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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10045333 No.10045333 [Reply] [Original]

how are you all doin' this fine tuesday? Just finished up some meetings from managing the usual zoomer NEET guys, now I will go to some nice restaurant with my wife and few friends and then play some PS4 or maybe look at some nice documentary at National Geographic before taking the ride to my comfy manager job at a big defence contractor tomorrow.

>> No.10045363
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it is all so tiresome

>> No.10045433

30 y/o boomer here. Gonna go off road in my Jeep and do donuts in the planned Parenthood parking lot.

>> No.10046082

30yo boomer here. Reporting in. I have watched the football match Island/Croatia with a 50 yo boomer friend. Now i'm going to play vintage game on my 4k euros PC, ultra settings on World of tank of course.
I've got some red bull ammo next to me, ready to remind me my young days.

>> No.10046144


I literally got excited watching this but my screen has socom2 on it

T.39yo bewmer

>> No.10046297

39 year old boomer aswell
do you feel as lonely as me in these places?

>> No.10046332
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35yr boomer here. Can't sleep because too much energy drinks and thinking of my crypto coins

>> No.10046360 [DELETED] 

27 y/o boomer here. About to go lift then mow the lawn of my comfy 2100 sq. foot suburban home. Have plans to catch the new Jurassic Park movie with a 26 y/o boomer buddy later tonight.

>> No.10046362

30 year old boomer gonna bill a few more overtime hours while shitposting here, go out for drinks and food w/ fellow autists, help gf get ready to move, mouthfuck her, and fall asleep reading link bedtime stories about how it's happenning tonight and i better strap in

>> No.10046415
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and checking in

>> No.10046431

25 year old boomer here. I hate you 30+ year old boomers for not letting me into your cool boomer threads.

>> No.10047720

Sorry little boy, come back in 5 years.

>> No.10047766
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Rolled some nice quads today atleast.

>> No.10048231

Can't find the energy to work because my wife is mad at me

>> No.10048319

35 y/o boomer here. Just woke up from a 3 hour mid day nap because I have a cushy 6 figure work from home job and got a little sleepy during my work day. I’ll probably just catch up on work tomorrow and go enjoy an expensive craft beer from Belgium before smoking a bunch of weed and painting in my studio in the half a million dollar house I own. Also, if anyone knows any 22 year old zoomers I am looking for a little bitch assistant to hire for a measly $12/hour.

>> No.10048371
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>a measly $12/hour.
When I was your age $12 was a lot of money.

>> No.10049455
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>> No.10049467

haha i'm 19 and i make more than u

>> No.10049691

32 yo boomer checking in. Worked from home today cuz I'm still super hung over from excessive drinking and having meaningless sex with loose women all weekend. I don't know how you marriage boomers do it. I'd kill myself.

>> No.10049704

Cried in bed a bit thinking about how much my ATH was, made some noodles and now I'm going to play my PSX

>> No.10049744

34 year old boomer here. I never liked monster, always preferred rockstar or rip its myself.

>> No.10049751

Nice to see another Land Rover bizbro. My front air bag suspension had a leak so I have to take mine in this week. Either way, /comfy/.

Doing Baja overland next week too. Range rovers are the ride of choice for patricians.

>> No.10049765

I have white interior as well

>> No.10049772


>> No.10049815

based fellow 30yr old boomer

>> No.10049819


43yo boomer reporting in, haven't had an energy drink since a red bull in 1997

>> No.10049931

Damn I'm loving 30. Boomers know whats up. Love cracking a cold one (absolutely zero for me) and moving that lawn. Just bought and aerator going to get that lawn looking incredible.

>> No.10050104

35 yo boomer looking at real estate listings in France. Only considering ones with 5+ bedrooms, needs at least a few hectares of grazing land with stables and a golf course close by.

>> No.10050138
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30 yo old boomer here, how is everyone holding up?

>> No.10050203

This shitty meme is the reason I haven't been on 4chan in over a month and coming back to see how popular it is is disgusting. I think this might finally be what keeps me from coming back.

>> No.10050252

30 year old boomer that fucked up in life checking in

how can I get on the path to a 6 figure income, living in thailand fucking hookers and sleeping all day like you guys as quickly as possible?

dropshipping, programming, writing? just tell me

>> No.10050261

same ole same ole man just getting by can't complain got my health ya know

>> No.10050273

If you're coming to /biz/ for advice, you're never going to get any of those things you want.

>> No.10050295

You sound like a faggot

>> No.10050326

Better a faggot than a braindead /biz/let who posts boomer memes all day.

>> No.10050335

Turned 30 in March. I've developed bad hemorrhoids for the first time in my life about a month ago. Was freaking out because my shit was coming out all thin and my anus felt kind of strange. I have always pushed my shit out forcefully and I guess it just kind of caught up with me. I lost a lot of feeling (like the sensation of having to go) that I've only started to get back in the last week. Psyllium husks, lots of water, and hemorrhoid/fissure cream really helped me recover.

>> No.10050783


>> No.10050916

haha I'm gay and I take more dick than you

>> No.10050950

Programming if you get really damn good at it and can sell yourself
However the whole point of thailand is that you can do all that on a 5 figure income

>> No.10051306
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>tfw when 31 yr old boomer just waiting for my initial crypto investment to 1000x, while I work my cozy high paying job managing neets.

>mfw I'm not worried at all about this crash. unlike you daytrading bums.

>> No.10051426

>tfw literally look like the 30yo boomer


>> No.10052341
File: 20 KB, 251x230, 30yroldboomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turning 30 in a month
>Still up on my initial investment despite falling for HODL meme
>Started hitting the gym 3 months ago and in the best shape since I was 19
>Still weigh the same as I did in high school
>Still get dubs all the time

You know, can't complain I guess

>> No.10052510

See you tomorrow

>> No.10052676
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>> No.10052713

Fucking hell, look at all these grandpas, /biz/ confirmed for the boomer board

>> No.10052912

30 yo MILLENNIAL here. Don't know where this stupid meme came from but it's retarded.

>> No.10052925
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Hi boomer frens 32 boomer here, i never really cared for energy drinks im a beer guy

>> No.10052983
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28 year old boomer here....
I don't do energy drinks... i do hard stimulants unironically
Fuck my crypto gains, i either make it by getting a young gf this year. Or i'm officially done

>> No.10052986

underage newfags got jealous of oldfags

>> No.10053007

The 30 year old boomer meme is extremely offensive to me.


>> No.10053561

Same 'ol, same 'ol... Another day, another dollar. You know... Get up and at 'em... Heh...

>> No.10053566

No. It's funny.

>> No.10053649

A daily reminder that if you arent making 6 figures by your 30 you have basically failed in life.

>> No.10053683
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31 year old boom here. Just picked up that Star Wars Battlefront 2 game for half price. Since I own a consulting business and work from home I’m going to play Xbox all day.

Enjoy trading shitcoins and worrying about making it millennials.

>> No.10053694

30 year old boomer just waking up to release the kraken then sleep another 5 hours and go tend to my crypto farm

>> No.10053743

35yo boomer reporting in. The 6 figure thing is a meme. I make 140-150k/year but I work 50hours a week. Just trading your time for comfort money and it's not even worth it. I've opted to take time off for half the year so I can live the rest of my boomer life. I regret not selling in December/January, being a boomer all I could think of were the taxed I'd have to pay.

>> No.10053762

kek. based boomer

>> No.10053764

The true sign you have become a boomer: you dribble after taking a piss. This started happening when I turned 34 and it's not going away. I also have erectile dysfunction now and have to use Viagra 30 minutes prior to sex. It's only getting worse.

>> No.10053992
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>tfw exactly the same things have happened to you
>t. boomer spawned '81

>> No.10054025

36 year old boomer here. Just applied for marriage counseling for trying to save our dying marriage. Also doing preliminary work to hide my crypto in case of divorce.

>> No.10054029

>and a golf course nearby

Get a chess board instead, normalfag. Also, Chess Wizard Protheasus (now with machine learning and hatred for humans) wishes to battle you. Access the battle portal via Gentoo.

>> No.10054241
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I'd add to that:
>Six figures net.
>Six figure NOT starting with a one.
Minimum. Getting 'close' is not success, it's mediocrity masquerading as contentedness.

>> No.10054325

Do it faggot. I'm 31. I've worked IT corporate jobs, my last one just under 100k, but mostly I've just been nomadic and wandering, dwelling in subcultures, forests, and crust streets. I travel a bit, then come to the city and work some, save some, then travel more. I work random jobs and self made gigs at $20 to $45/hr avg, often involving specialized physical labor. The last few years, I focused more on dance, which I started six years ago, and piano.

30+ hr work week, working for others is a meme. One can work from home or have a lot of time off, but ultimately, work still becomes the driving limitation and center of life. The whole world exists to be experienced; an infinite amount of unique encounters and joyous moments. Wageslaves miss these, trapped behind a screen, selling themrselves for profit until they are old and their vitality drained. They gain the money, but become consumed by empty consumerism and escapism, and miss the true wealth of living.

>> No.10054347

33 year old boomer here people are just trying to be happy stop being haters

>> No.10054398

I love this meme :)))

>> No.10054572

Is that 6 figures before or after alimony?
35 and I'm sticking to 36 hours a week, my retirement plan is a .45 though the skull

>> No.10054688

12 year old boomer reporting in

>> No.10054767

Sounds like a shit life fellow boomer - good luck with that, seriously.
>Drinks excessively
>Thinks he is going to make it

>> No.10054795

this thread should include us 25+ boomerangs, 25 truly is the cutoff

>> No.10054825

im playing fortnite with my kids, they were so happy when i gave them a battlepass

>> No.10054871

33 year old boomer
Woke up with a fleshlight on my knob
Have to go work for a bank in an hour so I can pay the ex wife her fair share
Hit the snooze button 3 times while reading all of the boomer threads
Feels good to finally have friends

>> No.10054986

29 years old, soon to be boomer here. Can you guys give me any advice for the future?

>> No.10055003


>> No.10055020

Are 18-23yo females attracted to 30yo boomers?

>> No.10055028

30 year old boomer here. ive recently switched to SUGAR FREE energy drinks and i swear they actually taste better!

>> No.10055033

I’m a 27 year old boomer and was fucking an 18 year old off of Tinder for a while. In general I don’t think they’re attracted to boomers but it’s possible

>> No.10055106

No, only 40+ y/o roasties
You really have to be persistent in order to get with those 23 year olds QT's.
Try this next time your out on the town:
go up to the girl and tell her "ladies, you're looking good tonight!"
Do this even if there's only one person sitting there, and just walk away.
I cant tell you jow many times this has worked for me.

>> No.10055145

Imagine being this triggered by a meme... 23yo pansexual snowflake

>> No.10055195

Guys, I want to make fun of actual boomers, not millennials.

>> No.10055446
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the more i see of this meme, the funnier it gets and the more respect i have for all the oldfags on here

absolutely fucking based

>> No.10055461

lol, I'm in the screenshot

>> No.10055479

>these comments
People actually drink this stuff?

>> No.10055554

Yeah, NOS is way better.

>> No.10055586

>that senile 30yo boomer who thinks he's a milennial

>> No.10055596

uh, now I'm getting paranoid and confused
this is getting scary

>> No.10055718

I just turned 30 and have no clue what boomer means. But, reporting in. I loved my 20's, but so far my 30's are shaping up to be awesome. Great gf, apartment central in the city, good echonomy, eating and drinking out every other day, working out, having a meaningful career instead of a shitty dead end job. Less anxious and more meaningful relationships with family and friends. What's there not to like? One step closer to death I guess?

>> No.10055742

ahhaha stupid wage cuck boomers. how does it feel not to be a zoomer in the modern age and basically miss out on the golden bull run in your youth? imagine if you had 100k by the time your 19.

>> No.10055769
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I'm so tired of just browsing 4chan and playing games when I'm not working.
Should I pick up programming or drawing as a hobby?

>> No.10055786

Fucking Boomer checking in. Gonna go boom some nice escort poosayy today boys

>> No.10055806

Probably would have blown through it and ended up in debt. Kids generally are fucking stupid and inexperienced with handling windfalls.

>> No.10055829

typical boomer cope.

>> No.10055872

How would you know how much I make, Retarded zoomer? All I said was I make six figures, which frankly I doubt you make. What I bet is more likely is you can’t read because you’re just a dumb zoomer and you thought I make $12/hr, but that’s just what I’m willing to pay you to be my little zoomer bitch. However, since you can’t read, I wouldn’t hire you. Application denied, zoomer.

>> No.10055875

29 soon to be boomer who just got his first visible wrinkle on his forehead here. how did you fellow boomers cope with this?

>> No.10055902
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>> No.10055929

32 years old boomer here, playing strange journey on my lunch break while socializing.

After I leave the office I will play warcraft 3 with some office pals. Life is comfy. Waiting comfortably for Chainlink to pump.

>> No.10055965

30 year old boomer here sitting in my shorts trading crypto like always.

>> No.10055987

How are you doing
>can't complain can't complain

>> No.10055992
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>my suspension fucked up
>ride of patricians

kek you're not even a real boomer, fix those airbags yourself young man

>> No.10055996


yuck France

>> No.10056003


crypto is your only chance.

also you could just teach English overseas for a half decent life

>> No.10056034

How are your profits now that all the coins are gutted?

>> No.10056050

>that 25 years old generation loZer who wants to join the boomer comfy fun

>> No.10056067

can't complain can't complain

>> No.10056211

25 yo boomer replrting in.
Finished my shift earlier today. Going to a foo fighters concert woth few colleagues and my wife tonight. Can’t wait to see them live. Afterwards hitting a restaurant will grab some woks to go. We are watching world cup today. Tomorrow gotta get yp early though for a conference call with manager

>> No.10056232

i think the threshold for boomerdom needs to be raised to 31+

source: i'm almost 26 and need 5 more years to become rich

>> No.10056280

>Single in his 30's
>Lives a non-fulfilling life
>Confirmed to die sad and alone
Sorry fellow boomer, you're not going to make it

>> No.10056299

>>Confirmed to die sad and alone
In his 30s, still terrified of his own company.

Probably want to work on that, bud.

>> No.10056331

26-year-old pre boomer here. You should have sold as soon as the clock struck midnight, January 1st like I did lmao

>> No.10056357

if u cucks dont have FU money by 35 it's over

start the path to financial independence today

>> No.10056400


everyone needs to read this

.t FIRE advocate

>> No.10056425

>non fulfilling life
he works from home dude
he makes money while sitting in his underwear
he already made it

>> No.10056443
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Dude, I got a case of hemorrhoids after dropping a massive shit. Thought I'd be all good cause they usually go away, but nope. They decided to rupture on me while wearing khaki shorts, double dating at a thai restaurant, and being served by a trap. Needless I left that chair with a bloody mess.

t. 35 yo boomer

What about having a non-crypto net worth of over $200k, but living on a poverty salary?

Thank you for confirming fellow boomers. I fell for the rat race in my 20's and ultimately got disillusioned and depressed. I've since been living on a shit wage, but have started multiple businesses. Having my time and being my own master is definitely worth its weight in Ag.

Shovel 99% of it into a Monero paper wallet

Find a good woman who can compliment your skills. Work together and build something meaningful

This - learn to turn a wrench

>> No.10057003

35 y/o boomer checking back in. About to go to the gym. Later I plan on maybe doing some work and also I am touring an apartment I’m thinking of buying as a rental property. Probably will fix myself a nice salad with some smoked salmon for lunch, and enjoy a glass of willamette valley Pinot noir.

>> No.10057101


Hahaha ficking boomers eh. Cant complain eh??

>> No.10057154

>more like make it by 30

>> No.10057315
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OP here, just come home from work after a comfy days of meetings. Will go to a "conference" about AWS next week which basically means free hotel lunches + drinking 4 days in a row without wives and with several 100 other 35+ boomers in same situation. Then maybe finding some good looking ladies

>> No.10057395

>William Boomershake

>> No.10057539
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35+ boomer here, have been to two of such "conferences" this year, can confirm to nice hotels, food & drinks, all free. I could mingle with some ladies cos no wife, pretty sweet. My only advice - drink every other day, otherwise it will get a bit rough towards the end of the event :)

>> No.10057672

>willamette valley Pinot noir
Oregon winemaker here - good choice my man

>> No.10057694

Don’t listen to these brainlets. Unless you have experience, don’t fuck around with airbags.
Swallow your boomer pride and take the car to the repair shop. It’s a familiar environment for a Land Rover anyway.

>> No.10057712

boomer @ 35 closing on second house in a month. fuckin love mowing lawn *sip*
network engineer for fun crypto gainz keepin' me comfy

>> No.10057854
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the best thing is tickets start around 2-3k which no NEETs has the money to pay for, so basically only highly educated boomer guys which have companies covering all costs are there.

Very nice environment and perfect for some nice deals with trendy tech to make a good impression on the 60 year old managers who know nothing about tech and think "the cloud" is a cool thing

>> No.10057863

Lockheed employee confirmed. Normie as they come.

>> No.10057910

Government sheep. Putting everything in the cloud for tighter surveillance on mericans. Stick your patriotism up your ass. Keep your lawns and roastie

>> No.10057933

If one thing is sure it's that weapons always be sold, in any economy trend

>> No.10058044

>fix your own airbags
>these are the boomers giving you advice on /biz/
>literally giving you advice that will kill you

my sides

>> No.10058080

My dick is a "tomohok missile" according to your wife when you hit up your buds at the conference

>> No.10058136
File: 1.72 MB, 960x1024, 1497755190876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

28 y/o boomer here
>work as a middle school science teacher
>ez job, not stressful and satisfying
>get off at 3:00 every day and lift in the school weight room every day with some other teachers
>ez 15 minute commute in Los Angeles
>maxed out my salary points already so that I am at the top of the pay scale in my 3rd year
>getting national board certification now so that I can get a 15% pay increase
>have a gf that I will propose to soon who makes more money than me and is also way more attractive
>started woodworking in the past few weeks and made a bookshelf for my parents that didn't turn out that bad, starting another one this week
>travelled to europe last year, going again in the winter and next summer
>have a good pension lined up and really good health benefits

This is the comfyiest I have ever been in my entire life, sucks to be a permavirgin millenial.

>> No.10058165

and where smart ass do you go from here? 58 years old surrounded by failures and bitter teachers on the same "top pay scale" you hit 30 years before. What a joke

>> No.10058174

I was merely implying owning at least one vehicle you know inside and out and have no problem maintaining it

>> No.10058182

26 with 2 kids and a comfy job in a cubicle doing engineer design.
>leave work not a minute after 5
>go home
>hop on zero turn to mow
>use dewalt 12v drill to finish up some honey-does
>help put kids to bed
>watch the local news with wife for an hour
>take a shower
>have clean wholesome sex - no condom
>play ps3 for 30 minutes to an hour
>pray to wake up and repeat
>sleep 8 to 9 hours

>> No.10058201

Same shit different day bro but work is going pretty well right now desu.

>> No.10058213

I have legitimately seen boomers do this IRL and it is the most painful sight I've ever endured

t. jealous zoomer

>> No.10058226

to the lake house where the kids can catch tadpoles while this boomer *sips* and fucks around on the pontoon/jetskis
have fun chasing tail ya millenial twats we booms have this shit figured out

>> No.10058233

Chill brah that's when I will become an administrator and make easy 6 figures, then I'll have those people under me. I'm doing easy, fulfilling work that can support my way of life in a major city. When I want to have kids, I'll get that admin credential. How about you, kiddo?

>> No.10058237

nice, don't fall for the startup meme. Just do 35-40h working(20h meetings of course) then just invest 80% in index funds, 10% in stocks , and 5% in crypto high risk

>> No.10058276

30 yo's are Gen X'ers. This meme is retarded.

>> No.10058283
File: 212 KB, 458x267, boomigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got it figured out
give it a few more years son

>> No.10058292

>to boom or not to boom, that is the next generation's question

>> No.10058297

33 year old boomer. slept in until 11 because i had a migraine. worked for about 2 hours (work from home) and had a good phonecall with a fellow businessfag about forming a cartel and squeezing more money out of our shared clients. dinner with the senpai and now im off for a walk and listen to some nazi podcasts. gonna watch scarface later and then catch some zs just another day in paradise frens

>> No.10059052

>automatic transmission
Never gonna make it

>> No.10059789

>Dancing faggot
man-bun having nonboomer confirmed, good. Do buy kneepads tho if the aids doesn't get you worn out knees happen eventually

>> No.10059978

30 year old boomer here. You need a grown man's hobby now, try getting a motorcycle or going hunting.

>> No.10060404

reporting in... this thread to the mods...

>> No.10060549


>about forming a cartel and squeezing more money out of our shared clients
>and listen to some nazi podcasts

are you sure you're not just a jew?

>> No.10060750

B a s e d

>> No.10060763

That does sound pretty comfy

>> No.10060777

All right, I'm out, see all you fucks after the boomer meme dies, it's not funny and makes me cringe.

Linkies were better

Wojack is king

>> No.10060832

>t. Boomer

>> No.10060844
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>> No.10060860

nice typo larping faggot

>> No.10061666

>in bed by 6:30 pm wakes up at 2 am to work on his masters degree before going to work where he shitposts on the fortune website his zoomer co-workers believe is /pol/ boogeymen according to their readthat website.

>> No.10062438
File: 64 KB, 592x750, 345367897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


34 yo boomer reporting in. Just bought a Panasonic fz300 camera. It has this huge lenscap, so people will think i'm a pro photographer, i'll just walk around and take some pics in auto-mode tho. Feels good bruh.

>> No.10062627

> Boomers were around when BTC hit the scene and got in early
> Zoomers were 10 years old still watching cartoons, crying to mommy, getting beat up at school, watching spongebob when BTC hit the scene
> Boomers are the majority of whales in the ones currently driving the crypto scene (ICOs new coins etc)
> Zoomers are the ones buying this shit and eating Boomer dregs.

So much Boomer jealousy on this board. We get it, you're young, you have crippling student debt/loans, you don't have a skill/trade/profession yet, and you don't own any property or have any assets other than your yugioh cards.

>> No.10062647
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As a photography fag this hurts me on a deep level.

>> No.10063270

>land rover
not going to make it

>> No.10063285

going to make it

>> No.10063315

>you dribble after taking a piss.
My fellow work colleagues solve this issue by drinking lots of water and only pissing when the bladder is begging for it.

If you force the piss out fast, it doesnt dribble towards the end.

>> No.10063333

i thought modern high end cameras were capable of good shots on auto

>> No.10063457

I have an RX100 and you take 1000% better photos if you know how to handle basic stuff like exposure / white balance, shutter speed.

If you just shoot in auto mode you probably wont get much better pictures than a top end mobile phone.

>> No.10063603

Get the surgery. I did. They also took out a shitload of polyps from my lower intestines. They put a camera up my ass twice already. Life is much better after they remove shit from you.

>> No.10063659

me too man

>> No.10063666

I'll try it out but it sounds like work

>> No.10063689


>> No.10063718

31 year old boomer here. Going to the shops to get another case of monster ultra. My kidneys are starting to hurt.

>> No.10063724


i was just kidding anon. I've been learning a lot about photography lately... actually spend a quite a few hours on research and ultimately decided on the fz300. But we're on /biz/... gotta keep it light and funny ;)

>> No.10063789

35 y/o boomer checking in. Spent the day making a couple of bee hotels for the wildflower meadow. I stopped mowing regular two years ago, you should see the wildlife it attracts now. Biodiversity is cool. Also, had a conference call with an important client and their client around like lunchtime. I was naked from the waist down and sitting on my new white leather sofa, wagies btfo

>> No.10063804


>> No.10063828
File: 7 KB, 200x150, 145[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to figure out where all the bubs hate is coming from

>> No.10064103
File: 208 KB, 1561x1162, boomette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Starts vacuum
>Opens a can of Diet Coke
>Takes a sip
>Gets vacuum stuck on a loose thread
>"You better get up and help your father!"

>> No.10064192

24 year old boomer here. Gonna pound back a Monster and take the last exam for the CompTIA A+ certification. There's a $20/hr entry level IT position at a big health company and I have nepotism on my side. Not exactly glamorous but it beats delivering chink food.

>> No.10064204

this is a great idea for a picture but what the hell is the perspective here, boomette should be like twice as big as that

>> No.10064277


This, so much. How the fuck am i supposed to becomer a redpilled wizard with loud noisy boomers fucking around the house doing stupid shit as soon as the clock hits 6:00AM?! I need some rest and quiet from 7:00 till 18:00 goddammit.

>> No.10064278

I'm a 28yr old boomer with a 22yr old girlfriend. Probably getting engaged next year.

>> No.10064336

Cummins, will always be up and ready to run hard all day if needed. Cummins wont sputter out before the job is done. Cummins have low to no down time, even after a long hard day. Cummin's also don't care about the terrain or weather conditions once on the job site. Mountain, valley, wet, dry, desert or swamp Cummin's doesn't care. Stacey wait... do you hear that? Yeah Ashley, it sounds like a knock in the air, right? Ashley do you remember the last time we heard that? Of course I do Stacey! It was that Chad guy, 30y/o sippin boomer guy with his massive Cummins. That's right Ashley, I remember thinking to myself, how is that big Cummins going to even fit in my garage if it rains while Chad is working on my back door? Luckily the other neighbors, Staci and Karen said Chad doesn't mind his big Cummins getting wet while working. That reminds me Ashley, I need to ask Chad if he does carpet work. I'd like some nice hard wood laid down in my hallway, if he has time. Stacey you should let me come over when he puts the hardwood in. I'd like to see how well it goes in, that way I can see if Chad can handle my hallway. Who knows Stacey, I might just like to help him put the hardwood down in your hallway. Trying new things is always fun.

>> No.10064462
File: 80 KB, 635x634, 1513200199196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good on you anon for taking care of nature and acting like a keystone species - I am on the same path

>> No.10064650

How's the weather? What are you doing right now? What?

>> No.10064870

33 year old boomer reporting in. Currently on r&r from work
(maintenance tech/ welder in the mining industry here in western australia)

I'm bored shitless so AMA

>> No.10065268

>work as a middle school science teacher
Right, I'm moving to the US.
It takes TEN FUCKING YEARS to get above 75k as a teacher in Australia.
Fuck this, love my students but hate the system.

>> No.10065346

I'm at 80k USD after 3 years lmao, will make 115k as an admin.

Los Angeles has a STEM teacher shortage, you should unironically try to make it out here.

>> No.10065562

basically this

>> No.10065794
File: 2.23 MB, 1135x746, sjkdghdslkg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clean your dick, Bucko

>> No.10065925

does NOS exist outside of NZ?

I agree it is a highly patrician beverage.

>> No.10065946
File: 46 KB, 550x361, 1401436652236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the real John McAfee asschinks. Want proof? FUCK YOU! Bite my balls here: https://www.theaccountingblockchain.io/?aId=7543845-2892534

>> No.10066044
File: 25 KB, 403x433, 1511586284559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, 26 yo burnt out balding boomer
>dopamine receptors fried, too much porn and weed
>all family members made it except me
>low self esteem but want to make it
>enroll for a business bachelor, last chance
>stumble across crypto, put savings in it
>start making all assignments in school about blockchain
>do a 15x and fall for the cancerous hodl meme
>tethered up at 3x waiting now
>company gets a hold of pieces i write
>offers me a parttime job to explore blockchain solutions for them
>very decent pay, great colleagues
>still a lot of social anxiety but it gets less shitty day by day
>actually making great progress at work
>actually crying like a pussy as i write this

do me your worst /biz/

>> No.10066068

well done bud

t.fellow 33 year old boomer.

>> No.10066088

I tried to kms when I turned 26 and was still working at a supermarket. I ended up being kept in a psych ward against my will for six months, where I wrote a crypto trading bot. The bot was profitable (but then again any bot would have been profitable in 2017) and ended up getting me a job as a .NET developer. Craziest year of my life.

>> No.10066092

>thinks his dopamine receptors are fucked from weed
>hasn't done every drug on the market for half his life with the last run being high quality meth everyday for a year , ending each night with hd 10/10 thots getting pounded in every hole
K I'm done , it can always get worse anon

>> No.10066111

thanks fren i hope you are doing well too
that is amazing, im happy for you man
I've also done way too much molly, cocaine and speed at times, too many times. This fucked with my dopamine too obviously and you are no exception. You are either larping or you need to help yourself before things go south real hard. take care fren.

>> No.10066115

y u try kys anon?

>> No.10066124

Afraid of getting old, no friends, working at a supermarket, khv, etc. etc. The usual reasons.

>> No.10066167
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Was told to buy.
Checking out.

>> No.10066191
File: 11 KB, 150x217, tuckercarlson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 year old boomer here. Just drank five cups of coffee, took a shit, and washed my anus in the shower. Also, I see my COLX aren't underwater anymore.

>> No.10066210

where are you from man?

>> No.10066233


This meme got really under my skin, i must admit. But now i am ok with beign a 32y boomer. I have 200k FUN waiting for 0.1$ cashout. Other than that i am 100% cash waiting for trade wars to develop to recession

>> No.10066295

Never even got to see it

>> No.10066366

>pray to wake up

>> No.10066375

30 year old boomer here, how does it feel to be a milenial now ? We allways sell you guys our heavy bags LOL.

I bought a house in 2013 near the city center. All you millenial retards want to live there now so I have sold you literally this shit house and made 150k euro profit. Now I bought another house is a suburb that was still cheap as fuck because you dont want to live there, but now the prices are rising here aswel (gee I didnt see that coming LOL) and I will rent it out to you suckers for a premium or unload this bag again on your asses if the economy keeps booming How is that social study going, I would get a job if I were you at MacD to keep paying this rent to me and my parents in your city cuckbox.

>> No.10066434

Will millennials ever learn bubs?

T.fellow 33 year old boomer also sitting comfy and smug as fuck.

>> No.10066610
File: 1.95 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a low carb lunch, what are my fellow boomers up to?

>> No.10066693

I'm straight and I take more dick than you

>> No.10066699

>So, how's your life goin' bud?
>Wife's alright, same old lady, been out walking our dawgs, one of them's sick lately', kids go to college, damn that education's expensive nowadays, Meg's into that bachelor's degree in liberal arts, Mike's some kind of a hacker, damn that Excel stuff looks hella complicated, what about you?
>I'm repairin' my old car, need more cash but my boss has been a jerk lately, says he can't pay more but invests in some kind of internet money with a funny name, I reckon he called it "Bitcorn"
>prolly a scam, ain't nothin' better than a good ole Dollar, at least it's backed by gold
>yeah, you tell 'em

>> No.10066759


>low carb
>eating rice

>> No.10066763


what's wrong with rice , asking for a friend

>> No.10066779

It's pure ca..
you know what, nevermind. It's fine. Bon apetite.

>> No.10066813

Yes, they literally throw themselves at you so long as you appear to have your shit together.

>> No.10066847
File: 33 KB, 657x527, 523624727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10067257

>Lead in paint intensifies

>> No.10068007


If I let my yard grow I'll have fucking copperheads in my yard.
I prefer walking around in my yard with flip flops; don't wanna have to wear my boots all the time.

>> No.10068448

Best meme of the year top kek hahaha

>> No.10068806


I'm an actual 31yo boomer but i don't understand the monster meme. Neither me or anyone i know my age drinks that shit. We drink coffee for energy like normal adults

>> No.10068855
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>> No.10069046


I only made 6 figs from crypto I hope that counts for something. I've been a NEET all my life except when I worked in a grocery store as a teen.

>> No.10069062
File: 194 KB, 675x601, 1530198477092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made me kek. have an upvote goon sir

>> No.10069164

That's the joke bro... The zoomers making this meme has no awareness of the fine world of boomer beverages like aged whisky or craft imported coffee

>> No.10069524
File: 77 KB, 380x349, 1525448288472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually gave in and bought the zero-cal monster.

It was nice. I will be having it again. I am 28.

>> No.10069794
File: 259 KB, 1000x861, 1530139225453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out fag

>> No.10069986

Soon to be 23 year old boomer. Is there anything better than reading a good book on the 5x10 mini-balcony of your appartment? I've been considering getting a typewriter and really basing one out myself!

>> No.10070306
File: 51 KB, 600x400, 123-2-600x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30th Solar Procession Boomer here, what a thing.

Surely we shall be last generation of boomers!