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10062214 No.10062214[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Biz I seriously want to kill myself, end this life and start a new one (I believe in reincarnation) but I'm afraid of having a painful death.

Any suggestions of how to kill myself painlessly?

>> No.10062236

there is not reincarnation only plain silence, you need to be aware of that

>> No.10062237

>implying that you won't come back as a malnourished African baby so that your soul learns what true suffering is so that maybe you wont be such a bitch in your life after that

>> No.10062241
File: 8 KB, 231x218, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you keep remembering that you're a mortal being and will die one day

>> No.10062267

You should be more worried about the multiple tortureous lives you will forced to suffer as punishment for killing yourself

>> No.10062334

OP respawns as nigger with no internet access - JUST

>> No.10062373

OP respawns as pajeet in the slums of mumbai

>> No.10062377

You’ll most probably reincarnate as a pajeet

>> No.10062389
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This. If you're ending this life for reasons of materialistic gain, you haven't learned anything and you'll be worse of in the next one. No joke.

Look at pic related. Get the book. read it. Go out, take a deep breath of fresh air and sort your life anon.

>> No.10062402

I never really got why this bothers people so much. I find solace in the fact that some day I will die

>> No.10062417

Op respawns as a lesbian in Saudi Arabia

>> No.10062435

You're not wondering how the world will look like a thousand year from now ? Ten thousand ?
If I could turn myself into a cyborg and just stop aging I'd do it in a heartbeat.

>> No.10062445


>> No.10062456

instead of starting a new one via reincarnation, which may or may not happen (no one knows until you die), why not try starting a new life by just saving enough to live comfortably in some cheap ass Asian countries and have do whatever the fuck you want. i'd give that a try first if i were you

>> No.10062460

You should be more afraid of being reborn as pond scum for the next million years

>> No.10062463

lol reincarnation is as fake as $1000 link.

you don't get a second shot in this life, make the best of it.

>> No.10062466

You'll reincarnate with terrible "karma", life will teach you a very hard lesson for killing yourself. Does not matter how terrible your experience appears to be at this very moment, it's really all in your head. If you are not happy with your current life, instead of Killing yourself since you are willing to go to this extent, why not do some fucking crazy life changing shit? Death is a new Birth, but you don't actually have to die. Just start a new life now.

>> No.10062473
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>Tfw waiting for parents to die so I can end my life

>> No.10062477

This is not /r9k/ you pathetic pansies.

>> No.10062482

You can shoot yourself, that's pretty much the only guaranteed fast way. Maybe bomb yourself with fentanyl

>> No.10062496

>only plain silence
You see before you were born there was only plain silence, and suddenly you were born.
After death there is that same plain silence and you would be suddenly born again.

Maybe you're right, idk. I haven't figured out how the system chooses which body your soul respawns to.

Your current ego and body will die, but you will live on for eternity.

Thanks for the advice and concern anon

This is a good idea anon

Thats really the only guaranteed way? I don't really have access to a gun though.

Any more suggestions of how I can kill myself painlessly?

>> No.10062497
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Same anon same

>> No.10062510

>to live is to die
ponder that

>> No.10062526

buy Link. You don't need more to a happy life

>> No.10062543

You're all as gay as the OP.


>> No.10062581

Fuck off loser
Fuck off loser
Fuck off loser
Fuck off loser
Fuck off loser
Fuck off loser
Fuck off loser
Fuck off loser
Fuck off loser
Fuck off loser

>> No.10062590

This. Buy as much Link as you can now and wait two years. You will either be rich and happy or you will find plenty of suicide threads here on biz.

>> No.10062614
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large dose of heroin followed by firing gun to roof of mouth
prove it faggot

>> No.10062670

Op don't know if this is a troll our not.
This guy has a decent take on suicide.
His name is Tom Campbell, he has experienced and studies out of body experiences, has been doing it a while.
Claims to know what happens after you die. He also believes in reincarnation and is currently running a series of scientific experiments to help back up his theory that reality is a computer simulation, he was say this way before anyone else.


>> No.10062837

I'm dead serious.
Someone is doing scientific experiments to back up their theory that reality is a computer simulation? Interesting, Thanks anon take a look.

>> No.10062935

Yeah Tom Campbell recently raised a little under 250 k to run a set of experiments, they are in process right now.


>> No.10063821

There is no reincarnation. If you suicide your soul will be destroyed

>> No.10063992

No one knows what happens after you die and no science can prove anything. I don't believe anything. But anything is also possible. Theres just no evidence.
But anon, what if you come back as some nigger child in Africa? Or as a rat living in a sewer?

>> No.10064001

There is no soul, no afterlife, no gods, no respawn or restart of the "simulation".
There is only eternal nothingness.

>> No.10064010

Agree with OP but this is my primary concern. Hell you can probably respawn as some random mosquito in the Amazon.

>> No.10064029

you come back once the universe can replicate the micro tubules that is tuned to the quantum field you are. could take a year could take a billion years. it's all random. at some point you'll come back as something different than you left. but we mind as well all be dead since the life of the universe is greater than human life expectancy.

>> No.10064031

Time is irrelevant when you are dead. Eternity is long enough for everything to occur including being reborn.

>> No.10064303

lay on train tracks

>> No.10064320
File: 259 KB, 1000x861, 1530139225453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old are you? Hold on till youre 30, become a boomer and live the good life. Pic related

>> No.10065291

Go all in chainlink. If it fails then you may kill yourself. If it succeeds you are now rich enough to spite normies, the reason you want to kys is because you are a failed normie.

>> No.10065326

it's not being dead, it's the process of dying. literally laying in a bed and you have no fucking clue where you're about to go and there's nothing you can do to stop it. the terror of the unknown.

i want to die a very painful death so that i beg for the pain to stop and beg for death. either that or a quick death where i don't even realize what's happening and i'm gone. i do not want to sit in a room and slowly die with my family around me.

>> No.10065347


>> No.10065368

Guess what, reincarnation is a meme. YOLO, don’t be a limp waisted faggot and grow a pair.

>> No.10065371

race is in the soul faggot

>> No.10065416

>belive in reincarnation
>want to khs
>do not know that being born as human at all is not a bad thing

So, what are the chances that you will reborn as human in nice country, instead of eg. animal that is preyed upon or worse, for thousands of future incarnations, after suicide? Kind of slim. Do not do it anon, embrace what you got, cos it could have been a lot worse.

>> No.10065460

you might want to consider that you cant run from problems. maybe if we cant deal we do get an easier life next time around. but it seems more beneficial to believe the problems always stay until we learn how to overcome them.

if you can accept this you'll be on your way to forging an indomitable mentality that will serve you for eons

>> No.10065521

you can be reborn in this life faggot

>> No.10065611

Helium exit bag