No.10067944

It's pathetic that any FUD goes back to this. I was literally just thinking I was about to be accused of being the migger.

How about you actually respond to the fucking points. Anyone watching you cringes every time you try to sidestep any criticism of OMG with this literal shit argument

>> No.10067951

I have replied every single one of your points in fucking greentext.
Get fucked. Nobody is falling for your shit anymore.

>> No.10067960


thats not revenue thats transaction volume they process a year. jesus christ if this is who invests in omg then maybe Im dumber than i thought for holding it.

30bn revenue is 4x more than the valuation of fucking coinbase

>> No.10067974

So your "proof" of 30 billion dollars is a Reddit post where someone literally just added up the revenues of the companies who's logo appeared on a power point slide and completely assumed that 100% of those revenues have been processed by Omise without any regard to competing payment processors or any actual evidence whatsoever that any significant percentage of that money was actually handled by Omise?

Great, thank you for demonstrating you're fucking 15 years old and this whole market is a bunch of scams and children getting scammed.

And this is the MOST legitimate project out there. Holy fuck this entire space needs to burn.

>> No.10067981

holy shit, it is the migger
fucking topkek

>> No.10067997

Dude I cant wait until this fucking shit goes back to 20 bucks. im so fucking stupid for holding this. Piece of fucking shit coin. I tell myself long term capital gains in 2 months, but its not going to mean shit when this fucking token is worth 5 bucks.

Jun Hasegawa the thailand scammer. partnership confirmed. mou with gov confirmed. rock star year.

yeah, then why is your fucking token worth 7 bucks after all of these supposed deals. this fucking bitch is an oversensational liar.

Im legit terrified whats going to happen on 7/1 - 7/2 when their tokens unlock along with the core contributors. The team has access to over 40 million OMG, the core advisors, 4.5mm. To put this into perspective a selloff of 200k omg on binance crashed the price from $7.9 to $7.2. This wont be all done in one day, but it will be a slow bleed unless this faggot skateboarder actually has some real volume coming in.

Bithumb listing was the last flair to financial freedom for me. Now I might as well name myself Brendan Fraser and shave my fucking head

>> No.10068008

>transaction volume they process is not revenue
Okay. I'm done here.
Why do you think i said that revenue is a meaningless number? Because it's a fintech company who handles financial transactions. It blows up their revenue.

Yep. I'm dead serious. I'm well aware accusing everyone for being the migger used to be a thing. But goddamnit, this guy is literally him. No joke. It's his EXACT style of typing.

No matter how angry you get, you won't grow an inch. No matter how much you train your muscles, you'll always be a manlet.
To make things worse, you're a nigger.
Enjoy leading a life of deception and frustration. I'd suggest for you to hang yourself but i doubt your bodyweight is enough to strangle you.

>> No.10068013


DOnt even bother. this retard thinks omise has 30 billion in revenue. Facebook had a revenue of 60 billion last year and this idiot thinks OMISE has 30 billion. top kek

>> No.10068017

>literally leaving the thread and calling people the migger instead of responding to anything
Holy fuck the absolute state of OMG holders

>> No.10068021

Now he's talking to himself.
We all know you're switching ID's again. Jesus fuck. look at this thread.
You've already revealed you have two ID's in this thread. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

>> No.10068027

This is just sad. Come to terms with the fact you got scammed. Acceptance is a good feeling.

>> No.10068029

It's all the same poster with 2 ID's...
He thinks we don't know!

>> No.10068032


>> No.10068037

The migger strikes again! SAME POSTER DIFFERENT ID. Both his ID's have the exact same style of typing.

>> No.10068050

Dude. It's enormous cringe, indeed.
Holy fuck.
I can't believe i caught the goddamn migger all by myself LMAO
It's for real.

>> No.10068053


Im not a migger FYI but I think he may be in this thread. Ive been posting on biz for weeks ever since OmiseGO crashed from the mid may levels.

I used to call out migger too but now Im starting to realize that he made some valid points which are slowly being unveiled. Aside from the trolling anyway, some of that shit he posted was dumb af like the plasma .000001 tx fee revenue.

Anyway, we have jun saying 100 tps is a great number on his twitter and laying it out for normies who ask about it. Jesus christ this guy sounds like a doofus. Ripple is at 1500 tps. The idiot bragged about 1mm tps. Why the fuck would we even need 1mm tps and how are 2 young devs going to invent that shit by q4 2018.

The reality is this faggot is a terrible roadmapper and leader. he said staking in q2 and we dont even have the framework for staking laid out. Hes not intelligent, he has no acumen in cryptocurrency space. What most likely happened is he was on cruise control while ETH was being developed and given that he has no novel ideas about how to form a team that can accomplish this hes bringing on people as bandaids. Its a bad situation to be in especially for a coin that is as developed as OMG. this is the kind of shit id expect on cryptopia coins.

Like Ive been saying, I dont trust a damn thing this little nigga says. How can I trust him to say that he has a shit ton of businesses coming in? FFS he relocated to Japan after CZ Binance went to malta because of Japans crack down on crypto. Thats like fucking going to Russia in the winter time for vacation.

>> No.10068072

>Im not a migger


I believe you.


I'm not the migger you guys.

Jun said it's only 100 tps he's such a scammer

Again, i'm not the migger. I used to point him out as well.

>> No.10068080

Don't reply to him, man.

Congrats on catching him though.

>> No.10068083

You anons accusing everyone of being the migger juat because of critizising omg are just as retarded as the migger.

I'm white, have barely seen a nigger in my life, was at one point in the top 200 addresses and still I'm disappointed with the progress so I sold everything a while ago.

>> No.10068084
File: 2.57 MB, 4032x3024, 20180628_101407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lmao Ill take a picture of my hand which is white and a time stamp written down. Hold on this will be funny. I am 100% not a migger.

>> No.10068097

Nice job anon. Forgot to change IDs?

>> No.10068098

Michael Jackson 2.0

>> No.10068113


Dude what more proof do you want. Im not the fucking migger. LOL

difference between me and him is he never proved it. so you know the other ID has to be him.

>> No.10068119


>> No.10068121
File: 395 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180628-101756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting proof this faggot is replying to himself

>> No.10068131


>> No.10068136

Just leave the thread idiot

>> No.10068139

post your hand. I'll send 0.2 BTC to you if you're not the migger.

I'm dead serious.

>> No.10068173

No one answered if I will make it.

>> No.10068181

You won't

Bump for this

>> No.10068182


Lmao. I type like him because like him Im also very angry but for different reasons. Love my life but this fucking coin has made me a very jaded person these last 2 mo

>> No.10068204

Depends. I'd say yes. And you bought relatively low.

Understandable. I wouldn't sell right now though, if i were you. I'm fairly certain it won't go much lower than this.

>> No.10068234

What's taking you so long?
Easy money... Unless you're the migger, of course.
I'll post the TXID in this thread.

>> No.10068333

fuck me. this day can't get any better.

If you are the migger, please post your hand, still. I'll tip you.

>> No.10068564


>> No.10068581

It's always him.

>> No.10069478

Keep your eyes wide open for the migger.
He's real and he's among us. He spreads misinformation about OMG.
Criticism of any project is important and necessary. Just don't let the migger poison your mind.

>> No.10069754

OmiseGOYS are ABSOLUTELY the most DELUDED bagholders on /biz/

>> No.10069911

Bought it at $8 and sold once it finally went to $9.
The fuck are you retards still doing with this?