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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.00 MB, 1396x1178, Screen Shot 2018-06-27 at 3.16.12 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10061230 No.10061230 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10061467

start eating big macs all day everyday

>> No.10061479

i would wait until my floor is level with the ground and exit through the window

>> No.10061640

what if it's sinking really really fast?

>> No.10061657

pull it out

>> No.10061687
File: 191 KB, 804x922, fatsergeylink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahahah that must be the chainlink office

>> No.10062001

I'd short the building

>> No.10062012

Walk out really fast

>> No.10062026

He said sinking not stinking, now gtfo poo poo linky

>> No.10062031
File: 972 KB, 1920x2560, 1528281645558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not
pic related is the chainlink office.

>> No.10063166

wtf is this building. Where are the windows?

>> No.10063484

>he can't see the windows
they are in the black stripes

>> No.10063537

whoda fuck builds like that

>> No.10063565

People that don't want to pay out the ass to air condition away heat from sunlight hitting the interior of the building all day. Those slits are enough to let in some light without getting a tan.

>> No.10063597

sounds good. Does it work? i bet they have a lot of air conditioning anyway

>> No.10063635


>> No.10063684

Someone check the place out and take pics with smartphone

>> No.10063800
File: 153 KB, 900x1467, 2314536786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just look at that pic, and think about the thousands of wagecucks slaving away doing some menial administrative task. All within the confines of that concrete prison.

Then look at the sky... look at the building again... look at the bright blue sky outside.

You were all born for something different anons, for something that holds substance and meaning. Embrace it. Relish in it. Soon.

>> No.10063829

No. Old modernist towers from this period are notoriously bad with climate control and resources. They were designed to make a statement more than anything else.

>> No.10063843

i would literally quit due to unsafe working conditions and if they fired me i could and would sue them.

>> No.10063858

>The building is briefly featured in the 2014 science fiction monster film "Godzilla" where during the climax of the film, Godzilla and the male MUTO fought in San Francisco, only for Godzilla to kill the MUTO by slamming him into the side of the building, then the building collapses on top of Godzilla

>> No.10063860

Found the zoomer

>> No.10063882
File: 35 KB, 535x577, 1410490011504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you friend. I'm not sure if it was you or an anon who posted like you, but, if you're the same one from last time... I want to say thank you. Truly. Thank you for making me aim for something more important. Thank you.

>> No.10064325
File: 385 KB, 1076x1430, 7cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What would you do if you worked in a building that was sinking?
Quit my job.

>> No.10064330


>> No.10064353
File: 118 KB, 559x476, lonerjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk but I would probably have a...sinking feeling. HAHAHAAHAHAHAAHHAH!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10064363


>> No.10064368

Why did nobody do this on 9/11

>> No.10064375

what do you want me to take pictures of it for? i will do it, srs, but the pictures will not be interesting

>> No.10064378

i'd put everything in sinking fund