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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10065136 No.10065136 [Reply] [Original]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.10065166

Roger Ver is larping on a whole different level

>> No.10065172

on chain scaling requires larger blocks
increasing the blocksize reduces the number of non mining nodes, core said this was a problem.
as non mining nodes have no ability to do work they have zero ability to change the blockchain, therefore core created a scaling problem that does not exist.

>> No.10065234

Is Roger Ver manipulative or just delusional? Does he actually believe in half the shit he says?

>> No.10065243


>> No.10065303

bitcoin cash really is bitcoin but the only people promoting it are scumbags
so I don't know what to think anymore
basically fuck it

>> No.10065311


Join the side that shits on all BTC and hopes for better things to actually take its place. First-gen crypto was never realistic as the end point

>> No.10065313

there are no subsequent generations lol
maybe ETH is crypto 2.0
but EOS and shit--give me a fucking break

>> No.10065317

>non mining nodes are worthless
keep drinking the centralization koolaid

>> No.10065319

>maybe ETH is crypto 2.0
I'm talking specifically about currency coins. There's no way PoW will ever be viable for the future, and there's no way either BCH or BTC will ever move off of it
>but EOS and shit--give me a fucking break
Don't worry I would never promote shit like EOS

>> No.10065322

but he's right from a technical standpoint, they literally do nothing
I mean this is not an opinion or a matter of kool aid

what the fuck is wrong with /biz/

>> No.10065328

bitcoin is not proof of stake it is proof of work

non mining nodes have no ability to do work

>> No.10065329

all cryptos are real money, fiat currencies are not, they need to die.

>> No.10065331

unironically 0xbitcoin

>> No.10065335

muh next gen cryptos are a scam
jumping to the next hottest thing every 6 months like braindead apple consumers will kill any chance of mainstream adoption or even adoption among the pseudo tech crowd
I've noticed this trend of thinking among newcoiners and newcoiners only, purely because they fell for retard shills such as "xxx is the new bitcoin! look at all the things we promise! don't worry if none of what we say will happen, you are buying into the development of technology xDD"

>> No.10065338

BTC is dead. BCC is a company called Bitmain that is the leader in ASIC development. BCC centralized just like BTC.

SKY is here
SKY is the future
SKY or die

>> No.10065350


Satoshi literally disagrees
but keep believing what ever scam artists force down your throat

>> No.10065363

Correct. We need BTC for the ecosystem.

>> No.10065379

>jumping to the next hottest thing every 6 months like braindead apple consumers will kill any chance of mainstream adoption or even adoption among the pseudo tech crowd

Modern crypto (while not started with BTC, BTC essentially popularized the concept and had it catch on) only started in 2009. We aren't even a decade later. The space is still extremely early-days

>> No.10065390

Fuck off Brendon

>> No.10065410

he has a criminal history, so yes he knows exactly what he's doing

>> No.10065455
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>> No.10065465

It mean that bch and btc is the same and they are both shitcoins. Eth,omg, xrp,xlm, bat ,ark, rlc will be the one rule everything.
Screencap this.

>> No.10065548
File: 24 KB, 675x601, C1EEF8A8-F992-47AA-A7DE-3DA411A183C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitcoins I’m bagholding will replace Bitcoin

>> No.10065822

cashies always bitch about centralization of btc mining (mostly because bcash is centralized in every possible manner, but whatever).
lets say the miners collude, which isnt hard if theres only few of them, and decide to increase the mining reward to 200 btc per block. lets look at two scenarios:
1) there are no non-mining nodes: the miners can do whatever the fuck they want. nobody can challenge them and it wouldnt even be obvious at first that the protocol was changed.
2) theres thousands of non-mining nodes: the nodes will immediately notice, that the block does not conform to the rules and will reject them. if they receive a block referencing non-conformant block, they will reject it too. since the network relies on thousands of decentralized nodes, any selfish changes will be instantly noted and the whole network would stop. the miners were actually so afraid of this, that they were forced to activate segwit or risk being forked off from the network by usaf.

>> No.10065895

tell that to bitcoin gold

in either case (non mining nodes or none) the miners do whatever they want.
profit is what keeps miners incentivised to not attack the blockchain, not non mining nodes. Why would a miner destroy the thing he is so heavily invested in.

if you run a non mining node with a different protocol to what miners are mining you are on a dead chain with no hashpower, doesn't matter how many non mining nodes are signaling with you that chain will not have any blocks

>> No.10065982
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>> No.10065993
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>muh Satoshi argument when it suits me

>> No.10066073
File: 781 KB, 1860x3984, Bitcoin Wars The Fork Awakens (A New Hope).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) more tx/sec was needed on BTC.
2) it was never a problem to change 1 line of code.
3) with lightning they have tried to create a solution to something that was never a problem.

>> No.10066106

There is no reasoning with cashews
Gtfo this board you useful retards

>> No.10066508
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